The Adventures of SubliminalUser

Rest day. Thanks to the moderator who changed the title of this thread, because the adventures are now going far beyond me just being CHOSEN. :slight_smile:

Today is definitely the oddest day of the break so far. I expect to be that way even though the next two days haven’t happened yet. The thing is, the next two days have significant events occurring in the afternoon.

What happened today? A morning workout, a brief afternoon event that featured some egregious commute times to and from, as well as an afternoon that was quite boring. The one thing in the evening was a big hassle in figuring out flights for the trip I’ll be doing later in the year. It was a big-time sink and hassle, but hey—it worked out. I’m going to be doing quite the trip with family AND friends! There’s a lot of stuff to plan for it later, but that can take its time. I’m just glad the flights to and from have been figured out.

We’re talking about an event that’s several months into the future. There are other big challenges to figure out by then. Those challenges include:

  • Moving out: I’ll be moving with my friend to our apartment later this month! I need to finalize the furniture and other details of the move-in process. This is the big life event of the month (and among the biggest life events this year).
  • The subliminals I’m going to run. What will it be? Am I optimistic about my progress?

I am indeed optimistic about my progress. Tomorrow’s listening features a huge manifestation stack of Rebirth, MFO and AsCh that I’ll listen to before I go to a huge event! That’s great. What about future stacks?

Brainstorming Again!

Stack 5 (Current)

  • MFO
  • Khan ST1
  • Rebirth

Stack 6

  • MFO
  • Khan ST2
  • PCC

Stack 7

  • MFO
  • Khan ST3
  • PCC

Stack 8 (takes us to end of year)

  • MFO
  • Khan ST4
  • PCC

If I’m being honest, it’s not unimaginable to see the rest of the year play out like what’s in the Details section, simply because Khan as a multistager suggests a progression where 1 stack rotation is recommended per each level. PCC I want to run for three stacks to deeply install within me that defense. Of course, I’d be reading the 48 laws of power at some point during that stack.

I’m super interested in PCC even if I don’t necessarily face work politics (yet) because I feel that as I go on the offense socially, I better be prepared to handle what comes my way and have an iron frame.

If I didn’t run through the whole Khan multistager in succession then what I’d do instead is run Daredevil after Khan ST1 to have that narrower yet rapid focus on social development. But I’m hung up on how long I’d have to run Daredevil. Ultimately DD is a stepping stone to a comprehensive sub like Khan ST4. But isn’t that the point of the Khan substages anyways? To make myself a true social alpha?

I’m looking for advice here on how to design my next stacks and progression, specifically what to do for the stack slot which is taken up by Khan since I know the other two slots will be filled with MFO and PCC.

@Lion @Luther24 @GoldenTiger @TheDerpinator


You can do with this what you will, but im personally of the mindset that its far more effective to builf off of a foundation. Especcially if you havent been running a social sub or an alpha sub for long, most of your issues will most likely be somewhat surface level. For example: caring to much what others think, shaky selfconfidence, lack of inner power etc. By immediatly going for a really big sub, the sub will start digging extremely hard for ALL issues related to it. This means that these surface level problems could hang on for quite a bit and sabotage all the other results. If you stick with the sub for long enough, sure itll most likely eventually go away, but given how much other objectives something like khan has, it can take quite a bit of time before these surface level issues get prioritized. (And itll most likely also be far less smooth). You might be able to offset this a bit though by stacking a foundational sub with khan, but im not sure.

Ive experienced this a bit with DR vs ascension. DR dug really deep and brought out a lot of issues with tons of recon. Honestly though, i felt like when i later ran ascension, these issues were cleared to an even bigger extend with far less recon, for the simple fact that gaining confidence made these issue dissappear completely on their own. I kinda wish i ran ascension before DR as i expect that than DR would be able to clear even more as it wasnt getting diluted by all these issues that in retrospective werent that deep at all, and i would be able to get even more out of it.

On a completely unrelated note, but personally i also dont think time should be that much of a factor when talking about khan. To me, khan seems like more of a lifestyle than a “sub to run for a while and than switch”. Imo, if you wanna go for khan, you really gotta commit to it. Its one of the densest, hardest subs there is with really big goals. If you gonna go for such an ambitious sub, imo, you gotta do it right and completely go for it. No rushing.

This is my personal take on this, i get that not everyone will agree with this, but do with it what you will.

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It’s hard for me to gives you advice as I’m committing to Khan for a while in the next six months.I’m clearly biased.

I think it’s fine to run Khan, just keep in mind that since Khan is massive I think it should be ran for 8 months to a year.

You are an experienced user my man, you’ve seen what subclub can do. Personally, the sub that was able to dig deep enough to change me profoundly (in terms of alphaness) was Khan, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have good results with daredevil. Keep in mind that Khan is geared toward making you alpha (rather than the shit tons of description from it). Khan is an alpha title that dives deeper into what is an alpha than any other title. Like QL dives deeper into “brain developpement” than Limitless.

If you feel you need more “masculine oomf”, more boldness, being more yourself, more confidence…Then it might be worth it to stick with Khan. If you already are “yourself” enough. Then I guess it’s fine to go with different subs more focus on social life like daredevil.

You could also go with ascension if you need something lighter…Think about what you need in 6 months and go with that.

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I still haven’t read it, LOL :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Rest day today. Yesterday was Rebirth + MFO + AsCh, 7 minutes each (which for AsCh is full duration).

Thanks for the responses, @TheDerpinator and @GoldenTiger. I have made a choice for now, see what it is below.

Recap of the last few days:

  • I have a feeling that I felt the effect of Khan ST1 yesterday (despite listening to it two days ago) and the effects of yesterday’s stack today. Seems there’s a kind of delay right now.
  • Yesterday featured two big events. I could feel the recon and unsavory feelings from Khan ST1 when I was at these events. Reading @TheDerpinator and @GoldenTiger’s replies to my question of what I should listen to next and putting these events into context, I feel that I should next run Daredevil instead of Khan ST2 - ST4. I noticed at the evening event that I was running into some challenges, including the below. I want to have a laser-targeted approach to solving these issues. @TheDerpinator reminded me of the importance of building the right foundation and not letting a heavy sub distract me from addressing specific issues, and @GoldenTiger reminded me that Khan is so all-encompassing, it could end up working on other stuff that’s not even necessarily optimized for being my best social self. I can definitely tell that my heavy career focus made me in a way socially revert back a bit. That’s not a problem—I can change that again but it’s going to take some time and effort.
    • General socialization exhaustion, due to the first event of the day.
    • Locking up given a big group of people I’m not so familiar with.
    • Not being in the moment enough.
    • Some level of approach anxiety, which is why I didn’t talk to many new people.
    • I honestly didn’t even feel that great talking to more of the familiars.
    • Being in my head too much with regards to these things.
  • The second big event is very nice; my friend hosted that party, and he hosts parties like that every weekend. If I started going every weekend I could be keeping the momentum and drawing out my social self in a more consistent manner. After all, as the Daredevil sales page says, Practice makes perfect.
  • Today’s stuff was cool too, as part of the 4th of July. In the afternoon, my friend and I got to do some furniture shopping which inspired more confidence in how the move-in is going to work out well.

Now, just resting at home. I took @AlexanderGraves’s advice he shared earlier to read the EasyPeasy method and I have to say, it is actually quite helpful in that it makes me consider the associated behaviors from more of a psychological perspective.

Takeaways and Action Items:

  • Daredevil is going to be a part of stack 6 and could be in my playlist through stack 8 (end of the year).
  • I should finish reading EasyPeasy and start applying all of it right now.
  • The move is going to be some work, but it’s looking a lot less frightening now than it did at the beginning of the weekend, thanks to some other issues getting resolved.

Perhaps you should! This action is explicitly called out on PCC’s sales page. It’s one of the few times in all of SC’s copy where such a specific action item is suggested, so I am definitely going to take that one. I want to start reading it exactly when I start listening to PCC.



  • Khan ST1

I am free, @AlexanderGraves. Isn’t it wonderful that I am free? :wink:

Though I listened to a healing sub, today was far from a bad day. In fact, it was an awesome day back at work again! I lifted in the morning and arrived at the office relatively late, but that’s okay due to no meetings and not much work today. Everyone was out of it. I liked work and I must admit, I felt my conversations were much better this time.

