Ascension for a new member! Up we go!

Day 35 of 60 - 1 loop ( Monday- 20th June 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 9

Listened to 1 loop and eventually slept. My sleep timings are again badly ruined.

I woke from my deep sleep which allowed me to realise I was in a dream and the gist of the dream was I was moving out from my uni accomodation forever and I came across 2 people who I think were both personal trainers at different gyms.

They both were super friendly and happy to see me 1 last time and perhaps forever. Now having woken up I dont remember what either of them look like lol

Also in the dream was a fat girl who was even fatter it seems and she mentioned a person working at my local hospital here near home who helped her lose weight.

So upon waking up I googled and no such person exists in that hospital or anywhere online.

Beyond that nothing else to really share at the moment. I cant feel anything new and havent done but will see how I go alone and update this if I need to later.

Part 2

I feel disrespected and not acknowledged by family. I feel as if no matter what advice I give im seen as the young fool that im not.

I also have been losing my temper quickly today. May be due to lack of sleep but whatever its noted here.

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These dreams seem to point to in the direction of your physical health and self-care. I don’t know if you work out or have other physical activities, if not this might be a sign to get going :slight_smile:

Last autumn I trashed my right shoulder and was out for months. Before that I had slacked for almost a year with training, so that for me was a wake up call to get going again.


So you had a dream too?

And yeah this is one of my multiple goals and daily action tasks I need to perform.

No dream but I did not take care of my body over the last year, so life manifested a situation where I got hurt badly in my shoulder. The pain was numbing and I couldn’t sleep for more than 2 hours a night from the pain in the beginning. But the pain was a lesson for me to understand that I wasn’t taking proper care of myself.

One thing that I found the most beneficial to grow as a man and human being is to always take 100% responsibility for all that is happening to you. We are taught from a young age to always put the blame elsewhere, and thus we are missing the signs that life is trying to tell us. And by taking full ownership we are always in the driver seat.


I 100% agree about talking responsibility and ownership. We are where we are because we made those choices one way or another. Sadly some choices are made subsconsciously and others consciously.

Hopefully the subs will help break this cycle.

For me im hoping by the time ive moved out i can then take action on all my many goals and see what this sub as done to my internal universe by then.

Subliminals can definitely bridge this gap between the conscious and unconscious mind. With greater awareness we are able to see the intentions behind these unconscious behaviors.

Can you start taking some other smaller actions towards something that is within the scope of Ascension? The big ones as you’ve mentioned are waiting for you to move first, but is there something else you can do towards your ideal image of yourself right now?


Awesome this is what I cant wait for!

I tried, i got a book to try and read but the only time is when im in bed at night and then im tooooo tired to. I actually yesterday looked at the book and due to this lost motivation to even lift it.

All i can really honestly do is wait until I move out then time block all my daily tasks and get moving and by then see if these subs really do the job for me.

In the past the subs i used did nothing to squash my fears or inaction or procrastinations or anything. Even when i took action taking it again was hard.

extra: I think also I really am hoping that during these days and weeks that I listen to the sub until I move out (realistically seems around September of this year) that they do enough so that when I do start taking action im amazed otherwise ill probably feel disheartened but lets see.

Im hoping for something in my fears and insecurities but its really hard to say since im not once that inner-reflects well or is there a word for this, retrospects? hmm anyway yeah bro

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Day 36 of 60 - no loop ( Tuesday- 21st June 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 10

I had a dream but damn I forgot it. If I remember ill add it.

Nothing new to add feel same, normal and nothing else.

Part 2

So i felt insecure about my image when asked to go out and deal with the garbage. It wasnt a nice feeling and I noticed it however I didnt have to go so i was relieved.

Ive also been feeling jealousy lately. Even though the girl that likes me I know likes me theres some feeling of jealousy that doesnt make sense.

I also have been thinking A LOT of what I would do if I won the lottery, a figure of 10Millions, 30Millions and mostly 100 and 120 million pounds as that was won a few weeks ago. Not sure if this is all relevant.

Not as angry today as ive been yesterday or last couple of days

Day 37 of 60 - 1 loop ( Wednesday- 22nd June 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 11

Listened to the loop. For some days now I feel as if there’s less impact from the subs; that less is happening.

