Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

Being a relatively lighter script, AM shouldn’t adversely effect with DR’s work in any way. Those concerns are more valid for dense subs like EQ.

Feel free to stack DR with AM.


Here’s another approach:

Start by stacking AM with Dragon Ultima.

Because Ultimas are designed to be lighter and to support major programs, this way you’ll get some benefits and also a softer experience of DR.

After a couple weeks, you can take the call of whether you need to, or want to, stack DR Stages instead.


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I don’t know if this is a good idea. Dragon Ultima is is DR st4 in Ultima format. Saint/the sales copy says specifically to run st4 first. It goes even further, saying the other stages should be listened to for optimal results. Jumping right to DR Ultima might have adverse effects ranging from no effect to massive reconciliation.

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Or maybe you will do better . Often when we aren’t emotionally attached or invested in someone things weirdly enough fall into place


Ultimas start from the surface and go deeper over time. By design, they do not produce massive reconciliation in the first couple weeks.

Anyway, I speak from experience. I’m using DU to playfully supercharge D4. :wink:


What are you noticing from D4 and DR Ultima?

It’s like faster, advanced, very consciously guidable New Beginnings – with bonus happy modules. :smile:

I got on the Dragon for the high flying clarity, and it’s bringing that to me at flight speed. :yum:


Sounds awesome, you time warped 4 months ahead of everyone else :joy:
Are you stacking it with anything?

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That is standard Simon practice. :smile:

The narrative is shifting, and hence, my goals / plans.
I had started DR stacked with EQ, but dropped it on the second day.


Clarity? That would be something awesome and amazing to experience

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Drop EQ on day 2
Like a royal hot potatoes huh :hugs:

I’m trying DR this wed. to see if I want to stack that or Alchemist but I who knows I may pull a Simon and go full DR. What’s direction is this new narrative heading–full healing?

I hope you know your answers only bring more questions lol.

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A lot of users in SC club right now:

The same users in 5-6 months…


I thought that Dragon Rebord was healing anything and everything. I really wonder how DR compares to my Ultima Healing custom which also contains New Beginning :thinking:


I used that old quote about New Beginnings to keep my reply concise. :wink:

There is certainly a lot more going on – most of which is sub-conscious to me. :blush:


At times Dragon Reborn feels like an emotional laxative


I don’t have “traumas.” I knew how to release emotions long before I started using subs.

My past is replete with "paths not taken" – for some excuse or the other. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

As those conflicts evaporate, possibilities – new & old – are opening for me … everyday. :blush:
And this time, they feel actionable, not hypothetical.

No concerns about negative outcomes. They can happen, but I’m unstoppable. :sunglasses:



Pretty interesting, how would you compare your dragon reborn experience compared to traditional healing subs like Khan St1 or Regen?

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Day 3
DR ST1 x2 will sleeping

Had a dream last night. I saw this person looks like a “hero” character, like a knight. Then he was talking to another person, looks like his ally. Then this hero was chained to two pillars, like Hercules. The floor he is stepping on has these signs that I don’t understand. It was like a large circle and he was on the middle of it. Then this other person pulled a lever. Molten lava was pouring to the hero. I see that this other person is trying to trick the hero, making him believe that it will make him stronger. Then this hero immerges. Evolved and strong. Then the hero noticed that this person was planning to backstab him, so he fought and the other person fell to the lava and burned. Then this hero was looking a me, showing his damaged neck or some sort of evolved neck (i know it’s weird) not sure what’s the hero trying to tell me. I saw myself thinking “oh, that’s good if it makes you better”.

Translation? not sure… ironic about the lava thing :slight_smile:

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this subs seems nice to me…I decided to add it to my stack next year…I am sure something interesting will happen to me…

How effective will be Dragon Reborn (Ultima) to destroy self imposed Limits?


Where are you placing your headphones?
Just kidding :rofl: