Why some people don't need subs, hypnosis, external tools

And so far it hasn’t gone into any direction to an extreme either. Surprising, I like it.

Of what? I haven’t actually watched any of those sessions for a while now as my life went a bit nuts so my priorities were elsewhere.

That’s a keeper! As long as atheists don’t turn the cross upside down, that’s something different altogether. And that’s all I’m adding here about religion.

Which is why I mentioned that many of them don’t actually know one another. They came to their conclusions on their own. Some would say it’s the collective consciousness coming to that conclusion and them simply saying it out loud, but then there are those that would argue against the existence of a collective consciousness.

This one fascinates me. Real or not real. Volcanic island in ancient Greece or post-Lemuria civilization of myth and legends. Curioser and curioser.

I do admit you sometimes get a bit too intellectual even for me. Sometimes, I really don’t like to overthink things. :slight_smile:

The thing that annoys me most about the over-arching message is that it’s simple yet impossible. “Follow your bliss” or “simply do the very next thing that excites you” is synchronicity’s way of showing you your path. And to those that have done it, that are doing it, it’s the simplest thing ever. It’s a way of life.

But when you’re still in the mindset of not daring to risk the roof over your head, the career you’ve built, the relationships and material possessions you’ve amassed it is the hardest thing in the world.

Is it true that all you have to do is let go, even for a moment, of all that in order to exist in that perfect now-moment where anything is possible? Probably, but we are talking about the deepest most hard-core limiting beliefs we as humans have. The first ones to be trained into us, the ones we have been feeding our entire lives. From where I’m sitting, it’s anything but easy to release those.

So every time one of them says “just do it” I feel inclined to throw something.


I was just referring to any of the extraterrestrial stuff, and your reference to “I’m okay with believing. Or at least not not-believing.”. Unless this is actually the literal stuff, beings of love and light, positive contact.

We are living it baby!

Fair enough, although I agree… but to ignore religion would do a disservice to the average secularist… Analysis of taboo is a good way to start shining light into the ignorance and truth of mythology.

I know I know… wall of text and no videos. I am not smart enough yet to simplify it myself. Your retort should have included my inability to convey simply and entertain, to show my incompetence.

Yes, but biological instincts have been hijacked by the current dominant myth… as you explain here…

No, because as you mention…

This strengthens the mirage we live in. Resignation and surrender only works when everyone cooperates.

Nuh-Uh, Time out. You can go sit in the corner until you learn to let go and live like they do.

A little note here, I don’t want this thread to go too deep into this, since I really like it where it is with the diversity in mindsets.

But for the Agent Mulder fans among us...

The general consensus between the higher-dimensional beings is that that in order to get where they are, one needs to raise their “vibration.” Doing so requires systematically letting go of many aspects of modern society. For example, going through vegetarianism to rawetarian to eating less and less is indicative of the raising of said vibration. Letting go of material things and attachments is another. The most common indicators are living in the moment/present from the “heart space.”

Essentially it is an ascension-process from the physical to the spiritual/energetic. And apparently, since to achieve it requires one to exist in a place where the all is one and the one is all, a place where one exists in love (if all is one and thus only an aspect of you then you are essentially loving yourself), it is impossible to be anything but positive and loving. As soon as you do something negative, your vibration drops and you go “back down” again. So those on a spiritual path often notice that their awareness and intuition go up and down depending on how they live and interact with the world.

So, as far as these beings are communicating, they approach us with nothing but unconditional love. They are unable to do anything else. Any beings that won’t are off somewhere else enjoying a lower vibration, unable to reach you as long as you don’t go down to their level.

Now, some of the 4th density (which is not the same as dimension but somewhat similar) beings are apparently preparing to land somewhere in the next 10 years, depending on the vibrational level of the collective consciousness (which is constantly in flux). In other words, if society as a whole is open enough to meet them without running away screaming towards the first available shotgun.

At that point, there will still be those that will simply fail to see and/or acknowledge said contact, while those individuals whose vibrational level is close enough will be able to meet them. But that ties into parallel realities occupying the same spacetime and would take far longer to go into.

Finally, the higher dimensions are described as being filled with light as opposed to darkness. But that light is not necessarily what we think of when we hear the word.