Today I spoke to a uni friend who went back to uni to get some paperwork even though we have all graduated. We spoke on the phone. He told me that it wont be a problem for us to get work in our industry and that we will have to wear suits probably. I thought we could be wearing the official uniform of my career but seems not to be the case. This caused me to have anxiety and uneasiness as i am hugely overweight and insecure and wished I could avoid shoes and suit for other medical reasons too. I felt this anxiety and realised if the sub is working on me it hasn’t touched this at all yet.

Today another friend from uni messaged me, he lives 200 miles away, a new graduate that he is moving to my town to start work in our industry.

I felt insecure immediately and jealous. Jealousy at him now working and round the corner from where I live which is where I could have got work but also insecure and anxious that once I move out (in the same town just couple of mins down the road from family home) that he will want to always meet and chill and im not wanting to do that here.

When i was at uni, away from the family town, going out wasnt too much of an issue though how I looked was an issue inside and hence im on this sub but going out in the family town causes and has always caused me greater anxiety all my life and no idea why.

On top of all this I just feel I wont be ready to work, realistically until January as I need these remaining months to of course move out which is when i then need to get productive (which is when this sub is really tested) and then lose weight too which is one of my goals as well as do the necessary work on my medical issue that I hinted at above.

That’s all but I do have a question that I think I may ask in the Q&A area. If I do ill copy a link to it here.

so here is the link in case you want to answer it too : Action Vs Placebo? Action for intangible results?

Also 1 thing I have said somewhere before that ive realised so will add now is that i dont read other journals or crave to read them. I dont know why that is. Is it the sub? Perhaps its simply that until I prove the sub works for me, how others are experiencing it wont matter as its subjective for and to them perhaps. Oh well.

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Day 38 of 60 - no loop ( Thursday- 23rd June 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 12

I had a nightmare and when I woke I forgot it.

My sleep cycle has gone back to shockingly bad. Im awake at night and asleep in day. Thats the usual way when im home especially as my chores or responsibilities require me to stay up late however during the first cycle of this sub this had somehow auto corrected itself suddenly and now its gone back to the way it was.

I as mentioned in the previous post, seem reluctant to read others journals.

I posted a question here on the forum as per my previous post but upon posting it i saw that @Fire was writing a reply and it freaked me out. Yup I got scared. I say this because I thought he was going to tell me off, give me a scolding or tell me that im not taking action is stonewalling and basically making me feel like im a failure. I got this for years from the other sub company I followed so I imagined the worst and avoided waiting to see what he wrote.

I today also spoke to my uni friend who is moving to my area to start a 6 week work shift in our industry that we studied for (i mentioned him in my previous post too). I felt little anxious calling him as we havent spoken in ages but hes my good friend and that disappeared as soon as we started talking. I hate having such jitters before doing something though.

Anyway whilst talking to him I flowed and tried picking his brains as to how he applied etc and then he would interrupt with picking my brains as to which parts of town were safe and cheap to rent a room in etc.

I realised much later after the call that when others have the information I need for my career I flow and have confidence but when its me searching for those same answers I have fear. Probably fear of failure but whatever it is im hoping the sub reaches deep and pulls at this garbage within me.

After speaking to him however I felt a lot more at ease about the potential of finding work however the fact that im fat and have to wear a suit in which i will probably look like that Violet girl from Willy Wonka makes me rather wait until I move out and start working on weight loss (yes I have a plan and idea of how to do this) and atleast get that ball rolling too.


I lost my cool with sister a little today. I get frustrated or angry at being told what to do and that im not doing anything or not pulling my wait or I messed up. Im sick and tired of this and want to move out asap.

Other than all this the only other thought i had is that im feeling as if nothing is happening in this cycle, even less than I felt in the first cycle.

Day 39 of 60 - 1 loop ( Friday- 24th June 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 13

Im very low on time as its 5.21am here and still not slept. Came to journal and nothing new to add really. No effect or anything felt or noticed.

However my mind is constantly thinking about moving out and all the things I have to do DAILY and hoping that I do not procrastinate or lose motivation or momentum.

Im also dreading independence in a way as once I move out this is it, im out and time to start living which ive left very very late in my life due to fear i guess.

Also I keep feeling maybe I should share all my goals here as then it will make sense all the 101 things I have to do once I move out but I dont want to share things so much that my identity is revealed not that anyone would know me online anyway or on here but im just cautious and private naturally.

Finally I havent time to read or reply to the Q&A I started about action Vs placebo so ill do it another time but thanks to anyone that replied that as I do appreciate it.

phew done goodnight


Day 40 of 60 - no loop ( Saturday- 25th June 2022 - Part 1) - 2nd Cycle started - day 14

I went to bed and dreamt of the girl that im still mentally thinking of and who I miss the attention from. For me she was the closest to ideal ive come across in a long time and I lost her.

I woke and getting on with my day but wanted to quickly jump on and just share this. I wonder, will Ascension work on making me pine over her less. She didnt have the same feelings for me as I did for her.

Ill return later

Part 2

Been feeling tired and sleepy

Nothing else to add

Part 3
So since part 2 was posted around 1hr ago ive been looking at internet broadband providers websites, and those that offer cable tv too as well as landline phone and also sim card offers with mobile companies, all just to understand the market for when i move out as I will need a good plan for everything.

Truth is that im super confused and my brain feels fried with all the information and the way its presented. Its all super complicated it seems.

im tired.

Part 4

So I have been actively researching on my laptop for other things I need to atleast start to look into in relation to my new place.

As per part 3, that left me stressed and frustrated and overwhelmed so i gave up and realised the simplest answer was simply not to struggle but go with the company that does it all even if the cost may seem a little more. I was hoping to be clever/smart and find different companies for internet, tv, landline etc to be a savvy money saver but time is of the essence so finally its the 1 company that does it all in a bundle package. That solution came to me at the end of this research.

The point is it left me stressed anyway and overwhelmed. The thought of trying to read, understand and even perhaps learn all that information on the websites was just overkill for me. That frustration and stress made me imagine of wanting to start 1 of those limitless subs (but not yet but for when the time comes).

I then had to take care of family responsibilities but I was able to play youtube in the background and so started watching reviews of other things I needed to look into that were on my mind.

Spending money or researching things is easy and cool kind of like window shopping but the fear of approaching studying or looking into anything career related clearly isnt motivating enough yet to try. The sub may need longer to help me dispel those feelings of fear and insecurities before I can actually start taking action on these simple tasks and enjoy it with confidence and ease.

extra: So after writing this post I came out of this site and went to another and was browsing that to then suddenly see a big spider. I am not exaggerating. With its legs splayed out this was a big spider, but unlike the black spiders of horror flicks, this was kinda lighter shade of cream if that makes sense.

It was slowly walking across my white empty wall at 1 O’clock to this laptop of mine. I panicked, luckily I had some white paper kitchen paper (not what you are thinking lol) and grabbed it and had to flush it down the toilet.

Why am I sharing this, well fear. I was pounding with fear. My body was vibrating and it was anxiety and fear. It HAD to be done but it was very uncomfortable and only after the toilet flushed and gave me that angelic sound of victory did I then being to feel safer and calm down.

I took action but that didnt change or affect any of the fear.

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Day 41 of 60 - 1 loop ( Sunday- 26th June 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 15

Had I think a nightmare, and some scary thoughts during the night.

Sleep time destoryed couldnt sleep for hours and a windy night with the window opened meant my door though closed rocked and vibrated as if it was possessed lol It disturbed my sleep all night.

The mulitple times I woke meant I remembered I had a nightmare I think.

Family friend came over, same guy ive mentioned maybe once before during cycle 1. I felt I was perhaps less confident or less alpha in my speech this time than when in cycle 1.

I feel less a lot less going on in this cycle than cycle 1 where even then I wondered if anything was happening though many informed me that it was all recon and that things were happening.

In this cycle I cannot tell.

Also I found a walking treadmill on those shopping channels and I never knew this existed. Walking is one of my goals though covid has made it tricky so maybe this is the solution for me.

Nothing else I can consider reporting.

Extra: I should add that I was discussing keeping plants in my new place when i move out. The female friend suggested it but it all felt like effort. I seem to find many things as effort, even just keeping a darn house plant.

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Day 42 of 60 - no loop ( Monday- 27th June 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 16

Shit day today. From the moment ive work theres been nothing but negative looks from sister or arguments with my brother.

Feelings stressed pissed off and just want to run away from everyone is how ive been feeling all day.

Felt negative and just annoyed.

Yes this could be recon or just another day in my home where every week there is an up cycle and a down cycle.

Ive also been stressed about covid since we as a family are taking super extreme measures compared to the rest of the world to protect ourselves and our family and its stressed me out today as I know once I move out I will also have to take such measures as im in the higher than average risk category however the stress of all these measures that I will have to take is annoying me.

I also have been thinking of nothing but how im going to need 1 thing after another to be in my new place ready for me to hit my weight loss or other goals.

Is this the sub well no unlikely since ever time I returned home from uni I felt this lack of productivity in the house which then resulted in me being optimistic in how when im back at uni I will be uber productive - but was i? no i was not.

This concern is why ive started these subs as soon as I could, the hope that once i am away and living alone that I dont fall into a mundane, procrastinated and apathetic way of being but that i gte motivated.

Am i motivated now no i feel today as been anything but motivating.

Journalling causes me to retrospectively over analyse my day in my mind to then add as much information here as possible. What is relevant, or proof its the sub working or proof its not ive no idea im feeling like im sharing myself and unaware of what is needed.

Anyway thats all if anything I cant wait to end this cycle and reach the washout as im feeling nothing from it.

I just realised something I dismiss is my negativity.
I usually am positive but whenever I speak to my sister about the family, or our past or why we havent reached the successes we once thought we were truly destined for, it results in me speaking negatively and it gets me frustrated.

My life hasnt changed due to my fears and insecurities and when I speak of it to my sister im full of negativity.

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Day 43 of 60 - 1 loop ( Tuesday- 28th June 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 17

Lastnight when I got to bed I decided to look at the route ill want to lose weight and part of that was a strategy I want to use. However there is another way, an offshoot of that, that I briefly looked at in the past and forgot all about. I cant believe I forgot about it. I spend hours motivated as is often the case at night, which is when im more active than in the day (zombie) and so i found this other way of losing weight healthily and I couldnt believe it. I was over joyed and happy and went to bed positive. I woke positive too.

Today the flat that I was going to move into in a few months time, fell through. The owners decided to make things difficult and so its not going to happen. When I got told my reaction wasnt anxious or afraid. Instead I thought ok well we need to find another one but then I said a cruel thing to my brother who was instigating all this. I said it cos im fed up and i just lashed out. It was a negative comment coming from the desire to cause hurt and pain.

Not good, not mature not alpha, not sensible not anything that I would want from this sub at all.

Like yesterday im fed up… but perhaps its a sign that im more sensitive of criticism from people or insults from people or perhaps ONLY family members. It hurts me.

I then got searching for new places and found many and then bro asked and we may have found something good enough. Is it ideal no, but in our budget and locality its probably the best we will have so im resigned to seeing the best in it for my needs as im always doing.

As I get close to the end of cycle 2 and bearing in mind im not actively taking action daily (but I am taking action of some kind every day though it is spontaneous and not action im seeing as planned, such as ill jump on my laptop to make sure I journal everyday here, or ill then do things online that I need to do such as working on the online community ive created with some international buddies or searching for a cleaner for new place to clean before I move in or other such needed things) but I am listening, im yet to see any evidence for myself that the sub is doing anything inside.

I am hoping that by the time I do move out that the sub has been listened to as instructed and hopefully will show me some changes in who I am.

Day 44 of 60 - no loop ( Wednesday- 29th June 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 18

Same as before with my sister and me being negative. This time I was negative and hurtful. It wasnt nice but im frustrated and angry and I dont know why.

Nothing else

Day 45 of 60 - 1 loop ( Thursday- 30th June 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 19

Nothing new to report from today.

Had argument with bro and wish it wasnt this way otherwise nothing else to report at the moment that I feel I can remember or is relevant.

Day 46 of 60 - no loop ( Friday- 1st July 2022) - 2nd Cycle started - day 20

Im easily frustrated and irritable at family it seems when they make me want to do something or find fault in something ive been told to do. I cant remember everything.

This could be due to lack of sleep and my ridiculous sleep cycle which was made worse today due to a relative going into hospital for surgery. I had to stay awake all night and day and slept around 12pm.

Nothing else I can think of sharing.

Cant sense anything from the sub though sadly.

extra: I forgot to add something else

So i seem to be complaining about the past or things to my mum or sister it seems. That seems to be the thing ive been doing for the past few days/journals. How the past growing up was unfair or ridiculous or how I or we have been kept behind by fears of our parents or whatever.

I seem to just always complain at home whereas with friends and anyone outside of family im a rock it seems.

Is this something new, no im sure its just my habits at home due to cues and triggers at home i guess.

What has been your listening schedule over the past 8 days?

Hi mate thanks for asking.

So its been the same all the way through, listening to 1 loop which is 15mins long, on 1 day and off the next. Then with 5 washout break days after 21 days. As ZP instructions say to do.

However I think I missed a days listening today, as cant remember or be sure if I listened and concerned is that a big deal?