The Journey Begins: Warrior

I wonder to what extent MTMXZP helps directly with technique and ability, versus taking action towards improvement. I am very self-critical so perhaps that’s the reason why I’m not seeing substantial improvement, but I feel like I’m taking a lot of action towards making myself better. So far it feels less like a skill boosting sub, and more of a sub that will direct your life towards boosting the skill in question.

Perhaps I’m a little too early to really see it too, so we’ll have to wait and see. Just keep on running the sub.

Also thinking about using @Billions’s new listening pattern starting my next cycle. I think I can handle 3 subs a day, plus the 2 day weekly breaks combined with the easy schedule and 4 day washout period makes me feel confident in its effectiveness. Of course, I do think running that type of cycle requires at least some “synergy” with all 3 subs; that’s why I think it will be crucial for my next cycle to take out CFW and replace it with Mind’s Eye.

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Mind’s eye in Qv2 was a lot lighter than most subs so I think that it’s a great third sub.

I think that especially if you’re running 3 subs in a day, it might be effective to experiment with the 5-7 minutes per track idea. It’s actually really good. I’m only listening to two subs in my stack but I’m still experimenting with the reduced listening time. I listened to stark and Mind’s eye at 5 minutes per loop and they both kicked in fast. It’s not even a “reduced listening schedule” or anything like that… from the sounds of it, it sounds like it’s just caveat-free better in most cases.

I’m not so much concerned with the reduced listening time, but more with the idea of cutting off the audio mid-script. Since we don’t really know how many loops of each script plays within the 15 minute timeframe or the intervals in which each script loop begins and ends, that is where I’d be concerned with accidentally cutting things off.

What are your opinions on those concerns of mine?

My opinion is that Saint officially recommended that someone listen to a track for either 5 or 7 minutes and therefore it’s okay. It’s an official recommendation.

My best guess is that the first minute of every ZP loop has the exact same primer, and then each ZP loop for that specific subliminal lasts two minutes long.

0-1 minute: generic primer
1-3 minute: loop 1 of script
3-5 minute: loop 2 of script
5-7 minute: loop 3 of script

We know for a fact that every ZP has a primer that’s the same across them all, so this is not hard to imagine as an accurate model of how the scripts work.

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Gaming Mastery X isn’t just for boosting skills, but it’s for those who are serious about becoming professional gamers. For those people, it’s a long term game adding motivation, discipline to train, increased efficiency in training, better self-awareness of where you need improvement, and the endurance in long-term resilience, plus all the mental skills needed to ascend to become a true pro-gamer.

For those who aren’t trying to become pro-gamers specifically but just want casual improvement, other subs would be just as good.

MTMX is probably the same way in the sense that if you’re serious about improving over a long period of time, it’ll be the way to go, but it won’t give quick results.

I did 8 years of martial arts, much of it muay thai and kickboxing, and I know for a fact that while the mind helps in martial arts, what’s most important is the mind and body becomming one… so even if your mind is already improving, it will take time to train your body how to do what your mind is starting to know how to do.

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Given that the 5 minute thing came from username SaintSovereign, who knows how long the script is, it’s probably safe to assume that you won’t be cutting things off at an inappropriate place. Some relevant quotes:


Just had my 2nd interview at my 2nd choice program and wow, I freaking hit it out of the ballpark. If I compare the 2 interviews I did, this one while having more loops of Stark under the belt were on a completely different level. My charisma and confidence was just something else, with nerves of steel. Just to be clear, I’ve always had that charm and confidence since I was a child, but Stark has allowed me to tap into it much more easily.

The interviewer basically told me that I’m a guarantee to be accepted without telling me (because she wasn’t allowed to). Also being interviewed by a woman versus a man in the first program really allowed me to turn on my charm and confidence, it’s like an automatic thing that happens when I speak to older women.


I really like Billions’ pattern and I think I’m going to start implementing it as of this week. CFW has been fun but I ain’t got no time or energy for healing right now. I’ve got too much to focus on and would prefer to run something for healing when I have a bit more stability under me.

I fucked up and accidentally forgot to listen to a loop on Saturday, and it messed up my schedule. So I’m, going to go against listening schedules and instead of listening tomorrow (I listened to that loop yesterday) I’m going to listen to my Day 1 loops with no rest day, but at a 7 minute length instead of the full 15. I’m going to rest Tuesday, listen to MTMZP on Wednesday and then commence a 4 day washout so effectively, I am cutting this 21 day short.

Starting next Monday I’ll be listening to my new 3 sub one day on/off schedule, all at approximately 7 minutes, with a 2 day rest period during the weekend (aka the Billions routine/schedule). It becomes a 22 day schedule if you don’t count the washout, with more consistent exposure to all 3 subs while also incorporating more rest at the same time, thereby killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

Only change to the stack will be the replacement of CFW for Mind’s Eye, I’ve gotta see what that shit’s about.

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Dope! Get it trending!

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Also decided to listen to 7 minutes of MTM, so no rest day between yesterday’s loops and today. Now is my 4 day washout time, and I’m going to apply the Billion schedule right after, because it’s clear that going to the gym as close to a listening day as possible has big rewards.

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This post from Invictus’ journal might be a lot more accurate than it would seem at first glance, because I’ve felt the effects in this way to be honest (in regards to the 3rd sub at least). Only problem is that there really isn’t much difference between the first and 2nd sub, in terms of its general impact. With that said, I think I’ll do Stark 1, MTM 2 and ME 3. Big bills at the end of this month, but I think I can squeeze another sub purchase in there :wink:

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This was a really interesting comment that makes me want to reflect a little further on myself and the journey I’ve embarked on.

I think about what drew me first to fighting, and the further I go, I think it makes it realize that it all began in the abusive household I was raised in, and the suppression of myself and my passion for physical activity, which manifested into a deep love of physical contest as the element of competition was the only thing I could relate to in the high-pressure life I lived as a child. The more physical the sport, the more I was interested in it until eventually, I decided to start boxing myself. But I didn’t stick to it, I became lazy as I started to get into drugs and socialise with people, vast majority of whom held me back.

I always loved combat sports, I always wanted to continue as the years went by, but I never did. There was something blocking me, like a lack of self-worth, a lack of self-belief and a tendency to externalize all my faults onto others. Running AM helped me gravitate towards MT. It made me want to embrace the element of competition that I had ran away from in my adulthood but loved in my childhood. Suddenly I had an urge to prove something to myself, and after feeling that my 20s were completely wasted I felt like MT was a way for me to try and write my wrongs in the past. Because ultimately, I have a very deep regret regarding my 20s and what had happened. I did everything so well to set myself up for a very successful life, only to piss it all away and it’s something that itches and claws at me to this day, even if I understand that it was necessary for my process. I am significantly better for it, but my past mistakes still make me wonder “what if”. But what I’ve come to realize is that once I succeed in the future, those “what ifs” won’t be “what ifs” but they will simply be learning lessons, roadblocks in my life that had to be overcome, small chapters in the greater story that represents my life.

That is why I choose to fight. This is why I am on this journey. This is symbolic, it is the beginning of me overcoming all of the ‘what-ifs’ in my life, this is me choosing not to regret but to take action because time is still on my side. Not as much as before perhaps, but I still have time.


You have plenty of time. And I think you’re being hard on yourself in a way that is adversarial with your self-blame and regret. You came from a physically abusive household. Those patterns cut so deep and part of you is still an innocent child wondering what the hell is going on, feeling betrayed and vulnerable. Of course you struggled with self sabotage. I would submit that the greatest journey is into our own heart, and there we can find the love and compassion and forgiveness that literally builds a new future. I come from a great household, but had some very bad things happen, and as a female with a lot of conservative Christian modeling I didn’t fight back like I should have because my head was filled with the dogma and bullshit. So all the anger. But at the end of the day to find the light within, nurture its shine and with internal power have it reach outwards: that is the juice that is worth the squeeze, so to speak. I think its awesome that you are on a journey with art of Muay Thai; it has inherently Buddhist principles that can give you hope and freedom. But beyond all that, appreciate and thank yourself and recognize that you are doing AWESOME and all that stuff you’re pissed off at yourself for is the pressure with which you can “forge your spirit in the fire of your will”. I think time is on your side more than ever.


Beautifully said.

Just started my newest cycle with my experimental listening schedule.

Even when reducing the listening times to 7 minutes each, listening to 3 ZP subs in a day is quite exhausting. I was yawning and my head feels quite heavy after listening, but started to feel better once I took off my headphones (also a bit of Deftones surprisingly helped a lot).

We’ll continue to try this out for the next week and see how it goes post weekend-washout.

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Day 2 of the 3 subs/day attempt, and I feel like headaches begin the very moment the 3rd sub begins to run. So instead I’m going to try to run the 3rd sub later in the day and see how that goes.

To be honest, I think 3 subs a day is too much, even if I listen to them for only 7 minutes instead of the full 15. I think I’ll be going back to 2 subs a day, and run MTM/ME on Monday, MTM/Stark on Wednesday and Stark/ME on Friday, 2 loops of each sub per week should be fine.


Felt much better spacing out the loops with Stark/ME in the morning and MTM at night.

I am really seeing the charisma/socializing benefits of Stark, I feel like it’s much easier for me to strike up a conversation with others. I might be seeing a bit of the fame coming in, but hard to say.

I’ve also really wanted to run Limitless lately, but there’s no space for it in my stack right now. I think the time for Limitless will come in end of March/April, when this journal ends.

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@RVconsultant @DarkPhilosopher can you change the title of this journal to “The Journey Begins: Warrior”, seeing as I’m not using Chosen anymore?

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You are now no longer the Chosen One, grasshopper. To make it more mysterious, call it “The Journey Begins: Warrior X” instead. :slight_smile:


I got into a car accident today.

The girl I was with got out immediately and went over to the car that I hit to check up on the driver (I was driving her car) and the driver of that car flipped her shit at her and got out of the car, yelling and threatening me. She looked like a stereotypical Karen, while driving a BMW convertible to boot.

I told my girl to come back and I’ll handle it. Spoke to the lady and got back to the car, and my girl was basically sitting there with her jaw dropped. In about a minute that lady went from yelling and ready to call the cops, to laughing and smiling while apologizing for her behaviour (keep in mind that I hit her).

Now I’ve always been a charismatic and charming person, I’ve been described as such for basically my whole life and it definitely isn’t the first time that I’ve gotten myself out of a sticky situation with my charm and charisma. Having said that, I do think Stark plays into my natural personality perfectly and helps accentuate it further. All it’s doing is helping me refine myself further, like sharpening the blade. From all of the Sub Club archetypes available, Stark seems to fit me the most by far.