The Medici Family Lounge

Crazy dreams.

Me and my most successful client started an empire. Bought a few 100 condos together, etc. Can’t remember what else, but we did more investments n stuff.

But in the dream he was a criminal and I think even a wanted murderer, but simultaneously a super business tycoon, so it was kinda like dealing with the mafia where everything went through me but it was really him.

Thats the most successful I’ve ever been in my dreams. HOM having fast effects on my subconscious.


Hey pyro, don’t mean to discourage you because you can do this, but be careful of books in this space. I don’t want to say there’s some absolutely ridiculous, moronic things being printed…

Stay away from investing gurus. Markets are beatable but a vast majority of people don’t come close, many of this group read the books. If you do what everyone else does you’ll get what everyone else gets.

That said if you’re interest in reducing the noise in the market to get to signal check out Alexander Eder. Also ehlers white papers may act as a funnel to sell swami systems but there’s real value in them. Tellingly they both imply multiple timeframe analysis.


I’m definitely not a fan of Peña. I think he just likes to act tough.

AFAIK, he’s all about Mergers and Acquisitions. A fancy name for acquiring companies and breaking them up to sell. I think I saw a vid of him once talking about using the pension funds to bolster the bottom line.

I don’t see any of what I’ve seen from him as adding any value to the world.

I’d love to be wrong.

Mergers and acquisitions can be very lucrative, despite the fact they lead to uncomfortable changes. It’s a part of business. Business is generally not fair or kind. Sometimes you have to be ruthless. Subclub for example wants to get as much of the market share for subliminals as possible, they make fantastic products, but at the end of the day it’s a business. Their goal is to destroy or weaken competitors. They currently do this through making life changing products.

But I do not like the practice of taking apart companies just to make a profit. Not something I want be a part of. Some people though have made quite


My view is that if they can’t do so without destroying a pension fund that people have paid into in good faith for years, no amount of “benefit” makes it worth it.

The only reason I’d ever want to take a pension fund apart is if I were investing it into a better fund.

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Nah, no real business sets out to destroy or weaken…that isn’t the goal. The goal is the advancement of humankind.

Reminds me of a Shark Tank episode I saw where Kevin o’Leary said some dumb crap about “The purpose of a business is to make money.”

Money and cashflow are an essential part of achieving a business’ goals and visions…but what he said is the same as saying the purpose of the human body is to pump blood.


What makes you think that?

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Are you just Amash using a different account? lol

I just don’t believe any legit business has the main purpose of destroying “competitors.”

It’s a shitty mindset.



I see. Thank you.


Unless you’re Vince McMahon


ah… biz ethics…

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I really suck at articulating my thoughts. Let me try this again.

The purpose of business to provide a product or service that is demanded in the market or you create demand for it like Steve Jobs did with Apple products second time around.

Businesses that desire to grow need more marketshare. When you are grabbing market share you are usually taking away others share which can weaken them and sometimes destroy them (Netflix to Blockbuster).

Like it or not business is highly competitive. Mark Cuban has a great quote that “business is the ultimate sport” You are competing against everybody. Someone out there is working twice as hard, twice as long to kick your ass. You either have the desire to win or not. Coke vs Pepsi, Nike vs Addias, Marvel vd DC, etc. Business does not care about your feelings unless it is profitable/beneficial to stakeholderst. It’s the cold hard truth we need to accept.

Business absolutely has to make a profit. If you are not making a profit, you need to be fast growth or you have a hobby. I have made too many hobbies to count. Profit is what keeps the lights on, salaries, benefits, improving products, reinvesting to the business and yes to provide income to the entrepreneurs that take risks.


Highly agree on this. Goes back to what I was saying earlier about adding value. Crypto, being just a “currency”, is nothing more (in my opinion) than pure speculation. Yes, there is money to be made, but always at the expense of someone else “losing.”

I think buy-and-hold sounds much more in line with the idea of value-add. As long as you invest in companies that fit in with your values. And, if you can find companies that fit within your values AND pay dividends, score.

Buy-and-hold is the way for me, if I were to do stocks…but only dividend-paying stocks. Otherwise, buy-and-hold…it’s only an asset if you sell it.

As for non-stocks, I don’t have a lot of useful advice tonight. I’m eating Ramen and trying to learn C to be able to dissect and understand some code I ran across that I need to make use of.


Actually, check out the book “The Star Principle” by Richard Koch…he talks about the difference between companies that are what he calls “Cash Cows” and “Star” companies. Stars, according to him, are WAY more valuable than Cash Cows, even though Cash Cows still pay well by way of ROI.

Hell, check out anything by Koch. He’s got a very scientific mind when it comes to analyzing how all the pieces fit together.


Was watching Narcos series last night and the opulence and wealth displayed there was insane…

These guys had maids, chefs, security guards, villas everywhere and flying private jets with friends who were powerful and connected…

I mean, your family completely taken care of… The respect and power… and influence you had to dictate the rules and having a say into what goes on…

I just watch that show right now for wealth visualization for the type of wealth I want to create.

Obviously minus the criminal elements, it was so inspiring having a peak look into how the lives of billionaires, 8-9 Figure entrepreneurs lived…

This was the life of anyone back then from those countries who was making 6 figures…

cant say to much on results but talk about it now, but hom zp is having fast effects like this and similarly on my dreams , but one adverse affect seems to some disorientation …

HoM has been really kicking my ass, just when I thought I was solid on ZP subs, HoM hit me like a truck with recon. But I am able to still take action and when I do the recon temporarily lifts. Been working on completely overhauling our finance and financial structures.

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Can you elaborate on how HOM hit you?

I feel heavy processing on the brain, but in a way where I am still normal, just a little more tired and light brain fog.

It’s like my mind was handled this monstrous task of the goals of HoM and its working on a way to get there. Especially since HoM and my current situation are pretty different, but in terms of scope. I already am a hobbies investor and an accountant for my day job so I know my way around financial numbers. I also have a highly strategic mind, I seem to win a lot of strategy board games. The networking is something that I could have if I worked on it my family has a lot of loose connections.

Still very confident that this sub is exactly what I need for my goals.


as someone who works in finance and has already made millions while still in my 20s its always shocking for me to see how naive most people are when it comes to business/financial advice.

no one should listen to anything Dan Pena has to say.

Dan Pena is a complete fraud and a joke,

here is some evidence if anyone does not believe me: