Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

Hey guys, anyone here a graphic designer or similar?

Just wondering if Stark would be good for learning GD or perhaps I should also slot in UA or RM for better creativity? Or will Stark work just fine by itself?

Thanks to anyone out there who can help

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Has anyone had a similar effect as Starfilled Night with Stark?

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I’ll submit a support ticket about this soon. I’ve asked on here and never actually gotten an answer.

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The expression of sexuality in Stark differs from Emperor and titles like Wanted and Primal/S&S. But I am not going to let people believe that Stark does not have sexual prevalence.

I have never had a reason to feel like I could seduce a nun before I ran Stark, for example. Yeah that’s part of the sales page but that’s why I mention it. I have said it here and I mentioned it to the homie the other day. I definitely could. I wouldn’t want to but that’s besides the point.

I was with my ex when I was running Stark and the sheer amount of women that made themselves available for me is incredible. Was, never mind. Because I’ve actually attained an even greater level just based off of my short time with my Primal custom.

You know very well that they do and you being someone who has been here longer than most have no reason to believe otherwise.

This. I feel as if you, @TheBoxingScientist, resonate with the Khan or Emperor archetype more. You’re an aggressive guy and it’s easy to see in your posts. Be that. But don’t blame a tool for what ‘it does’ or ‘doesn’t do’ for you.

Your age ain’t shit. Our age ain’t shit. Your subconscious mind isn’t limited by what you think it can or can’t or will or won’t do. You are.

There’s levels to this alchemy we are undergoing. You’ve had some success with these titles. Go back in your journals. Reconsider where you’ve been, and what it took to get there. You mention Saint’s time in the desert often. Use that energy to get what you want.


Myself and @aaa had a bit of a scuffle but we are back to being friends now :slight_smile:


If new reviews, pls share people.


I have used Stark since december 2020 (with pauses, in different stacks). I have noticed a beauty and attractiveness on my face, especially on eyes.
Somewhere in the forum Saint once said that second to Wanted, Stark has the most beautyfying script.


Yes, this is the shape of my eyes when on Stark. You said it perfectly.

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Anyone stacking Stark with LBFH?

I just finished my wash out from DR1 & LBFH and feeling that I’m not going to continue with DR because I’m returning to my school job soon which takes a lot of my energy.

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Im running a stark custom along with LBFH if that counts. Only recently started LBFH but it definitely seems like a potent combo.


How does it feel for you?

What’s the difference between a custom Stark and the main one?

I’ve never done custom subliminals before.

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A custom lets you focus a sub more on the things that are important to you. For me starks social and seduction side were far more important to me compared to something like the wealth side. My custom allowed me to add modules to supercharge to social side of stark even further and customize it to fit my needs. I highly recommend getting a custom ones you are familair with some of the major titles that interest you!

Anyways, combining stark with LBFH so far feels very good! LBFH is far more introspective though so far so i spend quite a bit of time really reflecting on what i can best spend my time on and in that aspect it negates a bit the stark drive to constantly go out. Im setting prioritys for this year on what i want to focus on and achieve, and go for that. I guess you could say im becoming a bit more picky on what i want to spend my time on.

The social effects have been great, i constantly keep seeing old friends out of nowhere, people cant seem to get sick off me, and just in general everyone has been acting really damn nice.

The highlight for me though is still the inner effects of LbFH. Just the self acceptance in general really allows me to more fully embrace the stark archetype in a way that i feel fits me. My custom also features WANTED and its actually doing a bit of the opposite for that and making me realize more that it actually doesnt fit me super well.


Does Stark have scripting like “The Single Point” module from the Q-store?

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I have an easier time focusing whenever I ran Stark



Zero Point goes deep, and it is ridiculously powerful.

I ran 5 minutes of Chosen and tumbled into incredible reconciliation, with it came results from a Custom I made several months ago named “Chosen Star” which had both Chosen and Stark.

Listening to Chosen, immediately brought so much of this Custom to the surface where it feels like I’m running Stark now. Moreover, I notice I feel drawn to Stark again. I had a similar effect running Wanted where I suddenly felt aspects of Diamond.

And this is not the first time it happens.

Almost like the reconciliation, opens and reveils scripting that I was not able to execute before.

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Some nice initial results I got on Stark:

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With Stark, I have a delusional fame factor, wherever I go there is some brilliance that attracts people to be attentive to me – like that module – The Spotlight.

In combination with Wanted it is amazing because Stark allures them by your Fame, and Social Proof, but without concealing things with Mystery, you can truly become an “open book”, however, combing Mystery and Fame you become like Saint Germain – incredibly Famous, your name rippling and echoing through social circles, but you are still an enigma, and while everyone knows you, none really knows you.

If that makes sense.

I wish there was a Module in the Q-store that encapsulates all the Mystery aspects, and riddling nature of Wanted without its physical shifting, and without it being solely focused on romance. It goes so well with Stark.