Early Emperor v4 Impressions Thread

v5: Iron Man + all 6 infinity stones?

@Fire and @SaintSovereign: DO IT, PLS.


The sole reason for piracy is probably the lack of money from certain people. I wouldn’t even worry about that to much, if they ran a subliminal from subclub they would have money soon enough to buy every program on the website :wink:


You’ve been on the NZT, haven’t you, haha. Couldn’t of explained it better. One thing I actually never had from any subliminal’s here, not even Emperor v2, is the aggression. It might just be because I’ve been into spirituality for a long time and I have my emotional garbage under control. Also I meditate allot, but honestly I’ve never even had any aggression come to the surface in the past 5 months.

Thanks! I’m going full option Bruce Banner in the Hulkbuster armor, lol!


Yesterday and today I got a sharp pain on the right side of my neck while listening to Emperor.
Wrote about it in my journal here

@UPLSO the theories you have proposed sound plausible perhaps you are correct. I think its hitting 27 days on emperor V4 for me. I have been consistent in listening to V4 despite changing the number of loops on a daily basis. Some days 10 loops other days 4 loops. Now I am down to 2 loops during the day.

Maybe V4 is performing some changes internally that I am not aware, because I am also running V2 great things are happening but I no longer know whether this is V2 doing it or V4.

More women taking an interest in me, libido seems much higher, I feel the need to manage my time more efficiently. Well despite this at least I see positive fun things happening in my life :slight_smile:


I mean things like these …

Regrets. Excuses. Wasted Times. Family/Relationships Drama. And more.

Some can articulate it in Words.
Some are having higher variability in their Emotions.
Some are seeing people repeatedly in their Dreams.

One way or the other, everyone using Ev4 is coming to terms with
their PAST, their Future – their Existence, their total Life’s Narrative.

Beyond the productivity towards goals, there is some deep work going on here.
We can’t put a handle on it. We all have to do it our own individual way.
There is no escaping it. And we all know that it’ll be worth it.

Happy New Beginnings. :smile:


yep thats it.


Yeeeeeeeep. :wink:


I’m looking forward to this. I’ve only been listening to Ev4 for about 10 days now, and so far only experienced a few random bad moods. I’m definitely having more frequent interesting dreams than usual though, e.g. this one from last night:

I was tightly surrounded by some kind of barrier, it held me and I couldn’t move. It was translucent and through it I could see the vague shapes of demonic creatures surrounding me. The barrier was actually some kind of portal to a demonic dimension, that they could pass through but I couldn’t, so for me it acted like a barrier. These creatures would reach through the barrier and tear a small piece of my flesh off and eat it. Initially I felt some fear but that quickly turned into rage. I was screaming at them in fury and trying to push the barrier back, but it didn’t budge, I was trapped there while they feed on me. I tried to call down Divine light to burn the demons, but it couldn’t pass through the barrier so they were unaffected. In an act of desperation I called out to the Divine beings for help, and a flaming sword appeared in my hand. The sword could pierce the barrier so the demons moved the barrier back a bit to keep away from it, which gave me some room to move. I swung the sword in a 360 and the flames pushed the barrier further away. I then moved along the barrier striking the demons through it with the sword, and as soon as I touched them they burst into flames and disintegrated. After around half the demons were destroyed the rest closed the portal/barrier and disappeared.


Hahahah gotcha. I couldn’t tell if that’s what you were referring to or or if you actually were experiencing some demons haunting you like in movies/TV etc from using empv4 that’s why I was like uhhhhh… the fuck Hahahaah

thanks for the clarification. Yes, I have lots of past shit that I still need healing from I’m sure of it.


Happy to hear your success in using the empv4 brotha. I have also now started using the combo of v2 V3 and v4 thanks to you and @Simon suggestion. Will be powering through and will report updates here :pray::pray:

Very happy to hear your progress and success @TheBoxingScientist


I just checked only Emperor has number of pages in script mentioned, no other title has it. Any particular reasons for this?

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@TheBoxingScientist I am not currently listening to Emperor V4. I am running strictly Rebirth & Regeneration in a stack and plan to until at least early April following the suggestion of a few posts in other threads about sticking with one title or a very limited stack for an extended length of time. On a very positive note I have in the past run almost entirely ultrasonic versions because of hearing issues I have thinking and believing I would get limited results from the masked versions. Just for shiggles I have been running masked versions for a few days and I stand corrected


I like how you’re running the two and sticking to them for a while. Smart in my opinion

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all the depression and bad feelings are all gone. And My current goal is to powerfully reprogram my thoughts and mental images I hold in my head.

Still have very mild anxiety at random times but that might be my minds way of saying don’t waste time socializing with something that isn’t lining up to my goals/tasks for the day.

Also noticed my super nerd side of me starting to come out when in conversation. Super analytical and counter factual.

Lastly noticed my deep desire for powerful self talk. Music listening time is down and so is general time wasting. My desire to go out and pick up and spend money has gone done considerably.


@UPLSO Thank you . At almost 52 years old I feel like I am finally beginning to learn what being or becoming an emotionally healthy and mature adult is. I have had a few aha moments recently and one of them is being aware that growing and gaining confidence is knowing that you’re scared shitless of doing something and have no clue and yet doing it anyway. I have to make growing up my main priority over everything else


30 days so far on V4 stacked with V2

2 loops V4
4 loops V2

Some things i have noticed

Libido is now very high cant understand why perhaps its the SM script.

Men showing me alot of respect everywhere i go
(this is nothing new however as i had this in V1)

My yoga instructor she seems alot more friendly with me. Whilst i was meditating at the end of the class she came over and touched my hand to straighten it. This seemed rather odd. One of the guys came over and said “BA she is being especially friendly towards you”

Still suffering bursts of anger when i get flash backs of my mistakes from the past.


@TheBoxingScientist I get the anger and also frustration regarding past mistakes while running Rebirth and Regeneration. I have read in so many places that your current situation is the result of your decisions. I often ask myself " what was I thinking?" Or " what made you or why did you think this was ok ?" I now know that I have to take 100 percent responsibility and accountability for everything in my life.


100 % responsibility and accountability, yes. But not 100 % competence. There have been and will continue to be mistakes as long as there is more to learn.

Anyway. I’m on the same page.


Its been very interesting reading through all your experiences on the new emperor. I was wondering if the anti-porn scripting that is in ascended mogul is also in the new emperor, as that has been very helpful for me. even when I started using the more sexual subs like primal it just led me back to porn, and AM straightened me back out again.