The Adventures of SubliminalUser

Hmm. I thought I’d get more feedback, but at this point given what I’ve written so far, I feel like the stack I’ve Chosen suits the Emperor I’m striving to be.

Another thought I’m going to share here comes from an event that just happened. I think it’s bs that I have to act so significantly different in order to attract women. It seems to be incongruent. As if I shouldn’t be someone I’m not—OR, it’ll be too painful to continuously have to switch between self mode and “attracting” mode.

…or so I think. “Can’t I just be attractive by just being who I am?” I thought. And the answer is: YES, it is possible. What can help out with that in the near future?..

Chosen. Emperor.

I’ve not run these titles yet, but I’m already grateful to SC for making such products available such that I can incorporate the skills and behaviors needed in such a way that it’s a natural process that doesn’t feel too painful. This is going to be unlike my previous social development, where I spent nearly a decade just working on being a more sociable and socially skilled individual.

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Yo bro, sorry for the late response, I didn’t realize you tagged me until I went through all my notifications, but here’s my recommended stack, and I’m sure you know why I said this;


With AC daily when it’s released, to focus on consciously guiding the subs like you want them to, like I want to use it to guide WZP’s physical shifting towards giving me the emperor cover art dude’s body (example).

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This is a great stack too, however WZP doesn’t quite address certain needs I have right now.

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Physical shifting and attracting people?

I need to fix my sleep, and unfortunately Wanted doesn’t do that. As far as attraction based physical shifting goes I imagine either chosen or emperor works on this.

This release occuring right before my new stack starts has thrown me for a spin…I wish I could run 4 titles

Okay, been thinking about my recent thoughts and actions and where they’re coming from.

The state of the world and way things are have really been messing with my head. Omicron of all this is very frustrating because of the way it’s impacting my plans. Our original NYE plan got royally screwed due to covid. The lack of control I have over this situation is disconcerting. Some people are now becoming hesitant to do meetups. Are events that I want to go to next month going to get canceled? How about the trip that I’ve got next month?..

I’ve seen in this break just how lazy and uninspired I can get. I had to truly push myself in order to finish my year reflection and to set up goals/desires for next year. But outside of that, it’s been some BS when I stay at home. Why do I keep doing PMO, for one? It’s nonsense. I know that it’s going to be hard to start things up at the beginning of this year, especially because the first two days of the year are a weekend.

That, to me, is very concerning. The fear that I cannot do much to affect my circumstances. Thoughts like “What’s the point (of doing this seemingly good habit, like NF)?” The laziness and passivity that I see being bred within me once again. The idea that I may quickly fail on the objective of starting NF tomorrow and going through the entire year is disconcerting. Or that I may not pick up quickly enough on my dedication to such goals as cutting, fixing my sleep and being the leader that work and perhaps the world is calling me to be.

I must be a massive action taker. I must set up that momentum. And so it is clear to me that I should orient stack 1 around this, even though ME ZP just got released. So there you have it. My first four days, starting tomorrow:

  1. Emperor + Paragon + AsCh
  2. AsCh
  3. Chosen + AsCh
  4. AsCh

I have faith that enough manifestation scripting and power is within the subs individually, and I believe AsCh will take my manifesting ability to a new level.


Chapter 1

A Emperor is Chosen! Getting Sleep and More Ready

It is the year 2022 and it’s time for me to clean up my act. 2021 was a great year and I made a lot of progress, but there’s still so much more to achieve. I aim to hit the ground running this year and so I am going to get myself disciplined and working on my goals already. By journaling here and creating this entry I am on that path already.

I want to do a lot, and I want to do it effortlessly. So here we are with a stack that features Emperor, Chosen and Paragon.

Today’s Run:

  • Emperor
  • Paragon
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Emperor seems to have improved my jawline in one loop. Also, I have easily avoided PMO today. It helps that I was outside to do one of my hobbies for a bit.

Next up is a social event. Let’s see how it goes. I am really looking forward to how much of Emperor ZP I integrate!

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By the way, thanks for the recommendation on the t booster @Azriel. I got it and started my cycle on it yesterday, to go along with the transformations coming with Emperor and chosen!


