@Alphamale’s questions and comments

Dead ass, I saw what DarkPhilo said and I immediately realized that’s a good exercise/action-form for QL, for me.

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Do you recall a thread for brain games?

What do you guys think about elevate

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I think that I’ve been sorely neglecting my daily use of it and I don’t appreciate the Universe pressuring me.

Jokes aside, Elevate is phenomenal. I don’t know of anyone on here besides @BeautifulSoulGoddess that has mentioned it, though.

Is there one? :thinking: Am I even running QL?? My memory fails at the wrong times :rofl: there must be one.

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I need one elevate
Hahahahah see your notifications, maybe that could help

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Hahahahahahahaha! You’re a gentleman and a scholar for not exposing me for that, mad respect.

I’ll expose myself.

The fact that I created the damn thing is just precious.

I promise I’m really running QL. :rofl:


My far vision is honestly weak, like I tested and someone else’s is better than me.
And today I feel I am having recon, it’s more of a heavy feeling sometimes coming in my forehead area(besides the whole a bit of a headache and a bit of overload kinda feeling) I see this pressure as the POWER projection towards outside, as I get conscious of my eyes I see them heavy, as they project power, also today I felt more entitled and was a bit aggressive, but it’s not sth destructive. So I assume I have a slight recon with PCC.(maybe, mind work in complex ways) also I feel my dominance (aura or whatever you call it) that anger gut feeling which does not manifest in you speech but you feel it when you are in presence of feminine or wanna scare some people, like this gut feeling gets strong related to the situation. Did anyone experience this?
As I said again, I ask people more favors and also express my entitlement, such as power unleashed…

I think your conscious mind contain a lot of precious information

Yes we were sending messages to each other since 2015, I met RVConsultant at the Hayley Quinn club. He was head of his time and always gave excellent advice to members of the community back then.

However we both got frustrated after a while and left the Hayley Quinn club to pursue our own avenues. Eventually i found SC and recommended he use their products. One thing led to another and he was offered the moderator role in the community.


Ahhhh, a nice story
But he deserves it
And it gives me a strange satisfying feeling when I see your acquaintance goes back to years ago.
And the fact that YOU introduced Subclub to him shows he is capable.

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Now I am getting certain that continuing my washout is not in vain. I see clear signs of processing/execution…


Do you mind expounding a bit on one or two of these signs?

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A but if headache, change of behavior and perception, a bit of heavy head. Simply, I don’t have that light feeling of NO recon.

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Another major thing I saw is that the external power vibe/perception kicked in in the morning. And now that I see my in camera after a nap, I think it’s still there. My eye and facial expressions change and I observe them on the mirror. Now my eyes are wide and sth like when I was getting the hype from running The commander. Not the dominance thing like khan, it’s expression is different than commander.
But using this opportunity I want to express my concern about the mood swings of the my stack. THIS probably is the processing of numerous subs I ran in the last years, but I hope I don’t experience these perception shift in the long run. Like after taking my next washout of running my:commander, GLM and PCC, I don’t want my perception shift from one to another every now and then.

Honestly the WANTED’s nonchalance is killing me and urging me to losten again to my stack. I DON’T LIKE IT and listening to it was a mistake.
It’s the start of my 5th washout day and WANTED which I last listened to at 7th may kicked in, fuck me🤦🏻‍♂️
I don’t like it
I hope I could remove scripting related to nonchalance and stuff which leads to this behavior from people.

I think my recon is finished
And I don’t need anymore abstaining
Cuz ut has 3-4 hours since I don’t feel any recon, headache…
Maybe I am wrong
@Fire @SaintSovereign on my washout I was sensing different archetypes coming out in different parts of the day. Like one time GLM, and now WANTED which I don’t like honestly.
I have been having a bit(maybe more) of mystery in my speech and flirting with men and women yesterday and the day before it( but I think it was most likely PCC, cuz I was courting attention, not being silent like today and I also was cocky today, yesterday it was more indirect and better, IMO) could that mystery be a part of PCC rather than WANTED? Or it could be blended?

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Alright I played PCC after 5 days of total rest

That’s the whole reason to lisen to subs.
Then it’s your ( every users) responsibility to decide which way you want to develop.

If you mix to much diffret directions (programs/subs) then prepare for: insalata mista

I had my fun with : “Insalata Mista” also.
I better stay on course

What exactly is masculine expression?
I think it is whatever comes to your mind, if even it disturbs others, but in sub-club I think they made it in a framework, like framework of Character(maybe it’s stoicism), so GLM would not necessarily make you someone who cam always be expressing his opinion, especially if the user is someone who has a narcissistic boss and he is also using PCC.
Mehn, pcc is one of a kind to me

Question above is very much important to me that I wanted to create a new thread for it, and I guess it is.
But I thought lets wait