The Chosen Spartan Emperor

With the dawn of QZP, the SubClub army faced a great threat. The hype hating copycats threatened their very existence. For weeks on end, the great enemy sent over double agents and new forum users to try and disprove the new technology, and persuade users to the dark side - the side of long listening times and no results.

One man, descendant of the great King Leonidas, knew he must prove once and for all the unprecedented power of these subliminals, in order to quell the imminent threat. The Spartan Emperor @Ice was Chosen for the task. Through the power instilled by the very subs of the same name, the Chosen Spartan Emperor began his quest to provide irrevocable evidence that the SubClub technology and community reigns supreme.

Threatened by this news, and concerned this may be their last chance for victory, the copycats sent over a messenger from a distant forum land to negotiate the peaceful enslavement of the SubClub army once and for all. The messenger pleaded for submission of the SubClub army by swearing allegiance to the dark side.

@Ice had other ideasā€¦



OBJECTIVE (Trackable) Goals

  • Be a productivity machine: optimize every hour of the day for maximum effectiveness
  • Eliminate time wasting and procrastination
  • Maintain positive, supportive habits: meditation, exercise, cold showers, stretching, healthy diet, journaling, reading
  • Maximize my physical potential: become as strong, healthy, and fit as I physically can be
  • Improved posture
  • Earn 6 figure income from my sales job
  • Get promoted in my sales job
  • Launch my side business
  • Pay off all debt
  • Form a Mastermind alliance with other high value, successful individuals
  • Maintain semen retention and stay focused on my purpose!

SUBJECTIVE (Non-Trackable) Goals

  • Be more decisive
  • Be more assertive
  • Lead others
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Improve confidence
  • Stronger presence
  • Stronger influence on others / communicate more persuasively
  • Articulate clearer boundaries
  • Think more positively
  • Increased Flow
  • Conquer fear of public self-expression
  • Live purposefully every day
  • Increased masculine frame

From my first day on this stack:


Running Emperor for the first time ever right now! Very excited to become an absolute beast in all areas of my life. Time to get focused and become the best man I can possibly be.


Yesterday (rest day), completed a very intense HIIT cardio workout. It was TOUGH, and I was huffing and puffing my way through it, but I completed the whole thing! Now, this may not seem like much of an accomplishment, but I genuinely have not done intense cardio like this in over a year. So I really felt proud for completing it.

I want to be a complete man in terms of my fitness, which is why I will be alternating my HIIT training and weight training, 3x per week each with rest on Sundays. Stretching Iā€™ll do every day.

I also must comment on the recovery of Spartan ZP. Despite having two of the most intense workouts Iā€™ve had all year back to back, I do not feel nearly as sore as I should be. Yes, of course there is some soreness, but normally I would be damn near limping after the intensity of the workouts I just had. Spartan seems to aid in recovery, as well as promote recovery type actions. For example, I was extensively using my massage gun yesterday, as well as got a long, restful sleep last night.


is emperor out as a ZP?

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Itā€™s not out yet

Not yet. Running Qv2 version in preparation for its ZP release.


Itā€™s Sunday yet I had SUCH a productive day and worked overtime far beyond the level I normally would. I was very motivated to finish my work too! Like fully focused on finishing the task at hand and being as efficient as possibleā€¦I love the feeling of Emperor so far, especially combined with Chosen and Spartan. Itā€™s a real push to get shit done and be as productive as you can, which is EXACTLY what Iā€™m looking for right now.

Normally on Sundayā€™s I just chill out, relax, and watch football, but today was different. Today was laser focus completion of tasks I had been putting off, and also getting ahead on an extremely important work project that was looming. I feel so much better about it now that I dedicated much of today towards working on it. And even though there were obstacles in my way, I pushed through and persevered never letting any temporary setbacks get in my wayā€¦I suspect this is the SpartanZP mindset linking with the personal power of Emperor.

Loving this stack so far. I feel like I can accomplish anything.

  • Busy and stressful work week handled with the class of an Emperor. Been really in the zone and on my game with work stuff lately.

  • Been noticing Chosen effectively encouraging me to lead more, get my voice out there, and take the reins on various situations. People are all responding positively to my leadership.

  • Also, and this is HUGE, my Paragon custom ultima is blooming, I think initiated by ZP. Iā€™ve been dealing with this debilitating chronic illness for over a year now. Without getting into too much detail, itā€™s a respiratory issue. Iā€™ve tried everything I could possibly think of, consulted with multiple doctors, both M.D. and naturopathic medicine. NOTHING worked beyond a slight relief, but the illness would come back with vengeance. Last night, I was really down and fed up with dealing with this shit. So I went searching on YouTube and came across the EXACT video which SOLVED my issue damn near instantly!! I had been trying to address it completely from the wrong angle, and this was a major breakthrough for me, as this has been truly debilitating and preventing me from living my life to the fullest. Now I feel FREE, thanks to the bloom from my Paragon custom and assisted Iā€™m sure by the health scripting of Spartan ZP. Thank you SO much SubClub - I feel finally relieved of this major burden on my life

Thatā€™s it for now gotta get back to the grind :muscle:

  • Was the host of a work event that took place last night. There was a lot of prep work that went into it but it definitely paid off and was quite successful! The dedication of Emperor, combined with the leadership qualities of Chosen really shined through. Chosen was showing itself last night as I was taking charge of preparations for the event instructing people what to do. They were eager to help me and contribute to the success of the event. Even though this was my first event of this kind, and nerves were to be expected, I was not nearly as nervous as I would have been and felt confident when giving my portion of the presentation.

  • For several years now, I have had the habit of biting my nails. Itā€™s something Iā€™ve been hard pressed to stop, and really struggled with trying to get over it. In the past week since starting this preview, Iā€™ve been WAY more conscious about it and have developed a mechanism to stop myself anytime I mindlessly go to bit my nails (I slap myself hard on the wrist lol). I have not ONCE bit my nails in the past week, and feel a growing confidence around me being able to stop this bad habit once and for all! Yet another burden lifted from my lift. I suspect itā€™s ZPā€™s self-awareness factor combined perhaps with the health scripting of Spartan thatā€™s contributing to this positive change.


Havenā€™t posted much on here because Iā€™ve been an absolute MACHINE lately - crushing my goals and ambitious af. This stack really puts you in grind mode, and Iā€™m loving the productivity, discipline and focused dedication these 3 subs are giving me.

Iā€™ve not usually been a morning person, but since running this stack Iā€™ve been waking up early before 5:30am and getting my day started with an intense workout. This sets me up for the rest of the day as Iā€™ve been crushing goals and my to-do list, never satisfied until Iā€™m done. Even though work is extremely busy this time of year, Iā€™m motivated and energized each day to do my best, and being recognized for my hard work (thanks Chosen).

Really laying down the foundation rn for an awesome 2022.


On the Spartan front:

  • Continue to break PRs in major lifts like squat and bench press
  • Havenā€™t missed a single day of working out since starting this sub! Even the day I had planned for rest I found myself eager to exercise so I did some intense yoga
  • Alternating between heavy ass weights and super intense interval training cardio sessions. Even though my body is being sculpted in multiple directions - strength and speed - Iā€™m adapting well to the workouts and noticing extreme improvements in my fitness
  • Completed a workout where I literally did 5x5 of essentially every major compound lift besides shoulder press: squats, bench press, deadlift, rows, and weighted dips
  • My posture is improving and my diet is locked in
  • Physique is getting better and better
  • I feel STRONG both physically and mentally

This stack is creating incredible synergy and results. Iā€™m almost at washout time, but hereā€™s the latest summary of results:


  • MUCH more decisive, which is huge for me! Not overthinking decisions either.
  • Taking the lead of situations, even those with my family. Iā€™m home for the holidays and usually submit to my fatherā€™s authority. However, Iā€™ve been more assertively expressing what I think we should do, and my family has been following my lead.
  • My voice carries a tone of authority.
  • People willingly and eagerly submitting to my authority
  • Chosen working through ā€œimposter syndromeā€ of expressing leadership traits in my 20s. Profound healing in this regard, even expressed in my dreams.
  • Positivity, joy, bliss, and peace in almost every day of my life, which can be consciously ā€˜activatedā€™


  • Urge to workout every single day. Today is my rest day and Iā€™m forcing myself to rest.
  • Eagerly awaiting new physical challenges.
  • Pushing to break PRs and be physically better day by day
  • Maintaining a strict healthy diet with relative ease
  • Very cognizant of proper recovery and taking much more time to stretch and warmup
  • Feeling and looking VERY strong after just a couple weeks
  • Almost in the best shape of my life after just a couple weeks
  • Have never challenged myself this hard physically YET my recovery is immense; Iā€™m barely sore and feel recovered as long as I get good sleep (working out 6 days per week)
  • This is probably a combination of all three subs, but Iā€™ve been waking up before sunrise and getting an intense workout in first thing in the morning.


  • Incredible discipline and drive
  • Sticking to positive supportive habits seemingly automatically.
  • Eliminated almost every bad habit with minimal temptation to go back to them.
  • Very little anxiety especially in social settings.
  • Feeling profound levels of confidence.
  • Better posture. Walking more like a king.
  • Saying far less than usual. Feeling less of a need to be ā€œchattyā€. As a result, my words carry far more weight.
  • Knowing that all of my dreams are possible and will be achieved.

God tier results! Super glad to see a Chosen/Emperor stack.


Great results, hope Emperor ZP will come soon.

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Great results. Emperor/Chosen definitely seems like an interesting combination.

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One big change I noticed in terms of my diet is Iā€™m looking at food like fuel for my body. Considering the long term consequences of what I put in my body over the short term pleasure.

Also, been on semen retention for over 2 months now with minimal temptation to slip up


Had an interesting dream last night where my friend had injured his achilles heel and I was showing him stretches I had discovered to heal it.

This really stuck out to me as it incorporates elements from both ZP subs Iā€™m running: Spartan (physical healing, Achilles being literally an Apex warrior, etc.), and Chosen (leading in a positive way to positive outcomes, helping others overcome weakness i.e. Achilles heel represents our biggest weakness).

Not sure exactly what was being healed here, but it definitely stuck out to me as something significant. Iā€™m open to hearing your interpretations if anyone has someā€¦


Unlocking my abilities to heal other people perhapsā€¦?

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