Fire's Journal

Journeys’ Guide will help you know exactly where you are located at all times, as well as how to get to any physical destination you desire. You will intuitively know where everything is, where your destination is, where you are, and what is the fastest, safest route to take.

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Many thanks, good sir.

Hey @Fire
Any interesting updates for us :relaxed:

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When not testing, I run my very own Ultima. Highly customized, advanced use and not based on anything publicly known.

Usually 1 loop every other day when doing it without any experimental purposes.

Same/similar, no. It will have a positive effect as Dragon Reborn aims to heal everything on all levels, but if you want it specifically for intelligence purposes then Quantum Limitless is the one you should go with.

Updated Journey’s Guide to show the description properly.

If you notice any other cases like this, do submit a ticket.


I’ll say just this:



New build called Source! or Satan because you’re on Fire :stuck_out_tongue:

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Solace probably lol




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They have made an advancement so far that they went from Q straight to S, skipping R.


Can you at least say what direction it hits?

Or just personal shortcomings etc?


Hey Fire, I was wondering what subliminals you are currently running?


This journal needs to be more active !! :grin:


I was using a custom I made for myself, but now recently I’ve taken to testing CWON with quite interesting effects.


Per @AlexanderGraves’s suggestion, let’s update this journal with some recent thoughts, inspired by some questions I’ve seen. :wink: Nothing too thought out, just some thoughts put down on paper.

Harmony and IDGAF

Recently there’s been a bit of a pendulum swing in the form of different masculinity concepts emerging, especially in the so-called red-pill, black-pill and dozens of other “pills”.

One of them being IDGAF.

A man should never care about anything around him, he should be James Bond style cool. The man-gurus will tell you - just be stoic. Be as a rock. Never react to anything.

Of course, this is usually all for that singular goal of increasing your success with women - and while there are other goals of increasing your success, I’ll just go with that one for now.

Now here’s the thing…

Nothing wrong with wanting to succeed with women. But you have to think deeper for a second, otherwise you’re never going to achieve true mastery.

Why do you want to succeed with women?

We all, by the sheer nature of existence, want closeness. There might be reasons on top of that reason, such as wanting to prove oneself to previous trauma, beliefs layered on top of us by others in our childhood, etc.

But denying any part of that is dishonest to yourself, and robs you of your own power. Denying it for the sake of being “red-pill” or “man” is foolish.

Even more foolish is forcing yourself to be IDGAF in every single moment of your life.

You are depriving yourself of the full gamut, the full experience, of life.

You want to feel the rejection, you want to feel the sadness, you want to feel the moment of success and bonding.

Through blocking all emotions, you stop yourself from learning.

By embracing them, you learn from every emotion - you will learn and grow twice as far.

But of course, there is some truth in those teachings nonetheless. Stoicism, the sense of “I’ve been there and done that” is attractive.

But to achieve that, on a level that is natural and not forced to the point of having to live a lie (which is easily exposed once a challenge is thrown your way), you need…


You really do have to “be there, done that”.

But here’s the kicker. It’s not just the “been there, done that”. It is also a state of inner harmony, of equilibrium within your being. Something much more subtle that is so often discarded by modern society.

Indeed, it is easier to say “meet a thousand women and you’ll have it” than “go deeper within yourself”.

First one is clear, the second one? What is that even supposed to mean?

But that is where true mastery is found. And don’t get me wrong, none of this is replacement for action. Now, IDGAF is nice, it will serve as a lesser form of “attraction”, that you will need to constantly keep going until you achieve it through experience.

But harmony of your inner being, a state where nothing external can push you off balance - that is something to strive for.

That is something rare and extraordinary in these modern times. It is subtle, but subtle is power. It doesn’t simply build attraction - it builds mystery, it enhances anything you put your mind to.

It requires careful consideration of everything that you do. It necessitates closer communication with your inner world. It must be developed and cultivated. You might even seem strange at first to others - mastery is often misunderstood.

IDGAF is the not necessarily easy but quite a straight-forward path. Mastery and harmony is a windy and complicated path - until it makes sense.

So we must strive to look deeper, beyond the modern concepts that are so easily shown before you. We must strive to listen to ourselves and freely explore our inner being, even those parts we might not like.

Learn what you can, use what is good, but go beyond. Don’t settle for the easy path that gives you some results, seek the path that gives you all which you desire.

No pills - become legendary.

Master yourself.


That was an aswesome write up!

Thanks for putting your thoughts out here as well!

Mind sharing your custom?
Do you exchange subs a lot or stick to one for months?


Caring is not a bad thing. It is good. You can only feel when you care. You can only make a difference when you care. You can only succeed when you care.

But you will only fear when you care. And this is the problem. Giving a fuck is a double edged sword in this one way.

This is why caring intensely about a small number of things is good strategy - it allows you the benefits of both sides of caring. It allows you to feel, learn, and grow where it matters. But it also allows you to free yourself from fear where it does not.

