The Adventures of SubliminalUser

Entry of the Day

As mentioned above, I listened to Primal and Chosen. That’s what I’m going to be doing on W and F as well. Just Chosen and Primal (playing around with the order). Running ME just irritated me the last few times, as if I somehow knew this isn’t what I really need. After F, I won’t listen until the following F (July 1) so that’ll be 7 days. That washout is intentionally long to factor in the funny business done in the last week as well as to mark a big jump into the halfway point of the year, where the subs featured in the next stack are going to be dramatically different from the current one.

Work was awesome today. With no meetings, I got a massive piece of the puzzle done for my current project. I can’t say that it’s time for me to let off for the remaining 10 days, but I can say that what’s left is not as serious as what I’ve accomplished. Things are looking really good for me at work!

So now, what’s next? Unlike the previous week, I have an action list set up once again. This should get me back on track with taking action on both the weekdays and weekends. I was a bit lazy in the way I was doing things last week.

The more I think about what’s coming up for me, the more I get excited. The community I’ll be moving to will be a great pathway of manifestation that the sub can work its magic through. Using Rebirth to become the Man that Finds Others, now that will be interesting. Honestly, one of my action items for this week (probably going to do it after this) is to write about how I’m going to feel at the end of MFO, on the day that I decide to stop using MFO because I believe I have accomplished its goals.

My life is going to change in such a massive way and I don’t even realize how profound that is just yet.

Rest Day.

Another productive workday in which I moved the needle forward quite significantly. However, I certainly do not embody a very talkative or social self. I can tell I’m getting impatient to run stack 5 and finally start changing things. It has been a very long first half of the year in which I have been downplaying social stuff in the pursuit of my career objective. Alas, we are just 9 days away from the end of the half, so I better not put my foot off the gas pedal now. Although I have gotten quite a lot done, there are still a few more things to take care of to wrap everything up nicely. That being said, I did start having some interesting manifestation ideas…even including one where I become emotionally much closer to a coworker who I currently don’t like very much. I entertained this idea because it sounds funny, yet if it actually happened that would be awesome.

One thing that has occurred is an inspiration to try out something rather interesting…here’s what it is.

  • W: Primal
  • F: Rebirth + MFO, then a 1-week break from subs.

Something within me tells me this might yield an interesting result, or at the very least get me more warmed up for stack 5. I imagine the first run of Rebirth + MFO Will hit harder than the runs after, so having a 1-week break after the first run could help with that. I also realized I have quite a few diet sodas and low-calorie desserts at home right now. Perhaps they may serve as ways to help me deal with reconciliation? I originally thought of going crazy on a particular combination of that stuff tomorrow before I stopped and grounded myself a bit.

Overall, a positive sentiment for today.

This Day Could Be Better


  • Primal

The first half of the day was decent. I had to get my car fixed so I wasn’t at the office. Even enjoyed some great food during lunch, before picking up my car.

The problem really occurred when I decided NOT to go to the office after getting my car fixed. That seriously messed up my whole day. There’s three big reasons why things got so bad.

  • I simply am not as productive when at home. I had my time during the pandemic where I was working from home for a while, and that was fine. Even then, the productivity started to break down near the end. And now, it just sucks. I dislike it. It’s only good when I know exactly what I need to do and it’s easy. What are the odds of that?
  • I ended up PMO’ing :frowning: . It’s dumb—on weekdays when I go to the office, it is not a problem (even if I’m at home on the weekday evenings following work). I don’t get close to doing that junk. At the office, this kind of stuff is far from my mind, which is exactly what I want. But if I’m working from home on the weekday, well…it’s a challenge. The same applies to weekends when a lot of time is spent at home. It definitely comes down to a particular set of triggers at home. If this were the only of the three things that occurred today I would still think that I should be going to the office instead. I feel dumb here. If I go to the office daily, that’s an easy 5 days a week I’d be maintaining this lifestyle.
    • Inner Gasoline (from MFO), would you please help me out here? I would like to be using my energy and attention for the right things.
  • I made some rather strange choices regarding the consumption of the aforementioned drinks and sweets. I thought I could save those for a recon day, but I guess I’m better off just not keeping them in my house and instead utilizing non-calorically based techniques for managing recon. Even diet soda isn’t that great due to the artificial sweeteners and because it trains me to look for sweet stuff which is the opposite of what I want to do in my diet.

