ZP Journal Notes (AM, RM) - aeiouxyz

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022 - Day 34 of AM + ZP Stack

Webscraping progress has slowed down a little bit. I am somewhat stuck on this second project for obtaining real estate data. The listings are either regular listings or carriage trade listings. Code has to be somewhat altered to deal with the carriage trade listings.

I got some FOMO from reading @JayFlex 's journal entry for his ZP custom. Near instant results with a maxed out 20 module custom. In the past with Qv2 subs, I was not a fan of maxed out customs at 20 modules. I may change my mind with ZP customs and max out. It makes sense as space is limited in a ZP stack with 3 max.

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Thursday Mar 17, 2022 - Day 36 of AM + ZP Stack

Listening day.

With the second personal webscraping project with real estate data I have abandoned it. The ideal was to scrape multiple pages with Selenium in Python and automation. I was only able to do the most recent listings on the front page. My code did not detect the next page button to click.

Encountered some recon today. Went away over time. Made sure I drank a lot of water.

A few days ago I was browsing the custom store here. My brother dropped by, saw the images of the custom modules and thought I was shopping for crypto NFTs lol. I told him that those are not NFTs.

EDIT: Fixed few typos

Friday Mar 18, 2022 - Day 37 of AM + ZP Stack

Rest day 1 of 2 for week.

I revisited the second webscraping project on real estate data in Python with Selenium that I had abandoned yesterday. Instead of trying to click next page with automation I did this workaround solution where I use a URL link for the next page. This URL link is much longer than something like www.google.ca. This solution is not elegant but it works. I just had to try again.

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ZP Custom Planning & Draft

(H) means I have this module/core & would like to use again.

Cores (2)

Ascended Mogul Core (H)
Stark Core (H)

Wealth Modules (7)

Financial Success Reality Shifter (H)
Wealth Limit Destroyer (H)
Unlimited Wealth Motivation & Energy (H)
Sultan (H)
Marketweaver (H)
Secret Source
Positive Being Attractor - Wealth

Result Enchancers (7)

Yggdrasil (H)
Omnidimensional (H)
Mosaic (H)
Productivity Unleashed (H)
Divine Will

The not sure part where I choose 4 out of

  • Naturalizer
  • Natural Winner
  • Furious Ascent
  • Informaticon
  • Gloryseeker
  • Pragya
  • Current Invoker

What would help you decide? What are your objectives?


I forgot to state objectives in the ZP custom draft. My objectives are increased wealth, career advancement (ideal is data analytics roles).

In terms of decision making, I do need more time and research on those modules. There is also me asking myself which modules would suit me towards meeting objectives. For me the aim is for May/June for a ZP custom build. However, there are a few more ZP main shop titles for me to try out.

For the last 4 modules I am thinking Naturalizer, Natural Winner, Furious Ascent & Gloryseeker. I have read of good results with Natural Winner & Furious Ascent, Naturalizer on paper seems to make the subliminal run smoother. With Gloryseeker, throwing in additional fame aspect to get noticed.

And by then there might be new modules available to add. (No this is not a prognostication, this is simply a guess.)

My thoughts:

I think you got your objectives very focused in the draft of your custom. Please keep the focus.

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Thank you for your insights.

If new releases in the form of new titles, custom modules come out I will adjust the draft accordingly.

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022 Entry - Day 42 of AM + RM ZP Stack

Rest day today.

The plan is for a 4 day washout starting Friday. It is very likely that I am transition to a new stack of Ascended Mogul ZP + Stark ZP. If AM + Stark ZP works out for 21 days then AM ZP Core and Stark ZP Core should likely work out for me in the form of a ZP Custom.

With webscraping, I was fixing some old code with the real estate web scrapers. One of my current projects is webscraping flights booking data with Python Selenium. I recently finished webscraping Pokemon stats from the Pokemon Legends Arceus game. (In my spare time I play Pokemon Arceus. An enjoyable game in my opinion as completing the Pokedex is fun & rewarding.)

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Saturday Mar 26, 2022 - Day 45 of AM + RM Stack, Day 2 Washout

I had a hard time falling asleep last night but I did have a good amount of energy to tackle this morning’s work shift.

Fridays are my off days and the trend has been me being more productive than usual on Fridays. Outside of this stack I would mostly do nothing or little. In this AM + RM stack, I would be motivated to do webscraping, data analysis and Python programming.

Friday/yesterday I added upon the Pokemon Legends: Arceus webscraping project. I did Pokedex with base stats and now I did webscraping on the Pokemon moves & attacks. It was a good practice exercise for webscraping, data analysis. The end result in the form a .csv file with the moves, powers & descriptions helps with selecting good moves for when I play in my spare time.

A positive review is likely from me in the works for Ascended Mogul ZP + Renaissance Man ZP.

Monday Mar 28,2022 - Day 47 of Ascended Mogul + Renaissance Man ZP Stack

Day 4 of 4 of my washout period.

This washout period has been okay. I did not play Ascension Chamber yesterday/Sunday as part of this washout. The only issue I had in this washout period was having a hard time falling asleep Friday evening as mentioned in the previous post.

Switching out Renaissance Man ZP for Stark ZP tomorrow. It will be Ascended Mogul ZP + Stark ZP.

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Review & Thoughts Of Ascended Mogul ZP + Renaissance Man ZP About 45 Days

Use Case: Programming

This review is more based on Renaissance Man ZP than Ascended Mogul ZP in the stack. Here is a short part of Ascended Mogul ZP.

Ascended Mogul ZP was worth the long wait. The effects of it were pretty much the same as in the Qv2 version. This sub does bring the best version out of me in terms of productivity and behaviour.

With Renaissance Man ZP, I was pleasantly surprised with the results just after a week of usage with AM ZP. I chose to improve on webscraping with Python programming and data analysis. In a lot of my free time, I chose to learn and improve on webscraping. The motivation, productivity with efficiency was increased with both AM ZP & RM ZP. Fridays were normally my rest days and I tend to get lazy but not with this stack. I would use a good portion of my Fridays to learn & do programming stuff.

It did feel natural when it came to finding programming solutions through finding resources from the internet. Feeling stuck on problems were common but I do not think I was ever hard of myself with getting stuck. I would try something new until things worked with the programming code. Finished programming projects would be uploaded to my Github and shared on social media for exposure. I did receive a little bit of increased fame.

About The Stack

I have not tried other productivity subs in ZP so I would not be able to compare Renaissance Man ZP with a Limitless named title. Reconciliation for me was not really frequent. Any noticeable recon was not too big and would go away in a few hours. Note that I ran the subs in the full 15 minutes at 3 times a week. I have been a user since around October 2020 (Forum since Jan 2021).

Although I ran this stack for about 2 cycles (about 45 days), AMZP + RMZP at one 21 day cycle could be enough for most. Adding a third title to the cycle could have the results take longer as the subs are ran every 4 days.

Thoughts On Use Cases

This stack of AM + RM I would say is a good stack for someone starting out and for more intermediate/advanced users. I think the use cases for Renaissance Man is quite large. I used this for programming while the more obvious use cases would be something related to writing, art, decorations, dancing I suppose (with Spartan) and martial arts.


Tuesday Mar 29, 2022 - Day 1 Of Stark ZP + Ascended Mogul ZP

Started a new ZP stack with Stark and Ascended Mogul. It is +Stark and -Renaissance Man.

The only thing I noticed from today was some slight recon which did not last too long. Noticeably less obsessed about web scraping in Python.


That was an excellent review of RM and AM. Thanks for sharing your progress and results with both programs.

Looking forward to seeing how Stark goes for you.


Stark ZP + AM ZP is a bit of a test run just to make sure that these two cores are good for me again in a custom.

Renaissance Man ZP was nice to test out while Limitless Executive ZP in development. The Informaticon like part of RM ZP with finding information was helpful and stood out for me.

Limitless ZP + RM ZP could be really good for students and programmers.


Friday April 1, 2022 - Day 4 of Stark ZP + Ascended Mogul ZP

Rest day today. 2 loops of each of Stark and AM so far in this cycle.

This combo of Stark + AM ZP is somewhat heavier than RM + AM ZP but less dense than Emperor ZP + RICH ZP.

There is a slight productivity boost with Stark but not as great compared to Renaissance Man ZP on top of Ascended Mogul ZP. I have shifted focus from webscraping to crypto/finance data analysis. Speaking of crypto, as prices went up I paid attention more to the market.

I found this crypto correlation matrix tool for viewing correlations between cryptos. Correlation from statistics is a measure for seeing relationships between cryptos (in this case) and their price movements. Strange how I did not think of this when I ran my Qv2 custom back last year.

Renaissance Man ZP did guide me in making my PC build run cooler and reduce RAM usage from Windows 10 software. Stark ZP today nudged me to fix a not so powerful laptop. In this laptop, I reduce the CPU usage by doing a few tweaks I found on the interwebs. This slower laptop is good enough for web surfing, Youtube and e-mail for the parents.

Some small results so far in this stack but it does add up. Will see how this stack does over time.


Monday April 4, 2022 - Day 7 of Stark ZP + Ascended Mogul ZP

The Sunday loops of Stark ZP, AM ZP and Ascension Chamber ZP were pretty manageable. Manageable as in less recon compared to Day 1 of this new stack.

My one friend has started to reached out to me during my washout period before this stack. We are continuously keeping in touch through text and e-mail. This results seemed coincidental but I am sure it is from Stark ZP.

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Tuesday April 5, 2022 - Day 8 of Stark + Ascended Mogul ZP

Played my loops today (1 each of Stark, AMZP). I feel okay, no recon.

The productivity, motivation and ideas generation kicking in a bit. Webscraping stuff continues but this time in Google Sheets. I found this function called =IMPORTXML() that allows to extract/webscrape information from a website. The next step is to auto refresh Google Sheets with =IMPORTXML() to update extracted data from something like stock prices, crypto prices, European Football tables, tennis ranking tables, etc.

I forgot to put this in a previous post. The updated objectives for the titles thus far are super helpful. Objectives & pro-tips for Ascended Mogul were good reads. It does seem likely (80%) that I will make more main shop purchases (plus a ZP custom) once the full objectives are released.

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Thursday April 7, 2022 - Day 10 of Stark + Ascended Mogul ZP

Mixed results today.

Had some recon in the morning a few hours after the Stark loop and AM ZP loop. Productivity did not kick in that much until the early afternoon as I did procrastinate. I was doing a fair bit of research of custom modules again. I had Gloryseeker in my first ZP custom draft but will drop it as I could run something like CHOSEN on the side. I am looking into Overdrive instead of Gloryseeker. Will post another draft soon (here or in that ZP Custom Build thread)

I have abandoned webscraping in Google Sheets. I found a solution for auto refreshing the =IMPORTXML() function but the timer trigger to do the auto refreshing did not really work. At least I tried it out and found out that it does not work. Will stick to webscraping with a programming language.

Another friend reached out to me through e-mail. Stark ZP result.

Friday April 8, 2022 - Day 11 of Stark + AM ZP

Rest day today. Day off work.

There is a bit of a follow up to the above from yesterday. This second friend reached out to me around Thursday. The last time she e-mailed me was just after my birthday in Aug 2021!!! She had me in mind for a data analyst role for a referral. After some resume tips from here I sent in an application as I was interested. Unexpected and a big result for me. Let’s see how this goes.

This encounter also made realize that I need to fix my Github. Navigation is a bit of a mess. I could brush up on my skills in Excel and relearn SAS.

The first friend from Monday April 4, 2022 reached out to me. He had a Python pandas question to ask me. It was something like taking the time difference between columns in a dataframe table.

ZP custom planning is ongoing. Maybe I do not need a full 20 module custom. I could go with 15 or 16 modules. Will have to think about this more.

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