Yogic Journey ~ The Art of Being Whole ♥️ 🦋

Day 12 ~ rest day

Woke up feeling a bit sluggish…

Put on some Stick to Your Guns & began to flow in my kitchen. Ninja warrior yoga style.

Began to twerk a bit too.

I was activating my glutes really good last night.

Something clicked in me when doing a certain yoga pose I often lifted from the lower back in. Game changer. Now to maintain that and rock it more and more.

I feel sort of beast mode right now but gracefully beastly ? :joy:

I’m continuing to not allow BS in my world… for every door that closes many more will open…

Drop the led and bring the gold.

I really really really want to produce large sums of money working less and being more in the world as a digital content creator and social media presence…

Break these chains & rise above :microphone:

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Day 13~ listening day

Dreamed a lot last night. Didn’t sleep as many hours but feel okay this morning.

Enjoyed morning cuddles with my 3 year old.

My daughters were both very pleasant and cooperative before leaving for my 3 year olds dance & gymnastics classes.

She participated in dance amazingly today. The last few classes were dreadful, so that was a wonderful change. :sweat_smile:

I noticed some doubt kicking in but that quickly melted away.

Looking forward to a road trip later this evening with my bf. Going to see one of my favourite bands since high school tomorrow ~ Thrice. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I started thinking ~ could I add in minds eye once a week to help with manifesting? Or is this recon :sweat_smile:

Probably not needed.

Listening day ~ same stuff.

Holy moly. I have memories flooding back of my experiences with all my ex’s. The patterns and similarities between them all. The way I showed up. The identity I had for myself.

The same things keep showing up until we address and truly heal them.

It hit me so deeply last night as I slept on a couch in an Airbnb rather than in the big king bed where my bf was snoring. He told me he was sleeping in the bed even though I asked to sleep alone. Oh well.

I prefer to sleep alone because I am thrown off by little things at bedtime. Sleep hygiene is so important to me. To be proactive, I feel it’s better to sleep alone. He can stay up late doing his thing while I do my own thing. He can snore and I won’t hear it. I can snore and he won’t hear it. My snoring isn’t even loud though. I heard him snoring from downstairs last night. Had vivid intense dreams with lots of processing going on.

I went away for a weekend getaway to Toronto to see one of my favourite bands since high school ~ Thrice. enjoyed myself, feeling the music on a whole new level. It was fun! I cried a bit during some of their songs.

We argued a lot on this trip. He says things to me that trigger me. “Stop taking things out on me.” “You shouldn’t listen to subs.” He is listening to subs and very new to them.

Sometimes I just wanna vent and express without judgement or criticism. Someone to hold the space for me without commentary. I do this for others.

I laid on the couch questioning what I have done for myself. What have I created? I feel like I’m deep in a hole and have to find my way out again. I don’t wanna have to rely on others or depend on others in a co dependent manner. We all need each other & it’s okay to ask for help, but also making sure we embody our own self reliance too.

Got a phone call today from local health unit informing me my 3 year old was registered for school by my ex, which I didn’t know about. I’m going through court over this. I don’t wanna be knocked from my desired outcome of her being with me for school & seeing him when he isn’t working, flexibility. He isn’t a good communicator & often misinforms me of important things. Him and his family would probably be happy if I disappeared. They have a very unloving image of me. :cry:

He’s trying to reduce my time with our daughter when I have designed my life to be available full time for her. I am an excellent mother. He hasn’t Detached from his mother yet & she is so heavily involved in his life and my daughters. He stays at his parents when he has our daughter.

This is madness.

I will be okay but this feels heavy right now.

I’m not reducing my sub usage because this isn’t overload or too intense of recon. I’ve experienced much worse. I’m drinking a butter coffee right now & breathing.

It’ll all be okay but for right now I’m so sad.

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Listening day ~

Been working out so much in my mind past few days.

On my drive back from Toronto my bf was having recon at the same time as me… this made for an interesting test of my patience & restraint.

I was getting some unloving thoughts such as punching him in the head, leaving him at the service Center or throw him out of the vehicle. I am not a violent person or intentionally want to harm anything, not even a fly. I had fire moving through my body. I started doing some pranayama while driving to cool my body down. To come back to balance.

He talked for over an hour straight relating to giving back what I had dished out. If I’m gonna speak a certain way then I’m gonna get it back, according to him.

Sometimes I find it difficult being me because I have the abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience & claircognizant & I am an intuitive empathic. I see feel hear and just know things before they happen or while happening, past present and future. :flushed:

I have held the space for 100’s of people in my life to let out the darkest corners of their being throughout my entire life. Projections that would take place through words and actions. I did my own version of exorcisms intuitively without any proper guidance from a super young age. I have a powerful mind that sometimes scares me.

I learned how to protect myself to an extent but I am also a human, not just divine. There comes a time where enough is enough. I don’t want this to show up in my world anymore, but do I have a choice?

It’s astonishing what the outcome has been for all the different people who would release their crap in front of me though. I have a high success rate for helping some of the ugliest parts of people to become beautiful again.

From dark and ugly to whole and beautiful.

I was engaged once to someone who experienced losing their brother in a collision. They went to the vehicle to remove belongings and saw things no person should ever have to see. That haunted them for many years leading to extreme anger and blocks to their energy flow. I witnessed violent outbursts leading to dropping to his knees and crying. Opening up about some extremely vulnerable things. He is now a successful business man and super dad to our daughter. We are very close and have excellent communication. We have each others backs.


I’m just realizing how I would bring men and even women romantic and non romantic into my life with extreme trauma in their pasts, presenting with a lot of unconscious patterns & I would work on fixing and changing their patterns. They would say how do you know what I’ve been through and how would you know what’s best for me. People thought I was creepy and weird. It was hard to be my full true self with all these gifts that felt more like a curse sometimes. I used to use drugs and alcohol to escape. I am completely sober other than good coffee now.

I felt that if everyone around me is okay then so will I. Clearly a learned behaviour from childhood.

So many flashbacks of things have come up to heal that I thought were already healed. Or maybe just reminders of what not to do anymore and keep going on my journey to bliss.

It feels good to have let this out.

I have court next week with ex fiancé #2. The reopening of a long drawn out case against me relating to custody of our daughter. His family painted a picture of me being crazy. This stemmed from exposing my gifts to them. Trusting the wrong people. Not fully understanding how the laws of power work. I was using them wrong.

I have a really good lawyer and a really good cause this time around. Trying not to get emotional and knock myself from my state.

I got a call from one of the places I dropped a resume at for any position (child protective services), maybe even a created position since my resume is amazing. I don’t really want to go back to a job since I desire to be financially free doing what I wanna do & have been working at my business. I see where I am procrastinating though. Maybe having something casual where I am helping others while working at my bigger goals may be good for me.

Anyways, they’re putting my resume at the top of the pile.


Remember that we consider subliminal audio a form of self-care. If usage becomes overwhelming, cut down on exposure. You still receive benefits during short and long-term washout periods. I’ve been on a… 8 month washout period now and its given all the subliminals I ran over the past few years time to set in. Not suggesting you quit, but the active running time and the washout periods (even for a day or two) has great benefits.

There’s never an issue in going DOWN in exposure. It’s going up in exposure and overexposing that causes the issues.


Roger that!

Wash out begins on the 12th from this stack.

I’ll take a longer wash out this time around.

Let it all integrate! :heart:

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I am loving the book 48 Laws of Power.

I listened to PCC briefly before & doing a little experiment with it right now until my wash out.

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I’m glad you’re a part of the community! No wonder I take a liking to you, I’ve had some crazy experiences myself in the empath/intuition arena as well. I discovered I had my own traumas to heal and be free of after years of nothing but inner work. So I’m glad there’s somebody who I can relate to in terms of having legit experiences but not having anybody to talk to and share with.

Anyway, how are you finding time to fit PCC in? It’s one I always have my eye on but again, can’t find a spot for it in my stack. I could use it for sure especially being someone who never used to stand up for myself and kind of was a doormat, that unfortunate side of being a sensitive/empath but not having flipped the coin yet.

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I’m being experimental. Going against the suggestions.

I’ve been experimental with subs for about a year now. Knowing my limits and when I feel overload.

Less is more.


My skin has been clearing up so much & feeling more radiant :pray:


This photo is so good

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Is your MBTI INFP by any chance?

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INFJ according to taking a test over a year ago. Funny you ask cuz I was reviewing it yesterday randomly

Gonna retest now & get back to you!


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Protagonists (ENFJs) feel called to serve a greater purpose in life. Thoughtful and idealistic, these personality types strive to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them. They rarely shy away from an opportunity to do the right thing, even when doing so is far from easy.

Protagonists are born leaders, which explains why these personalities can be found among many notable politicians, coaches, and teachers. Their passion and charisma allow them to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships. Few things bring Protagonists a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves.

Speaking Up for What’s Right

Protagonists tend to be vocal about their values, including authenticity and altruism. When something strikes them as unjust or wrong, they speak up. But they rarely come across as brash or pushy, as their sensitivity and insight guide them to speak in ways that resonate with others.

These personality types have an uncanny ability to pick up on people’s underlying motivations and beliefs. At times, they may not even understand how they come to grasp another person’s mind and heart so quickly. These flashes of insight can make Protagonists incredibly persuasive and inspiring communicators.

Changing people’s minds is no easy task – but if anyone can do it, it’s Protagonists.

Protagonists’ secret weapon is their purity of intent. Generally speaking, they are motivated by a sincere wish to do the right thing rather than a desire to manipulate or have power over other people. Even when they disagree with someone, Protagonists search for common ground. The result is that people with this personality type can communicate with an eloquence and sensitivity that are nearly impossible to ignore – particularly when they speak about matters that are close to their hearts.

Getting Involved

When Protagonists care about someone, they want to help solve that person’s problems – sometimes at any cost. The good news is that many people are grateful for Protagonists’ assistance and advice. After all, there’s a reason that these personalities have a reputation for helping others improve their lives.

Protagonists are genuine, caring people who talk the talk and walk the walk. Nothing makes them happier than motivating other people to do what’s right.

But getting involved in other people’s problems isn’t always a recipe for success. Protagonists tend to have a clear vision of what people can or should do in order to better themselves, but not everyone is ready to make those changes. If Protagonists push too hard, their loved ones may feel resentful or unfairly judged. And while this personality type is known for being insightful, even the wisest Protagonists may sometimes misread a situation or unwittingly give bad advice.

Leading the Way

People with this personality type are devoted altruists, ready to face slings and arrows in order to stand up for the people and ideas that they believe in. This strength of conviction bolsters Protagonists’ innate leadership skills, particularly their ability to guide people to work together in service of the greater good.

But their greatest gift might actually be leading by example. In their day-to-day lives, Protagonists reveal how seemingly ordinary situations can be handled with compassion, dedication, and care. For these personalities, even the smallest daily choices and actions – from how they spend their weekend to what they say to a coworker who is struggling – can become an opportunity to lead the way to a brighter future.

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Tonight’s observation:

Eyelashes appear slightly longer and fuller.

Teeth are whiter.

Legs look a bit slimmer.

For some reason I felt like being topless most of the day. How liberating?

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I felt like being jobless.


Day 18 ~ wow
Today is “rest” day from my stack.

I am experimenting with PCC everyday for 3 minutes followed by reading a law. One law per day. Today was law 4.

I’m really enjoying this.

My wash out from my stack begins Monday.

I am debating continuing to listen just to PCC for 3 minutes everyday with no other subs at that time or drop it at wash out and just keep at the book.

I’m feeling super powerful today.

I’m loving how with Genesis, I don’t stay mad long or feel bothered by things as long. It just melts away.

With HoT, I feel I may be obsessing a bit about how much physical action to take daily. feeling a bit overwhelmed by how much I’d like to do, but don’t have the time to do it all. Some things aren’t really necessary to do everyday.

Time to breathe :woman_in_lotus_position:

Edit: I’m glad I’m aware of when the obsessive thinking comes in & not allowing myself to get stuck there.


I’ve got a copy of 48 Laws of Power and it’s a pretty thick book.

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