Main Disc. Thread - Power Can Corrupt ZP

Another thought hit me as I was reading in the older posts by @Luther24 and others about PCC being the external power, and needing inner power to help balance it a bit.

PCC + Primal would be fun to play with. Adding that to my queue for a future test.


What are the results?! And how many cycles you used them together?! Were there any titles with them .

Did maybe 20 loops of PCC. One loop each day after reading a chapter of 48LP.

Haven’t done a proper cycle with PCC yet.

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20 loops and still have no one proper cycle?

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It was one loop per day after reading. No rest days at the time since I was reading the book daily.

With PCC, my goal there was to run a full loop per chapter/law.

I may eventually do it again with PCC as the anchor sub in my cycles l, until I’ve done at least 48 loops. That would be a total of 96 days, or about 3 months’ worth. Not counting the washouts between cycles.


I’m noticing when others are using the laws on me & where I have allowed it. Also noticing where I have used the laws on others too.


If you’re lazy like me there are some amazing summary videos on YouTube such as this Playlist


Law 3 was a lengthy one :joy:

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The person that did that list also has one for Atomic Habits by James Clear. A book I can’t recommend enough


I have read the book but thank you for sharing this youtube channel. Great Content!


“A person who cannot control his words, shows that he cannot control himself and is unworthy of respect.”

From law 4 chapter.


“By talking more, and making yourself appear weaker and less intelligent than your mark, you can practice deception with greater ease.” From chapter 4 law

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That seems easier said than done in real life.

What do you mean by real life??

What’s real? :crazy_face:


How many loops / cycles of PCC were necessary for you to permanently incorporate the basics of all these laws into your being?

I would like to use this program to become better at instantly recognizing the lies and agendas of my work colleagues and I wonder how many cycles it approx. takes to get there?
Because as soon as this “lie radar” is incorporated I would like to go back to my main stack…

Thank you in advance. Other’s opinions and experiences are also welcome.


I can’t say, because I never permanently incorporated them into my being.

I don’t have any use or interest for PCC or the 48 Laws of Power.


How come?

Edit: I’m also curious why you’re commenting here if you have no interest in PCC. This is a thread for PCC after all. :thinking:

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A week for me. I listened briefly last year though. I’m reading the book too. Have watched some videos on it before.

I feel that Genesis helped with this.

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Odd that you would say that, considering that you’re the user I associate most with PCC; you’re the one who first brought PCC onto my radar.

Never really came across it being discussed until you wrote a large and detailed post about it last year on why it was incredibly slept-on.