Traveling the Paths of Wealth, Imbuing Vital Physicality (Custom Q Journal)

Tomorrow I’ll have completed 6 weeks of Alchemist and Quantum Limitless Stage 3.

7 more weeks and then I’ll work with stage 4 for 3 weeks.

11 day washout. 1 to 11 May.

on 12 May, I’ll begin working with the custom program that includes Alchemist IV, Quantum Limitless IV, and Mind’s Eye.

That day, in 11 weeks and 4 days from today, is my next major milestone. I’ll just call it 12 weeks.

But these 12 weeks are not merely about treading water.

It is during these 12 weeks that my first major playlist comes to fruition and completion.

That’s what is happening RIGHT NOW.

sol playlist - May 24, 2020 to May 11, 2021
Alchemist and Quantum Limitless - For me, they’ve always seemed connected. (started July 2020)
Mind’s Eye - Almost a full year with this program. (started May 2020)
PATHS of Wealth Terminus Custom (started June 2020)
IMBUE with Fitness Terminus Custom (started June 2020)
DUAT - Healing and Energetic Flow (started September 2020)

I’m now in the final 12 weeks of my beloved sol playlist.

Appreciate that and prepare for what comes next.



At park tonight, pull-up bar:

abdomen pain down to about 20%

That means just right below threshold. Could barely feel it. But sensed that it could come right back if I push too hard.

This means no multi-set work yet.

But when I pass by the bar sporadically I can do a set.

Probably by the end of the week I may be cool for doing sets again.

Here’s another of my joints.

Rest Day

Took a while to get started today.

Meditated from 11:50 am to 12:50 pm (about 10 minutes ago)

Mindstate was unfocused this morning.

Yesterday’s playlist:

Mind’s Eye Terminus2 meditation : 1 loop
Alchemist Awakening (stage 3) : 4 loops

IMBUE with Fitness Terminus: 1 loop (while hiking)
Jet Stream Ultima: 1 loop (while finishing hiking and then back to home)

appreciate these meditation sessions so much

Weird spikes happening in social media responses this weekend.


Every day this walk I do is like medicine

It’s truly amazing

I didn’t do anything incredibly different last week, I think. Though I think there was one day on which I played 4 loops of Alchemist Awakening instead of 3 loops.

But I felt this reconciliation type process happening on Saturday and Sunday and even up to Monday.

Not physical discomfort, but just a sense of being unmoored. It might not have been directly connected to subliminals, but I guess they usually play some type of role.

It’s very funny how there’s no way to grow significantly without experiencing disorientation. But from within that cloud of disorientation, it’s very hard to tell whether any given disorientation is beneficial or not.

Gradual increase of capacity.

Don’t know what percentage.

This week i’ve felt like i’m dragging.

And yet you give such awesome input on the forum and make it look so easy!

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Thanks @RVconsultant!

Gradually increasing capacity.

Dips come before rises.

yesterday and the day before, energetic dips.

today, an increased sense of focus.

Future focus got a bit too strong. Got to downshift that.

You do not want to get to the point where you’re literally willing days to go by faster so you can get to some particular point. That is a big mistake.

Break the cycle.

They talk about the image of a spiral staircase.

You may feel that you’re going in circles, but if you add awareness into that equation, then you’ll find that each time you come back to the same point, you’re at a somewhat higher altitude. You have more perspective on the pattern.

This is what I’m aware of today. Hoping it’s a spiral staircase and not just one of these:


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Today’s loops:
PATHS of Wealth Terminus (morning meditation)
Quantum Focus (3 loops)
Mogul Q (1 loop)
Ascension Q (1 loop)

(after that, we’ll see: 1-2 loops of RICH are pretty likely. If i’m up to it, an overnight stack with IMBUE, Paragon, DUAT may happen, but we’ll see.)

Yes, I’m starting to titrate in small amounts of Mogul and Ascension. I was thinking of doing that later. But instead, I’ve started it now.

So, I’ve got my core programs. (IMBUE Terminus, Alchemist, Quantum Limitless, Mind’s Eye Terminus2, DUAT Terminus2, and PATHS of Wealth Terminus.

Then I’ve got these support programs: Ultimas and a couple Qs. I, obviously, use a long-term exposure strategy. And I pay somewhat close attention to the listening frequency and listening intervals.

In general, for example, Terminus2 programs are played 1 loop 3 times a week. Terminus programs 1 loop 3-5 times a week (sometimes 2 loops).
My core Q tracks (Alchemist and Quantum Limitless) are played 3-4 loops 4-5 days a week. That kind of thing.

Anyway, that’s the loop today. Mogul and Ascension are a kind of Focus and ‘Alpha’ scaffolding. Gradually, that’ll lead me back to Emperor. And then beyond.

Today’s Reflections
I have this push-pull, love-hate dynamic with aspects of my work. A part of me intuits that it really can be a launching pad to more meaningful Calling. Another part of me is in revolt against my work, and, not-so-ironically, when that part is winning, I end up frustrated and in a state of unfocus and drudgery.

I’m working on it.

Release negative energy

a bit past halfway into the first of three Alchemist Awakening loops today.

weird little wisps of intense wellbeing swirling up within me like slight tendrils of steam escaping from a manhole cover.

nothing overwhelming, just very striking.

One essence of ignorance is to equate (i.e., to experience no difference between) a Force and a Law.

One essence of wisdom is the insight that Navigation trumps Acquisition.

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random rant:

A lot of generic advice and/or common-sense is based on the assumptions that people are 1) low in awareness and 2) behaving automatically according to lowest-common denominator patterns.

Sure that’s often true and so those types of principles should be learned and understood, but do you really want to base your worldview on that?


as usual, the subconscious pulled a fast one one me again.

I just realized that I’m getting results from Mogul.

This’ll be interesting.

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