Chronicles of Rardak: Throne of Bhaal

Day 11
The self-confidence on Stark feels and “looks” so unreal that it makes me doubt it from time to time which looks like a form of recon to me. There’re those moments when I feel almost like a demigod among humans. Also, my productivity seems to have started kicking in… finally.

Also, my social influence and impact have increased quite a lot.

I love the way Stark helps me simplify tasks and at the same time increases the efficiency of the processes.


Day 12
The PCC component of Stark has kicked in as well. This is something I’ve needed for my whole life that is dealing nicely with people’s crap and using the laws when it suits me. Great, great sub this Stark is indeed.

Listening pattern

I keep running my stack in accordance with my routine, which is 2xStark+2xSpartan a day. My days off are Fridays and Saturdays.

Stark also helps me envision my future and plan my life in more detail. It also helps me find the right answers related to vital life matters and decisions.

I don’t know if it’s Stark itself or the ME component in it or maybe the loop of AC I ran last Friday but some interesting manifestations occurred and they were not random but exactly what I wanted. I manifested a potential lover and a bit of money.
The potential lover showed up when I started thinking about having one and then I just got her phone number in the most natural way as we’re coworkers and I asked her for help and to do me the favor she offered her phone number. It was like choosing between two potential lovers but the one that manifested herself seems to be a much better choice.

Then I needed to top up my phone and I didn’t really want to spend that money although they were peanuts and the machine I wanted to top up my phone at occurred to be broken and accidentally there was an employee of the nearest shop passing by. I asked for help and I got my money back. Then I went to another machine at another shop and it occurred somebody left in the machine the sum I wanted to top up my phone for. Nice stuff. :sunglasses:


Day 13
I’ve been having plenty of dreams recently but none of them were healing dreams which is a nice change and may indicate that DR did its job really nicely (which I think it did anyway). The changes in my “identity” are critical yet they’re still fresh and need some more time to get deeper into my psyche that’s why some more self-perceptual distortions, although temporary, may occur as it’s happened to me recently.

Today (in the evening) I’ll be running one loop of AC (FLAC) only.

One of my students called me “Ironman” today… interesting.

I did the loop of AC envisioning myself breaking chains and going beyond my limits. Let’s see what happens next.


Day 15
On my current listening pattern I can clearly distinguish the two essential phases of Mental Alchemy that is Saturation and Integration. I can feel Saturation (density of processing) increasing every day to the point where I start getting the symptoms of overexposure that indicates that my psyche’s got saturated with the scripting. Integration is something much more subtle and difficult to examine on but I discovered that the best indicator of it is the intensity of my dreams. When that intensity is really high Integration is occurring rapidly and intensively. I also discovered that what works best for me is to let Saturation reach its peak to the point I start noticing initial symptoms of overexposure and then take a break and let Integration (and, again, the intensity of my dreams is the best indicator here) slacken a bit. Then I go back to building up Saturation and so on.

I had a day off yesterday, after seven days of exposure, but that was enough to get rid of the initial symptoms of overexposure and now, when I’m listening to my stack, I feel powerful energies coursing throughout my body and bursting in my chest… Niiice. :blush:


@Sub.Zero are you a kundalini master ? you sound like one.

Day 16
My current listening pattern (2 loops of each program every day) occurred to saturate my mind with the scripting pretty fast and I got to the point when I’m saturated with it all the time. I got slightly overexposed within the initial four days and now I cannot run my stack every day. I ran it yesterday after having a day off and I got completely saturated again. I’m getting slight symptoms of overexposure yet again. I need to reduce my exposure to listening to my programs (Stark and Spartan) once per day.

So today I’ll be playing one loop of Stark and one loop of Spartan in the evening.

Since the saturation seemed to have slackened I decided to run my stack in accordance with my standard routine (4 loops).


Day 17
The scripting is being integrated smoothly and all the symptoms of overexposure have gone. The inner changes I’ve been noticing are revolutionary, yet the whole process feels seamless. If not for the outer results it would be difficult to tell how profound that transformation is since introspection only doesn’t provide me with sufficient data. All those changes feel so natural as if I was always this way. That’s the power and beauty of Zero Point.

I’ll be running four loops of my stack today.

