Best Quotes You've Come Across

No , not from Spiderman but from a book called majestic 12 .

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very old saying.


I was making the point that nowadays most people think it’s from Spiderman. If you’re lucky they’ll link it to Benjamin Franklin and think they are smart. But it’s been around since the Classical Age.

But since I can’t post without leaving a quote:

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.”
– Bruce Lee

“Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, ‘Certainly I can!’ Then get busy and find out how to do it.”
– Theodore Roosevelt

The second one is similar to how I respond when people ask me if a certain IT project can be done. “Sure, in IT everything is possible if you put enough time, money and people on it. Now be more specific if you want a better answer please.”


“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing”

Oscar Wilde


It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.



“A Lion may be the King of the Jungle, But a Wolf doesn’t dance in a circus.”
idk who said this


“The Quieter You Become, The More You Are Able To Hear” – Rumi
Initially know this from Backtrack Linux


All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.

Blaise Pascal


“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate

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Needed to be reminded of this:


"In general fear indicates unfamiliarity with something. The more familiar you become with it, the less you fear it. And familiarity grows with the attention you give something. One way to loose fear is therefore to become more familiar with what you are being afraid of. Another way to handle fear, that has already been mentioned, is to “dive into it”, immerse yourself into the energy in your body, while removing all labels, judgements and resistances…until you either reach a point where you say “OK, now what?” or what you labelled as fear turns into what it was all along: Energy. " Fredrick Dodson from parallel universes of the self book


Confucius say…

Man who run it front of car, get tired.

Man who run behind car, get exhausted.


Entrapment in the ‘matrix’ web occurs in stages.
In the beginning, with the help of food technologies, consciousness is clouded. This is the first stage. Then the wave of information pours on the conscience, the clothespins are hung, and this is the second stage. The third stage will be the “cyborgization” of reason.
For example, as long as animals live alone, they need a high degree of awareness: they must get food and defend themselves from enemies. As soon as they group into herds, their awareness fades: being together is calmer.
Similarly, complete loss of awareness occurs on the farm. On the farm, in fact, being aware is not necessary: just eat and sleep (click and type “like”).
It would seem that there is nothing particular and terrible about any of this.
People spend time together, communicate, have fun, and let them do it too. In reality, in the web, communication, self-expression, self-realization and participation in life and community is just an illusion. All this is not true. The more “surrogate friends” you have, the more acute is the sense of loneliness you feel. It doesn’t even make sense to talk about self-realization. In general, this type of communication gives absolutely nothing: it is a useless waste of time, of life. Many understand and even agree that time online is really spent for nothing. But even getting out of this swamp is not that simple: people are attached to it because of the addiction generated by information poisoning. And there is nothing surprising here.Maybe quitting smoking is much easier. And here people come up with justifications and reasons: no, in any case communicating online is not in vain, however I need it. In reality, time lost without use is not as harmless and does not go in vain as it is believed. We have already said that informational saturation leads to a narrowing of consciousness. Now we are witnessing an interesting phenomenon: “clip” thought and culture . Modern man is able to assimilate or give information only in small portions, “clips”. He has no strength for anything more. Even his awareness only awakens in flashes, like the light in a disco strobe.
The circle of interests is also primitive. Basically we discuss things that are of no importance and non-essential, what is commonly called “a tap”, “a cool”. We saw something strange, we stopped for a moment, “we tapped” and went on. The really essential and important things have become uninteresting. The “clip” curiosity is the last cry of consciousness before its definitive cyborgization. What will people be interested in when the “clip” curiosity is exhausted? … … … … …What the consequences may be is not difficult to understand: full loss of individuality and the ability to manage one’s own destiny. To you, dear Readers, much of what has been said may not seem new. But today an entire generation has already appeared that does not understand and does not realize what it is getting involved in and what is actually going on.

From the book hack the matrix by Vadim Zealand highly recommended :white_check_mark:

“If you get far enough away, you’ll be on your way back home.”
– Tom Waits

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
– Viktor Frankl


“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”

– Marcus Aurelius


“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.”
– Langston Hughes


“My model of business… is the Beatles. They were four very talented guys… They balanced each other and the total was greater than the sum of the parts… The Beatles, when they were together, they did truly brilliant innovative work and when they split up they did good work, but it was never the same…”

Steve Jobs


"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”
― Socrates


"Depression is a state of mind designed to motivate you to find a life that doesn’t depress you any further. That’s all it is.

Now you have to decide are you man enough to get it done or sit around and cry.

Depression is the cure all excuse you are using. ‘My life is shit because am depressed’’. NO! YOU’RE DEPRESSED BECAUSE YOUR LIFE IS SHIT!

It’s the other way round."

-Andrew Tate


“Life’s simple. You make choices and you don’t look back.”


“Power discloses the character of its holder”