Those who ran ascended mogul did it help with nofap?

@Grimm1390 - I think this might help:

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Definitely I’m gonna read this journal now. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: It seems some people have mentioned how it helped with nofap on here over the years but never talked back about it


All the best :muscle:

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Would love if saint and fire could talk about this. I know emperor has anti porn scripting but since it’s a bigger subliminal, that module is ran less than ascended mogul


I think the below linked thread will be helpful (it’s a short thread with only 11 posts). SaintSovereign had also given some inputs over here:

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Tarmac mentioned this in regards to emperor and Rhinesuchus said the other one

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same thing with me.

i had a 30 day winning streak when i first ran emp4 and theni relapsed and its back to square one… running emp q…getting that restraint power back…


Sorry to hear man. What led to your relapse ?

What’s your stack now, @Grimm1390?

lack of will power, need for instant gratification, boredom, locked down…

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A few months ago I ran Emperor v4 2 maybe 3 times a day, and I stopped porn cold turkey.


wow, thats like you were just waiting for the trigger and it happened, you stopped.

for me its like a compulsive addictive behaviour…i will overcome this… in time…

I got ascended mogul. Will be my main program in may. Main goal of it is for nofap. I will use GM, limit destroyer, and rebirth here and there.

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Excellent choice. Good luck!

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all the best

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Thanks man same to you.I will update throughout this month and let everyone know how running ascended mogul affects nofap.

I can add something that might be of value to you guys: see if theres any shame for you around porn, inquire why, find out what you said to cause the shame, (in my case its im a bad person) take responsibility for saying it, and forgive yourself. Alot of the time its shame that fuels an addiction


@Grimm1390 For me I had to put a strategy in place to curb the urge! One way is to not take my laptop my bed…ever…go to bed early ( around 10am) with a sub running masked! Also a very good book to read is “The Multiorgasmic Man” by Mantak Chia…you can fap without ejaculating…trust me it really takes the shame away and allows you to channel up the energy! Hopes it helps a little!


Thats soo great you can do that I read about this bypassing of ejaculation in the book “way of the superior man”, but could never actually do it myself.

How did asceded mogul work in terms of nofap?

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