@Alphamale’s questions and comments

Have you thought about possibly running a healing title with EmpB … Maybe something like Limit Destroyer or Rebirth … or Regeneration

Because I felt like I needed to
after that I took 4 rest days, and I had several naps on those 2 days.

who said changing titles is overexposure
the idea of waiting 12 or 1 days before stack rotation is a new one and also experimental.
I also care about myself, that is why I ask questions. and my listening schedule is ok

yesterday I was thinking of the fact that emp black is very similar to limit destroyer, so not that.
currently I am running paragon sleep and paragon for my sleep and ensuring that I don’t have any physical illness which I am not aware of.

Changing titles without rest days is overexposure because you are listening to more than 3 titles in a week which leads to recon.


I think I should start following the official guidelines.
1- 15 min
2- rest
3- 15+15
recon will be high, but faster results I guess

yes, but in case of higher exposure than what I said.

What does that mean?

I mean I listened to 1, 2, 3 min of a title
not like 5 minutes of a full loop
so it get reconciled faster

what was your results with dragon reborn regarding produvtivity?

Even if you are listening to less time, you have to stick to the listening guidelines.


Day 1: A x1 (3 min), B x1 (3 min)
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: C x1 (3 min)

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I had to force myself to work but once I established my working routine it was okay, although, I might have done 2-3 times more work if not for DR.


I think the ability to consciously force yourself can come from dragon reborn’s healing AND rejuvenation.

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Emperor Black has been pretty healing to me also, I have been expressing my love to my friends and to the ladies in a dominant, healthy and non-needy manner. Yesterday I ran a full loop of Emperor Black and the results today are better than the 3 minutes for me. More clear, more disciplines. Although recon sneaked in and I started meditating for 20 minutes under the sun; despite the vanish of recon. I COULD meditate for TWENTY minutes, in this between the sense of frustration started to surface, at first I thought about quitting; but I consciously removed the tie of the thought with my identity and it became insignificant and I could continue my meditation for a longer time.
In the morning: I slept at 2 am and at 8:00-8:30–I was feeling SUCH negative emotions to wake up-I remember @fire 's kick in the rear phrase. Other days I was sleeping at 12 and waking up at 9 or 10 :sweat_smile:
And for the first time after a lot of procrastination I stand up and went to sell my staff, but I saw my work shoes were f**d since I played football with them; I took the shoes to the stiching guy and he told me to come 1-2 hours later, I came back and started meditation. After that started reading the book ‘‘accounting for dummies’’ book. but after a few minutes I realized I am tired and my mind is foggy and I was also experiencing recon as anxiety and headache…–I COULD go to work, and I had the necessary willpower, but I took an hour nap and jumped out of sleep( how I woke up is pretty funny :joy:, I though I peed on my place and was f scared hahah.
And now I am here, feeling kinda refreshed and focused. But I feel I need more sleep. So I will start reading that book again and sleep if tired.
I also ran a full loop of another title with Emperor Black yesterday.

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I am not sure about this, But I think I realized that reputation is very important, by some reason my reputation on the forum was ruined. And no matter what I said, people were putting it on my attention seeking aspect. Gotta be careful.

Another realization I had is that full loops are better than smaller loops to me. WAIT UNTIL RECON HITS :smirk:–I listened to two sub yesterday, full loop each. :innocent:
Emojis on this forum are so cool.

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Yeah, making a madman or a fool of oneself doesn’t serve one’s reputation. Nor being honest like I am now does. :blush:

Anyway, it’s good to see you’ve chilled out, mate. We need to be careful on the way of self-exploration SC offers us. That’s all.

HAHA, thanks. I concur, subconscious mind can be powerful at times.

For now my final stack is Paragon Complete, Emperor Black and The X title. I have not decided what my 3rd title to be.
I want to get rich and also have a girlfriend. But wealth is the primary goal. And I don’t mean Alpha subs, cuz emperor black us alpha enough. I think something like EOG would be better. Since it has romantic empire stuff.
@SaintSovereign DO EOG and Emperor Black have specific romance scripting? Even in small portions?

To day is my listening day, two titles, one is emperor black, another ris not decided.
Yesterday was rest day and today I overslept, woke up tired and anxious. And there is also an undertone of irritation. Which is definitely reconciliation. I was supposed to listen to my stack hours ago in the morning. But I am waiting.
I think I should get ready for an unproductive day.