Tips & Tricks by Invictus: Customs Edition

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to the second edition of the Tips & Tricks, brought to you by, the one and only, Invictus :sunglasses:.

Last time, the list revolves around tips and tricks for how to combat recon, as well as the best ways to execute subs.

This time, things are a bit different, as the tips and tricks revolve around customs (of which I have 20 :sweat_smile:), and as Iā€™m somewhat notoriously known for my customs now, I would like to share some of the things I learned throughout my time with them, so letā€™s begin:

Tip #1 Please run the store version first.

Everyone wants to make customs with super cool modules like Entranced, Ethereal Presence, Void of Creation, Sexual Manifestations, etc., yet people donā€™t seem to acknowledge that your understanding of the cores matters much more, as well as the time you spend on them, because if you donā€™t have the core scripting already within your mind using the store title, the custom thus becomes MUCH denser then it would normally have been for you, meaning that itā€™s just gonna backfire on you with more recon, and less gains from the modules.

Tip #2 Donā€™t kitchen sink your modules.

I started like this, but overtime, I realized that in order to have the best custom for me, the modules need to follow a rule: they should all be able to create a clear vision.
If the list of your modules canā€™t create a realistic image of the end goal of your custom, then trust me when I say this, your custom ainā€™t focused enough.

Lemme give you guys an example:
Making a custom with Gaming Mastery core, and having the Heracles module in the same customā€¦. Yeah, donā€™t do that, unless you wanna break your gaming setup haha.

Tip #3 Donā€™t add more than 2 cores in a custom to clear up spots in your stack.

I can tell you from my own experience and my friendsā€™, it wonā€™t work that well.
Why? Because youā€™re ultimately making the custom even denser, for the sake of a spot, which in turn will make the whole stack even heavier than it would have been, and poses the risk of stonewalling you till your subconscious can slowly start accepting the scripts fully.

Tip #4 Donā€™t copy other peopleā€™s customs.

While Iā€™m not telling you to not take some inspiration, what Iā€™m telling you is that you shouldnā€™t copy a custom, module for module, and expect the same exact intensity and level of results as the one you copied the custom from, simply due to all the factors that affect both of you individually, as well as the differences in the levels of growth both of you would have, so be original.

Tip #5 Donā€™t overexpose.

Okay so this one is a bit wild, because there are 2 types of people doing this with customs, the first kind are the ones who have done multiple cycles with the store title and want to run multiple loops of the custom because ā€œI can do it with the store version tooā€, and the other type are the ones who use certain modules such as Energetic Development XI, Sanguine, and Pragya (just to name a few), and use them as an excuse to run more loops because ā€œthey would take care of any possible recon.ā€, yet the people who fall in these categories (and the ones who do multiple loops without either of those factors) donā€™t understand that the scripting with YOUR NAME embedded in it is a completely different kind of scripting, and the fact that there are many additional modules also add on the density of the subs, so a 20 module Stark custom DOES NOT equal in strength to Stark ZP, and extra loops wonā€™t help.

Tip #6 Donā€™t jump to higher power levels.

I think thatā€™s pretty self explanatory, but if itā€™s your first time making a custom, then avoid making it at the highest possible power level, because thereā€™s a really high chance that you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing and end up feeling shit when you realize that you canā€™t handle the custom and kinda wasted a lot of money, so be smart, and donā€™t overestimate yourself.

Tip #7 Remake your modules list multiple times.

Once your about to order your custom, try to rethink the whole list multiple times, and even delete the whole list and restart it again, see how many different modules pop up, and only when you know for a fact that the 20 (or however many you want) modules you have in front of your eyes are exactly what you want, only then should you order.


One of my favorite and one of the most important parts of my own custom creating process right here :100:


Thank you for posting this.

So basically if you didnā€™t take the time to read the above, as your first subliminal here, donā€™t make a Terminus Squared custom to cover every aspect of your life by using 5 cores in that custom.


Doing the otherwise would be a splendid experiment though and we would have the very first subliminal martyr acquired at SC as well. :blush:


Regarding Tip #3, adding Ascension Chamber as a 3rd core, does the same apply?

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Why wouldnā€™t it?

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Saint Didtoomuch


Would you please enter a support ticket about this?


Quality post, @Invictus :ok_hand:


Thank you everyone for your kind comments :heart:

Hopefully, this will become a frequent thing, as I feel like this format helps quite a bit, so Iā€™m thinking about making more additions, covering other areas such as visualization and personification of subs, skills vs archetype subs, surrendering to subs, etc.

I hope it will benefit more and more people.


Itā€™s a very good guide, 12/10 Much Wow. Lol wish this was here months ago when I made my first custom :joy:

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