With me making the intentional switch to being more social in the second half of this year—enforced by my targeted subliminal plan—I can see that some things are going to change at work for the better. I am manifesting and intending to still remain productive as I get promoted, however, I’m going to be exiting the frame of “more work, less play.” I’ve said plenty about that in previous entries.

Anyways, the highlight of today was the hangout I did after work. One inspiration for this one was that my friend told me that he manifested something big. I had told him about manifestation a few hangouts back, but it seems he really ran with it after the last one—what could it be, I wondered? So when we met up and I found out what he had done, I was astonished. He truly did do something amazing. I was so impressed that his first manifestation was that. People usually get results through smaller manifestations, but he went straight for a big ticket item! As a result of it, he’s going to be moving far from the area in the fall.

I’m not even sad about that—I’m delighted that he got this! And when he told me what he did, the story got even better. He effectively pulled off imaginal conversations as well as real conversations with other people about the accomplishment of his goal before it even happened!

On the size of manifestations

I acknowledge that it would be better to not perceive manifestations as big, complex, hard, etc. However, let’s face it—due to a lot of conditioning, popular conceptions, and our own beliefs we perceive certain things as hard and easy. I’m breaking down those beliefs which say certain things are hard through what I do. I’m here, after all!

What’s also cool is I got to hear about his recent online dating experiences. It appears he has gotten a huge breakthrough recently and he’s satisfied with where he’s currently at there. Not only that, he made a useful resource for himself regarding that stuff…that I now have access to. Did I manifest this as a result of my current stack? I think so.

We hung out for quite a while and I walked out feeling so happy about how much we resonated with each other. It’s kind of crazy, to be honest.

I’m really looking forward to seeing all my subs updated with the anti-recon technology and updated primer. My results are going to speed up even more with the reduced recon!

Rest Day.

The work day was alright. Productivity is somewhat low, which is expected. One of the biggest things I need to do next at work has to do with making my case for the promotion. I am very optimistic about that. Any kinks in that mood are being broken down through active manifestation as well as use of the subs.

I did receive an interesting result today where that woman at the office (who I first mentioned here—let’s call her Susan) saw me and decided to talk to me about her work issue that she seemed to be stressed about :joy:. She told me “when I saw you, I felt like talking to you about this.” It’s a rather unusual thing, especially considering we’re not even on the same team. And I picked up on the fact that she has a boyfriend, who she mentioned in the middle of the conversation. What the hey—I still checked in with her at the end of the day about how she was feeling by then. She was feeling better due to both working on the challenge as well as that she got to (basically) vent about it to me. She thanked me for hearing her out! That’s great, I suppose.

I’m at home right now, and what I need to do next is shop for furniture and other stuff I need as part of the move-in that’s occurring later this month. I get so excited thinking about it, in light of all that’s happened over the past week. I can feel my sense of independence growing, and my optimism about my social and specifically about my dating life increasing a lot! Yesterday’s events particularly made me feel triumphant, even though it wasn’t quite my success (yet :wink: ). I can sense, the apartment community I’m going to be at is going to be a notable pathway of manifestation!

Highly looking forward to my run of Rebirth and MFO tomorrow. I feel these healing titles are speeding things up a lot! This is only the 6th day of July but my outlook is quite different from what it was at the end of last month.


  • Rebirth
  • MFO

When’s the updated version for Rebirth coming out? I would like to speed up results! It seems Inner Circle and HS have been updated, but I’ll wait until the entire catalog has been updated before I update my custom.

Some rather unexpected challenges at work today meant my morning exercise routine wasn’t fully-featured, and work itself took a lot of time. Those challenges…grr, they are irritating but I will get through them. They’re giving me manifestation ideas.

Instead of going home, I wanted to calm down a bit by practicing my sport. That led to an unexpected dinner hangout where I got to learn a lot about a fellow, more than I signed up for. All I’ll say is that I would like to manifest that fellow’s life getting better.

I think the natural beauty of the subs will come out tomorrow, but whether I go into the office is another question altogether. Seems like a lot of people are going to be out then.

I am free.

I’ve been coming to believe this more and more over the past few days.

Rest Day.

It’s a lazy one so far. Arrived at work late, had a long lunch and then left early. Now I’m on my laptop at a cafe since I don’t feel like going home just yet. I of course have some errands I need to do—they don’t need me to be at home to do them, though. It’s journaling here and doing some online shopping.

  • One manifestation that occurred is that a business reached out to me regarding my social media page. They noticed a particularly successful post of mine and want me to join a special influencers program! That’s very nice—let’s see where this goes!
  • Another one that came and went was when a business offered me a particular kind of collab yesterday. I followed up on just 12 hours later, but it turns out they got booked for the month they initially had in mind. I wonder, were there more factors at mind than my response speed? Perhaps I had not done myself a good service by telling other people about this occurrence (the “middle”) before everything worked out? Kind of the “evil eye” thing occurred.

I see that Rebirth now has the updated variant. When is Khan getting it? Hmm…

Fairly respectable weekend where I both enjoyed myself and pushed the needle forward a bit. Looking forward to tomorrow’s run which features Rebirth ZP Refreshed.


  • Rebirth Refreshed
  • MFO
  • AsCh

I listened to all of these at their full duration, so that meant 37 minutes of listening time total. That is a LOT. Still, I was excited to see what would come up during the day. I ran LISS for a little bit in the morning. It’s usually not motivating to do LISS cardio, and what made it different this time was the knowledge that running (taking steps) helps reduce recon and helps process the subs.

First day of the workweek meant that there was a slow start to it. I also had to spend some time writing feedback for my intern. The workday was respectably productive in the afternoon as I found motivated to get started on one side project and also be the one to kickstart some discussions. Why not start acting like the one who has gotten promoted RIGHT NOW? I found myself motivated to take some action even as my manager was busy with promotion talks. I did not feel good (nor find it proper for someone like me) to be sitting around doing nothing. The one who is promoted is getting the following things set up.

It’s after I got back home that I felt a bit frustrated about my situation. Yes, I’m satisfied with the work I did. However—and this is where I see subs are pushing me to change—I felt that things could be better in other regards:

The thoughts about my coworkers today rhymed with the thoughts from then. Yesterday I had written down some stuff about having much better relationships with them. Certainly, I had concluded a few weeks ago that they may not present a great pathway of manifestation. But does that mean I should just accept myself being annoyed, uncomfortable, or simply having to put them at some arms’ length?..I think I can do better. I feel it—I can reshape my image of coworkers, what it means to socialize at work, how it is possible to do while maintaining the integrity of my job and overall career. I can manifest a change here. So why haven’t I done it here? That is where that frustration may be coming from. It may be pushing me towards some kind of action, where manifestation itself may be the action.

So I ask my mind right now to reshape its conception of them. Reshape its conception so that I am in a more favorable reality. I remembered how I was when I first got back to the office and saw them all in person last fall, and then how I switched up at the beginning of this year in order to focus on career goals. However I am rebirthing myself—I can let go of conceptions of the past, present, and future. “It’s been this way this long, it’s gonna be hard to change”—sure, with that attitude! I know for a fact I can pull off manifestations that affect other people, as I’ve done it in the past multiple times with great results.

Of course, manifestations of this nature would also induce changes in myself. The subs are changing me a lot under the hood, I can feel it. Even right now I feel motivated to make more changes in my life. After this journal, I’ll be doing some stuff about that, though it relates mostly to the move that’s coming up.

Really glad to have SC subs to promote massive shifts.

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Rest Day.

Workwise things were fine—people went out of their way to waive hi to me in the morning. I influenced half the team to split off and have lunch at a different place. A lot of the day was rather unusual due to some things happening specifically at the company, so that was interesting in of itself aside from things that can be attributed to the sub.

I started thinking more about the progression in feeling free after taking @AlexanderGraves’s suggestion to read the book (see above). My, I am really impressed with the resource and the impact it has had so far because I do not feel that I need to exert much of my will in order to apply it. It’s shockingly simple to approach it from the notion that I was previously brainwashed and that it was only my own conception surrounding the previous practice that caused me to perpetuate it.

In the book this brainwashing is referred to as the “big monster,” because its bigger than the neurological aspect (another thing I thought was surprising). Today, I thought more about that in light of how there were moments throughout the day where I was looking not only to manifest, to make change but also to find results right now. Of course, that is largely inspired by my current subliminal use. However, I also thought, “Where are my results from this change that I have brought about by asserting that I am free?” But I snapped back at myself, telling myself that that is the mentality of the classic NF practitioner who is looking for rewards and “superpowers” to motivate themselves to continue. This correlates closely with the book’s chapter, Avoid False Incentives.

