"What happened to my support ticket?"

Damn, this is strange to me. I create a ticket maybe once in three months and always it is around I do not know 5 sentences and just some minor stuff for clarification.


I’m very satisfied with response times overall. Only once was it extended, and it’s due to they were busy as hell.


Sure, I’ll PM you the question if you want. As my question is related to my order/custom subliminal creation, I haven’t shared my question, as I don’t think it is in the capacity of an normal user and maybe not even in the capacity/role of a forum moderator/ambassador. Please correct me if I am wrong. Are you involved in the creation process of custom subliminals?

I agree. Reading the user journals and the sense of community makes it great.

I am not involved in the creation process of the modules or scripts of custom subliminals. I am generally familiar with the modules and with the module selection for my own customs, but that’s about it.

If the question’s very personal, then no need to PM me.

If it’s not too personal, though; you might want to put it up here and see what responses you get. Someone else may have gone through a similar experience to whatever you’re trying to understand.

Good luck!


Oh no, its not personal at all. PM’d you.

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As I said in the previous thread - all discussions will be held in this one. We’re not going to be cluttering @vivekarora83’s journal.

First and foremost, I did you a personal favor and protected your privacy by blurring what you wrote, so drop the snippiness and the whole “Fire wrote a novel”. I’m writing for everyone to read, not just you.

Next, we’re not going to be falling back on the good old “I’m just trying to help!”. Let’s be genuine here, that’s not the case. If this was the case, this whole discussion would have been vastly different - the tone, the way you presented your feedback, etc.

As for competitors, of course you are going to receive a faster response from a smaller company. That is the nature of business - and despite this crucial fact of business, the fact that as a business gets larger and larger it becomes harder and harder to receive in-depth guidance especially from the creators, you are directly talking to one of the co-founders of the company.

I believe the forum members here can attest to the extensive customer care they received and continue to receive, despite all the ridiculous situations we’ve been through and that the forum members have witnessed, to some extent.

Plus, there’s a reason why you’re here and not over there. You are free to go to another competitor any time you want - I’m certainly not holding you back. There’s a plethora of copycats, and a good number of once well-known subliminal companies that have since fallen into copying what we do, that you can choose from. I even recall recently an individual (was it you, @Vesper?) who didn’t believe us when we said they were mimicking us until he saw it all for himself, and couldn’t help but bust out laughing.

More importantly, what I’m not going to allow is people coming to the forums and misrepresenting what is happening in customer support.

There is a reason why you are using the language you are using at this moment. Look, I don’t usually like to talk about myself or the things I’ve done in life, but I’m a polyglot with vast amounts of experience when it comes to human development and the way our inner beings work. There is a reason that you say that we are shaming you and blaming the customer.

That reason is because my claims are true. You very much did send us a life story, and one of your chief complaints is that you received a response that isn’t detailed enough.

It’s not shaming, it’s fact.

Here’s the thing…

No company out there offers something that pretty much amounts to free therapy and life-coaching through their support system.

And yet, we strive to go vastly beyond and provide something akin to this service through our support system to such cases - because we know how complex life can be, and that sometimes you need someone with experience to take a close, detailed look and give you a potential resolution.

This is a luxury.

Simply put, we are not obligated to listen to your 1200+ word stories - but we try to, because we strive to go vastly beyond for our customers.

Some of these support tickets we can’t even legally answer.

You want less waiting time? Work with us then.

  • Learn how to write down your thoughts in a concise manner. You don’t have to be laconic, but please, at the very least summarize the question at the end. This applies to you, @EvaUnit.
  • Don’t ignore the instructions and don’t constantly change your mind. We are not obligated to change your custom after a build order has been made - with automation coming soon this won’t even be possible anymore. This also applies to you, @EvaUnit.
  • Don’t ask things that you can easily find on the support website, in the Masterclass or that you can ask about on the forums. If you do and want some extra clarification, no worries - but be aware that it might not be code red priority as someone who is experiencing genuine issues that needs help asap.

You do this, I guarantee you the waiting time will be significantly less.

Next, having read the whole exchange, I have to disagree with your assessment of the support answer being inadequate.

While the response was delayed, it seems you were expecting a new custom to be made for you because of the delayed answer, because you might have asked for the custom to be cancelled if support answered within 3 days.

Again, the issue here is not following instructions. There’s no refunds or cancellations on Q, and in rare cases when we do these, it’s as a gesture of goodwill.

The support agent even pointed this out:

Then, you proceeded to berate the agent for your own mistake:

And to berate the agent for… QTKS?

QTKS is still an in-development offer. We’ve said so here: Main Disc. Thread - QTKS: Custom Subliminals In Your Own Voice

Of course you’re having issues finding the link, it’s not officially out yet.

Honestly, if behavior like this continues, we’re just going to hold off on releasing tech like this early, and instead we’ll do all our testing internally. I’ll need to have a talk with @SaintSovereign regarding this.

As I said previously, I’ll be setting aside research and development of NFTW updates and S3 sub to look into support in-depth tomorrow. Again, I don’t know if I’ll be getting to your ticket right away as there are others that need attention as well, but I’ll try to get as many as possible.

Also, really?

I’m definitely not going to be running to answer a ticket after working hours. We have lives too and are people.

Finally, I see something like this again in support:

And I guarantee you that we won’t be doing business together anymore.

I consider this matter closed - you’ll get an answer within a day or two as I clear out the queue.


Potentially. We’ve looked into it and considered it, but we also want to provide a human touch to all support tickets. So it’s still an idea in consideration.

As for the library bank, that’s what the intent behind https://support.subliminalclub.com/ is. Might be a good idea to add the Masterclass FAQs to it though. There’s still the issue of people just… not trusting the information laid out there, since it’s not technically from a person but an article, so they prefer to send in support tickets about already answered questions, just to be sure.


Just a funny note, I know this is not funny for you, but sometimes things happening here on the forum are better than some drama movie or TV show.

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If you’re lacking in planning, Stark would work. Honestly though, Emperor covers this as well. I believe the issue is simply in a lack of planning/research and potentially a lack of partners in doing so. A good business partner can cover your faults.

Funnily enough, I think this is the very first time I’ll say this… You need to take less action and research more. Do more groundwork and look into the MVP/lean business model. You don’t have to spend vast amounts of resources to become successful.


@Fire Quick question :pray:
Would emperor be better than stark for a chronic perfectionist?

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Hm, potentially. It would depend on what is the root of your issue.

For example, Emperor would be more “strict”, so it could lead to being more strict about getting things out OR it could manifest as greater perfectionism in a way that is more similar to “I MUST get this perfect”.

Or, Stark could lead to getting as much done as possible, being in that creative streak, or it could lead to endless perfecting of your idea/work.

The key is utilizing conscious guidance and journaling. Conscious guidance to focus on this issue while journaling to dive deep into the why’s and how’s, to then figure out the exact mechanisms behind it or heal it through the process. You could start with either program for this.


A business is built brick by brick, right?

U do something then it doesn’t work then u do things until it works.

I’m afraid of doing things that dont work.

If something doesn’t work, I think I’ve failed and all my planning and preparation until that point is rendered useless.

Which sub would u recommend for this issue?

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Yeah. I’m selling a lot simpler product than you guys. I think I have 4 people on customer support.

It’s easy for a customer to forget that there is a lot happening behind the scenes.

Growing a company is not easy, it’s a compromise after compromise.

Usually the only thing the customer sees is slow response times.


That’s great to hear. Thank you @Fire .


In all due respect, this is not the role of support. They are not business experts or therapists. This type of question is an always will be the role of the customer forum.


I don’t think it was me. I always believed you guys so if you say someone’s mimicking you I’d believe it😂


@Fire @SaintSovereign why not make both options available?

Example: Have a GPT support where it’s based on data from the support page and maybe the forum (this one might be difficult since there’s a lot of irrelevant or not important information that might cause hallucinations for the AI model but it could work if there’s some kind of filtering system?) and if the GPT support is unable to help or provide a proper answer to the user then and only then they would have the option to ask the question to a support agent.

I think this would save a lot of time both on your guys side by not having to answer a bunch of support messages that may of been answered in the forum or in the support page and for the user as well since they would have an instant answer to their question instead of having to wait a few business days or more depending on the queue.

I think this is a good question. Perhaps create a new thread and also tag people who have their own businesses such as @BLACKICE @Hoppa @TheBoxingScientist @Brandon etc. Perhaps they would be willing to give some insights and ideas.

Also I would encourage you to read all of Hoppa’s posts. He has posted on this forum about his ideas on business, and given insights to other people.


I understand the sentiment.

However please EVERYONE … refrain from doing things to add to the drama. That includes extra comments about any conflict (“and it’s starting again”), or posting emojis about it, or posting memes/pictures (like someone eating popcorn).

Just flag the post and/or tag a moderator.


I can resolve this pretty easily. Going forward, any life stories, questions about starting a business and the such will be promptly directed to the forum and the ticket closed, without fail. The forum is also where you ask for help building a custom. Support does not have complete access to scripts, nor are they familiar with how each module / custom feels. Support also will not build your stack for you (or customs).

That’s the entire reason for having a customer experience forum, to receive answers on how these things feel. Once these “life story” questions are removed, things will move faster.