Back to my roots - an Invictus journal

Or golden retriever :smiley:


My story, I ran it, and after some days I see how I fucked up my reputation, then again quit it. After sometime I read testimonials and my mind justifies it again😂

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All ENTP"s I have met seem to have natural ‘ad(h)d’… the only personality that I really just like, even when inappropriate. LIke this one teenage ENTP dude singing the song: “staying alive” at a funeral. Funny and charismatic af but … yeah you get it. It made me like 'm even more.

edit: personal theory: ENTP in their youth have a hard time relating normally to kids their own age and it makes them feel insecure and they end up staying in their room reading about tigers and drawings or do video games and stuff like that. As a result, they connect with their introverted side and eventually start to think they are introverts.

What ya think?

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Depends what youth, we talking under 10, 10-15, 15-20, or… But I did lots of reading as a kid, and I still love reading story books.

In my early twenty I did a shit ton of partying which was very extraverted, like I was spending all my time with other ppl. And now I’m more in touch with my introverted side :slight_smile:

But yeah, people think emotionnaly and that is often something I understand is necessary for human but sometime not the right decision. Guess you have to grow as an ENTP to realise those shit :thinking: Everyone thinks differently, has different goals, has differents needs and insecurity, and you need to navigate through that.

One thing I realized today:

The subs can change their expression a lot depending on the last sub you ran.

What I mean is I put Khan on pause and tried HoM (wanted to test it to see if it would fit me at the Olympics or not), and while I did use it before and loved how it expressed itself, both internal and externally, it didn’t feel the same at all this time.

It feels much more “alpha male” like compared to before, and there’s a clear demanding demeanor, compared to my “normal” (which already works amazingly for me), and while I did notice some responding with more respect to this newfound “authority” I’m projecting, I’m not liking it.

I don’t like ordering people around, nor do I like to be demanding in a way that makes people feel like they have to obey me, which was also the reason why earthshaker authority was discarded, as I am more of a “Leader” than a “boss”, if that makes sense.

Now contrary to the popular belief, Khan doesn’t feel like it’s as alphamale oriented as HoM, instead I’d say it’s much more chill and fun oriented Alpha, which is probably the main reason all these girls were getting out of control and approaching me, and instead I was like “ehhh I don’t want” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

@Avengers68 is the only other guy I remember getting annoyed when girls show too much interest, but trust me guys, once you’re happy with a committed partner, or focused on something completely different to just girls, you will realize that most of the girls guys chase aren’t even worth the time, effort, energy, and money.

With that said, prior to trying out HoM, there was an update to Neo-Genesis, since I spent enough time with both that and Eclipse to know exactly what needs to be added and what needs to be removed, and I guess one of the biggest mistakes I made since the start of this journal was not including transcendental connection, as that module (regardless of the overly attached behavior it produced from others) was the main reason my friendships and relationships were so much better and meaningful, while as right now, I don’t even know the names of half the people I’ve been chilling with :rofl: like I literally went out with a friend from work and a couple others on Wednesday, and yet I don’t know (or remember) the names of anyone except for the friend :rofl:

Anyways, I’ll post about the update and all, since it’s also updated with a couple modules to help me throughout the service time, since I wanna stick with Khan longer, cause I also have a feeling that with enough time, Khan would suit me the most with the new Olympics job, but if I found it to not be suitable, then it’s fine, cause I don’t rely on subs for my life, but I just use them to already boost my own accomplishments.

On a side note:
This might not be a big achievement or mean much to others, but I’m really fucking proud of myself for managing my money better in the last 2 months, as I had an issue with reckless spending and never really saving more than 1k each month, and now I have 20k saved up.

Now why am I saving?
Well, I have 3 goals I wanna reach, all which will require a good amount of money:

  • buy a personal apartment on the side, so that I only visit the mansion when it’s necessary.

  • Cruise wedding, after proposing to my girl of course.

  • build a mosque anonymously.

These 3 are my main goals to achieve with money, but generally speaking, they’re all just goals that can only be achieved when I achieve true financial freedom, and while I do make a lot now, I wouldn’t call myself “rich” just yet, so still got quite a bit to earn :wink:.

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Can you please notify staff about order #2024128?

It was ordered as express yesterday, so I just wanted to make sure it’s gonna arrive on time.

I notified staff.

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Time to test this bad boy out :eyes:


List of modules?


Now someone has to make an All For One custom :smirk:

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There you go

  • Khan St4 core

  • EF st3 core

  • Heracles

  • Physicality Shifter Sexiness

  • Serum X

  • Entranced

  • Lion IV

  • Lifeblood fable

  • Gloryseeker

  • Transcendental connection

  • Fenrir

  • Fearsome

  • Victory’s call

  • Carpe diem ascended

  • Joie de vivre

  • SPS: Endocrine system

  • Khronos key

  • Deep sleep

  • The Architect

  • Void of Creation

Ahahahahhaha don’t think that’s really gonna work for anyone :sweat_smile:


That image is freaking awesome.




Lmao nah I’m saving that for when HERO comes out. Then I will make an All For One custom :smirk:

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One for all.

Both the name and the picture reflect this phrase, as the name is a reference to an ability from my favorite anime of all time, and in that anime, the ability is described as a stockpiling power which can be cultivated and passed on.
As these subs originally get passed on to us from @SaintSovereign and @Fire, I wanted to signify that with this custom, and illustrate that it’s not just something that I can use to grow, but so can everyone else.

The picture signifies that amount of power given to me and cultivated, and then being released externally to create new realities from within.

Fun little way of seeing it haha


Badboy badboy, whatcha gonna do
Whatcha gonna do when Invictus comes for you


Hahaha I think with this custom, even the people at the army service would be in awe when they’re in my presence :eyes::joy:

But on a side note:

I’m starting my army service on Sunday, till the 4th of January, and then I’m resigning the very next day :partying_face:


Where is the art from?

It’s beautiful.


LOL! They will promote you to General the very same day if you run this custom.

That’s a good choice. We are born to be free :pray:


It’s from Pinterest, but I color corrected it according to my preferences.

Hahahahah life would suck though :joy:

Hahaha well I’m still going to another job, transferring to the Olympics :stuck_out_tongue:
All signed :sunglasses: