Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

I have an easier time focusing whenever I ran Stark



Zero Point goes deep, and it is ridiculously powerful.

I ran 5 minutes of Chosen and tumbled into incredible reconciliation, with it came results from a Custom I made several months ago named “Chosen Star” which had both Chosen and Stark.

Listening to Chosen, immediately brought so much of this Custom to the surface where it feels like I’m running Stark now. Moreover, I notice I feel drawn to Stark again. I had a similar effect running Wanted where I suddenly felt aspects of Diamond.

And this is not the first time it happens.

Almost like the reconciliation, opens and reveils scripting that I was not able to execute before.

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Some nice initial results I got on Stark:

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With Stark, I have a delusional fame factor, wherever I go there is some brilliance that attracts people to be attentive to me – like that module – The Spotlight.

In combination with Wanted it is amazing because Stark allures them by your Fame, and Social Proof, but without concealing things with Mystery, you can truly become an “open book”, however, combing Mystery and Fame you become like Saint Germain – incredibly Famous, your name rippling and echoing through social circles, but you are still an enigma, and while everyone knows you, none really knows you.

If that makes sense.

I wish there was a Module in the Q-store that encapsulates all the Mystery aspects, and riddling nature of Wanted without its physical shifting, and without it being solely focused on romance. It goes so well with Stark.


need ua or rm.
if i use ua + stark + limitless

Who of you has found hidden talent in themselves with Stark?


Didnt know that i thought it was emperor

Where did Saint state this ?

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Does Stark have the full Limitless script? I’m not sure whether it is Zero Point, because I have grown massively in awareness, other reasons but somehow I’m noticing almost all the objectives from the Limitless sales page and the Custom that I’m running of Stark, it’s modules are so clearly displaying themselves in the Mind that I’m actually able to recall parts of the scripts.

Not to mention other things I’m seeing with Zero Point, such as the smoothness.

Stark has 75+ pages of scripting, adding Chosen, and 18 modules is literally a bible long and I’m seeing results in all areas of this Custom, daily, more and more at once. It’s dense, and not all the scripts execute constantly the entire time – it’s more situational and as needed which is truly profound – in conversation with an attractive girl, suddenly the romance and sexual scripting would find alchemical transmutation, whereas a moment later tackling a certain task on the laptop would instantly bring the Limitless script to the surface.

I like this much better as compared to earlier versions where I would have to consciously divert from not executing sexual scripts, for example, in inappropriate situations, and now it feels more like it is consciously determined by a simple soft intention.

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Stark has some of Limitless, but the majority of the “learning scripting” is original. It’s not 75 pages, however. If that’s on the sales page, it’s outdated. It’s actually less. Many of the ZP subs are.


How much is Emperor? Before it was 125 pages.

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@SaintSovereign how does that work, are some removed from the program or has the script structure improved in a way where it has become far more condensed?

I notice speed-reading, general improvement in regards to processing speed, brain hemisphere synchronisation (I can do different things with both hands at the same time and use both parts of the body simultaneously), ability to have multiple thoughts at the same time and multitask so read a page in a book, have a conversation at the same time while using another sense and translate that information into perception.

Uhh, the desire to learn subjects if they are important in regards to my objective of becoming an innovative visionary who builds a cooperate conglomerate. Better memory retention, ability to resurface deep rooted memories from the subconscious, etc etc

Many of the limitless things essentially.

Cognitive improvement.


How do you compare stark vs true sell? If you ran both.

When Saint mentioned how people pay “A LOT” of attention on Stark… I took it lightly, till I realize how much people are so involved in my life, going as far as to determine how much I make and what I do with my money like wow, don’t you have anything better to do.

And as for the presence. Took that lightly as well, till it finally clicked how people want me in their life 24/7(girlfriend included).

I play my stack for 9 days and take 3 days off… Can’t imagine what the next upgrade will be like.


Amazing results.

May I know how long have you been running stark?

Started listening to Stark again and one thing I noticed is that the confidence and “alphaness” in the ZP version is much stronger than in StarkQ. Surprisingly I feel more nonchalant and dominant on stark even when compared to when I was running Primal or PS.

Though its not Stark’s main goal, the romantic and seduction scripting inside has been absolutely insane. Been using it to rekindle the flames in my long term relationship and lets just say my girl’s been absolutely putty in my hands.

The romance/seduction is of a very different flavor compared to titles such as wanted, primal or PS which in my experience mainly spikes sexual attraction. With stark, not only is there more attraction, but there’s also a deeep emotional connection with my girl. Conversations, sex, everything is just much much more fun now.

Don’t even get me started on the popularity, wit, creativity, enhanced luck and productivity it brings, which are its main goals anyway… Stark is truly an amazing amazing sub.


After one loop of Stark two days later, I feel like genius. I can formulate questions for every statement , with seeing opportunity in almost everything I encounter. Its like stone of stupidity has been removed from stream and fluidity of intelligence can now flow more freely. It amazes me how these subs are scripted and made …


Remember, a subliminal is just a tool. You’re the one integrating the script in such a profound manner. It means you’ve overcome many trials and tribulations and now the script can be fully expressed. I’m more amazed at that. :wink:


Can’t wait for the experimental!

I think Stark has been one of the most experimental title you’ve had Saint lol;
