The Eden's Gift - The poetic existence of Invictus

Saint has mentioned it multiple times that express orders get processed on the weekends as well, hence the query.

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Ok, I missed that. I never l paid for express orders.

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Hopefully it arrives before the event haha, if not then imma run Emperor before the event.

I imagine the express custom was Zpt2?

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Not anymore.

I miss the freedom of running subs as needed, and honestly, ZP standard is more than enough for me.
Plus this one is mainly targeted towards inner growth, not concerned anymore with trying to be the sexiest or famous or whatever.

Just a nice stable self development focused custom with Emp + Chosen + EF3 (lighter, and more focused on getting bigger for my personal passion, not to be the sexiest).


Ok. More versatile.

I found where Saint said express orders would be processed weekends. Good initiative to purchase the service.


So I’m wondering if you haven’t heard because it might be measured in business days rather than calendar days.

I have notified staff.

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I think you are at an existential point. What do you do when you have everything?

What gives your life meaning and purpose if you have all the earthly delights available to you, and/or they are all satisfied?

It arrived on time, and I’m about to finish my love before going in to work :sunglasses:

You strive to become someone worthy of those “delights”.


Saint once mentioned somewhere on the forum that ZP has OG Blue Skies in it, which I would definitely attribute to that. Being one with yourself on a DEEP level.


An important lesson for me:

having a “perfect” life isn’t the goal, because being in a state of perfection means that there’s no need to improve anymore, and that’s not what I strive for.

Strive for excellence, not for perfection, or else you’ll be left in a position where your ego leaves no room for further improvement.

I’m happy to say that my current custom is doing a lot of great things for me, certain things include:

  • getting praised by my boss and the team for handling all the communications perfectly during the opening ceremony of the event (I was basically the “playmaker” of the team).

  • delegated myself to handle the tour for certain embassies, like the Indian one, and getting this:

    He took my personal number from my boss, just to send that.

  • noticing that people are not just opening up more and getting closer, but since the first day of using the custom, I’ve been told over 10 times that I’m “the funniest person ever”, which keeps leading to even the VVIPs of the country to feel more comfortable with me and specifically asking for me to escort them around, as they want to engage more with me.

  • gym wise, my dedication, motivation, energy and strength have all seen a dramatic increase in a short amount of time, as well as my weight shooting up by 2kgs in the last 2 days, while my back getting more shredded.

I will start a new journal for this one, once my event is done on Saturday, but so far, I’m loving this more than the other customs, and it’s by far the most “feel good” sub I’ve ever tried.

  • Emperor core

  • Chosen core

  • EF st3 core

  • APS: Head

  • Ethereal presence

  • Entranced

  • Direct influencing aura

  • Song of joy

  • Voice master

  • Transcendental connection

  • Carpe diem ascended

  • Machine: action

  • Mastermind

  • Fearsome

  • Lifeblood fable

  • Fusion optimized

  • Inner gasoline

  • Deep sleep

  • Serum X

  • Pragya


Your text energy have changed, now we can be friends haha
Take this as a manifestation of chosen, wow I am smiling while writing this text to the EX- despicable Invictus haha

I’ve been researching about WANTED so I have been reading your journal
It’d be great to know about if contradictions are caused by certain cores, like WANTED and true social, and what effect would that have on people’s behavior toward the sub user
Any information on the matter is welcome
And another question just arose, you wanted to be dedicated to work and everything,ok!
Why did you remove wanted? You could be dedicated and attractive, couldn’t you?

When I was using WANTED along pcc, glm and commander
One of the things I noticed is that I was easy going
Like I saw a flaw, I ignored it and I had to consciously return to the guy and tell him, yo, clean this up
Like pcc and others were telling me to do this, and WANTED was telling me to go easy

I realized today that the higher power levels (ZPT and ZPT2) are best suited for people who are considered “hard gainers”, as it’s much more cutthroat in terms of healing any and ALL blockages an individual might have inside, which makes it perfect for those who don’t see as many results with standard ZP (hence why it gave me an existential crisis; what’s not broken doesn’t need fixing, or the fixing will break it).

Why do I say that?
King ZP (only listened twice so far, one loop both times) has already given much more “higher quality” results, while being standard ZP, compared to both of the ZPT2 customs, and why is that?
Because I don’t need the “extra power” at all, in fact, it’s not good for me, while as the standard King ZP did something today for me, which I don’t think people would believe at all, so I might as well just keep it for myself :rofl:
But I did gain 2kgs overnight :eyes:
@Simon the gains are coming back :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


That’s it your CEO already
Or you’ve been named chief of for the world cup department

Or… or I don’t know but wow

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Hahahah nah, but it’s not something people would just believe.
However, it did show me how much I changed from before my realizations :wink:

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That does sound like a challenge to me :triumph:

I’ve literally have created my own mentor in my head and made it appear in my life 48h or so later

So in term of believing, it’ll be hard for me not to
You’d say to me that you’ve been asked to stay around a REALLY REALLY important person for your whole country I wouldn’t be shocked either :smirk:

Plus I’ve got faith unweilding so my faith and believing ability is through the roof ma man :100:

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Let’s just say I got an effect that @lrw has mentioned her partner having on Emperor + Chosen.



Now I gotta re-read her journal I’ve seen this post but I forgot about it

Daln did you Grew your beard marry that beautiful creature and had a child in 2 days???

Just joking I thing I get it

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