Osho Dynamic meditation

Posted this before but i just wanted to recommend this is a really good routine to clear tension and trauma in the body, i have been doing it on a regular basis and feeling much better. Goes great with subs like dragon and paragon for inner healing, I’m listening to the book body keeps the score and i can see how this video relates to that concept


@Lisa and @Enchantress and @FoxDie

Might this be helpful?


thank you :slightly_smiling_face: @RVconsultant

Thank you @RVconsultant. This is th first time I’ve come across a meditation with this format. Looking forward to trying it out. @slickman thanks for posting this.

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Personally, I wouldn’t touch any meditation technique before reading this book:

Buddha said that one needs no more than seven years to open their third eye and become Awaken/Enlighted and that book instructs you step by step how to do that. But first, it explains to you what it is about and where it comes from. It’s a must for every meditation practitioner.

@Malkuth @Simon @Hermit @Azriel

  1. It’s a good book. I can directly credit encountering Culadasa’s (John Yates’?) work with reinvigorating, energizing, and strengthening my own most recent period of meditation. I don’t follow his system of maps and instructions, but they inject a certain grounded focus that was very helpful to me.

  2. There are numerous paths of meditation and many excellent resources.

  3. Remember: homie’s human.

So many teachers end up with sexual misconduct situations. I wasn’t interested in all of the details of his particular situation. Probably wasn’t that bad. I don’t know. Anyway, haven’t desired a ‘perfect teacher’ for a while now, and I hope that particular dynamic stays gone from my mind and life. A good question can be just as helpful as a good answer. People who are completely certain about things can give me a wide berth.


Could you kindly recommend some source which you deem could be best for beginners, please?

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Well said.

I’ll check it out,

The Presence Process by Michael Brown is a very no frills, but still includes a spiritual element, about meditation that is extremely simple objectively, and effective and profound I would say subjectively.


Here is a good teaching from Kenneth Folk, a great person and a great teacher.

He calls this one The Three-Speed Transmission.


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What do you, guys, think about that Osho meditation?

@Azriel @Malkuth

It looks like a great source to learn the very basic thing for meditation - Calm abiding and equanimity, Yes, it seems to me I have to start working on that. Thank you so much, Azriel.

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That’s quite a mechanical approach but I see already when and how I could apply it and the best thing is you do in in the real-life mode. It looks like a great short cut to the way the book recommended by Azrield offers.

It ties into trauma and emotional healing strongly-so I thought you would appreciate the intersection of what your working on + new/your interests.

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Thank you so much. I’m happy to tell you that I’m done with healing and Love Bomb helped me a lot with it. I even think it played a big part in my recent realization of which only Malkuth knows… for now, I guess. I think I’ll share it with all of you soon.

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Sounds good, hope to hear it at some point :slight_smile:

do you mean done actively focusing on healing or you feel where you are at on DR you’ve healed everything?

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I’m sure DR and Love Bomb played a huge part in it but the ultimate realization occurred when I was practising Isha Kriya tow days ago. I shall post it in my journal now then.

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You do Isha Kriya? I did it for around two weeks and it felt good. How’s your experience?

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It combined perfectly with Dragon Reborn and Love Bomb:

It’s a great meditation practice for beginners who want to start learning the art of meditation too.


This was the first book I ever used when learning to meditate. I would say great for beginners. I also completely agree with @Malkuth; the controversy surrounding Culadasa doesn’t take away from the information presented. If memory serves, I think he was paying for a number of prostitutes and admitted everything when faced with the allegations.

Over time as my spiritual journey has progressed, I have found Transcendental Meditation to be a highly effective technique. Particularly useful if you happen to be in any sort of mental distress.