What are your goals? (Conscious guidance)

Okay so here comes one of those type of posts I occasionally make :stuck_out_tongue:

But I’ve been noticing in people’s journals that they are using subs and making their stacks and all, but not being as honest with themselves about their OWN goals.

What I mean is, you start reading a journal, you see they’re going through some healing and then hit their first recon on ZP, then they see someone else’s journal with a different stack, and then they switch, and it goes on for a bit, and then they feel lost.
Or or, they would start a journal but then add more subs or change stacks just because the subs THEY chose haven’t given them the “promised” results yet.

Come on guys, it’s not that hard to just write down some goals for yourself that will help you decide the stacks.
Focus on your own journey, yes, everyone wants to be a sexy mofo with WZP and get chicks or use RICH ZP for that sweet sweet bag, but is that your actual goal? Or do you just want to use them because you read someone else’s journal and started envying them or going through FOMO?

So what’s the point of this thread? I want to help y’all in the best way possible, but I won’t necessarily answer you by giving you a stack, YOU will do so.

And no, this thread isn’t just for those who are lost but also the veterans, some of you guys are hopping around a lot as well.

So I urge you all to write down 3 of your deepest desires, 3 goals you want to achieve in the next couple of months, 3 things you want so badly that you’re ready to give up everything else for, write them all here and see how much easier it will become to choose a stack.

Now, I know some of you might think “didn’t we already do that, hence why we chose our stack?”, well if you are THAT certain, then good for you, but I can tell that many here are still feeling lost.

Plus it’s a good exercise to consciously guide the subs you use towards those specific goals.


My goal is to get attention of people specially women
Become badass alphamale
Heal my body of various disease
Get abdunce of money


Now narrow those down to 3 specific ones.

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Ok on priority basis as per my stack

• want attraction/attention from women/girls
• want to be alpha male
• want to be productive at my work…to earn more money

Current stack is
PS, Limitless and Wanted

Today was my day 8


Excellent idea, @Invictus. Although am able to discipline myself to not change my stack, am gonna join in on this to cement my resolution even furthur.


  1. Look good and be more fit: WANTED ZP

  2. Physical healing of various health issues: Paragon ZP

  3. Creative writing and generating money from it: Ultimate Artist Qv2

Stay strong everyone :muscle:


are you basing your goals on your stack, or are you basing your stack on your goals?
think about that for a moment.

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I was actually going to tag you and @Yazooneh, as you guys are 2 of the people I’ve always noticed having extreme discipline towards sticking with your stack instead of changing it so much :wink:

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Thanks, bro.

Reminds me of the days I used to switch the titles a lot haha.

Interestingly, some stacks I were able to stick with longer than others. Maybe they suited my archetype better (like Khan, Renaissance Man and WANTED.

But now I need some self-discipline and hence my current stack. After I achieve the goals of my current stack, I will be able to enjoy Khan and Renaissance Man.


Here are my goals :

  • I want the confidence that I can meet woman whenever I want and will be able to satisfy my physical need. To do that I belive feeling attractive is essential.
  • I want the external validation from male and female (attraction, goes hand in hand with the first one where one is internal, the other one is external)
  • I want to have a extremely satisfied sexual life, being able to be in contact with my sexuality and enjoy it :slight_smile:

Like, I don’t run wanted and PS to fuck thousands of woman, way to much time invested. I want to feel like a could fuck thousands of woman :wink:

If it needs clarification, you guys can ask question it will help my thought process.


if everyone thought this way, the forum would be so much more peaceful, instead of an all-out recon party :rofl:

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ROFLMAO :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I’m gonna page Saint about you using this word again :stuck_out_tongue:

but your goals are very interlinked and well-thought-out, all you need to do is stop saying those words and give in.

i sound like a cult leader :rofl:

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Actually there is a rule as you know about limits of using subs for zp

I have too much troubles in my life :sob: that I thought using almost every sub :rofl:

But answering your questions I prioritizee my stack based on my current most important goals of life


Me too never changed my stack from last 9 days…though there was urge for chosen ,regeneration, rich and Spartan for gym

But I know I have waited this much for life I can wait for another 26 days before finishing current stack and go ahead concentrating on current goals


firstly, bro, I sympathize with you, but you need to let go of this mindset.

secondly, read the first post again, the whole thing, I specified a time limit for the goals so that you don’t have this mindset

if you keep thinking this way, then you’re just gonna be hopping from one stack to another in a rush, focus on the moment ma man, not the far future.


Sure mate you are right…I did read whole post but again will read


Priority Goals:

  1. Look good so that I will be less image-conscious: Wanted ZP
  2. Get lots of female attention so that I will be less concerned about female attention: Wanted ZP
  3. Have a sense of closure and be able to let go of opportunities I missed in the past: Wanted ZP

I had a reply with my goals all written out and reading it over before posting I realized those weren’t actually my goals at all, but rather what I had picked up as goals I “should” have. Thanks for getting my mind mulling over this topic!

Quick and Dirty new Goals~~

1: Discover the specific expression of my individuality that allows me to expend excess energy and create something(s) that either generates an income or opens doors to people who would patronize me for what I can do for them.

2: Total social confidence with strangers, making a woman’s heart race with a smile and a short conversation is honestly one of my favorite things to do, and I find doing it gives me an energy boost. I want to do it more reliably and more often.

3: Leadership, everything from the Chosen sales page basically.


The cockiness from WZP will cover 1 and 3 for sure :joy:

But for number 2, don’t you think maybe what you want is also to be recognized :wink:?

I’m really glad it opened up your mind to really dive deep and see what really want :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Reading your goals really seems like you’d do well if you keep Chosen and RICH ZP as the staples of your current and future stacks, don’t you think :thinking::wink:?

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