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If you do not own a specific module does it automatically add it to the cart if you select it?

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There seems to be a bug, I added quite a few modules to my Build that I don’t own yet but on the Checkout page the price listed is only for the cost of the Build and doesn’t include the price of the modules I haven’t already licensed.


@rqx seems to be having the same issue.

Also, minor typo. It’s supposed to show “Module 11-15” instead of “Module 10-15”


@RVconsultant has direct contact with me on via chat. His answers are very accurate, as many times, he’s asking on your behalf (or any other customer) on chat and answering with what we say. Please respect that fact, as we cannot answer every question on the forum.


Yes. The build page is just a selector and it lists ALL modules in the store. Make sure they’ve been licensed, or the order won’t be fulfilled.

If you haven’t licensed the modules in the past, your order won’t be fulfilled. Trust me, we’re checking. C’mon, everyone. Why do we make things so damn complicated? License the modules, then order the title.

Nope. You get equal exposure to the scripts anyway.

It’s going slow due to demand, not the speed of anything else. And we tested this many times. It actually takes much more time using an ajax search to pull modules than a simple dropdown in alphabetical order.

Not at the moment.

It’s not a price problem, it’s a SKU problem. There’s no way in hell that I’m updating three SKUs per product every time we upgrade. Four stagers and bundles like Alchemist would be a nightmare. There’d be three downloads for each product. Plus, ZPT and ZPT2 have not been tested enough in the wild to safely release them.

No. I guess I’ll have to update the page to specifically state this so no one gets confused.


@friday you can click on the dropdown and quickly type the first few letters of the module you are looking for. It will bring you close to the one you need (or the one)

Ex. When I wanted to select Machine action in the drop down menu, I clicked on the menu and when the menu opened up, I typed in “mac” in a quick succession. The menu automatically went to Machine : Action. I think there is 1 second delay between the first letter you type and the last one so I only have time to type 3-4 letters. If you type letters after that, it will bring you elsewhere in the menu.

@SaintSovereign For the launch of the ZP customs, will the productions work on week end to unclog the huge amount of orders or will the customs follow the regular schedule on monday?

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Only Express Orders will be processed on the weekend. We need time to relax and wind down too, everyone. That being said, the creation process has become so much easier than when we launched that we shouldn’t get too far behind, if at all. That MVP version of the Q software was incredibly difficult to work – it didn’t even have a UI. It was all done in a terminal window. We fixed that a long time ago.


Out of curiosity how long does it take for one order to be build in the system?

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And now…so does WorldBreaker

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Some people are hungry for wealth, sex, looks, and even intelligence.
Meanwhile we’re out here wanting to break reality :rofl:


Hard to answer, as it depends. Some orders are super fast, others take quite some time, hence why we we’re still working on the full automation project.


Hi @SaintSovereign, not sure if this has been asked before, but is it advisable to stack a regular ZP title with a custom ZP title? Or will that produce too much recon?


You mean a custom with the same core as the title?

Example: wanted + stark custom, and running wanted on the side?

stacking ZPs and QV2s is fine. Recommended to not run them on the same day. And make sure they’re different titles to avoid needless recon symptoms.


The senate needs some sleep it seems.

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Is it possible? Yes. Advisable? Probably not. Might let to recon and it’s a bit unnecessary anyway. But, if you’re running just two titles – one being a custom with a particular major title’s core, and the other one being the title itself – you should be okay since you’re not running them on the same day and there’s a rest day in-between. Just be careful for overexposure and stop listening at the earliest sign of any adverse effect.


nah. just more focused on stuff today.

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I wonder if you realize why I chuckled when I read that :stuck_out_tongue:

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can you please consider releasing maybe the 3-5 best selling products in ZPT/ZPT2?

i was not yet using your products back in the days terminus and terminus squared where released but my understanding for those is that those power levels where for customs only but you also released some normal products with them.

could you please do that for ZPT and ZPT2?

again, i would gladly pay extra and waive any right to a refund as well.

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No. lol. I’m out of it today.

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Hahaha I realized that when you mentioned that you’re “more focused” on stuff, because there was no mention of Qv2 in that question :joy: