Why some people don't need subs, hypnosis, external tools

If there were any solutions from SubClub right now, it would be Mind’s Eye Q + Goddard teachings. Specifically would like to direct you to Joseph Alai’s YT channel. His background is really amazing, in terms of where he started (read: THE bottom) and where he is now. Even more-so given the juxtaposition of what has helped him and his highly scientific/mathematical background.

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To be honest I did not grasp manifestation experientially until fairly recently and since then things have changed. Didn’t even encounter angel numbers before from running any sub in all these years. Very glad I picked ME Q Core to be a part of my custom.

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I’ll check out some of the Alai stuff. If I’m being honest I don’t have the attention for a lot of this stuff anymore. I just zone out because most videos are just repetitions on basic concepts stretched to 12 minutes. They usually don’t give me anything new because the problem isn’t knowledge. It’s an inability to execute what needs to be done for myself.

Perhaps start with one of his routines? I do agree that after a certain point it’s time to take action. Executive/BLU will probably help with that.

This is the clearest I’ve ever seen you express this. It’s crystal clear.

Nothing to add. Just noticing that.

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Thanks. I’m still currently in the process of figuring out where it’s solely a belief system vs a physical thing in my brain. Well it’s a combination of both, a deviation from the normal functioning caused me to blame myself excessively for all my screw ups in life. I’ve basically started owning my stuff more in the sense I don’t want people minimizing my struggles anymore so I say what I’m feeling. Because I’ve been labeled lazy, underachieving, not trying hard enough for a lot of my life. I internalized a lot of that.


I was labeled ‘lazy’ as well, by well-meaning people who loved me. (Doesn’t mean they can’t f**k up.) This was a really enduring thing that I’ve had to work with a lot.

I hope you fully integrate and master all of this stuff.


It’s all about how you were raised and how you want your life.

Myself for example, I was harshed talked by my mother and labeled shit tons of stuff. But I have high ambitions.

My younger brother hasn’t been told stuff like I have (doesn’t mean he had his own problem). He is 20 right now, I’m 25, when he was 14-15 I talked to him about pickup stuff and all, he found it interesting and watched some RSD video in the time explaining socials dynamics and stuff. And then he tryed it out and became popular at school at 16, when he lost his early 17, he went on a rampage and got like 30 girls in the year after that… He is 20 now and just piling up money in his bank account to invest in real estate later on. He got over 110K cash in his Bank account… So, yeah, even if we are brothers, he still has a different background and built something different than me because we had different learning in out childhood and growing up.


That is awesome and you sound like a kick-ass big brother.

It also sounds like he respected your opinions and was smart to do that.

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Means a lot to me!

But yeah, we built a huge trust in each other. We are going to start investing in real estate as soon as I start working again.

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wish you wise choices and prosperous yields.

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The Forge.

That is true, there are people who manifest good things more than others. Some people just need that one thing to happen to them that changes their life completely for the good. Think about it, if you look back in your life, there are a few times when you know that if you would have done something just a little bit differently, it would have made such a big impact in your life. I do think that subs are not going to hurt, if you buy them from the right producers.

Basically just SC then.

If you include morphic fields then there’s more, but that’s a bit of a different story.

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From my personal experience being in the dumps for years before, one of the most magical thing one can do its ACTION. Often the first step is the hardest yet it is the most important.

It sounds most difficult especially if we were to have been unsuccessful and been beaten down (often times at no fault of our own). But that’s what helped me pull out of it. Bit by bit, daily routine by daily routine.


Why some people don’t need subs, hypnosis, external tools

I’ve thought about it, don’t know the answer.

Why do I need subs?
Hmmm, it is a choice.
For example I have a dream to have a million dollars. I use R.I.C.H. Does it help me? Don’t know, but I am having fun using this. I create for myself a story in which I am rich and in which R.I.C.H would help me get there. Am I delusive? Very possible. Even if I am, is still interesting that my mind has already created a possible reality in which I could be rich.
So what is reality?

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I don’t need subliminals. I want them.

Subliminals are a form of technological support that supplements, strengthens, and enhances my native capacities. Such technologies have always existed. Long before the harnessing of electricity. Drumming. Dancing. Chanting. Meditation exercises. Mood-altering plants and substances. Our ancestors used all of these to help them access desired states and levels of performance. Now, we add subliminals to the list. Works for me.