Khan, evolving from Blue to Ultra Ego

Damn your game is so tight :slight_smile:


@Deadpool haha nah man i went out yesterday and got rejected 3 times in a row. I was on point too.

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Stage 1 Khan have helped me alot with my Ni-Fi loop where as an INTJ it goes as following. Overwhelmed, overthink, make plans, do nothing, over indulge and repeat.

With Stage 1 it goes from feeling ovewhelmed to ===> do something about it immediatly, and do another thing untill it goes away.

Apart from that, i can feel the Regeneration and Rebirth taking place. I got into lots of arguments from many people around me. My boundaries got way harder and i can feel respect through fear.

As of today, i am excited whenever i feel bad about something because its being processed. Zero reconciliation so far. I fear staying the same, not doing whats right far more than whatever is making me uncomfortable. Not taking action is terrifying


Ok so these new developments i will mention might be a part of my own journey. The new gen subs are great because we develop in our own unique ways and according to whats important to each one of us.

I have started feeling this pain whenever i find my self on instagram, youtube or snapchat stories within seconds of catching myself watching those short clips. Its utter cancer that burns time and braincells. Its actually hard for me to start watching it. I have also started sleeping every night before 10pm no matter what and waking up around 4 or 6 am. Before it was hard doing the right thing. Now im terrified of not doing it. And its only starting to add up.

I read @friday ’s journal and felt the urge to jump to stage 4. The same urge after using a subliminal for a while and wanting something new. Yet deep down i know i should stay with stage 1… perhaps even longer than planned. So far its been smooth but its starting to get rough. If i start doing the easy things i know fot a fact recon will set it. Then i will have to use fewer/shorter loops to compensate. Not yet though…

Few months ago i asked a my manager at my part time job to go out on a date. We meet once a week so i felt it wouldnt be awkward. She declined very nicely and respected that. She is a 32 y/o latina who is warm and intelligent. Yet she was always the huggy type. The last 2 times we met she was hugging me extra hard and starting intensly into my eyes.

So Khan stage 1 unfrienezoned me without me even thinking about it/wanting it. Its intresting but i would never try again with someone who said no. Not unless she asks for it, and if i happen to still want it


This post will be about fitness and muscles, i would like some advice if anyone is knowledgable and kind enough to share their time.

Background: Been lifting on and off for almost 8 years. I was one of those tall skinny dudes. After a year i went from 60 to 72 kg. I was 20 at the time. Ever since then i’ve been gaining weight without getting fatter… same body just bigger, not neccesarly muscle wise and now its settled between 82 to 85kg. Few months ago i got serious and went from 86 to currently 81kg… less fat more bulky.

My workout routine goes as follows: around 1,5 hours at the gym 4+ times plus a week.

Day 1 chest: 4 to 5 excersizes, 4 sets and between 8 to 12 reps. Also 2 sets biceps.

Day 2 Back: 4 to 5 excersizes, 4 sets and between 8 to 12 reps. I also try to get some triceps excersizes depending on my energy.

Day 3 Legs: 4 to 5 excersizes, 4 sets and between 8 to 12 reps. I do some half ass biceps excersizes.

Day 4: shoulders: Same deal as the others, and some abs when i feel like it.

My reps are very controlled and by the book. I dont ego lift but i always push beyond when neccesary. Sometimes i take shorter brakes between sets or longer but i aim for shorter.

As for the weights, the first 2 sets when i hit rep 12 i am close to my limit. As for the second 2 sets i increse the weight and aim for 8 reps.

So the issue is that i dont know if my routine is good or not. I always give my all so i always go home happy. But i have more or leas stayed the same and have never crossed a certian glass celling. I cant bench press beyond 80KG and its been my max for so long.

As for home, my sleep wasnt the best those past years but since 2022 i have been getting at least 7 hours a night. My diet is ok-ish and i eat lots of boiled eggs and i’ve started to drink protien shakes twice a day.

When i dont flex or without a pump i look like i barley lift. When i flex or with pump i look jacked and semi shredded. Whats the next step for me? It may sound obvious but i’ve never bothred learning, most internet advice is all over the place and i’ve never worked with a personal trainer

Edit: My goal is to look jacked in a medium size shirt.

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Perhaps @Fire and @Invictus can give you some input.

Also see:

and remember, bigger isn’t better… it’s the best!


Thanks. I did fiqure it out. Turns out i should have been doing at least one set where i lift a bigger weight untill failure. Its been more or less the same, and that applied to my progress. It also explains why i stopeed feeling sore after each workout even tho i was giving it all


Hey @RVconsultant, thanks for the tag :pray:t3: Really appreciate you thinking so highly of me to tag me to provide some advice.

I saw this and immediately one thought came to mind:
this guy would highly benefit from completely switching up his routine.

You’re doing 4 sets of 4-5 exercises for the major groups right?

That’s like 16 to 20 sets per one muscle group (excluding arms), per week, and in my opinion, that’s way too low volume for someone training for 8 years.

Other than that, some muscle groups, like the shoulders and legs, need more than just 4-5 exercises, and while yes, the compound movements can help build mass, but you’d benefit more from keeping the compounds at 5 sets (first 2 as warmup, then 3 sets at a weight you can only do for 5-6 reps), and then supplementing that with some additional isolation movements.