How did this go man

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Well now I just feel great for supplementing.

I ran CHOSEN + Emperor today, I did feel something going on around my eyes not long after.

Overall, I’d consider today a great day. I was outside for most of the day starting from the afternoon, as I went through a few things, starting with my outdoor-based interest going all the way to a nighttime movie. I’ve been back home for not long.

A few big wins today:

  • OMAD. I declared earlier that I’d like to get back into weekday OMAD and this time is a bit more serious about the window. After today’s meal, I realized I need to clamp down a bit more on things like soda (even if it is free) because even with OMAD I shouldn’t give myself carte blanche with liquid calories, as they make it too easy to go overboard on calories. Also, what gets measured gets done. I started tracking my fasts with a fasting app for the first time in a long time, just because I like metrics and I feel they encourage improvement. Funny how the food service worker was calling me “Boss.”
  • NF. I’m not thinking hard about this stuff. That’s likely the right way to go about it…until comes a serious urge. However, day 3 of that journey would typically be a tough one. It was not bad at all today. I think Emperor is helping me out here!
  • Discipline at home. I actually utilized pomodoros for going through my personal todo list (this is new) and completed 50% of my week’s list (this tells me that I underestimated myself and what I can do). I also incorporated the discipline of putting my phone away from me while at home today—I’d like to keep this going. I do think not having the phone by my desk big time because it removes the desire to keep looking at the phone and trying to multitask between phone actions and computer actions. So it creates better focus!

I believe Chosen and Emperor are already in effect as far as taking action and being more disciplined goes, based on what’s been going on lately. Now, how will these subs affect me during my first day back at work tomorrow? We’ll have to find out!


Cool. What app are you using?

Zero tracker

Great. Thank you.

It’s a rest day, but I really wish I could run Ascension Chamber right now.

Rest day. Let’s see how this day went.

Today was the first day back at work. It was just me and one other coworker in the office—this is due to WFH still being allowed, and many people being lazy. I wanted to go into the office to have the focus and also space away from home and all the distractions. I wanted to see the Chosen Emperor come out of me. Unfortunately, work wasn’t very engaging because we’re in the part of the season where we focus on performance reviews. Not too exciting. So I dilly dallied a bit more than I’d like to get one aspect of those reviews done today (we have several days to work on this).

Still, I did get one big win and that was having a very satisfying OMAD. Here it was just a giant, nutrient-dense salad and some chicken. This made me remember that nutrient density is key to this diet because nutrient dense foods make me feel fuller without having as many calories as junk food. That was lunch; I’m sitting here right now past dinner time astonished that I still feel full from that salad, remembering a detail about food I had forgotten amidst the pandemic and not having access to the work campus salad bars that just opened up very recently. This is awesome. I know OMAD and especially salad OMAD worked for me in the past so I’m confident I’ll soon hone in on the optimal strategy once again. There is a drawback which is that I’m not lifting today when I usually would. I just ran in the morning. I first thought of lifting in the evening, but the fact that I wouldn’t eat anything after that doesn’t seem right. Have to rethink the notion of moving lifting to evening time.

Some other thoughts:

  • I looked at myself in the mirror, the jawline is looking nice! It’s surprising as I didn’t expect to see this until I hit a lower body fat. This is working!
  • I am pushing myself to be disciplined. For example, this is being written in the middle of a pomodoro. I hope it’s not new year energy and that it’s coming from Emperor!
  • I thought about the fact that I want to go hard in both personal and work goals. This is a departure from previous years in which I made myself decide between emphasizing personal and work life. Going into 2020 I had decided upon focusing more on work (which appears to have been the correct choice given that the world practically made that the best option not long after). However, this time I want to have both leveled up. Why? “Because the best self has both aspects going on very well in his life. And that’s who I’m trying to be. The best self.” I thought about him and what his life is looking like. That’s me in the (not so far) future and I’m going towards that right now.

Looking forward to my next run of subs tomorrow! Tomorrow, it will be Paragon + Chosen.


how’s this working out in terms of recovery from working out?
For some reason, I don’t feel any soreness after starting Emperor ZP, even though I’ve been breaking PRs on a daily basis.

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