What are your goals? (Conscious guidance)

This is an awesome post has me in deep thought right now. This is definitely important for everyone to think about but this discussion and advice is especially great for newbies especially when trying to figure out what program to start with or what type of custom to build. I think we all have lots of goals which personally I don’t think is the problem it’s when your trying to accomplish 10 goals at once instead of focusing on 1 or 3 :grin:. I think it’s important for everyone to understand listening to subs is like building a house the house isn’t built in one day there are phases you first have to think about how you want your house to look, pick out your finishes, build the foundation ect… so when thinking about goals think about your foundation you wouldn’t install a shower or sink in your new home before the plumbing has been installed sounds crazy right :thinking: so it’s important to be honest with yourself and figure out where you are in the present moment and build from there and plan out the phases and stages to get you to your ultimate goal nothing is out of reach but there are levels to this ish :wink: my point is the house will be completed eventually but it takes time and everything has to be done in a certain order to build a strong and sturdy house I think this mindset will help keep disappointment to a minimum and will allow for you to be patient with yourself and the process.As I’m writing this I’m speaking to myself as well :blush: this is just my take, of course you are all free to do what you want.

Seems like this is the only one that actually has a proper reasoning(s) ma man.

Like ask yourself: why is that important?
What’s the reason for that?
What is the actual goal there? Just wanting to be Wanted by others for no reason?

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Thank you for adding on to the post, you’re new here right?

I, with the rest of the subclub community, hope you have an amazing time here.

Now you tell me, what are your goals :wink:?

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It makes me feel like when I was child
plus being wanted make me feel easy about my little weirdness and people appreciate them more
I’m an healthy narcisstic

I really love greek statue and wanna look like one, or at least feel as aestetic like one
I can go on and on

Then if WZP gives you all that, why love bob bomb :thinking:

Edit: oops :rofl:

I tend to switch topics every 4-6 months.

There’s 4 main topics: Wealth (subtopics Money and Career), Relationships (subtopics Sex and Romance), Spirituality (subtopics Esoteric and Mindfulness) and Health (subtopics Healing and Fitness).

Every period I choose a topic to focus on. Then I can change the stack within that topic, but the topic itself and the goals remain the same.

For example, last July I started Wealth. I chose RICH and EoG, adding in AM and Medici flexibly during the next 6 months. The plan was 2 months on EoG Stage 1 and 2 months on Stage 4, with 1 month each on the two stages in between. During the last month I would create a custom Q and a custom Ultima to summarize the Wealth topic and use as a refresher in the future.

Of course, the ZP testing threw my plans and I will have to start again in January. So right now I’m running RICH and AM, with some Limitless here and there.

I did sneak Paragon into my playlist as well, because it’s a ZP one that I wanted to test and I had done a 6-month Health stack until July. It’s all the way in the back of my overnight playlist so it only runs if I get enough sleep.

By January I’m hoping AM has been ZP’d and I’ll start over with RICH, AM and EoG Stage 1.

After the Wealth period is over, I’ll switch to Romance.

That’s how I run my stacks. Forcing myself to stick to a topic for a time rather than a specific sub.

Spirituality is a bit of a question mark. I may combine it with Healing of drop in something like Alchemist or Sage as a secondary somewhere. In the end I do not consider it the most pressing area of my life right now, as much as I wish I had the freedom to focus on it completely.


I don’t just wanna be a beautiful guy
I love giving, and what best gift is there than love
In all it’s shape, not only romantic.

but it’s secondary because the Astral Px will take the lead for pratical reasons, I have spiritual projects
I’m sure it’ll act fast and help me skyroket my skills so I’ll be able to switch to lovBomb

  • @Invictus going therapy mode ahaha keep it up, it’s good attention with good intention

More people need to see this.

Your strategy to use them is just…. Too fucking good.

My plans are actually very similar to this, but instead of different areas, it’s more like a bulking stack, a cutting stack, and a maintenance/recomp stack (the current one).

But how do you know that your current goals match with the “period” you’re on :thinking:?

If you do love bomb, then your stack will be more focused on love and sex.

Astral projection should be in a stack with Sage and stuff, that way you have focused stacks :wink:.

yeee… Ithought about just using it without any other sub then when I feel I’ve made enough progress, go back to the love world, without any further physical limitation

So you have 2 goals, I assume?

One for the physical realm and one for the astral :thinking:?

I take the time to fully consider/imagine what the results of a successful run would be for each of the topics, then I consider each of those results and determine which would help me the most in my life, which would give me the most joy, peace and wellbeing. Then I choose that topic.

So for now I want to focus on Wealth because it would give me the most improvement in my life. This does not mean I would have achieved all my wealth-goals in 6 months, but that it would offer most bang for the investment in time and the least amount of me thinking that maybe I should have done something else or should have switched subs.

I have also determined that Romance would be next. But this will be re-evaluated by the time I’m in the final month.

One variable which is going to weigh heavily in my deliberations is how I’m doing in the fitness department. If I haven’t made enough progress there by myself, I might do a Fitness period first. But I try to avoid those as I feel health and fitness are important in every area of my life, in every topic.

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I think you should create a thread for people to read about these kind of strategies and views that you have, many people keep rushing to do so many things at once, that they end up not really achieving anything.

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I’m pretty far already within the spiritual, I’m no master just I wanna explore it, a bit like old explorator with new continent (just more peacefully lol), what better way to do that without any constriction

I might go on full sage mode later down the road, but I’ve dug already deeep for this year, I just wanna makes my skills more sharp at it

Now let the enlightened being enjoy it’s life experience he went on this earth for :heart_eyes:

So ahem yeah two goals, explorator in the astral, lover of life in the physical
Head in cosmos, feet sitting on the warm earth

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My goal:

I want to experience what’s possible. On the edges.

I’m running rich zp. Tbh I’ve always had a weird relationship with money. I’ve had a good amount, I’ve been broke. I’m kinda broke atm. It’s not that hard to make money. I know how to. Having a real good method and working hard, I mean I guess I could do that but it seems less fun than seeing if mind can bring me some. Something tells me it’s going to work.

What we have here is a very strange reality. It’s in my personality to poke at it. Maybe make some notes and play with it. Not take it too seriously and have fun.

What I like about it is that I can still “play” with the stack as long as the focus remains the same. If new modules come out or a new wealth-sub, I can try it out during my wealth stack. I don’t have to sit there just out of reach saying “what if?”

And if I want to add in a Chosen or even a Wanted, it’s possible because alpha subs also help with career and wealth.

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So you’re basically saying that your goal is to just test out the limits of the subs and your mind?

Come on man, I’m pretty if you look deep inside your heart, you’ll find that there are things you want to achieve.

I think this would be one of the best ways to keep shiny object syndrome at bay.

Maybe a thread on focused stacks will be next :thinking:

How would I know what I want to achieve if I don’t know what’s possible. Idk how reality works, I have some ideas but I can’t tell you the general wisdom of early 21st century western society is a lie. Just got off the phone. Going to update my journal.

Well you must want something
and it’s good enough to be a goal

and if the only thing you wanna do for now is seing new stretch of reality I think it’s okay in it’s way
Just think more precisely where you want the reality to stretch :grin:

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