So now you can do one of the following 2 things:

  • increase the volume with numbers of exercises (or sets per week; meaning you train the same muscle group more than once a week with a program like PPL), or
  • increase the intensity with the weights (can be done with many powerlifting/power building based programs).

I personally have restarted my whole training regimen recently as I have started my national service for the next 4 months, and while I train there in the morning, I also have my 3 days a week training (like I just came back, had lunch, now imma have some coffee then hit the gym), and the current training program that I’m doing is called ICF5x5.

This would do both for you if you decided to jump on this program, however, there’s a whole training system called 5/3/1 by Jim Wendler, and you might find something that would suit your desires better in there (I’d say BBB).

If you have any more questions, then I’m always happy to answer and help.


Im gonna break this down. Implement it into a training plan of sets and reps of the excersizes i should be doing. I will also look into the different program plans you mentioned.
Thank you @Invictus


Ayyy man
No need to thank me, just happy to help.

If there’s anything else, or if there’s a specific goal you want to reach, or even if you just want to keep your workouts the same but still break the plateau, then I ask you to look into a principal called “FST-7 by Hany Rambod”.

It’s simple, do your major muscle group’s workout, then at the end pick an isolation exercise (preferably a machine exercise) and do it for 7 sets, with only 30 seconds rest in between each set, but the most important thing about this whole thing: flex your working muscle during the 30 seconds.

Here’s an overview video:


So i have included some of what i learned in my new workouts. To start with, at least 6 excersizes with varying reps and weights. It was hard at first but wasnt as draining as my usual 4 excersizes with high reps.

As for Khan. I have finished my first cycle of Stage 1. This will be my review.

  • The start was smooth and i have felt minor changes, major at the time yet minor compared to what else you will be getting, like imporved mood and greater self control. I tweaked at least 6 bad habits and imporved a whole lot. Not just on the inside but people have been starting to chat me up, have greater respect and my friends told me i have changed in the way i talk and mostly the energy.

Then the breakdown starts. As someone familiar with recon, i know what its like to be uncomfortable and it was nothing new. The thing is, stage 1 is supposed to break you down… if you didnt feel uncomfortable then you are in recon ironically enough. So that came to be in form of dreams mostly, they were about deep seated insecurities yet the effect of Rebirth is evident.

It all boiled down to an extremly important realisation. What was i doing? What is my goal and how am i going about things? I realised that 10 years ago… and untill recently. My whole being was about 1 thing.

  • To become strong enough to handle anything, to never be at the mercy of needing anyone and to become unbreakable in the midst of adversity.

This sounds good on paper yet its really bad. I have been inviting unneccisary struggles and problems into my life just to prove that i can survive it. This was what i was inviting into my life… it wasnt happiness, peace, love, friendships, wealth, passions or adventure… just struggle because i felt alive proving my stregnth against adversity.

But for how long? Do i really want my life to be an eternal fighting pit? Gaining pointless victories with no goal or end in sight?

This was the greatest realisation and with it came a new one. ”I welcome Love, peace, wealth and freedom. I unconditionally accept it in whatever form that may be ”

Since then, i have been the happiest ive ever been. And with that came the girls…

I’ve met 3 girls since last week alone and had sex with them. They were all beautiful on the inside and out… I connected with each one on a different level and all were amazing. I could easily see myself long term with any of them. Unlike what i was usually attracting.

All were nurses… oddly enough. Now for the sex part. With Stage 1 Khan i have infinite stamina and never needed to worry about finishing too fast. If Diamond ZP makes you a diamond, Khan will turn you into Vibranium. Not only that, its so easy to tap into either your feminine, romantic side and especially the primal dominant side which will be enhanced beyond recognition. You will be respected, almost revered and the connection is so effortless you will have a hard time believing its so smooth…

You might even start overthinking if something is up… and this too will be processed by Khan. There is nothing up, its how its supposed to be. You will realise its absurd to even condiser that you desurve anyless however you will be detached and and non-entitled.

Review over… with that being said i will be doing another cycle of Stage 1 once my 5 days break is over. Stage 2,3 and 4 seem to be interconnected yet Stage 1 is not. I want the a great foundation for the future stages and whatever sub i may use.


So whenever i masturbate the next day i wake up extremly horny. When i dont its less overwhelming but the same goes for sex. The more action, solo or tango the harder it kicks in.


Celibacy maybe :slight_smile: ?

Nah I wasn’t complaining. Just stating an effect I’ve seen. Also Stage 1 is tackling something new. Shit tests are nothing new but I’ve been reacting very emotionally towards it. I handled them like usual but on the inside I felt some turbulence. It felt like I lost my momentum and the streak I am on will be gone… This was followed by overthinking and procrastinating.

After everything I’ve done and been through. I still have scarcity left which is currently being aggressively dealt with. This proves that I’m not done with Stage 1


Cycle 2 of Khan Stage 1. Feeling fresh off that 5 days break. The new reality is starting to set in. Minor irritations and moodswings but i feel on fire over all. Like alot of what held me back in my sexuality and comfort has been dealt with.

I am very pleased with the results so far.


Has anyone used Libertine with Khan/any stage? What was it like? did it oversaturate the energy or did they work in tandem?


best combination ever


Khan+libertine or Khan+WANTED?

both but I meant Libertine

But why not Khan + Wanted + Libertine?

EDIT: other posts deleted because this is not the right thread for that.

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