A ZP journey, from Melior

I already put it in then thought that Steadfast would do a better job so removed it
Those situation where secourism type of one so no real danger to be removed
More like naviguating through the shit left after the storm

For pure protection of myself or those close to me I think I’m good, I’d want that edge to carry on if it goes bad


Awesome lineup!

But I’m wondering… you’re only planning for 2 cores, right?

Also… this modules sounds edgy! :joy: :joy: :joy:

Did you mean Emotions Unfettered? :grin:

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Yeah I’m just frenchising the thing not on purpose :joy:



Alright. It checks out! :grin:

lmao MAN you crack me up! Laughed out loud at the office :joy: :joy: :joy:

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By the way, what’s the official word now on how many Q-cores we can/should include in a custom? Support article mentions up to 3… but is that for ZP as well? I have a vague memory of reading about 2 on the forum… Do you know? :smiley:

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As for cores / recommendations on how to create and use your ZP Customs – it’s exceptionally easy, as usual. No more than two cores per custom. Trust us, going more than that will lead to diminishing returns and will trigger the rather negative consequences listed above if you complain. Don’t try to fit your entire stack into one custom, then try to add two more major titles.


Like above it is 2 max recommended
But I’m no presomptuous man since all 4 of the cores are related all the others but just a bit less for RV core wich depending on some meditation might be the ultimate module to be trimmed

Plus the cores : Sage immortal, mind’s eye, GLM are quite known to be relativly light compared to others

I don’t feel like I’m trying to fit a whole stack, it doesn’t have APx :sob: or any seduction sub cores wich I enjoy a lot too, or even just love bomb for a nice touch
I think I’m investing into probably the most important sub I’ll ever have for the minimum run of 6 month, most certainly more

That’s a bit my mental journey and I’m no noob anyway and have other potent tools to go on that adventure if needed, plus I’m not the complaining type if it’s something of my own doing that cause problems then it’s my problem

So all of that to say that it’s a thought process and not a meere impulsion that I’ve been having for I forgot how many weeks lmao

Also it’ll be my solo runner with some AC
Like I’m currently doing with my custom Priapus’s Dream and AC

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8th day of washout

I keep having dreams where I’m naked for some part of it
I think it should have happened sooner since the nature of my custom and it’s title

I’m becoming less and less timid/shamefull in those dreams and feel more and more at ease with being naked in them
I’ll probably will take at least today as another rest day I’d like to see how my brain process the sub further in those dreams before starting back to listen to it

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I ran two cores for my last custom while first running Wanted and then Rich on the side, and based on the results I got, I’d advise that you stick to the two cores. It took a lot longer than I thought for my custom to truly start expressing itself and one of the reasons for that was how dense it was. That’s why I recommended that you stick to two cores and play another sub on the side to complement it. Since you will be running this custom long term the last thing you want is for it to overwhelm you.

@Invictus if you could chime in on the subject of how many cores are optimal in a custom your input would be greatly appreciated. I think that I would be able to handle 1 core quite easily and that 2 cores would be close to the limit of what I can handle, would you say that should be a similar case for those with less experience on ZP?

I wrote about it in the guide, I don’t recommend more than 2, or the results won’t be fast (unless you have a high flow factor) and you kinda lose the ability to stack as much, regardless of how good your brain is with subs.

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Okay just in case I think everyone knows that I know that the more the cores the slower

The thing is that the custom practically doesn’t manifest anything external so no urge anyway

The cores I’ve choosed are known to be part of the lightest

And I don’t count on stacking, stacking would slow results from my custom anyway so might as well go for the module in my custom name Inbed potentially at ZPT/ZPT2

But I understand that for newcomers safety my journal as transformed into some sort of warning lol

But if you look into my actual custom no matter 3 or 4 cores, the whole built screamed at hard growth from inside

I don’t expect it to be an easy one, even the one about love of life and PP I currently have is hard by being ZPT on a classical patern

So just to be clear it’s going to be a minimum 3 cores custom, solo run long shot with AC from time to time

I don’t feel that the cores I’ve choose are going to make anything slower
It’s not about having all the subs I want in one custom but the parts of them to construct a greater synergy for my very specific goal in my head

Like you don’t see wanted or love bomb in there neither AP

The only reason why it’s currently 4 is because I see as RV core to be a component to complete Mind’s eye core and give a practical aspect to it

The first one being the binoculars a’d the second the good enough eyes to see through them

Wich would give quite a good edge for me to discover spiritual secret knowledge through a skill that I love ‘’ sheer observation ‘’

And to stay grounded and keep grinding on the path, what’s best that masculinity energy

I’ll literally will become a spiritual alpha 300%
It’s the Emperor but spiritual version or should I say The Mystic

Also I do feel like I’m talking a bit for nothing
I guess we all have those days we’re we can’t convey our ideas at best lol

Damn retrograde, it’s planets fault I swear :joy:


So it was a 8 day washout

I felt it was enough rest

I’m currently playing both my custom and AC
So back to the first loops of this brand new cycle with plenty of growth awaiting

I keep dreaming about what I’ve been leaving behind the last two month to change a’d how it’s still attached to me for now at least mentally

Wich is a weird feeling in those dreams, they’re still quite dense /clear with a Grey /dark feeling to them

I think that’s how I felt in my day to day life when I used to shut up my desire to live how I really wanted to, but kept pushing those feelings aside to keep pushing in that wrong direction

So I’m finally getting time to feel more gently what I had to feel I guess

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I think my happiness lies in both hard growth for extended periods of time and other part on cracking open some soda can in the sun

Even tho I despise soda in itself even more sugar and don’t really like bubble drinks, I think the image of being in a cool ass plastic chair on an island has catch up to me

I think I’m that guy in a weird cabin of wood with plenty of occult stuff in it who people goes to get some help in last ressort

Just a bit less extreme since I socialise A bit every now and then

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I think I’ve progressed a lot since last time

I usually feel heavy energy the day following my listening, although to a lesser extend when I used AC

I think I’ll handle it easier this time

It might be a bit soon to draw conclusion since it’s only been one loop to assimilate for my brain but we’ll see how it goes in the following week

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Also I’ve found myself much less tolerant to things I deem bullsh*t

But extraordinarily much more patient for those I feel who deserved it

I’m developing a sense of infinity
I don’t know how to explain it but it feels soothing to my soul

To some people infinity might be frightening but to me it always seem not long enough

I’ve this acute feeling currently that eternity is just a very long ‘’ short moment ‘’

I feel like nothing is enough since everything has a start and an ending

You could tell me I’d live for 100.000 years I would feel like it’s too little

I’ve never liked ending, a lot of times I don’t watch the lasts episode of series, I just like it to stay in my mind as an unfinished story going on
Sometimes when I read a book for something else that learning, I stop before the end, or of it has a few sequel I stop somewhere

I don’t know Wich one is more true : is eternity real or is there an ending to all

Deep down I’ve got this instinct that there will be an end to everything, but sometimes not before an eternity

My memories and imprint of the being that I am might vanish some days or eons later, but somewhere in the subconscious forces of existance, I know I’m preserved as a single paradoxal element of contradiction

Like a mindle finger to the void yet a celebration of endless things it represent


Is this love or peace?
I don’t know but it does feel really good



  • Mind’s Eye
  • God Like MASCULINITY + Sage immortal
  • Remote viewing

Pure masculine strengths - Chaos bender :

  • Power Awareness
  • Steadfast
  • Vortex dive crucible
  • Immortals Courage
  • Furious Ascent
  • Immortal’s Blade
  • Dominion

Stillness Master :

  • Everpresent
  • Flow

Unlimited Emotion Unlocker :

  • Emo Unfiltered

Spiritual ignition :

  • Awakened perception
  • Mystery
  • Faith unweilding

Growth Boosters :

  • Deus

  • Yggdrasil

I still want big PP :

  • Male enhancement

Sorted out the wonder
Since I think I have an easy time seing how things are beautiful, especially with my current custom
I’ve always had that little childish spark so I think I can preserve it and grow it without a module


20 module it is finally I’d never believe I’d make it

Quadcores spiritual custom

Current Codname : The Mystic

Coming this summer :sunglasses:
2022 is definitly my year to shine really rough start but it was for the better


If it passes the integrity check… but good job on narrowing down the side modules.


It’ll definitly pass
I saw a random with a 5-6 or more cores custom :joy: I forgot who that was, but it shows that it more a question of double modules or mistakes that are checked out

Otherwise I’ll send a PM, I think my thinking and way of processing with those cores and ideas are not unreasonable and grounded in their approach.
It should be fine

And thanks it was a hard job to do so

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