The Chosen Spartan Emperor

Experienced some of the Forge module (Emperor challenge manifestation) the past day or so. Dealing with a somewhat complicated issue relating to finances, yet I’m navigating it with precision and knowing that I’ll come out of this stronger than before :muscle:


About to run my last loop of Emperor Qv2 before my 5 day washout. I started this stack on December 3rd so a couple days behind everyone.

I should mention another win: I’ve been home with my family for the holidays which has historically been a time of laziness, gluttony, and falling off my good habits. This year I’ve been sticking with the positive habits I’ve cultivated (like exercise and diet), while still spending quality time with my family. I’ve been productive and efficient and not let myself slip up like I have in the past.




3rd day of my washout and last full day with my family before flying back tomorrow. I feel genuinely optimistic and excited about life and what’s to come in 2022. Especially now with Emperor ZP dropping, I am planning to complete the full 45ish days with this same stack, only now fully ZP. It’ll be interesting to see how results compare with a ZP only stack, versus the hybrid Qv2/ZP stack I have been running.


I’m really hoping to see an updated sales page for Emperor, like with Mogul and Chosen - that would be the best holiday gift.


Another update of my newfound discipline and mental toughness…

Cold Showers

While at home with my family I’ve been doing cold showers every morning. This may not seem significant, but doing cold showers in December in New England is no joke. Especially coming from the tropical climate where I live now, where just being in frigid New England during December can be challenging enough as I’m no longer climatized to cold weather.

Today, I stood under the coldest possible setting of the shower for well over a minute and managed to relax myself completely and almost felt “numb” to the effects of the cold. The mental toughness of Spartan is certainly blooming right now and I couldn’t be more proud of myself for sticking with this habit, especially when I would’ve had every excuse in the book to wimp out.


Also workouts tend to fly by like I’m in flow for most of my workouts and it’s almost like I time travel and then my workout is done automatically. I’ve never experienced something like this before ZP.

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I like your journal, maybe it is because I intend to start a similar configuration from tomorrow.
Did you observe any fat burning on Spartan?

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I decided to adopt the same stack. I was wondering if you ever feel conflicted between Emperor’s drive for the self and Chosen’s drive to be of service? I find those drives need to be reconciled sometimes.


Yes I have. Spartan really encourages consistent hard exercise as well as keeps you in check with your diet. I’ve noticed significant improvements in my body fat levels in less than a month of running this sub.


I haven’t noticed any conflict, it’s been very synergistic for me - my mentality is filling my cup first in order to help others. For example, when home for the holidays I have been eagerly working to help my parents out as they were hosting Christmas this year. Being productive towards my own goals but immediately and eagerly helping out when they called upon me.


Yo bro I got something for you that might interest you.

You’re doing ICF currently right?

Once you feel like you’ve done enough, try nSuns 5/3/1, they have an app for the iPhone and it has multiple splits (4/5/6 days), and the volume is crazy.

Like today I had 9 sets of squats at different percentages and one AMRAP, then 8 sets of sumo deadlifts, after that I couldn’t even move for my accessories :rofl:

Edit: yes I changed my program again but this time I’m sticking with it because I planned to start it from the day I turned 24, so far I’m loving the extreme volume and intensity, and I feel like you would like this too, especially because of the AMRAPs :wink:

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Damnnn that sounds wild but I’m just getting started with ICF for now. Maybe in a few months once I have a good base I’ll try that one - sounds crazy af in a good way :joy:

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I just started today Jeff Nippard’s UpperLower program, so far so good :).

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Oh just a quick note about ICF;
There’s a version 2.0 that cuts the 5x5 to 3x5, and it feels more balanced, it’s not going to matter to you as much in the early stages, but once you hit the main numbers that the program wants you to be able to hit (2 plates bench, 3 plates squats, 4 plates deadlifts), you might wanna switch to the 3x5 due to the stress on your CNS, or you can deload for a week and hop on to something like a powerbuilding program (Jeff nippard, nSuns, RP male physique, 5/3/1 forever, etc.) to even out the focus of your training, as well as to let your CNS recover from the extreme volume of ICF 5x5.

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Appreciate all of the lifting tips bro. Always very welcomed and informative :muscle:t3:


Last day of my washout and I’ve noticed I’ve been super horny the last day or so haha this wasn’t happening while I was running my loops only the last couple of days. Granted I’ve been on semen retention for 2 and a half months but still interesting nonetheless.

Other than that people have been very pleasant with me and I’ve been feeling a chill content happiness and excitement for the next stage of my journey.

Running Emperor ZP solo tomorrow to gauge its effects (especially coming off this washout) and picking up with the remainder of my stack on Friday.


From my first run of Emperor ZP yesterday:

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Sold an expensive item on eBay. The buyer was trying to finesse me and take advantage of the eBay money back guarantee, but today I ruthlessly reported them and called them out on their lies. Definitely taking no shit from anyone trying to take advantage of me.

I’m still kind and lighthearted to most people, but there’s this switch that turns on when someone is acting in a scummy way.


I swear I’ve been having the craziest manifestation experiences lately.

Today, I was thinking about how I need to force myself to get out of my condo more. I’ve been a bit of a hermit lately just on my grind focusing on leveling up my life, that I haven’t had much fun or adventure. I was thinking back to a fun time in my life a couple years ago where I had a very annoying roommate who was always pestering me, which basically forced myself to be out and about exploring my city. I kid you not, not even an hour after having these thoughts the fire alarm in my building goes off FORCING me to leave the building and walk around and explore my city.

It was too surreal for it not to be a manifestation. Everything lined up perfectly with what I had been thinking about. An annoyance forcing me to leave my place and go explore around. :exploding_head: