Just bought HoM and EoG...need some clarity please

that’s great. for the loops can i just run it continuously as i’m analyzing my forex charts so have it playing in the background (eg EoG on masked and HoM on ultrasonic)?

is there any issue with listening to it on forever repeat for few hours (or longer) and at night to have it play continuously?


thanks mate. yes i will take a break on the weekends for sure and also journal etc.
many thanks for the reminder.

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I’d recommend your run HOM solo for a month and then add EOG Stage 1 in the second month.

Always take 2 days off a week. Most people do 5 days on/ two days off.

I’d start with 1 loop a day the first week. No matter what stick to 1 loop

The next week go to 2 loops a day- if you notice an improvement in results and minimal reconciliation effects the next week go to 3 loops etc. Keep going until you find your optimal amount of loops per day.

After one month add in EOG stage 1 at 1 loop a day to whatever your current optimal HOM loops are. Repeat the process from above with EOG while running your optimal HOM loops.

I would highly recommend starting with 1 loop a day and sticking with that for a week no matter what any time you first introduce a new sub.

The reason I say 1 loop is because Q is very powerful and 2 loops initially might be too much. There are people here who have been on Q for months who still only run 1 loop a program a day. So you can’t go wrong with 1 loop when testing and getting a sense of the subs effects.


I see ok that makes sense. thanks for the heads up.

so if i do HoM 1 loop…so you mean just running it 1 time (1 hour)? or do you mean run the HoM multiple times but just 1 day?

and from what you’re suggesting, I should not run anything whilst I’m sleeping?

bit new to this so kindly clarify. thank you

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I’ll clarify the jargon
1 loop is playing the sub track 1 time. Almost all subs are 1 hour so 1 loop will be 1 hour.
While sleeping or not is up to you, it is generally warned that it can interfere with sleep.and so it is recommended to listen in the day. But plenty of people do it to great effect with no downside.
And of course, happy to help. Getting the technicalities ironed out initially is important.

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ok got it.
thanks. i’ll follow your advice.

btw as you guys are experienced, have you noticed any difference in using the Masked vs the Ultrasonic?

i mean in terms of results.

I’d run Mogul or Ascended Mogul first.

Those programs are better for someone who is just beginning. They are lighter and more focused. Will be easier for you to process and integrate (thus smoother and faster results).

They also serve as a great ramp-up to Emperor and Ecstasy of Gold.

When I first got here, I started from Ecstasy of Gold. It seemed like a no-brainer because it matched my exact aspirations. If I were starting all over, I’d begin from Mogul or Ascended Mogul.

The other way will work too, though. You can start from HoM. It’ll probably just be like starting a bike from 5th gear instead of starting from 1st gear. (That works better if you’re starting out riding downhill. In this case, ‘starting out downhill’ would be equivalent to already having conditions in your life that help results come more easily. Already own a company. Already have trading opportunities underway. Already have experience and current projects related to what you’re trying to build. Maybe the Funded Trader program that you mentioned could be something like this?)

But if you feel kind of like you’re starting from scratch, Mogul is probably the easiest way to get things moving.


that makes a lot of sense.
wish i had interacted with you guys before the purchase. i would have prob swapped EoG with AM perhaps.

As funds are non existent right now I bought these 2 so I can’t buy anything else currently as much as I’d like to.

So I will use HoM as my main goal is for the Forex Trading side of things and reading the description it seems this will help.

Thanks again for the help :slight_smile:


ah. no biggie then. it’ll all come out in the wash. And since you’re already clearly taking action in line with HoM, that’ll lubricate the gears and help the whole thing to start moving. Emperor has been known to give tremendous results and I guess HoM will be no exception.

I’ll second what others here have already said and say, keep the loops (i.e., reps) low in the beginning. Trust us. It works. More DOES NOT equal better.

This is going to be good.

And I can’t wait to read of your monetary (and beyond) success.


thanks mate. it’s been an extremely rough 10 years (yes 10 years!) so trying to do everything I can to get myself back into a positive financial position. I have no debts but no job/income so practically hand to mouth right now.

my forex trading has definitely improved and i’m sure with doing these subs it will help. i’m a big believer in the power of the subconscious mind, so hence my willingness to purchase these even though money is extremely scare right now.

thanks for the positivity and likewise, I hope to share some positive results in the near future.

take care and wishing all of you an amazing 2021…may all your dreams become reality! :slight_smile:


Yes, you can listen while doing other things (apart from driving a car or using some high risk machines).

One can do that but since you’re just beginning it’s better to stick to the General Recommendations or what I wrote above.

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got it. thanks mate

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You got a lot of help so far.

I would also encourage you to read about every program at the main shop and the Q store. Perhaps you could find more items to help you.

For trading, Marketweaver, Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy, Virtuoso di Matematica, Wealth Limit Destroyer, Quantum Limitless, Ecstasy of Gold, Financial Success Reality Shifter, Instant Business Tactician, Marketweaver, Positive Being Attractor – Wealth, Mystery, Secret Source, Secrets of Akasha – Wealth, Sultan, Unlimiter, RAIKOV might all be directly or indirectly helpful.

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I would even say it’s fine to stack them from the get go

also I’d advise against getting a custom now, absolutely (after a month at least… take time to see how you react to the major title first and if it’s. your thing)

if I were you, would listen to HOM and EOG ST1 at a loop a day for a week, (or 2 loops max)

then increase loops once each week (so 2nd week you can do 2 of each)

IF this felt like too much of course, you might stay with 1, or just try one of those programs solo, (you’ll know if you feel really shitty and it feels like you cannot move on by taking actions that are recommended to relieve reconciliation - esp taking action towards your goals)

and then after a month go to ST2, and so on

finding your sweet spot for number of loops and staying there

take 2 days a week rest days at least IMO

and give yourself time for processing the sub also each day listen 16 hours max (that’s really really max)

Ofc we all have some unique things about us so feel free to experiment

I’m sure you’ll enjoy this journey!


Don’t get a custom before at least a month of regular programs, I’d recommend 3 months minimum.


Good luck mate , HOM is my all time fav… have it in custom , custom ultima and the q , is cool title. also like the tv series is decent too


I would also advise running the programs he bought first and eventually build a custom accordingly. Three months is a very good time frame. Actually, I would finish running EoG along with HoM first and then decide if I wanted to build custom based on those two programs as its cores.


thanks everyone.

i’m sure all of these additional programs are amazing and can help.

i don’t want to keep reiterating my non-existent financial position, lol, so will just leave it at that.

I’m starting where I can with the 2 products i paid for. Am not paying for anything else right now.

Appreciate the enthusiasm, but context is very important in recommendations.

For now, am doing HoM only as I’ve been advised.

I’m positively hopeful, let’s see if i can see/feel results within the month and go from there.

thanks again.

p.s. i’m capped at 14 replies per day for some reason so apologies if there’s a delay in responding. i am reading your dm’s and comments its just i cant reply till the next day which is weird lol


Don’t stress it, @viv. It’s just life on a discussion forum.

Ironically, this high-technology of the Internet can sometimes produce a timelessness situation that is like life 100s of years ago hahahaha. Like when soldiers would continue fighting battles for wars that had already been settled decades earlier, because there was no way for them to receive the news. :rofl:

Sometimes, I come across a post that was written a while ago, but for me it feels brand-new. So don’t be too surprised if you’re still receiving advice on this question next year some time. (Now if I could just finally figure out how to get the year 2031 @Malkuth to give me advice right now.)

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Good decision. Keep us posted. :+1:t2: