Ascension for a new member! Up we go!

Day 50 of 60 - no loop ( Tuesday- 5th July 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 24 & day 3/5 washout

So today I was asked to go our and put the trash out which means going out after weeks and infront of the neighbours etc. All my physical image insecurities raced back.

I had no choice I had to do it and I just got on with it, overcoming my fears and anxieties.

Other than this situation nothing to report


Day 51 of 60 - no loop ( Wednesday - 6th July 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 25 & day 4/5 washout

Got irate with my sister today. It was over something that I knew I was right about and she was wrong. Womens facial expressions are enough to make you feel a fool but I wasnt having it to the point that I told her to get her phone so i can take a photo with it and she can see for herself that I was right. Did I get an apology of course not.

I hate that I get irrate and lose my cool but im fed up!

I then was asked by brother and a friend to watch stranger things. They at their places and me at mine. I had to rush the lat 20mins of my meal and tidying up etc. Got to it and it kept buffering and it was so fucking annoying. I got irate again. I told them im giving up.

Eventually it worked but I felt my fuse was shorter than usual.

Nothing else

Following the instructions is a recommendation, but it’s also a way of experimenting to see how well it will work. Those annoyance reactions might even be tolerable to you, but how tolerable is it on those around you, and how tolerable is it to the quality of the relationship from the other person’s perspective?

What would you need to go from not knowing about experimenting to knowing about experimenting?

Id need Fire, one of the co-producers of this sub who suggested I use this for a while longer to tell me what to do next.

Experimenting now, when a product I bought tells you how to use it at sale, would go against the proper usage as well as add more variables that may make it harder to understand as to why im currently not executing.

I feel im not executing this sub.

Day 52 of 60 - no loop ( Thursday- 7th July 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 26 & day 5/5 washout

Ok so final day of the 5 day break known as the washout.

Today I got irate again at my sister.

I felt as if im surrounded by idiots.

After eating I was okay.

Nothing else to report.

My 2 cycle summary of this sub so far hasn’t changed, i’ve not noticed any clear evidence of it working for me.

Im doing all 3 steps (final step indirectly) as mentioned in previous posts so what else I can do but continue listening and hoping things improve.

Take action.

You are executing, but you aren’t allowing yourself to change or to take proper action.

Use the situations that pop up in your daily life to temper your behavior in the direction you want to grow. The moments where you are fighting with others - use these as opportunities.

Think how you would act 5, 10 years from now, with much more growth. Act like that, make it natural.

Take action - proper, real action. Not “indirect” action.

2 months ago, your goals were eliminating fear, procrastination, improving your looks and developing a sex life.

Which means working through fearful situations directly and getting used to it, developing ways to focus and motivate yourself, working out rigorously and socializing - including tempering your behavior. How much of this have you done - as in, truly dedicated yourself to these goals?

For example:

Good. Now get on it and ensure you never have to be fearful or anxious because of your body again. Look at it as a sign - the subconscious mind is telling you, “this is something we must work on”.

Hence, you start rooting out this fear and anxiety. You do this by working out. You do this by… taking action. This should be one of your main things to focus on right now, real workouts, at least 3 out of 7 days.

Stop taking “indirect” action.

Stop saying “I’ll do it when I move out”.

Start taking real, constructive action that you know you need to be taking. Start taking it now. You’re not going to be able to achieve that which you desire, regardless of the subliminal, company behind it and even the overall tool you’re using, if you’re not making it real through action.

There is nothing nobler than a man working on himself. Do not be ashamed for it. Do not let your anxieties, guilts and fears stop you. Do not let the insecurities and traumas of others hinder you.

Do not delay it. If you have to tell someone no, then do so. But you’re going to have to find the time to take action.

Build the habits and lifestyle now. We all wish we could get the rewards of hard work right away - endless confidence, the perfect body, rapid and accurate mind…

But they come only after building the habits, developing your subconscious, having patience, taking action and constantly evaluating yourself day in and day out.

We all wish there could be that magical moment where everything is made perfect, where all possibilities are open, the moment when we can truly show what we’re made of.

But that moment comes through many hundreds if not thousands of tiny little moments where you choose to take action, to trust your instinct, to take a risk and grasp at that tiny little push of the dial towards greatness.

So break through this block you have of waiting for the perfect moment.

Stop holding yourself back.


You don’t need a co-founder to tell you what to do. Our goal is to get you to think for yourself and achieve the life YOU want. To give you the tools to become legendary - you do the rest. It’s not for us to guide you every step of the way. It’s good to listen to advice of those more experienced, but eventually with experience and real action fueling your growth, you should be able to intuit what the next step of your journey should be - while taking into account the advice of others (but never blindly following it). You are the hero of your own story.