As for the ones I’m most familiar with, there’s Bashar as channeled by Daryl Anka, The Pleiadian Perspective as channeled by Wendy Kennedy and Abraham as channeled by Esther Hicks (under the name Abraham-Hicks, YT is full of 'm).

Personally, like I said, I take it all with a grain of salt. I find it very interesting and like a debunker I’m always paying attention to see if I can catch them in a mistake. If they are real, then we are apparently heading for amazing and wonderful experiences. If not, it’s prime entertainment.

Which brings me to the believing thing.

I’ve learned to always tolerate opposing beliefs and arguments as long as nobody forces them on me. After all, I can simply choose not to listen.

More recently, possibly because of the subliminals, I added on to it. I know that I can be quite cynical and skeptical when it comes to spiritual stuff, preferring to be a die-hard scientist that measures and controls everything.

But I came to the realization that if some of these things that seem so far-fetched are actually true, that I should at least be open to them, give them the opportunity to benefit me, to help me if that is in their nature.

So when I come across these things, I ask myself if believing will negatively affect my life. In almost all cases the answer is “no.” It can only improve my life if it turns out to be true.

So I say to myself: “Okay, since there’s no downside, I might as well be open to the possibility and act as if it is true. See what happens.”

I can believe something exists or something works. If it’s a fringe belief, I don’t have to share that I do. If nothing happens, nothing happens. If they turn out to be true, who knows what awesome things can manifest? This goes for extraterrestrial beings of love, spirit guides, God and angels, auras, subliminals and so on and on.

That’s what I meant by “I’m okay with believing.”

My recent fledgling experience with psychedelics have added an attitude of acceptance of the manifestation to it, but that’s another story. Feel free to ask me to explain that one. This post is way too long already.

Actually, that was more my frustration at myself for not getting what the heck you were saying. I can tell you though, If I don’t even get it…

I think the rest of your post means you agree with my statement that we are being held back by those core limiting beliefs (our comfort zone, I guess). I sincerely hope hat the subs will chop away at limiting belief after limiting belief until they hit those core beliefs and finally “liberate” me.

But, as somebody who’s very careful of the words he uses, the word “hope” means I’m giving myself a way out. Plus, the sentence places responsibility completely on the subs.

Wait, what were we talking about again? :slight_smile:

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I’m gonna swing this back around to my original opening ideas and comment back on some of the stuff I read. Also I don’t know if I can keep up with you guys lol. I’m like a tortoise the way I formulate my thoughts in posts, long and slow…

@DarkPhilosopher I’m 100% in agreement with you. I think it was a few months back I proposed a q module that basically provided your mind with a “safety net”. If everyone knew they would be fine, despite how hard you can fail sometimes, they’d keep going. I know personally I have no feeling of safety or ease. I feel like I’m one step away from homelessness due to my unstable mental state at times and my inability to integrate with the norms of society without being bored to tears. I don’t have much confidence in myself or my abilities because I’ve fucked up so much basic adult stuff in my life. So whatever slice of security I can get, unfortunately I have a death grip on. That’s my current predicament staying with this job that is no good for me. Along with the pandemic now, yeah it hasn’t been a good time. I just have a lot pushing against my ability to just “let go and trust”.

@Hermit What you say makes sense and I understand where you’re coming from. For the life of me I cannot figure out WHY I make things difficult for myself. This has been my eternal quest, trying to figure out or solve why I continually shoot myself in the foot. It’s not a lack of knowledge on how it happens. I just don’t know how to make it stop.

@Psiklou Thanks for the perspective. I agree figuring out what works for the individual is best rather than a one size fits all solution. My issue is I have nothing to draw on in my life for great things. My life has been one long drawn out sense of dread and a feeling of “I hope I don’t fuck this up”. That’s been my greatest difficulty. Because of that I feel stuck. Too afraid and unconfident to go after the things I want and not enough past experience to remind me of what is possible.

Writing out all these seems like I’m wallowing in the negative and I have an excuse for everything. But I’m just trying to explain the difficulties I’ve personally faced in my life. I recognize some people never deal with any of this. But that doesn’t mean I can just flip a switch and make it all go away. So I have my own barriers and sets of problems that make most common advice kind of pointless for me. And I hate being in front of people and trying to articulate what’s wrong and it’s reduced to “try harder” or meditate more. Not saying that’s anyone here, I’m just blowing off steam. I’m just irritated.


If there were any solutions from SubClub right now, it would be Mind’s Eye Q + Goddard teachings. Specifically would like to direct you to Joseph Alai’s YT channel. His background is really amazing, in terms of where he started (read: THE bottom) and where he is now. Even more-so given the juxtaposition of what has helped him and his highly scientific/mathematical background.

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To be honest I did not grasp manifestation experientially until fairly recently and since then things have changed. Didn’t even encounter angel numbers before from running any sub in all these years. Very glad I picked ME Q Core to be a part of my custom.

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I’ll check out some of the Alai stuff. If I’m being honest I don’t have the attention for a lot of this stuff anymore. I just zone out because most videos are just repetitions on basic concepts stretched to 12 minutes. They usually don’t give me anything new because the problem isn’t knowledge. It’s an inability to execute what needs to be done for myself.

Perhaps start with one of his routines? I do agree that after a certain point it’s time to take action. Executive/BLU will probably help with that.

This is the clearest I’ve ever seen you express this. It’s crystal clear.

Nothing to add. Just noticing that.

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Thanks. I’m still currently in the process of figuring out where it’s solely a belief system vs a physical thing in my brain. Well it’s a combination of both, a deviation from the normal functioning caused me to blame myself excessively for all my screw ups in life. I’ve basically started owning my stuff more in the sense I don’t want people minimizing my struggles anymore so I say what I’m feeling. Because I’ve been labeled lazy, underachieving, not trying hard enough for a lot of my life. I internalized a lot of that.


I was labeled ‘lazy’ as well, by well-meaning people who loved me. (Doesn’t mean they can’t f**k up.) This was a really enduring thing that I’ve had to work with a lot.

I hope you fully integrate and master all of this stuff.


It’s all about how you were raised and how you want your life.

Myself for example, I was harshed talked by my mother and labeled shit tons of stuff. But I have high ambitions.

My younger brother hasn’t been told stuff like I have (doesn’t mean he had his own problem). He is 20 right now, I’m 25, when he was 14-15 I talked to him about pickup stuff and all, he found it interesting and watched some RSD video in the time explaining socials dynamics and stuff. And then he tryed it out and became popular at school at 16, when he lost his early 17, he went on a rampage and got like 30 girls in the year after that… He is 20 now and just piling up money in his bank account to invest in real estate later on. He got over 110K cash in his Bank account… So, yeah, even if we are brothers, he still has a different background and built something different than me because we had different learning in out childhood and growing up.


That is awesome and you sound like a kick-ass big brother.

It also sounds like he respected your opinions and was smart to do that.

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Means a lot to me!

But yeah, we built a huge trust in each other. We are going to start investing in real estate as soon as I start working again.

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wish you wise choices and prosperous yields.

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The Forge.

That is true, there are people who manifest good things more than others. Some people just need that one thing to happen to them that changes their life completely for the good. Think about it, if you look back in your life, there are a few times when you know that if you would have done something just a little bit differently, it would have made such a big impact in your life. I do think that subs are not going to hurt, if you buy them from the right producers.

Basically just SC then.

If you include morphic fields then there’s more, but that’s a bit of a different story.

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From my personal experience being in the dumps for years before, one of the most magical thing one can do its ACTION. Often the first step is the hardest yet it is the most important.

It sounds most difficult especially if we were to have been unsuccessful and been beaten down (often times at no fault of our own). But that’s what helped me pull out of it. Bit by bit, daily routine by daily routine.


Why some people don’t need subs, hypnosis, external tools

I’ve thought about it, don’t know the answer.

Why do I need subs?
Hmmm, it is a choice.
For example I have a dream to have a million dollars. I use R.I.C.H. Does it help me? Don’t know, but I am having fun using this. I create for myself a story in which I am rich and in which R.I.C.H would help me get there. Am I delusive? Very possible. Even if I am, is still interesting that my mind has already created a possible reality in which I could be rich.
So what is reality?

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