Yogic Journey ~ The Art of Being Whole ♥️ 🦋

“You must feel its naturalness, like my own bed at night. At first the new state seems unnatural, like wearing a new suit or hat. Although no one knows your suit is new, you are so conscious of it you think everyone is looking at you. You are aware of its fit and its feeling until it becomes comfortable. So it is with your new state. At first you are conscious of its strangeness; but with regular wearing, the new state becomes comfortable, and its naturalness causes you to constantly return to it, thereby making it real.”

-Neville Goddard

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Keep in mine that she’s using the word “state” like Neville Goddard did. I really wish he’d have used a different word.

Neville state is the same as “Identity” in NLP. State in this context is “who you are as a person”.


What is state in NLP ? I briefly looked that over in my Manuel before.

Something else. :wink:

Great explanation :roll_eyes:

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I feel so much going on within my body mind and energy field.

It’s wild!

Letting the breath guide me. 🫶🏼

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Wow… something different with you today. :upside_down_face:

What? :joy:

Different good or different bad?

different is better than …

of course it means good…

I like different. Excites me!

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I like exciting you.

Aight imma stop now :joy:

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Day 7 ~ listening day
Genesis & HoT (full loop) / LB (5mins)

I was dreaming about some sexual stuff that was highly arousing right before I woke up. Woke up very aroused and had to take care of that. Haven’t experienced that in a long time. :sweat_smile: the dream appeared to be me watching what I thought was a live stream of people in a sex act just for me but then I realized it was Netflix and thanked Netflix. :joy:

Feeling a bit emo this morning. As I listened to genesis I was crying with reflection on a lot of the stuff going on lately and over the last couple years.

Reflection on my healing and the many opinions of that in the world. The many opinions I’ve taken on as my own.

Back to thinking about my purpose in life.

Definitely going to sit outside with my coffee and do some meditation then yoga. Manifest up some goodies. Clean up the garden in my mind.

BF’s recon has been a challenge for me, but I also wonder if that’s how it’s been all along?

Do I choose specific partners for specific reasons that aren’t of love respect kindness and freedom/ self growth & expansion as individuals in turn helping our relationship grow too.

I wish I could transfer over the things I share with @Palpatine about the effects I feel from the subs and my progress, insights. Etc.

That’s a new goal of mine!

Some insights and experiences so far:

*A man drove past me sitting outside with my bf and did a triple take smiling at me.
*My friend told me they felt the love from me and that I looked amazing, multiple times last night.
*I felt amazing last night in the outfit I picked out.
*I find myself bringing up stuff about my past with my bf relating to men and sexual stuff. This results in him being triggered. I want to feel safe and secure expressing all of me without backlash. It’s confusing because sometimes he’s receptive to it and other times becomes bothered and a fight begins where I don’t want to be sexual and close myself off to seemingly protect myself.
*My youngest daughter has been very affectionate with me. It’s adorable.
*I found myself looking at some local places where I would love to support with my services. I would love a contract or some form of a position created for me with flexibility. I dropped my resume for fun to the hospital & a few other spots and leaving it be. I aspire to be financially free working the way I want to work. Just not sure how it’ll all play out with me having 3 kids and all.

I’ve become certified in Reiki, Coaching & now half way through trauma informed yoga teacher training. I have an NLP & Hypnosis course online that I’ve dabbled into but haven’t completed. It can be done whenever with no deadline. I am a child and youth worker with extensive training and experience in the field of mental health, developmental disabilities and early childhood development.

I don’t wanna waste my life away wondering wtf to do. I also don’t wanna be locked into a 9-5 again. I left that world last year.

I also play multiple instruments, writer of many things & love the arts.


To add

I genuinely love & care for people but I believe I am supposed to treat people the way they NEED to be treated in order to grow. This can come across as cold or Calus.

For whatever reason I was put here with the right balance of fire & water. I have a pretty solid balance between my feminine & masculine qualities too, but feel super confident to step into my masculine in order to protect those I love and to help those I love grow and expand further.

I have had to say firmly and boldly, “stop talking!” Dismiss and deflect crap and redirect back to love.

I am probably the most unconventional “earth angel” or “light worker” there is in this modern day world.

I have witnessed rapid transformations and reality shifts in many many people I’ve worked with and supported on this journey so far.

I can be tough yet gentle and soft too. I have very high empathy for people. I have felt peoples physical pain before. I’ve gotten better at protecting myself since LBFH though.

I used to take on peoples crap and almost morph into them to show them their crap, to heal. Not doing that anymore.

I just hold up the projector screen or mirror for others to see what’s really going on & hold the space for then to process and heal it.

It’s difficult being me sometimes but I am a total bad ass!

I’m grateful for my gifts that will only get better with time.



Make it about you always. Not the other person.

These are great questions to meditate on.

Depending on if you want a man or woman of course.

You’re both listening to subliminals, so you both might be having reconciliation at the same time.

So that’s where talking, and LBfH, or LB, or Sanguine the Elixir, etc. might be helpful.


When he talks I feel like he’s being too dramatic. :flushed:

I suggested he starts a journal here though. A place to share with others who can relate and support him as well.

I added love bomb to my stack actually. I suggested he add Sanguine to his and drop LD for now.

Edit: He replaced LD for Sanguine & listened today. Rebirth + Sanguine.


Grateful to have survived a tick attack yesterday. Made it out with no bites or attachments on their part. I was also experiencing some pretty intense recon right before I arrived to the woods.

I have never had a problem with ticks before. I am the kind of gal who goes off grid in the woods where there are lots of woodsy leafy tall grass spaces.

I am the kind of gal who goes off the path to explore new territory.

Yesterday shook me up but also showed me my strength & power ~ I am invincible.

I changed my experience of how I experienced this and I began to laugh. I began to feel much lighter. More proud of myself too.

I was able to remove those fuckers off my bfs back. They were literally everywhere.

In a moment where your sympathetic nervous system kicks in, fight flight or freeze - I chose to fight. The warrior within me came out.

When I got home, I found one in my hair. This was actually a really beautiful moment for me. I realized how much fuller and healthier my hair has become since my Covid/major life stress event happened, where my hair had taken a toll for the worst.

I felt comfortable to let my bf touch and go through my hair piece by piece to look for ticks. I felt relaxed and at ease. To most this may not seem like a big deal, but for years I wouldn’t let anyone touch my hair.

Isn’t it wonderful what happens when you decide to make a shift in consciousness from within. Magic happens. :heart:


I’ve noticed I’m crying more with this stack.

Wondering what that’s all aboot?!

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