Your Cup Owerfloweth - An AlexSQ Journal

I also realized this anger might be part of my Shadow.

The capacity for violence us humans all carry.

I WANT to be the Saint kind of thing, who lives in service to others, understanding, compassionate all times. Christ consciousness basically.
And especially compassion is also something I must learn as mentioned in my Astrology.

However, I might try to skip steps there.
Trying to be in heaven when my roots not yet reach down to hell…

Any thoughts @Malkuth about this shadow side?


It could also be that you Blue Skies in your custom, which Saint mentioned once to be part of ZP, and you have LBFH core which already has an inherent healing component, with Alchemist having its own unique healing side as well, and then you’re just adding a cherry on top with CFW :sweat_smile:

Could just be too much healing at once.

If I were you, I’d take the day as a self-care day.
Go to the gym, eat your favorite meal, smoke some weed (if you’re into that), and generally just allow your body to let lose.


Yeah, it might be.
Which is funny because I just told someone in PMs not to run too many healing subs and there we are haha

After the current stress I am dealing with is done, for sure. Thanks, man!


I don’t know.

Most days if I’m lucky, I get to take a walk for about 90 minutes. I’ve noticed that usually by about the 50 to 60 minute mark, there’ll be a shift and I’ll get medicine. Sometimes, it’s an insight or an idea just downloading out of the ether. Usually there’s a release and a sense of greater physical energy. Sometimes it will be a flash of awareness of something that is affecting me.

I think that walking, jogging, rowing, dancing, cycling for an hour or so is a gift that allows the angels to help us heal.

I relate to Anger as a physical reality. Like a water spill on the floor. Or a steaming kettle or pot on the fire. Understanding it is helpful. But what’s more urgent is to go and handle it.

Sometimes I know how to do that; and sometimes I don’t.

But physical, emotional, and mental expression usually help.

One thing I can say. When you’re angry, look to your borders and boundaries. Policing and protecting our boundaries is the sacred responsibility of Anger. It may be sending a message that there is a fence that needs mending or an intruder (whether external or internal) that needs handling.


You might as well just do that… Sometimes when Ive experienced that feeling I find a moment I can be alone and I grab a pillow, cover my mouth with it and scream my guts out… let everything that pisses me off come out.

When the anger is more physical so to speak… nothing like beating the shit out of my boxing bag… till Im tired… then a cold shower and you get a bath of endorphines.

Sometimes we need to help the healing process using our bodies to vent out the trapped emotions that comes to the surface.

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TRE sessions? What are those?

@Joa23 @AlexanderGraves

Good point!

I should use the punching bag more often. Then again, anger is an emotion I hadn’t felt in a while. Was just super not prepared for it.

Either the shadow is lurking, or healing.
Then again, I already feel a lot better.

Still I like the idea of screaming in your pillow. I actually did have a thought about „just scream it out“


Trauma release exercises.
Joa might provide a link to the video since I’m on the phone right now.


There you go!


Well I was super prepared for all the anger, loneliness and sadness DR brought up. It was anxiety that I was totally unprepared for… I didnt knew how to handle it yesterday.

Oooh… that makes a lot of sense.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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I used to do TRE a while back. Just want to advise people it can have a delayed effect, much like subs you need time to process. Don’t overdo it. Listen to when your body wants you to stop. I’ve had stuff sort of “break” off and float into my psyche a day later I wasn’t ready for.


It is like subs in a way… it has its own times to dig things up and bringing them to surface.

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Much better feeling today.

Feels like something got healed.

I don’t notice anything particular but my wife is super loving so I guess my aura is different and I subconsciously forgave her.


My sugar intake increased ever since alchemist but especially now with the healing stack.

However NOT the shitty artificial sugar that kills your vibe.

Just fruits. A lot of fruits lol

I guess it’s due to increased energy consumption for the subs.


SALVATION (CFW) Is very interesting.

I been on the spiritual alchemist path for quite a while now, but cfw is showing me who I am and how to apply this in a more sensible way. Taking care of finances, love life, etc.
It specifically currently is healing false beliefs about sexuality and spirituality. Or so it seems.