So you were more Alpha in a social interaction than you normally are and you were unsure if you should share that? Makes me wonder what other results you’re “unsure” about sharing, lol.

You were abnormally more alpha… Poise and calmness is Alpha behavior. The lack of interest in unnecessarily pleasing others is Alpha behavior.

Why are you more inclined to shrug a clear result aligned with Ascension (being an Alpha Male) off as a coincidental change in mood more than a result of the sub?

That’s not logical.


thank you for replying time is limited so ill read and reply soon - in mean time ill get back to journalling

thanks for messaging bro im tied up with time so ill get back to soon too.

Day 53 of 60 - no loop ( Friday- 8th July 2022) - 3rd Cycle started

I didnt listen to a loop - i missed it due to using that time I had on other things and then got tired to listen.

Nothing to report

Day 54 of 60 - no loop ( Saturday- 9th July 2022) - 3rd Cycle started

Sadly I remembered I had to listen but couldnt again and then the desire to disappeared.

Nothing to report

Day 55 of 60 - 1 loop ( Sunday- 10th July 2022) - 3rd Cycle started - Possible day 1 of 21

Today I plan and hope to listen and then go to sleep shortly so wish me luck lol

Day 56 of 60 - no loop ( Monday- 11th July 2022) - 3rd Cycle started - Day 2 of 21


Day 57 of 60 - 1 loop ( Tuesday- 12th July 2022) - 3rd Cycle started - Day 3 of 21

Nothing new. Still agitated by family and get irritated quickly - ie easily triggered and frustrated when im not listened or respected or just told to do things.

Life at home as become more chaotic and stressful. Only getting 6hrs sleep and sleeping at ridiculous times. Desire to sleep isnt there at all until im exhausted which drags the sleep time and cycle along an hour each day.

Due to extra stress and demands on my home life, the ability to do anything for myself isnt happening and in turn the desire to come and journal is less.

Im losing motivation cycle by cycle.

A new place to move into is always on my mind as its part of my plan and hopefully this week may hear something about another that we’re looking into.

Have you tried the new updated version of AscensionZP ?

Re download Ascension and you will be surprised with this new version.

I felt the difference right away.

Keep going.

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Hey man thanks for asking. So since I came here almost 60days ago and my first time, the Ascension was already ZP version and yeah this is what im using.

Maybe im just one of the rare guys for whom subliminals dont work. They never have in the past with other companies but im hoping still that this does eventually even if it takes me till xmas.

Day 58 of 60 - no loop ( Wednesday- 13th July 2022) - 3rd Cycle started - Day 4 of 21

After a very very long time I feel like I got a decent amount of sleep. I think I got 8hrs rather than my usual messed up 5hrs and this I think helped me in my irritation levels and composure.

Hey @AjUK there is a new ZP version which should reduce reconciliation.

I’m sure you are getting results and it shows.

You should probably listen less if you are feeling like this…

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Hey Amor thank you for messaging bro.

really? how did you find out and how could I know as I had no clue. I just used the ZP version that was on the sales page. That was when I started this journal 60 days ago.

Feeling like what sorry?

how? because for now I don’t see anything.

thank you for taking the time to help me. appreciate it!

Well, take a break, stop listening for awhile and you will notice all the changes Ascension instructed you to do.

Yes, there should be a new version in your downloads.

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AscensionZp was updated early this month.

Simply redownload from your account and you will see it is higher file size.

Listen to that version.
Also try to take 30 day break after this cycle.

Then you can clearly evaluate the results.

Don’t give up easily. I can understand your situation.

You evaluate your results based on when you notice any reduction of your fears or getting huge confidence or motivation.

But ZP is subtle.

It makes lots of subtle changes before those big ones. It is like organic growth process. (think of growth of a seed to a huge tree)

Good luck !!


thank you for this it seems to be what you and @Samguy are suggesting that I take a break as well as download the latest one.

Thank you bro I had no idea.

So I checked and yes the one im listening to is 21,096kb in size approx and this one on the download page is 35,160kb in size.

ill download it immediately thank you to you and @Houdini for telling me as I never knew.

30 days really? isnt that too long?
i was thinking of listening until I move out which is when I can actively pursue my goals on a daily basis and see what has changed.

yeah not giving up just feel as if nothing can work for me or that im a failure or failing with subs.

Yes absolutely. Otherwise ive no idea.

thats the thing, i wont notice subtle at all since everyday seems the same for me.

thanks man!