Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

Are we talking ZP, and in that case what will the number of loops be approx?

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Yes, ZP

Followed the standard op, so 11 listens in 21 days.


Cool, so you run 1 title for each period or multiple titles?

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One title with a few listens to Diamond and Sex Mastery (both ZP).

Right now I just started Stark ZP, doing this solo for a couple weeks then might throw in Mogul or an Alpha title depending on how Stark feels.


Couple things:

  1. Normally I spend most my days just annoyed by the majority of people I have to interact with. Since starting stark I haven’t been getting annoyed when I usually would. It’s like I’m on a higher plane and that stuff just doesn’t register anymore.

  2. I have a couple shops I’m a regular at. I recognize the employees and they recognize me. But I’m not a small talk kind of person so it’s usually just friendly and quick. However, over the past couple days two different employees have said almost the exact same thing “I’m sorry I see you here all the time but I’ve never got your name”. Now they are greeting me by first name when I go in.


Just some Stark sh*t for y’all.


Why you posted the same link twice??

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It was an accident, please forgive me for this grave crime that I have committed.


Sorry if it has hurt you


Quick and easy report on Stark (3 loops)


Could this also be an effect of bloom from Chosen, do you think?

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Omg exactly the same!

I’ve been being super open about vulnerability and weakness that I used to try and hide.

A) it’s super liberating

B) People are so supportive


Could be, and probably is. At least in part, although I remember Saint saying something about Stark ZP being… I don’t remember the exact wording, but I think he said something about it being “very important” or “super positive”

I might be wrong, tho!

Virtually shadow-work, right? I think CFW is definitely still lingering around for me. This sub is super powerful, but yeah, being AUTHENTIC. Your TRUE self is what attracts people!

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any updates coming soon to the objectives ? :slight_smile: @SaintSovereign



I think after releasing all titles in zp by next week . They will update product descriptions


If you come across the post in question and remember my asking, please tag me in it!

If it’s in this thread I’m sure I’ll come across it sooner or later :slight_smile:

I think Stark ZP is my favorite title, besides the obvious one, Sage Immortal.


Hey Saint, you said this in March 2020:

Is that still true for ZP?
I want to focus on money right now, but I feel Stark - since it’s a bit broader - might tackle other issues first (like for example the relationship) which is why I wanted to add Mogul.

Or should one rather run Mogul solo then? (or even AM?)

I remember you said on ZP, be as focused as possible.


Found the post after going through hundreds of Saints recent posts lol

@Fire has given the go ahead for Stark ZP. It’s on deck now. Ya’ll, this script… is phenomenal. Makes me rethink my custom Chosen idea, but I know I need that now. I can’t believe he wrote this while dealing with Omicron. That man is an absolute tank, the dedication he has to enhancing everyone’s lives.
He deserves a hand of applause for this one.

He didn’t use the words I used above but he “compared” with Chosen and his Custom Chosen Idea, which is why I (!) made the connection there is some positivity in it, or innvoation towards the greater good, idk.

However, I have 3 loops of Stark ZP behind me and I can say that positivity and belief in the future is a thing. I thought it was old Chosen runs, but could just be Stark :wink:


Ahh, I did see that one. Thanks though, my friend.

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Now that I’ve run both stark and emperor for 21 days each on separate stacks. I can confidentiality say that stark is one for me. I’m just much more eloquent in using my words and can easily articulate what I’m trying to get across and I find that very useful in day to day interactions, people genuinely like me if I give them a chance and truly take my compliments or criticisms to heart so I gotta be careful with that . I have also experienced the alpha part of stark in a situation when I didn’t want to interact with people and they left me alone. Women wise I’m just much better in talking to them but not good at escalating so maybe I’ll add ps to my next stack after the break