It’s not that I want to be more materialistic again, but it’s the understanding of “you still live on the physical plane mostly, this is where you need to cover ground”
So it works very well with me running my Alch/LBFH custom only occassionally, and mostly focus on the healing and Wealth.

It’s a lot about forgiving myself and not being too hard on myself all the time, while keeping discipline.

I must say though that productivity tanked a bit because the healing is heavy, and I do a lot of yoga, TRE, meditations. Yesterday I opted for 1 1/2 hours of meditation instead of working.
However, it feels great because I came across this:

Would love to know what @Joa23 and @Palpatine think of this.
It’s self-hypnosis so I guess not as effective, and while I couldn’t really get any visuals from a past life I did feel that my body was in complete relaxation. I guess it takes more attempts to really figure something out from the past, if so.

I also learned a lot about the relationship with my mother. I still blame her for me not being able to love properly since I never received much of that. I simply cant think of a time where she truly showed me love. Idk if it is suppressed or just never happened.
I think I forgave her for it, but considering the feelings, I prolly still didnt :smiley:

She just isnt the person to ever show such things.
No point in blaming, but its of course, tough to work with this.

Either way, great, powerful, but also tough, journey :wink:


I don’t mess with past life stuff in client work. So can’t comment much on it.

It that I’m like anti-PLR. I just avoid regression on all forms because I can get results for people without it. So it’s “fluff” in how I do stuff.

It is interesting from the personal side though. I can’t say 100% that what people experience with last life hypnosis is real or not. As there’s no definitive way to prove it.

Brian Weiss himself said that it might be all projections from the subconscious creating “past life” scenarios to fulfill whatever goal the client has. Also no way to 100% prove that either.

So I guess a good answer is if you find it useful or not.



I came to this whole thing from the Dolores Cannon books, where multiple people all over the planet, thousands of them, reported the same things about “in between life” states. Basically in their spirit state. It was done via hypnotic regression.

I know how this sounds, but honestly, with so many people reporting the same. I dare to say it MUST be true. These coincidences are TOO much.
Plus, it explains so many things. She has like 14 books from 30 years of her practice doing this.

This is why I wanted to figure out a bunch of things about myself.


That makes me very curious to say the least.

Reality is much weirder that what we can imagine. I dont know the definitive answer, but I have many suspicions, to paraphrase Robert Anton Wilson.

Personally, there was a time in which I used a lot of PLR with clients, basically I treated everything with PLR… after a while I grew out of it, it took too long, it was a complicated process and more often than not unnecessary, because I found methods that provided those specific changes in people much faster, without complex processes and most of them were not interest in the spiritual gains and awareness you can gain with a PLR.
Now a days I do regression into childhood mostly when doing therapeutic work, I could probably do without, but I do resonate with that kind of work… I enjoy it, its very fulfilling and people get profound changes. I mix it up with other tools that dont requiere regression.

Talking about the video you shared, Ive always struggled with those recorded things. I could say its because sometimes they go faster that what I need and I cant go deep enough before they move onto something else, or because they sometimes go painfully slow taking like 20 minutes for a progressive relaxation that could easily be done in 2 minutes and I end up stressing about it lol.

But the truth is that the lack of real time feedback is what makes them troublesome for many people to have solid results with recorded guided hypnosis or whatever. Like the audio I sent you… fortunately I know the process well enough and the speed and rhythm are fine for me… I wont get the results I could get in a real live session though.

I would really love to have an hypnotic buddy to play with Dolores technique for talking directly with the higher self. I know Richard Bandler used to do that same thing in the past, but rarely talks about it… he hides the best stuff. Next week Im giving an hypnosis class and Im gonna be teaching that to people… I wonder what would happen.

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Am I reading my own journal here? :thinking::rofl::rofl:
Ive been trough layers and layers of self forgiveness and releasing anger, blame and whatnot pointed towards my mom.

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Same here.

Working on it.

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