Your Cup Owerfloweth - An AlexSQ Journal

Start with her very first book. Later books are WAY more interesting (aliens, the future of earth, what god is, what our soul is, why we are here, who jesus was really and what he wanted from us) but this one covers the basic understanding and goes into 5 past lives as well as a spirit state of this one soul:

If you can’t wait for the crazy stuff, get a first glimpse with her fourth book:

Yeah much like Palpatine says, for most people there are quicker ways to solve the issues, but I am just “in those skies” a lot :smiley:

Yes, absolutely not. This is really just to play with it a bit imo.

I didnt know you’re a hypnotist ! Cool!

Well mom is the first love we have, isn’t she? And many people are just fkd up, so I guess we all need to heal mom to some degree :wink:


Was that irony/wordplay intended? :wink:


Lol… Im doing DR st2 and EOG st1, I cant remember what productivity even means :rofl::rofl:


I really love this process.

But it definitely takes me longer to get going!

I was reflecting that my mind seems to be growing more open to trance as well. This is probably one of the short-term costs of that. Eventually, my brain will adapt.


You all know Ying and Yang, don’t you?

So far, this SALVATION Journey (and alchemist) had me exploring my feminine side.
Compassion, giving, surrendering to life, etc.

Which is good, but now I get this URGE to run GLM, as well as getting back into working out stronger, being more dominant with my wife, etc. I wonder if it’s some planetary transition, or

more likely

I integrated my feminine side now into my soul and can use it if necessary, while still being the masculine guy.

This, at least, makes a lot of sense to me.

Or it’s just healing :smiley:


Now you can be the masculine guy that exudes masculinity even while showcasing the positive aspects of the feminine.

You’re ready for a transition into masculine compassion, masculine love, masculine fun.

Maybe you needed to practice with the feminine side before adding masculinity to those traits

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exactly how I see this myself, also. It was a necessary path.
I also enjoyed it. Of course it was “different” but very helpful.

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I realized my issues with spending money go deeper than I thought.

I learned over decades from my parents not just that money is evil but she was always hesitant to spend money on anything.

I learned recently from RICH that in order to get money you need to stop being afraid of spending it.

Money is nothing. It has no meaning. It is neither bad nor good. It just is.

So spending it is fine. Not even good. Just fine.

I notice a lot consciously now whenever I spend money how these thoughts pop up in a negative way that „I have to buy this now“

First I don’t have to do anything.
Second, I learn to enjoy spending it.

This is part 1, second is the manifestations. Got a new car recently and it came already on new winter rates as opposed to the ad. So 500 saved.

It also helped me to move my website from regular hosting to elementar cloud hosting which not only saves me 400 a year on business expenses, also makes the new website look much nicer, helps me to get rid of things regarding that I was putting off for ages and I have everything with one provider instead of 5.

Overall super awesome.

Love this sub.


Salvation ZP is also doing great work.

Insane insights.
The last days I also feel super grateful.

„Your floor is somebody’s ceiling.“

Had me realize that my thoughts are too negative. I have so much but still focus on lack a lot.

Big mistake.


I also just realized I don’t need to wait to pay off debt or get out of a financial rut to feel better and live in abundance.

I first need to feel better and live in abundance in my mind and that will then attract that life into my reality.


Some of you know that I didnt have a “safe” childhood. Not in the sense of abuse, but there wasnt much love.

So I always have a tough time with the “imagine a safe place froom your childhood” meditation.

When I just visualize the place I enjoy the most I sit in a shack on a beach, palm trees, the ocean, the warm wind blowing, and I am just sitting there meditating.

I wonder if this is a past life I was living?

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He who has the most fun in life, surpasses all other measurements.


Yesterday, for the first time, I drove my new electric car, while listening to a 417Hz frequency soundtrack to remove negativity.

I literally felt like living in the future.

But mostly I had this realization, that this is what humans should do, building great things for the planet, and solving issues in their mind and advancing it.

I DO think, humans in general are moving in the right direction. Or so I hope.


:pray: :pray: :pray:

Beautiful insight. Strongly agreed.

I wish you, me, and the rest of us more and more opportunities to create (and find) fulfillment in doing this.


Well said!

On another note, SALVATION manifested.

I am being coached myself, of course.
And today we had a breakthrough. A lot of emotional turmoil came up and especially one thing had me curious.
Over decades of my life, sometimes when I was meditating, or thinking, my mind conjured up images of deformed objects. Looking very unpleasant (from an OCD standpoint) and just weird.
I never understood what this is about.

Today we dove deep into the relationship with my mother, and right before a scenario there popped in my mind, this images popped up again. I persisted and went with it and then it all unfolded.
It seems to me, my mind did this as an emotional barrier to keep me from feeling the pain again.

Something my mother did in the past (nothing physical, emotional pain) which TO THIS DAY - I realized - influenced interactions with the feminine, but I understand it was just her own pain she was projecting onto me.
After I consciously accepted that, my body was filled with emotion. I felt tingling sensations everywhere.
Literally the issue in the tissue was resolved.

Or I guess, at least in part, I think it’s a big thing that needs more attention, but this was a good first step!

CFW, gentlemen! Stick with it!


I think more SALVATION is coming through.

I am redesigning my whole website and in the process of moving it all from Gumroad to stripe, I also watched my oldest course.

It is about finding your purpose, and at the end I throw in this video:

Made me realize how much astray of my purpose I actually had been.
Due to the War Room bs, and Red Pill trash, I moved my brand in a completely wrong direction. While I did make some good money with it, it’s absolutely NOT what I want to stand for.
In this moment, I started to love my old courses again (which before I thought were “gay”) because they contain a deep lesson.

And it showed me what I really need to do and where I need to go. This is the path.


On another note, since money REALLY sucks again (see, just because you made a ton of money with your brand, doesnt mean you’re rich!) I will add EoG ST1 to the stack again. Together with RICH and CFW this will make for a great combination.

As mentioned in telegram, Alchemist and the LBFH custom need to go. As much as I love this custom, and it pains me to leave LBFH behind, but the main issue I keep neglecting is to finally live in abundance money-wise and THEN move on other realms.


I realized today it was a PRESULT of RoM.

Without even running it, as you guys know, it focused me in on my purpose.

Now I could try to play against life and NOT run it today, but how arrogant would that be?

Ordering it now.

It’s been quiet here.

I recently am falling out of love with alchemist, magick, even tarot.
In contrast I get this feeling of “I don’t need any of this, my mind has all the power. “

Which is a powerful form honestly because I don’t need anything external.

All of it since running RoM.

Did you notice similar things in testing @SaintSovereign because I remember you said you do nothing else but subs and meditation. Did this happen after RoM?

But it also showed me how my subconscious sometimes sabotages me telling me to run other subs to avoid going deep with the current ones.

Or shall I believe in what it says and switch yet again? Feels wrong tbh.


YESS hahahaha

They’re just tools that help you utilize and access the power that you already have


Which indicates that you’re now finally ready to start working with them.

But you don’t have to.

You will if and when the time is right.

“Falling in love” is over-rated. (Yes, it’s beautiful, too.)

Any time that you dramatize, fetishize, or sensationalize ANYTHING (or anyone) will inevitably be followed by this stage of energy-reclamation and disillusionment.