I don’t believe in fearless men. I believe in men who have chosen very carefully what they fear.

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It was an exclusive custom I made specifically for myself.

Depends on the goal and the inner state, however this is quite a bit more advanced. If it’s something I specifically want to target, it can be a month or two, or just a week until the click I needed happens. Other times, I use the ongoing changes for my goals. I also take breaks naturally, and use experimental titles as needed.

Again, it’s important to note, such an approach requires careful attunement and high sensitivity to your inner state, as well as confidence (from experience) and pathways of manifestation. For the vast majority, they need the recommended listening schedule.

Why? I’ll explain - and this is the perfect segue into what I wanted to talk about. The next collection of random thoughts by Fire. Again, no real structure to it.

Subtlety and Freedom

In modern times, we’ve all been absolutely disconnected from who we are.

We are blind, deaf and numb. We cannot taste, we cannot feel.

It’s all like a muddled haze.

We are told - you must feel EXACTLY like THIS. Nothing else is correct.

It MUST be like this. Otherwise you’re WRONG.

The modern man needs an exact guideline to the last step, with every little detail and explained exactly how they must feel during every little advancement.

Because we’ve been disconnected from our inner tools.

To give you an example. Every now and then we get a hardcore skeptic writing to us (though quite a bit less now), usually along the lines of “I want the EXACT scientific studies done on subliminals, with every little detail and conclusive, 100% proof that it works, otherwise I’m never trying this”.

And you see this in many areas of modern life.

If you’re an intuitive person, how many times in your school days have you heard the words “you must do it exactly like this or it’s wrong”?

Because people’s inner subtlety, a wellspring of inner power, has been taken away.

Rather than having the confidence, open mind and awareness of their own inner world, the hardcore skeptic demands an external validation - usually to their very own detriment.

And now, don’t get me wrong.

I’m naturally quite skeptical of many, many things. Why? Because I’ve seen it all, many times, and found it lacking many times.

Which is why skepticism can be good - when it comes from experience. But you must never let it grow into overwhelming pride and lose the freedom of your mind, for the function of the mind is to fly freely and explore the ideas that the skepticism of experience says nay to.

Balance your skepticism with curiosity, then temper them with both humility and confidence. Because through humility you allow yourself the possibility that yes, you are indeed wrong and can learn from others, but at the same time have the confidence to allow yourself to feel and intuit, to know when to listen and when to say “I have to see for myself” (this also becomes a lot easier with experience).

Don’t be shackled by modern concepts. Listen to yourself, but listen truly. Do not listen to what others have instilled in you, but dig deep and find your true inner voice.

How many times have we seen in movies the dilemma of a character having to choose between becoming a doctor or an actor - one being an idea instilled in him by others, the other being his passion?

Just like this surface idea, consider what your thoughts are.

Are you really who you think you are?

Now, the skeptic will continue looking for external validation of his beliefs endlessly, but true growth comes when one allows himself to be both right and wrong in his inner explorations.

An example:

False growth - “I will change once I get this or that, everything will be better then.” or “I’ll only and forever stick to the approved way of doing things”.

True growth - “Perhaps my thoughts at this moment are wrong. Let me see what happens if I just try this differently.”

Rapid true growth - “I will use the motivation I get from imagining how I will change once I achieve my goals to take massive action, but I will also continuously re-examine and experiment with my thoughts, my inner sensations and my behavior, even if it might be scary, uncomfortable or even hurtful to admit bad things about myself.”

Over time, sensitivity of your inner world develops. You allow yourself to trust yourself. You start listening to yourself and noticing the patterns of your being.

And that is a powerful tool, because then, you can sculpt yourself into any vision you might have. In a way, that is what our subliminals truly are.

They gradually develop your sensitivity of your inner world, helping you create true independence within yourself - while also being the tools that you use once you have this independence, to create the next masterpiece of you. And when you are ready for the next step, a new journey, they are there, ready to take you to the next level.

Freedom, independence and subtlety are all intertwined.

Personally, I believe personal independence, the ability to grow and write your own path, to be that hero of your own story, to develop and achieve what you yourself want, is truly what lies at the heart of subliminals - and anyone who desires greatness, regardless of the area.

It is the domain of the few brave and dedicated ones. Not many are willing to go through it, and many falter and get stuck on the most basic of concepts.

But the rewards of those rare explorers who persevere are great.

So persevere, dig deep into who you are (not who you were told to be) and develop your true sensitivity. Such a simple thing that was forgotten and erased through time, and yet doing so nowadays sets you aside as the 1%.


Specifically ZP brings us all home I can tell.
So many people on here are more and more discovering their true self. Who they are and what they want to be. Regardless of healing titles, or not. ZP just brings you home.

I dropped SO MANY bs beliefs from society in just a few months of these subs!

Do what everyone else does, get what everyone else gets.

Simple, yet powerful.

Thanks for your thoughts!

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Time for some more thoughts with Fire.

As usual, off the top of my head.

Let’s talk about something a bit more advanced. Much of what we’ve been talking about was pretty simple and basic, so let’s give the more advanced members something to ponder upon. Of course, this will also cover plenty of things for those newer to the journey of advancing their human potential.

How much of what you know… is wrong?

I’ll take as an example working out, as we talked about this previously in another thread.

Bodybuilding and weightlifting has exploded, especially the usual programming advice of full body, PPL, upper lower, bro-splits and so on - now it is touted as the end-all-be-all.

You can simply go to any social site such as Reddit and you’ll see countless… experts… repeating it.

Before I continue, for the beginners and newer people, especially those that have never worked out - you should definitely follow a program and hit it HARD.

Why? As I mentioned before, most of those who have never worked out haven’t really had the opportunity to work out the masculine aspect of their being.

The body and strength that you develop is a secondary goal. And off-topic, ignore those that say “never workout for girls”. Use that as motivation, but be aware that eventually you’ll have to drop that thinking.

Motivation is motivation at the end of the day - and although you should always rely on discipline, use the motivation as fuel.

And this is where we come back to the masculine aspect of being. That sense of “LET ME AT THEM” you get when you are fired up and aching to get into the gym - that is one of the core aspects of masculinity. Desire to power. That is one of the main reasons why you are working out and being disciplined (which is another reason - developing discipline).

That feeling, remember it well, because you want to become able to tap into it whenever necessary. Even if it’s just a shadow of the true, in the moment thing, you want to gain as much control over it as possible. You want to be aware of when it rises up so you can take advantage of it, and you want to be able to tap into it’s “shadow” to get you going.

This is the beginning of emotional development of a man - something that I’m sure you’ll admit, is barely talked about in modern times.

Now back to the more advanced stuff.

How much of that programming, if you are advanced, is actually right for you?

Consider “farmer strength”. Farmers don’t lift weights and yet many are strong and healthy.

The thing is, using an endless pattern over and over again, while initially used as a vehicle for progress, becomes your limit.

You have to develop your own sense of what needs to be worked upon, and in greater variety.

You want physical excellence?

Pure weights are going to limit you.

Pure calisthenics is going to limit you.

Pure cardio is going to limit you.

Pure stretching and mobility is going to limit you.

So what should you do?

Do them all.

And here’s the thing.

If you’re worried that you’re going to lose your muscle if you don’t hit that muscle over and over again 2x a week - are you sure that the “experts” on Reddit are correct?

Are you sure that the “studies” are the end-all-be-all?

We all are individuals, with their own physiques and ways of being.

If you are advanced, work on developing your sensitivity so that you don’t limit yourself in the future to what someone else says and instead…

Listen to your own body.

Even something simple such as the soreness after a workout - consider whether it is actually a good thing. Listen to your body, and think about it.

Another thing to explore is the lives of the many weightlifters and bodybuilders before us, as well as those who follow the modern methods.

Just something to get you started on your exploration journey - why are so many bodybuilders and weightlifters dying in their 20’s and 30’s?

Could it be that… their methods could be improved upon?

What if… their methods of physical development were wrong?

Many that get into weightlifting, bodybuilding and other such pursuits that build muscle, do so for a specific goal. As you advance, your priorities and reasons should and will change. But so should your methods and thinking - physical development is not just “physical” development.

Much more can be learned from it, and it is one of the most important foundations for anyone looking to delve deeper into who they are.

It is one of the easiest ways to tap into that masculine aspect of yourself. That is extremely valuable and important, for many in this day and age are completely disconnected from that side of themselves - which is another reason why there is that push in the self-help industry to get young men to workout.

Because intuitively, they can “feel it”. It is much harder to put it into words and understand it however - but here at Subliminal Club, we aim to delve deeper and work with such deeper concepts.

Many jump right into the the more advanced stuff - becoming a man of high status, a millionaire, and some even straight into spirituality.

Before you jump into all that, become a man first and foremost. Forge your masculine essence.

And that’s the thing that creates the divide between young, yet unrefined men and men who are ready to delve deeper.

The masculine side of you is forged and created through hard work, action, BST (blood, sweat and tears - it’s an excellent way to paint a picture, hm?) - many young men conveniently forget this and dream of just jumping to the fruits of the labor.

Finally, all of this applies to women as well. They also have to develop their masculine side - but the usual way for them is to first start with the feminine side of their being. They have their own challenges, and part of growth is becoming able to understand those.

Make no mistake, we men need the feminine side. Disregard the modern posturing that is now so prevalent. Without it, we become mindless logic and action robots that will indubitably burn out, unable to make connections and enjoy life.

So, become a man with a developed masculine core first, then more advanced concepts.


Ascension… :blush:

Thank you for that informative article. Very timely. Just so happens I am building a workout custom that I sent over to @Invictus to review. I put a bunch of masculine subs in there like GLM and Dominion before I read your article. Interesting coincidence.

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