In the past, I tried to partner up with one company but they ignored me twice. I tried again two days ago and now we’re partners because I knew intuitively how to present myself to them. Thank you, Stark. :sunglasses:


Day 18
Today I partnered up with even a better company and I’ll be sticking with them instead simply because it’s going to be more beneficial to me. All that was really easy to do. Thank you, Stark! :blush:


Day 19

Yesterday I notices slight recon but sleeping well last night resolved it utterly. I’m getting more and more congruent with my new core and self-perceptual distortions are getting rarer. The integrations is quite smooth and the best way to make sure it’s like this is to get a sufficient amount of sleep.


Day 20
I’m not overloaded nor am I getting recon yet the constant peeing I experienced when I started listening to LBfH has come back. My body produces more energy through increased metabolism. Anyway, I’ll be listening to and my stack (4 loops of it in total, of course) today and AC on the morrow. Then I’ll be doing a one-week washout and we’re going to see what happens.

Listening to my stack now and instantly I felt powerful energies coursing throughout my body and bursting in my chest. I think my subconscious loves Stark… no wonder, who doesn’t? :blush:


Day 22
I’ll be doing washout till next Sunday.

My body has got more elastic and energetic even though I practice yoga 20-30 minutes a day only. I also go by bicycle to work, 2 km one way. Also the smell of my sweat is different… it’s Spartan at work, I suppose.

Also, Stark’s helped me find another business opportunity and I think I started building very strong foundations for my new business and it has potential to become a really profitable business as the niche is really new and the competitors not really solid.


:muscle:t5: :muscle:t5: :muscle:t5:


Day 24 (the 3rd day of the washout)
Spartan has given me a new body within one cycle, even though I don’t work out and the only thing I do is ride a bicycle to work and do yoga in the morning (around 25 minutes). It’s like when Spiderman paired up with the symbiote…

My body is more elastic and flexible and at the same time more robust and energetic (more powerful). Also, the connection body-mind is way stronger and my moves are much more coordinated. My body’s wisdom has improved, and I know better how to perform my moves when doing yoga. It’s really amazing to relearn my body and see how much easier it is for me to do physical exercises, without any “bonds” I used to feel in the past. My moves are way smoother and I’m the “wooden boy” my father used to call me no more. :sunglasses:


Day 25
I’m really satisfied with the results I’m getting on Stark. It’s made me very productive and focused business wise. I really missed that. Also, it helps me generate a lot of useful business solutions and drives me to constantly improve my business workshop. Finding much better ways of doing what needs to be done is instinctive and inevitable.


Can you share the mental aspect of Spartan? I am thinking to buy it for simply the mental toughness aspect (and health as an incidental benefit). How does the mental strength of it compare to say Emperor?

Emperor is way more powerful when it comes to strengthening your core. Spartan feels light when compared with Emperor in thatregard. However, Spartan is the best sub for strengthening the body-mind connection I’ve ever employed in my Mental Alchemy. It makes your mind and body work in a powerful and beautiful tandem. I strongly recommend using it for that matter.


Day 26
I’ve been going to the toilet to take a pee constantly since yesterday. I’m barely sleeping 6 hours a day. My energy level is really high. My stack is being “ingrained” in my psyche really deeply and thoroughly. It feels like a ancient part of me, deep inside, has got awaken and was overthrowing the “old me”. The iron mask has been lifted and the beauty and power is emanating throughout my world putting an end to the whole darkness that used to bind me.

I’ve been noticing a lot of internal and external shifts for the better “happening”. Good.

Q used to give me some “unnatural” powers that would remain passive since I was not the superhero that possesed them. On ZP I’m becoming that superhero and those powers were always “there”, they’re “natural” to me… I am them and they are me.

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Day 29 (the 7th day of the washout)
The intense integration is still at work and it’s quite taxing, therefore, I decided to prolong the washout till it’s slackened.

The transformation I’m going through is amazing but the amount of energy my body is generating is a bit too much for me. It’s really intensive and quite taxing on me. I may decrease the exposure when I’m back on my stack. Like 2 loops instead of 4 a day.


I’ve wondered about Spartan and its effects on the physical side of the love life :+1:t4: nice.

Kundalini rising, would you say?