Traveling the Paths of Wealth, Imbuing Vital Physicality (Custom Q Journal)

I remember how happy and excited I was back in 2013-2014 when I realized that electronic resources were now available that would allow me to express the music that had been in my head in a more satisfying way. Prior to that I’d used piano and guitar, but I always wanted synthesizers.

Here’s one of my early songs:

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Thanks for posting this!

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So, the journey continues.

Been having early morning wakings recently. Today was no exception.

Meditated from about 6 AM to 7 AM. Mind’s Eye Terminus2. I continue to notice changes within these Mind’s Eye Terminus2 sessions. The changes seem to be profound. I just feel interesting physical sensations, energy feels like it’s collecting and sinking.

Currently on 3rd loop of Alchemist. Then we’ll move on.

Oh, and remembered, this morning I chose to do my hike earlier after 8 AM. As usual, played IMBUE Terminus (Fitness custom) and Jet Stream (Wealth Ultima).

In the early evening, I’ve played a loop of RICH and Mogul. (Yes, added Mogul. For anyone who is somehow following these things.)

My enjoyment of stories has, I think, always primarily been about appreciation of trajectories of morality and meaning as played out in realistic characterization. I kind of start from there and then fan out to include the other important elements. Some of those other elements I’m only getting around to now as I get older.

So, today is Chinese (or lunar) New Year.

An old teacher I used to follow gave the following idea so I did it: Sunrise was 6:52 AM or so, so I got up a little after 6, knocked the cobwebs out of my mind, and then high-tailed it over to a certain appropriate spot, and then I started walking toward the east to welcome the sun and the energy of the new year. Did a little bit of tai chi. Breathed and felt gratitude.

Then I came back home, and did some short rituals, took a shower, and did today’s meditation. (The meditation hour felt longer somehow. Funny how subjective time changes.)

I found that there was really good energy and a good feeling.

After that, I got some more sleep.

And now here we are.

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Something is happening.

I’ve been on the fence for months about adding Mogul into my stack.

Lately, bandwidth has been opening up more and more as I adapt to my core stack. I’ve added in two Ultima tracks. One of them in particular, RICH, has been quite eye-opening.

After seeing a recent post in which @SaintSovereign told someone (@Hermit, I think), “What you want is RICH and Mogul”, I finally said, ‘Okay, let’s try it.’ I ran my first loop of Mogul yesterday. 1 loop of Mogul, 2 loops of RICH. I played them after I’d finished playing my core stack. I’m looking at these as kind of like boosters. As I said, I’ve been feeling this gradual opening up of mental bandwidth. (At first while adapting to my core stack, I didn’t even want to listen to podcasts, audiobooks, etc. I kind of just stopped. Interest was just gone. About 2.5 months ago, I started to get interested in those again).

Let’s say I played those programs between 3:30 and 6:30. By about 5:45 pm, I found myself reading books and feeling increasing focus.

Now, obviously, I’d already gotten the books prior to that. Motivation was already there. But they’d just been sitting there, and I wasn’t feeling strong momentum or initiative to get them handled.

For about a year now, I’ve been focusing my energy (as is my wont) on long-term goals and strategies. I don’t think that approach was wrong. My 3-5 year from now self will, I think, be thanking me for this. But, I’m feeling something much more immediate with Mogul and RICH.

As long as it’s not overwhelming, I feel like these two strategies can co-exist.


May Mogul make you R.I.C.H in the Year of the Ox!

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It feels like my core subliminal stack, the powerful one, gives me this huge, powerful tool—like a giant fountain pen.

That’s the long-term strategy.

And then these smaller, more pinpointed tracks are giving me the nib of the fountain pen


That allows me to apply that power in a small manageable practical expression in the immediate, short-term:


Many thanks!!!

I’m thinking forward towards May.

I’ve got my core stack and I divide it into Primary and Secondary. Then I’ve got support programs.

Core programs are so labeled because of how central they are to my ongoing plans and habits. Core programs are long-term programs.

But a Primary Core program gets played more. Possibly 2-3 loops a day up to 5 days a week.
Secondary Core program is more like: 1 loop a day, 3-5 days a week.
Support programs are included to lend strength, focus, nuance, or immediate application to the Core programs.

So, in May 2021:

Core, Primary: PATHS of Wealth Terminus custom, NAISSANCE of Soul Terminus custom
Core, Secondary: IMBUE with Fitness Terminus custom, DUAT Healing Terminus2 custom

Support Programs: RICH Ultima, Mogul Q, Jet Stream Ultima (supporting PATHS Terminus)
Paragon (supporting DUAT and to some extent IMBUE Terminus)


Another Sunday rest day comes to a close. Me and my son hanging around here today. Though, he’s in his computer world, so we didn’t interact that much. We went outside today to restart 0 to 5K. So that’s cool. Guess we’ll do that 3 days a week.

Last week as I walked through the park on the first leg of my hike, I saw that, inexplicably, they’ve removed the ‘police tape’ (or whatever it’s called) in which the pull-up bars and other facilities have been swathed for the past 6 or 7 months. So, as soon as I had a chance, I went back and did pull-ups for the first time in a very long time.

Today was my third time back. Glad to have my pull-ups back. I’m down to just 5 to 7 per set right now, but again, who cares. It’ll go back up naturally as long as I’m consistent. (Thanks Cosmos.)

And tomorrow begins another week.


Keep going

Keep going

Keep going

Magick is essentially the investment of (narrative) forms with (emotional) energy

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Don’t read the book, USE the book.

My goal is to build something, not just to have a good conversation.


Running a fair amount of loops these days. Kind of spread out though.

I’m noticing a very gradually increasing mental and energetic capacity,

When I first started running my current playlist, called sol, I found that my mental focus for new projects kind of disappeared. A bit after that, I found that my mental bandwidth for even taking in information was very much occupied.

That was June or July 2020. It fit with the time. Quarantine. I just dug into my weekly rituals and routines. Walk 6.5 miles a day. Meditate an hour. Do my few rituals. Things that were already in a groove, I was able to maintain. But tasks that required new energy were more difficult.

Somewhere around November/December, I noticed a gradual shift beginning. I still didn’t want to do new things, but I had a bit more attention available to, for example, listen to an audiobook. From there, I think, there has been a gradual increase.

Now, I’m finding that it’s getting possible to really take in a bit more information. And today my thoughts have been starting to turn to more involved projects. So, things are progressing a step. Focused action takes even more attention/energy than does information processing. As my capacity for action-taking comes online more that indicates a major step.

I realized today that another thing I’m looking forward to in May 2021 is that for a while none of my programs will be multi-stagers. I went hard in my first 18 months so that I could reach stage 4 on the programs that meant the most to me (Alchemist, Quantum Limitless, and Ecstasy of Gold). Those are all programs that I wanted to approach stage-by-stage; and then to run Stage IV for a long period of time. In May 2021, Alchemist IV, Quantum Limitless IV, and Ecstasy of Gold IV will all be represented in my customs. And I’ll look forward to working with those for a while.


Went back to the pull-up bar today. Interestingly, my abdomen is still sore from the 4 sets on Sunday. (Arms and traps are fine though.) I always do my pull-ups as supinated as possible for a more economical workout (recruits the abs more, hence the soreness).

So, I’ll try to rest more and go back in about a week. I know from past experience that I do not want to play around with my abdominal muscles.

There was one summer years ago when I went too aggressively using one of these


As a result of my lack of self-control, I ended up injuring my abdomen and was unable to do much of anything ab-related for a month or two.

Be patient and let your body heal properly. Usually, it will heal back stronger, and then you can get back to training.

At any rate, legs were still fine, so turned it into a hike instead.

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own your projections

You know there’s a whole slew of them. You’ll have to choose which one first. :wink:

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Quantum Limitless-related and Heavy Stack-related:

So, back in November 2020, Brandon Sanderson released Rhythm of War, the fourth instalment in his epic fantasy opus The Stormlight Archives.

I’d been planning to reread the first 3 in anticipation of this release, and to then enjoy this latest volume. I pre-ordered the book on Audible. (I’ve been taking in books primarily through audio for years now, since that allows multi-tasking.)

Each one of these books is a tome, so I figured I’d start much earlier, say May or June or so. Then by November, I’d be ready to read the new one.

Then June came and Q arrived.

and the months of occupied bandwidth began.

So that did not happen. I had zero interest in reading any of those books.

By December or so, something starting changing and I found that the desire had returned.

Re-read the first book and fell in love with it all over again.

Over the next 2-3 months, I re-read the next 2.

Yesterday, I finally finished reading Rhythm of War, about 3 months after I had planned. haha. Interestingly, I found that I was pulled to shift between listening to the audiobook and reading visually.

Already posted this in the Music thread, but feeling it again.