Linking quitting to a false incentive only increases doubt, because if you don’t get your incentive (and even if you do) you’ll begin thinking doubtful thoughts like “Will quitting actually make my life better? If I quit and don’t get what I want, did I use the method correctly?” Thoughts like these increase feelings of sacrifice and therefore create pangs.

I intend to not buy into the belief system that I have given up something meaningful. In fact, it is what I am gaining at this very moment, being here and mindfully writing this journal that is meaningful. I started to think more about this notion of the “big monster” and brainwashing and came to the conclusion below:

The “big monster” was affecting my inner conversations in a way that then affected my manifesting (outer reality). I do not mean it prevented me from manifesting; the evidence I’ve built up since the beginning of my Goddard journey completely disproves that. However, it affected what I ultimately have manifested so far, consciously and subconsciously. The notion of inner conversations—which, coincidentally, was talked about by multiple YouTube channels today—combined with the idea of the “big monster” got me to this. If the brainwashing was the bigger problem (than the neurological/dopamine side) then my inner conversations must have been affected quite a bit. How so?

  • I may have focused on the wrong thing to seek out from a subconscious perspective.
  • I set up false expectations for myself, for others and for what I am entitled to.
  • My inner conversations’ rate of change as a result of using subliminals—tools which I believe also affect inner conversations—may have been adversely affected.

Therefore I take it upon myself to continue to assert the big monster gone (“I am free”) as well as being aware when the little monster (which has already faded away considerably) barks. Rereading the relevant parts of the book has helped throughout these days.

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It’s crazy how simple the method actually is, but at the same time so powerful.

Glad it works for you!

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Rest Day today.

Let’s bring it in. I, unfortunately, missed journaling yesterday, due to the stuff that is discussed further below.

Yesterday I listened to just Khan ST1. I worked out in the morning which was great. The funny business began when I decided to work from home. I thought it would be alright to do in light of anticipating not being productive due to shopping during Amazon’s Prime Day. While I was likely correct in my guess that I wasn’t going to be productive at the office anyways, my experience at home left much to be desired.

Sure, I got the shopping done. Unfortunately, I did not feel so free, if you know what I mean. Overall I didn’t feel that good. Combine that with a few other things (which include some developments resulting from the macroeconomic situation) and I was a bit down yesterday. Even though I left my house for a bit to practice my sport, I was getting distracted in the middle of my sports practice to the point where I realized it wouldn’t be productive to stay there for long.

I came to the conclusion that I am currently at a stage where it is incongruent for me to work from home. Staying at home and being on my computer during the weekends, that’s fine. I won’t have events happening all the time. But I don’t feel like I make the most use of things by working from home. That’s Carpe Diem Ascended speaking. It also reflects the simple fact that it’s easier to feed the little monster at home, and I don’t want that. I suspect that at least one of my subs (e.g. Khan ST1) is also making it more challenging to work from home. So now I know—my drive to go to the office extends far beyond just being more productive at the office. It is to be alignment with the state of freedom.

Today went quite a bit better. I got some extra sleep today. I utilized EFT in the morning, and I did start to get more work done. Lunch was also really fun as I and the coworkers did something quite unique there. I was significantly more focused on the sport in the evening and made the breakthrough I was hoping to make there. I think the inner circle part of my custom has been helping move some stuff along at the sports center as now I’ve got two people helping me out there…

Anyway, I’m here at home now. It has been a long past week. So much has happened at a macro level—whether it be top-down decisions at the company or some other changes in the economy. But I am feeling a lot better than I did at the end of yesterday, I can say that. I’ll be sure to do another EFT session after this.

Okay, let’s talk about something a bit more topical to my subs.

Yesterday, I found that one of my friends—Jack—reported to me that they manifested an ideal person who they met through online dating. The technique? Writing characteristics down on a sheet of paper. This impressed me at first given that he hasn’t been into trying out manifesting for very long. It also made me reconsider some ideas—*wow, through online dating? Unfortunately, given all the stuff that happened above, I somehow find myself mulling over this in a way that’s pessimistic for me. What’s wrong with me? Why am I not the one reporting that? I’ve been into manifesting for much longer!

So I’ll be honest, I felt unnecessarily sorry for myself yesterday.

In my spare time today, I grounded myself better about this specific situation. The truth is:

  • I know for a fact that the other happenings were all getting to me, generally affecting the lens through which I viewed even positive developments like the one for my friend here.
  • I simply haven’t put in enough effort myself. I’m not on the apps right now. My only experiment with that was relatively short and actually occurred back during the ZP testing. Yeah, that’s quite a while ago. And of course, I currently have some bigger fish to fry. The last few days, for example, I did a bunch of shopping to get items for the move to my own place, which is (among other reasons) something I’m doing to enable my success in this whole thing.
    • On the flip side, I’m getting started. After all, this entire stack is dedicated to self-initialization. Rebirth + MFO is tomorrow.
  • Jack’s breakthroughs with dating are fairly recent, I know. So he met this special individual quite recently. It’s possible the “ideal” descriptor is a bit hyped up.

@PurpleRT73 @Simon @AlexanderGraves


  • Rebirth
  • MFO (Now Playing!)

I listen to these while affirming that I am free forever. Also note, I have switched to seven-minute runs again.

On another note, I wish I had a physical sub of some kind in my stack already. That thought came up today as I woke up with a bloated stomach. I sometimes wish that I put Fat Burner in my custom, but other times I see that as a bad idea because it would make the custom less focused.

I am many stacks away from having any sort of physical subs; in fact, no probable stack for the rest of this year has physical tech, it’s all about skills. Honestly, that’s okay as far as social and romantic goals go. Friends and mentors don’t get picked (or pick me) based on physical attraction, and I consider myself good enough to make leeway into the Heartsong side of stuff. Not to mention I am taking action to at least physically improve. I’m about to do a 30 minutes HIIT after this entry.

I also have an interesting affirmation that the more attractive I think myself, the more physically attractive I become in reality. I constructed this affirmation to be adjunct to running MFO (and later subs) which is certainly working on my self-image of attractiveness.

Rest Day.

Today was one of the strangest days as I woke up at the beginning of afternoon. This happened because of a hangout yesterday evening that extended late into the night. It was a really interesting hangout because in the process of it I discussed with a longtime friend what I’m looking for in a partner. We talked mostly about characteristics of identity rather than values. Nonetheless, it made me think hard about what am I actually looking for and how much I could possibly change my answers to those questions. Ultimately, the answers serve as a snapshot of where I’m currently at, and I’m open to changing my answers to several of the questions I was asked. I’m sure the Heartsong journey will reveal some insights. Another interesting thing about the convo was that my friend revealed he was willing to help me out in this department by connecting me with people who he thought I might like. I found this most interesting as my friend has never expressed a desire to do such a thing before. Not only that, from my side I had not considered my friends helping me out like this—it was reminiscent of my parents suggesting they could find someone for me. The difference is, my friend wouldn’t impose his values upon me and he wouldn’t get upset if I declined. So I’m open to that.

I take the above as a result of MFO.

Due to how late I woke up today, most of today wasn’t very meaningful. For most of the afternoon, it was about self-care (exercise, some skincare stuff, and inner work). It’s in the evening when things got changed up with a hangout. The hangout was great, and I definitely see how even when hanging out with the classic crew it can be a lot better when I’ve got my own place.

Tomorrow is Khan ST1 + AsCh, which I am curious about. How exactly will AsCh boost my stack here? Also, how is 7 minutes of Khan ST1? I don’t think I’ve tried that before, so I’m interested in finding out.

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  • Khan ST1
  • AsCh

I got angry about some parts of my life situation quickly! I thought the hormonal boost I was getting In the middle of my workout was responsible but i realized the boost doesn’t happen THAT quickly. The sub is doing its work!

This weekend has definitely been one of the oddest weekends, and today certainly didn’t help that.

Khan ST1 + AsCh seems to have kicked up something within me. I’ve gone through significant portions of the day feeling rather frustrated about my current situation. I’m not supposed to be going to these family friend gatherings. The fam got invited to two, and I just went to the one in the afternoon. It was someone’s high school graduation party. What do I have to do with that? Thankfully, I went with my own car and then drove away a bit earlier than everyone else. Since I was in the area I decided to meet up with a friend for an outdoor activity at a place that…ended up taking 30 minutes to drive through. Whoops, I thought the drive would be considerably closer.

That wasn’t the best idea. Due to my morning workout, my upper back was fatigued and that was discomforting. Leaving the place, I realize I hadn’t gotten the best experience. And then it took quite a while to get back home…now I’m just here feeling frustrated at both the experience of going to the first event and then my attempt at rectifying the situation (“getting more value out of having to drive that far up”).

It’s funny, I know—by the end of this month I’m going to be at my own place and I won’t have to deal with events like the first one today anymore. It’s especially irritating to me because I wanted to do more proper planning for the upcoming move this weekend and now my time for it is so limited. I don’t want to attend any events next weekend if it means I can be satisfied with the degree of planning and preparation I’ve done. (It’s the final weekend!) What I’m trying to figure out is exactly:

  • What I need to pack: I’m looking to be comprehensive so as to not have to come back to where I’m currently staying to pick anything else up. This is the big one, I currently find it hard to estimate the time required for this. Maybe I can try to do this in 25-minute blocks? That might make it easier as well as push me to be quick and efficient about it.
  • The bed: The lack of an obvious scheduled delivery option from the online brand I’m going with frustrates me since I don’t want to order the bed and not have it arrive on the move-in date. (If that happens, I’d end up staying at my parents’ a little longer while the bed hasn’t arrived).
  • The desk: The desk is so customizable that I need time to properly go through all the options online. Last time I had a whopping one hour and I could tell I was rushing options near the end because I needed to go to sleep.

My motivation for being so exacting with respect to the above is to ensure a clean, seamless move that will allow me to disconnect chiefly from all these family friend gatherings. I do not like at all how they eat up time on the weekends—and here, I’m talking about it not with regards to interfering with move-planning but in general. They don’t fit in with the big social goals that I’ve talked about here at length. This is especially because people in my age group aren’t attending these kinds of events anymore. To sum it up, I’m too old for this.

Yes, I clearly see Khan ST1 is working (and AsCh is boosting that). I have read others entries before and remarked that Khan ST1 gets various people angry about their situation in life and motivates them to change things up. I suspect I’m angry simply because the change I’m looking for hasn’t happened already. The next big action for social/romance IS the move and that is already in the works. However, I need to further it along by finalizing the aforementioned details and that is where the frustration may be coming from—one way or another, I’m just not getting to it. I didn’t get to it on Friday due to the evening event, it certainly didn’t happen on Saturday and I’m here with a few hours left in the day with not as much progress made as I would’ve liked. In my original vision, today would have been completely devoid of events and I would’ve spent all day figuring out these logistics.

This analysis of the situation is useful because it tells me that I should plan the upcoming week in a way that minimizes after-work events, re-regulates the amount of time I spend at work, and also minimizes weekend events. There’s already one event for the start of the next weekend, but that’s just a movie. I honestly could do without other stuff. What would make me satisfied right now is knowing that my critical bedroom items are scheduled for delivery on the day of move-in and that I have all the to-pack items accounted for.

Over the most recent 6 months, how would you summarize your results in less than 200 words?

That’s a tough one @RVConsultant. I am not sure I can read my last 6 months’ worth of entries THAT quickly—were you trying to get me to spend a lot of time reviewing? :joy:. In all seriousness, I already have some thoughts on how I can answer this, which I’ll put in another reply.

Allow me to reflect on today first.


Rest Day.

I observed some exciting yet subtle results today.

  • All the female coworkers sat around me at lunch today. One of those coworkers, in retrospect, was surprisingly receptive to my jokes which was awesome.
  • People in general today are very encouraging of the continued operation of my social media page and my ideas to take it further (namely, expand the content and make it more popular). I noticed this both yesterday and today.
  • I find that I am quite optimistic about my general success. Something has been lifted.
  • I notice that my optimism of general success isn’t so affected by the recent stuff regarding pmo. This is both good and bad. The bad side to it is that I need to remember that quitting and being free is a success in itself (I shouldn’t give myself false incentives to quit per the rationale of EasyPeasy). I wrote something for myself today which reminded me very well of that notion.

Khan ST1 from yesterday did NOT leave me feeling today, which I would say is a testament to the advancement in SC tech as well as how quickly some things can process. I had decent sleep which of course, always helps.