By the time I got to this journal, I was thinking, what the heck did I do with my day? There’s a lot of nonsense in the afternoon which makes me more strongly committed to going to the office on the weekdays. Yea, even if it is after lunchtime that’s better than falling into all this BS while at home. I just can’t do WFH at this point in my life. Not now.

But hey…we’ve got upgrades on the way.

At least this gives me some Solace. Though to be honest, paying for a rebuild for what I presume is ZPv2—unsure if it deserves a v2 moniker—doesn’t sting that much to me. I earn money faster than I can spend it. Money is a renewable resource, time isn’t. And for the particular goal, time is of the essence. If I can upgrade tomorrow to have considerably less recon and a primer that will help me process the script quicker, that will be great.

Why so? I currently perceive the topics that MFO covers as a significant challenge. It shouldn’t be, but that’s how I see it right now. This is unfortunate for me to say, considering all that I’ve learned while studying Neville Goddard. However, it is exactly due to that pain point that I am running subliminals to change my life—otherwise, I would have manifested the desired things already and I wouldn’t be on here (more realistically, I’d have either a different subliminal plan featuring different titles or even a different custom).

What I want to do now is revise this day to be better. Another thing is, I want to do a two-day fast to cancel out all the excess calories I’ve had recently (that includes today).

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My dreams last night suggest there is a considerable amount of chaos in my mind. I also don’t feel that good.

I highly anticipate running Rebirth tomorrow.

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The lesson strikes once again: Anything can change in a single day.

Arriving at work, I didn’t feel so good. As I’m here at home typing away, however, I feel great about my day. Tired, to be sure—but it’s a great one nonetheless.

What happened?

  • I noticed results from subs during this time. Female security guard complimenting me on my hat. A female coworker asking me about shopping together after work due to sales—unsure how serious this was. However, it does come just one day after writing down that I become significantly closer to this exact coworker so hey, I’ll take it as a sign that things may be happening. What else? A rather big social media page sharing my content. During my sports practice I had a decent amount of talk with the guy next to me. He even waved me goodbye as he left.
    • I’m pretty grateful to be cognizant of subliminal results even when I was facing the negative feelings. I’m inferring from this that I can receive and observe results during recon, although I may not appreciate it as much.
  • I accomplished the one key work item I needed to get done. It had been irritating me for the past few days. Tomorrow is looking a lot better.
  • Manager went over my peer feedback and told me that I have successfully grown a lot in my role over this year. The peer feedback I had gotten was all really positive. This is a great sign! :slight_smile:


  • Once again, anything can and does change in a day. This is tremendous knowledge for manifesting.
  • I can receive and observe subliminal results even during times of negative moods, which I also take to mean the same applies to recon.
  • Subliminals have a long tail of processing. This to me was mostly read about before. However, looking at what I observed, I can tell you that the stuff above wasn’t merely a result of Primal (yesterday’s sub). There’s MFO in there, but it’s been so long since I ran MFO!
  • Fasting plays nicely with subs, considering that I’m fasting throughout all of today.
  • I am even more excited to see how Rebirth can help out. Tomorrow is the great experiment of running Rebirth + MFO then a 1 week washout. I heard Rebirth can supercharge results from subs ran in the past. What will it do for the subs I’ve run so much this year? :thinking:

Another thing: I currently feel very confident I’m going to get what I want from MFO, specifically the Heartsong related portions :sunglasses:


How would you summarize the most recent 10 days?

That’s a great question that I want to seriously answer by looking back on my entries over the past 10 days.

Also, I think I just had one of the craziest synchronicities of all time with this subliminal run. On the very day that I ran rebirth and MFO, I got the sign that this is the thing that I should be doing. I am definitely going to write about this when I can.



  • Rebirth
  • MFO

So, I decided to time my listen of this experiment to be precisely at midnight. I did that, felt very satisfied with what’s about to develop in my life and went to sleep.

That night’s dreams are not so memorable. It’s the following night that is, and I share that further down. On the drive to work, I listen to a Goddard YouTube video which mentions the art of prayer, a chapter in “Feeling is the Secret.” Keep this in mind.

The day at work was decent, although slow. That is typical of a Friday. The rich meal I had likely contributed to being able to process this sub, considering I hadn’t eaten at all the day before. The only strange thing about work was when I heard my coworkers say some weird stuff that made me not want to talk with them for the rest of the day. In fact, I left work early to have fun at my sport and then a movie. I reflected hard on that episode at work in the following hours and came to the conclusion that although I will strive to become much more social (aligning with the goals of MFO) in the second half of the year, even at work, there is a limit to how much I should fraternize with them; they are not that great of a manifestation pathway. My interactions with them are going to be a testbed for subliminals and changes in myself, to a certain extent. That is about as much as I can expect. I will be opening up other pathways and taking a lot of action outside of work.

Later at home my parents brought up the discussion of marriage again. Once I observed this I once again took it not so seriously, which is good. A lot of the ideas and stuff they suggested here is just so far out of my perception that it’s kind of funny. I did stand up agains the idea of proposals from other families.

However—and this is perhaps the greatest synchronicity—my mom suggested that I should have a pure intention and pray to God for a life partner. She then suggests the right one will show up in front of me and I won’t even realize it’s happening (I can tell there’s a limitation in her language skills that gets hit here). Walking away from this, I thought, “Prayer?…Does she mean MANIFESTING?” I remembered the lecture earlier in the day which talked about Prayer and its connection to manifesting. This is a crazy sign! She has never suggested something like this before. It’s as if God spoke through her. Prayer is a manifestation method. Showing up in front of me and me not being aware of it can be likened to the bridge of incidence, not knowing the full how, and being amazed at the end of the whole journey, seeing how it all transpired at the end (this has occurred for so many manifestations now). I went to sleep thinking about this, amazed at what was just discussed and believing even more that the sub is working and that things are already happening.

Interestingly enough, it is the dreams following all this which turned out to be memorable. Nearly everyone in my dream was a woman. I talked to quite a few of them. It didn’t get romantic but hey, it’s something! I even approached one. A stopped by a meetup which had a really high ratio of women to men. In another case this woman decided to take several pictures of me—I don’t recall what exactly was the context (besides that it was a positive one).

The bridge of incidents for manifestation has already begun, and I’m walking through it in this very moment. Anything can change in a day? No—anything can change in a moment.

I must take it upon myself to establish and maintain a high baseline. In the Goddard community this may be accomplished through a “mental diet.” How that has realized itself since running the sub so far is a renewed fervor in using my sexual energy for good, ensuring I eat well and also striving to progress in my exercise. I’ve been eager to progress in HIIT by increasing the incline, which admittedly is not something I was keen on doing all this time.

@RVconsultant @Lion @PurpleRt73


This is the first rest day. I don’t intend to be listening to any subs again until July 1 (to get a full week), so I’m going to leave off this “what I listened to” section for a bit.

Today’s been a fun day as I was outside for about 12 hours. Did HIIT in the morning before I went out. I got to do a lot in my time outdoors. It was a mix of errands and hangouts—a great, fun day. I wanted to be outside for a while to enjoy things in the midst of all the hullabaloo there has been recently around work and other things that I’ve now figured out. I didn’t want an empty day, and certainly not a day where I’d risk doing suboptimal practices at home.

Any subliminal highlights?

  • There were definitely some people who gave me a second look or a longer-than-usual look as I walked by them. Probably because I’m emanating a special aura :sunglasses:
  • I was able to get into a bar while just having a picture of my ID with me. Bouncer warned about not making any trouble, but he let it slide just this once :joy:
  • A friend of mine made an interesting joke about our city getting much more women as a result of some recent political developments within the country (IYKYK). I thought this was especially funny given that I’m running a custom that is enabling me to manifest more women. Is that political event in some odd way part of a bridge of incidence? That would be strange.
  • One of the Goddard videos I listened to today suggested that I reshape my image of others so as to free them from their shackles so that change from seeming enemies to friends. Quite a timely lesson.

I noticed you tagged me. Is there anything you want my input on?

@RVconsultant it’s just for general feedback on my journey. I realize i haven’t gotten to the “10 day lookback”

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The Recent 10 Days

Let’s take a look at this interesting question posed by @RVConsultant:

In order to respond to this I read my entries from June 15 up until this question was posed. For good measure, I also recalled the entries following the question. I was amazed to see how much has happened and in a relatively short amount of time, too!

Looking Back

Here are some big things I see:

  • Anything can change in a day is a saying I took away from my most recent trip, and it has echoed in the weeks since. It’s been a month since the trip and I’ve evidence of the saying multiple times since, and I’ve also affirmed it quite a bit in my entries. And very recently, I took this to the next level: Anything can change in a moment.

I manifested my ideal apartment! Thanks, ME!

@SaintSovereign check this out—might I have manifested the ZP upgrades? (I know it’s not quite ZPv2, but I did say or something else :joy:)

I’ve made a very solid commitment to myself about how I will be customizing my social life to fit my needs at this time. The more I think about this, the more I know it to be true. I am very much looking forward to having wide and numerous pathways for social and romantic opportunities.

Increasingly optimistic that results are going to come in quickly, and that my life is going to transform big-time. It’s notable to think that this optimism in of itself may be helping the results come quicker! As I have reviewed, a lot of things happened in the short time frame.

Pathways of manifestation, the great term coined by @SaintSovereign, became an incredibly useful phrase to characterize what I want as well as guide my brainstorming for how I must design my life, from where I live to who I should be talking with.

On the note of pathways, this idea was interesting given that i recently decided coworkers don’t present such a great manifestation pathway.

However, this weekend I listened to some lectures which presented interesting Goddard ideas such as “Transforming others via self.” My custom by its nature means I have more of a direct influencing ability, though I do not have that aura module directly. Wouldn’t it be amazing if I were to reshape my image of my coworkers and as a result make them better?

This experiment has been going well so far. The entries I’ve written since I ran Rebirth + MFO indicate that things have already been set into motion, and there’s probably a lot more happening in the background that I’m not aware of just yet. Take a look at my last few long entries which feature some really interesting synchronicities!

Very funny. I forgot the lesson of working in the office in the middle of the 10 days where I remembered the lesson on day 1 of that period.

This has been a great exercise that to me reaffirms the value of journaling, as well as the fact that it doesn’t take that long each day to get appreciable results from journaling. Funny enough, I affirmed exactly all this in an entry above:

The last 10 days have demonstrated a quickening of results and changes in life, as well as within my internal state. Quite a few lessons have been reaffirmed and I now take to widening my pathways of manifestation while also enabling myself to undergo the process of Rebirth in order to become the Man who Finds Others.

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Do you want to get married?

That’s going to occur on my own time, not someone else’s.

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Alright, I’m not feeling good again.

I forgot about this—apparently the customs already had enhancements on top of what came with the early ZP titles. However, it seems Saint and the team have developed even more anti-recon tech. I saw someone say they didn’t feel angry a few hours after running Emperor ZP Test. Well, I right now wish I didn’t feel this way. Although, I have a theory why I’m feeling it—see below.

What happened today?

  • Sleep was good. The exercise was respectable.
  • Work itself had an unexpected challenge, but nothing that was so onerous as to promote a lot of negative emotions.
    • Probably the only thing to fret about was how the challenge took up a lot of the day, before I decided that I should try to get some other smaller pieces done so that I can walk away from work thinking that I at least completed some things.
    • Some thoughts about annoying coworkers did come up, too, though the funny thing is that I didn’t talk with most of them throughout the day. It’s the perception of image of my coworkers that I am holding in my mind right now that is the problem, not what has actually transpired in today’s workday. So I really thought about changing that.
    • Thoughts about desiring the right people came up during the day. So I started to think, that I should manifest myself changing in a way such that whenever the desire for people comes up (particularly in a romantic context) I am compelled to live in the end and in the feeling of the wish fulfilled instead of staying in the feeling of lack.
  • Meal of the day at work was awesome, too. I honestly can’t complain about that, because even the dessert (which I would usually avoid) tasted great.
  • Drive back was a bit irritating due to the traffic, and it’s also during this time where I felt the weird feelings hit a peak. I couldn’t focus or think much about the lecture I was listening to at the time.

Drinking diet soda right now to help myself feel better. My theory about what’s going on right now is that I am changing. I am experiencing reconciliation. I had hit a high with Rebirth + MFO over the weekend, but NOW the healing is doing some truly inner work, ripping away long-held beliefs that aren’t serving me yet are still somewhat of a pain for my mind to let go. That “manifest myself changing” that I mentioned above? I bet it already set off after I wrote down my midday list item about it! I can tell my mind is doing this, because when I was really feeling it in my mind on the drive back home, I remembered that I felt the same way in 2019 when I was ripping up some longstanding beliefs regarding food that I knew didn’t serve me, yet my mind wanted to cling on to.

When I think about it, it’s no surprise that it’s a little uncomfortable for my brain. Staying in lack has been way too familiar for my mind for too long. I’m glad to have SC subliminals to induce such a big change. I’ve got to ride the storm.

I have to.

Inner Circle Result from Yesterday

Yesterday’s result must be documented because it was quite out there. I was at a meetup organized by my friend, and he had brought together friends from different parts of his life. The meetup itself was fun but it got especially notable after I mentioned to one of the unfamiliars that I was considering setting up a social group to discuss Goddard stuff. He was intrigued since he hadn’t heard of manifestation before. That set off a dialogue between us where not only I share my story about how I got to that but also he told me about how he got into esoteric things himself, albeit a different side to that. The crazy thing was in how our origin stories for us getting into esoteric concepts were relatively similar. Similar backgrounds, similar struggles. Similar thoughts about our role in the world. Same age. I couldn’t help but smile as he talked about his stuff and the way he viewed the relationship between the inner and the outer worlds. We exchanged contacts. Hope to meet this guy again later.

I’m taking this as a win and a result of Inner Circle being in my custom.

Isn’t it wonderful how one’s mood can change in turn around in a day?

I woke up today not feeling great about things. Even my HIIT cardio, as good as it was for my body, didn’t raise my morale that much. It wasn’t until I was at the office that my mood started to turn around. It helped a lot that I achieved some big wins at the office today. One has to do with the resolution of the challenge that came up yesterday, the other has to do with my manager being okay with me taking a relatively long amount of time off during a part of the next half of the year. I also got happy seeing my intern’s success because he’s accomplished quite a bit so far.

I also feel like I exhibited a more harmonious relationship with my coworkers today. I was planning to write down manifestational items related to reshaping my image of them in order to achieve that harmony, but I haven’t done so yet. Did MFO and my mind already get to work on manifesting this for me? I see the signposts today, as some people were even down to go to an event I brought up that’s occurring during the 4th of July weekend. I even thought it’d be cool to go with these people (while I’m also asking my friends whether they’d want to go with me).

I got a fair amount of stuff done today. Tomorrow looks easier.

Another thing that lifted up my mood is the announcement that the ZP upgrade has already started.

Seeing how fast these got completed blew me away. I’m pretty happy I’m going to be able to run upgraded Rebirth and Khan ST1 titles during Stack 5 (which begins on Friday) alongside my custom which doesn’t need to be upgraded since it apparently has the updated scripting already! I hope name-embedded mains aren’t too far off, seeing how Q automation appears to be in full force (wink wink @SaintSovereign)…but I can wait for that.

Rest of the day, what I’m doing is looking into the Easy Peasy Method while also manifesting success for myself in the things I am going to do in the coming months, including what looks to be an ambitious trip plan.


@RVConsultant @Darkphilosopher can the title of this thread be edited so as to not include the (ft. CHOSEN) portion? I might be calling it early by taking that addendum out now, but still—I think I don’t need to advertise CHOSEN being a part of my stack anymore :wink:

Alright, the worry has gotten me today and I feel a need to journal about it here.

The morning and work wasn’t bad. In fact, work was decent with how much I got done, and now there’s likely to even be one other thing that’s going to earn me another accolade. That’s not the issue here.

The issue is around the trip plans for next half. Right now, there’s a possibility of a super-trip to a region that is a combination of two trips: one with family, and one with a longtime friend. The idea is that I’d set off on my own after the end of the first part to meet up with my friend at the next part of the region. This interesting scenario occurred because it just so happens that both my family and friend raised the idea of doing a trip at around the same time in the fall. I have enough vacation days to pull this off, but there’s a few blockers for it. I’ve already gotten two of them resolved. There are still a few left. My friend hasn’t yet got the confirmation from his manager that it’s okay for him to take the time off. Another one I just realized today in conversation; because the day is shorter during the fall, the sun sets earlier and that might make it hard to see what we want to see.

To increase confidence within myself what I need to do is look up the top things to see in each city we’d be visiting and compare that against when they’re open. I can do that…

At the same time, currently, I feel like this last aspect is too much of a hassle. I’m thinking that maybe I should just call off the friend part of the trip. It seems like a bit too much to make this work properly AND also deal with the shorter day (by shorter day, I mean sunset seems to hover near 6:30 PM). I’m pretty grateful my friend offered this idea to me last week, but I feel as if this is a hassle. Meanwhile, I don’t like the idea of letting my friend down. Although, he was planning to do a trip of the general region by himself anyways, so perhaps the worst is some irritation in having held things up?

Overall, I’m not liking having to think about this stuff during the last week of work. And meanwhile, there’s the move that I need to properly plan for next month which I’m not doing anything about just yet. That is going to be strictly after this week.

So how can I make myself feel better now?

  • Manifesting
  • Get an understanding of what others say is generally the best time of the year to visit the regions we had in mind.
  • Look up attractions in the countries, verify their general opening/closing times and match that up with the sunrise/sunset.

What a great day! A lot of stuff worked out today and I am now incredibly confident that I am going to get promoted.

I woke up today in the morning to exercise, but it was at this time that I got an urgent work item for one project—an item that, if fulfilled, could lead me to achieve a huge stretch goal on this very day. So I shortened my HIIT session, did my morning routine, and went to work from home. It wasn’t going to be practical to go to the office today due to awkward meeting time placement, but this critical issue sealed the deal. So I was at home all day, juggling just two work things that had to be done by the end of the day. In the late afternoon, this key item got resolved and my project now achieved its great stretch goal.

A stretch goal doesn’t even describe how massive of an achievement this is in terms of impact and contribution towards discussion for my promotion. It’s fantastic that I got this done. Many were congratulating me for making this happen.

In the evening, I had a great hangout with friends which was both fun and significant. Significant in the sense of how deep our conversations got near the end of it all. I got an interesting look into how I had changed as a person because of what I was willing to share with them, as well as the way I would express my ideas. It tells me that a lot of the subs I had run this year are working. In that conversation, I saw Chosen and MFO come out (of course, with ME boosting results). It’s really interesting to see these changes come out.

Really awesome way to end the first half of the year.

Journaling has meaning during both good and bad times since it enables me to not only reflect on challenges and take them from a more objective view but also appreciate the good times (practice gratitude) as well as confirm successes from subliminals and my own efforts.

Stack 5: The Great Rebirth For the Man Who Finds Others

It is time for the Man to Find Others. MFO is a powerful title, however the mind needs to be prepared for it and all the amazing things that are on their way. In order to achieve this, I have embarked on a mission to set myself anew with Rebirth and Khan: Total Breakdown. Rebirth to have the Goddardian approach of letting the old man die to the past, and Khan: Total Breakdown to truly remove anything standing in the way. I am done being held back. I am done with the way things have been.


  • Khan ST1 (Total Breakdown) - Unfortunately not in the refreshed format (+anti-recon scripting) yet.

Today, the first day of this long weekend, was a day with a whole lot of hangouts and calls while my car was undergoing maintenance. The maintenance took a long time today due to unusually high business, so there wasn’t much in the way of productivity besides constructing a solid plan for what I’ll be doing on the 4th of July (lots of fun stuff)! The hangouts were awesome, got to relax and enjoy all that I’ve done so far.

Things are looking good for this weekend, and I feel very optimistic about what else is to come. Although Khan ST1 is a healing title that I’ve faced recon with in the past, for today I didn’t notice it. It’s the first time I’m running it in ZP, and I’ve also been out and about all day which is a counter against recon!

Woke up thinking that I wish I could test SC’s Paragon Sleep title. :confused: