Magick and the subs

My god! What are subs doing to you?! :joy::joy::joy: It pretty magickal if you ask me.


He’s being Reborn. :sweat_smile:


Frater @James of the Magickal Order of the Dragon


Aleister Crowley definition of Magick

Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the Will.

To some people magic is a belief system just like any other, magick in reality is different, its an approach to understanding reality, beyond the common comprehension of it. Both inner and outer reality. Magick its a methodology and a set of practices (rituals) to enter altered states of consciousness and explore other aspects of reality, to ultimately be able to affect it, change it in conformity with your Will.

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Ok, first of all more or less anything can be a belief system, for example “woke leftyism”.

As such, questions of validity or morality are redundant because the belief system relies on its own inherent characteristics removed from outside reality.

But lets get back to subs.

What do we actually know?

The brain picks up messages which circulate around the neutral networks triggering activation and strengthening the networks as they get fired. These strengthened networks then go on to change the persons thoughts and behaviour.

How come so many people sell technical analysis training to make money in the stockmarket?

Well, firstly you sell what people want to buy and since most people are stupid, lazy and poor sell them something that meets all three needs.

They lack money, sell them a means to get it.

They are lazy, buy my course as I have already worked out what to do.

They are stupid because why are the people with this great method of making money not simply getting on with err… actually making money?

So ask yourself this, do the practitioners of magic have wonderful lives?

Which is a longwinded way of asking “where are the customers yachts”?

But lets come back to belief systems.

They can be all encompassing and have a way of taking over to the detriment of an individuals life. I have seen this a lot in politics for example. People do what they “perceive” to be in their own best interests yet do not start fro a position of having the full facts whilst groping for a certainty in life and something to believe in.

So what happens to the political nerd? They may well end up being able to point out the intricacies of different voting systems and how small changes to economic systems mean for their cherished theories.

But nobody in power pays them any attention. They never feel the warm embrace of a loving sexual partner or enjoy the warmth of a loving family. They never get to enjoy the finer things in life that money can buy.

A surprisingly large number have a personal hygeine problem.

Don’t become the magickal equivalent to a politics nerd.


Wrote this two weeks ago:


It’s far more than a ‘belief system’, it is understanding the core of reality and taking control over it. Our whole entire existence is ruled by exact Laws, otherwise, there would be chaos and now there is an order in things.

Every movement has an equal and exact opposite movement. Hence, you do not want to expect major results in life from a lacking input as it is impossible, considering the laws of nature.

Gosh, most people are so brainwashed into believing that our reality is a physical construct they will never come to realize everything is holographic and a reflection of one subjective consciousness — so yes, we all live on different timelines and therefore experience life differently.

Think about it? What can be possibly known, everything that was currently being taught was created after the world wars to keep us from discovering the factual truth.

I might be misreading you, but isnt that what I said… :thinking:

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@anon2351792, I quoted it because I agree with your statement and provided an extension upon what you said :slight_smile:


Ooh ok… that was 1 of the 2 posibilities :grin:

And were of course naturally inclined to look at the worst one, are we not? hahaha :smiley:


Oh god… you touched that spot :joy::joy:

Not sure that’s entirely true or just a way of extrapolating what is useful to fit a certain belief system

There are a number of plausible paradigms for working with magick. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

When it comes to paradigms in general:

More emphatic and concrete paradigms = easier accommodation of faith and emotional intensity, but lower flexibility and capacity for nuance

More abstract and tentative paradigms = allow more nuance and room for interpretation but may feel tepid and wishy-washy to those who desire a stronger feel

Neither category of perspective is ‘true’ exactly. It’s more a question of which fits your needs and preferences at any given time.

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Check out the book Real Magic by Dean Radin.

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Believe it or not, it is entirely true. It’s not that we one day wake up with the Earth having a gravitational pull that’s 1/2th of what it was the previous day.

Physics takes a look at the Laws of physical existence, yet in similar fashion emotions, thoughts, and all of the reality operates under strict Laws. Otherwise, everything would be in complete Chaos, would it not? Life is a mechanism where every action has an equal and opposite reaction that maintains balance.

No books or knowledge will give you this understanding besides the necessary awareness to SEE it.


That’s hilarious. Something I haven’t shared is that back in 2014 I seriously considered joining the local Ordo Templi Orientis or O.T.O. until I realized there is this whole social aspect involved. I didn’t have a whole lot of free time then either


I don’t know. Given the premise and purpose of Quantum Limitless I am inclined to disagree with you there

Everything is magick.


In yoga, practicing “magic” is called Inferior Path which leads the yogi to his fall. Attaining supernatural powers is only a byproduct of the Path of the Yogi. The goal is complete liberation from suffering and becoming a “walking happiness”.

Subs are a tool which helps you conduct inner and outer transformations. Nothing more.

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