The Adventures of SubliminalUser

Chapter 1

A Emperor is Chosen! Getting Sleep and More Ready

It is the year 2022 and it’s time for me to clean up my act. 2021 was a great year and I made a lot of progress, but there’s still so much more to achieve. I aim to hit the ground running this year and so I am going to get myself disciplined and working on my goals already. By journaling here and creating this entry I am on that path already.

I want to do a lot, and I want to do it effortlessly. So here we are with a stack that features Emperor, Chosen and Paragon.

Today’s Run:

  • Emperor
  • Paragon
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Emperor seems to have improved my jawline in one loop. Also, I have easily avoided PMO today. It helps that I was outside to do one of my hobbies for a bit.

Next up is a social event. Let’s see how it goes. I am really looking forward to how much of Emperor ZP I integrate!

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By the way, thanks for the recommendation on the t booster @Azriel. I got it and started my cycle on it yesterday, to go along with the transformations coming with Emperor and chosen!


How did this go man

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Well now I just feel great for supplementing.

I ran CHOSEN + Emperor today, I did feel something going on around my eyes not long after.

Overall, I’d consider today a great day. I was outside for most of the day starting from the afternoon, as I went through a few things, starting with my outdoor-based interest going all the way to a nighttime movie. I’ve been back home for not long.

A few big wins today:

  • OMAD. I declared earlier that I’d like to get back into weekday OMAD and this time is a bit more serious about the window. After today’s meal, I realized I need to clamp down a bit more on things like soda (even if it is free) because even with OMAD I shouldn’t give myself carte blanche with liquid calories, as they make it too easy to go overboard on calories. Also, what gets measured gets done. I started tracking my fasts with a fasting app for the first time in a long time, just because I like metrics and I feel they encourage improvement. Funny how the food service worker was calling me “Boss.”
  • NF. I’m not thinking hard about this stuff. That’s likely the right way to go about it…until comes a serious urge. However, day 3 of that journey would typically be a tough one. It was not bad at all today. I think Emperor is helping me out here!
  • Discipline at home. I actually utilized pomodoros for going through my personal todo list (this is new) and completed 50% of my week’s list (this tells me that I underestimated myself and what I can do). I also incorporated the discipline of putting my phone away from me while at home today—I’d like to keep this going. I do think not having the phone by my desk big time because it removes the desire to keep looking at the phone and trying to multitask between phone actions and computer actions. So it creates better focus!

I believe Chosen and Emperor are already in effect as far as taking action and being more disciplined goes, based on what’s been going on lately. Now, how will these subs affect me during my first day back at work tomorrow? We’ll have to find out!


Cool. What app are you using?

Zero tracker

Great. Thank you.

It’s a rest day, but I really wish I could run Ascension Chamber right now.

Rest day. Let’s see how this day went.

Today was the first day back at work. It was just me and one other coworker in the office—this is due to WFH still being allowed, and many people being lazy. I wanted to go into the office to have the focus and also space away from home and all the distractions. I wanted to see the Chosen Emperor come out of me. Unfortunately, work wasn’t very engaging because we’re in the part of the season where we focus on performance reviews. Not too exciting. So I dilly dallied a bit more than I’d like to get one aspect of those reviews done today (we have several days to work on this).

Still, I did get one big win and that was having a very satisfying OMAD. Here it was just a giant, nutrient-dense salad and some chicken. This made me remember that nutrient density is key to this diet because nutrient dense foods make me feel fuller without having as many calories as junk food. That was lunch; I’m sitting here right now past dinner time astonished that I still feel full from that salad, remembering a detail about food I had forgotten amidst the pandemic and not having access to the work campus salad bars that just opened up very recently. This is awesome. I know OMAD and especially salad OMAD worked for me in the past so I’m confident I’ll soon hone in on the optimal strategy once again. There is a drawback which is that I’m not lifting today when I usually would. I just ran in the morning. I first thought of lifting in the evening, but the fact that I wouldn’t eat anything after that doesn’t seem right. Have to rethink the notion of moving lifting to evening time.

Some other thoughts:

  • I looked at myself in the mirror, the jawline is looking nice! It’s surprising as I didn’t expect to see this until I hit a lower body fat. This is working!
  • I am pushing myself to be disciplined. For example, this is being written in the middle of a pomodoro. I hope it’s not new year energy and that it’s coming from Emperor!
  • I thought about the fact that I want to go hard in both personal and work goals. This is a departure from previous years in which I made myself decide between emphasizing personal and work life. Going into 2020 I had decided upon focusing more on work (which appears to have been the correct choice given that the world practically made that the best option not long after). However, this time I want to have both leveled up. Why? “Because the best self has both aspects going on very well in his life. And that’s who I’m trying to be. The best self.” I thought about him and what his life is looking like. That’s me in the (not so far) future and I’m going towards that right now.

Looking forward to my next run of subs tomorrow! Tomorrow, it will be Paragon + Chosen.


how’s this working out in terms of recovery from working out?
For some reason, I don’t feel any soreness after starting Emperor ZP, even though I’ve been breaking PRs on a daily basis.

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Paragon + Chosen.

Today was a shockingly unproductive day at work. So unproductive that I actually did nothing there, besides eat lunch and get a latte. I accomplished some minor personal things in fact, while I was there. Something funny did happen, though: I ran into someone who I know of on social media but not necessarily in real life. It turns out they work at the same place at me. We’re now getting lunch tomorrow.

At home, I’ve also taken it easy. Watched a show, studied some interests and thought about how I need to pull myself together for tomorrow. The time’s ticking to finish up those reviews and everything else. I can’t just mope around at the office.


  • OMAD continues for today.
  • I woke up and found that my sleep quality was great! Over 90%, in fact. Did Paragon and the other ZP subs do their trick, here? As far as items I think could have helped from the day before, there was OMAD in the afternoon, a shower several hours before bed (perhaps a bit too far away to make an impact), and doing NF.
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Emperor + Paragon.
Friday. Finally.

As far as work is concerned, I continued to do what I needed to do. It’s boring stuff, though. Not particularly motivated or excited by it. Nonetheless the productivity scripting continued to push me to get stuff done. In the current assignment I wrote most of what I needed to, but I’m going to need next week to finish it.

Weird stomach inflation after each meal. Now I am wondering if it is symptoms of the new variant…it’s odd that this would be the only symptom and that’s it. And not long from now I’ll go get dinner, which means my stomach will inflate once again. That’s unfortunate, especially as I’d like to see results from Emperor ZP in body sculpting.

What are some other things I can point out?

  • There’s this fire in me that’s growing to keep pushing myself towards greatness. Even though I feel like watching the shows after this journal I know I want to do more this weekend.
  • More discipline. Not too bad to do OMAD this week. Not doing OMAD today because of the occasion but other than that I’m quickly transitioning into it.
  • As far as sleep is concerned, I did get one night where the sleep quality was high (over 90%), but other than that there’s much to be desired. I ordered a .3mg melatonin sleep supplement just now and I hope that can help me during this sleep recovery process (dropping down from 5mg, which I was taking after getting rid of the powerful supplement). Paragon hasn’t been as helpful as I thought it would be for sleep…yet. It’s going to be in my stack for just this 1 rotation.
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Woke out of an interesting dream in which I developed some kind of romantic relationship with a girl. It’s notable that she starting kissing me first…and on the neck, too.

Rest day.

What a long day. A short trip to the inland, followed up by a funny meetup. What was cool was being able to get drinks afterward. The way it went, I first went to the place with a longtime friend then called up another person who I met at an earlier meetup and asked him to join us. So it was the three of us chatting. Was interesting to have that even be possible. One guy I’ve known for a decade, the other just a month. Who would’ve thought?

The running theme in conversations today between me and the longtime friend was centered around meetups and being able to meet new people, especially after the college years (a time that I now consider long past). It’s kind of sad to see. We both observed the feeling of “stuckness” in determining how to get past the way society is designed—or rather, NOT designed—for that kind of stuff. Okay, there are meetups…but the general social ones don’t have the demographic we’d like to target. So I’ve written them out. I decided to get out of most of the general groups because I’ve been to enough to know that they aren’t what I’m looking for. I still left one open, the other stuff are now specific interests. And the specific interest groups, well I have different expectations regarding them. I just like to show up, talk about the interest with the people for a while and then be on my way. They’re not necessarily for making new general friends (which I have enough of).

To be honest, when it comes to expanding my social circle (broadly speaking), it comes down to two categories for now.

  • Friends who share the same interest
  • Romantic interests

Notice that the categories don’t include general friends. Ideally category one would be a pathway into general friendship, but I’m not setting my expectations like that to avoid disappointment. Not to mention, I do have a decent group already as most of my longtime friends are in the area. I hit some of the first category through current efforts, like getting into the new sports hobby and going to those meetups around specific interests. That’s great and I’m glad I did that.

The latter though…I’m stuck. I need to do something different. So many times in my conversations around this topic recently with people have I wanted to reach for the word “manifestation” and all that entails but unfortunately the notion of that is a bit too foreign and at worst would put people off. Fortunately, I haven’t gotten the latter response, more that they just don’t know what it would really mean in the context of manifestation people. I don’t mention it so much. I wish I was already running subs like ME, HS, IC. I know that Emperor and Chosen (running this one tomorrow!) do have scripting for bringing in people.

Once again, I walk on a path that few people are currently on. The situation looks bleak and there’s a part of me that says I should feel bad. But I’m not giving up. I won’t lose hope. I’ll keep pushing for change. I do not want to wallow in self-pity or sorrow. I’d rather not. The future looks bright, and I must keep running towards it.

CHOSEN is making me more optimistic here, I bet.

  • Develop a deep sense of hope, peace, and positivity for the future

Have you looked into diets such as FODMAP? Or symptoms of SIBO?

In investigating the issue I learned what FODMAP is. It was suggested that a low-FODMAP diet can address bloating.

As to SIBO I have not suspected such a thing, however I would hope Paragon can help me out here. So far the one mechanism I can think of which would help me correct this issue quickly is intermittent fasting. After tonight’s dinner I am considering going on a 2-day fast.

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Rest day.

I go into writing this journal entry not having done much at home, besides this Being in Denial EFT which is going to influence the topic of this entry. Before that session, I was watching shows, and before that, I was out and about. Another sluggish workday since nothing’s happening at work just yet.

The EFT must be arriving at the right time because it made me think that perhaps I am in denial about something. That situation which I described as “bleak” a few entries ago, the feeling of being stuck and that there isn’t much that I can do with regards to the specific domain that I mentioned earlier. Perhaps I can do something about it? Am I not manifesting the continuation of the situation as-is by continuing to think that I am stuck and that the situation doesn’t look good? Okay, I get it—the pandemic doesn’t make advancing in that particular aspect so easy. The actions that I’ve taken so far have led me to seem dead ends. And so as a result, I am left to my thoughts about the situation. If you can imagine it, those thoughts about the situation are not very positive (“I am stuck,” “What can I do?” “I don’t know how I can progress in this situation.”)

However, if all I have here right now are my thoughts…might ‘thinking’ become the important action in itself? Thinking as an action. It makes sense given how conscious manifestation arises from what we choose to think about (and visualize, feel, etc.—but thinking is a part of that). I noticed that the first time I encountered the “stuck” feeling and thoughts for this specific problem first showed up a few months ago when I was taking some of my first real action towards this domain (e.g. trying out those apps, going to meets). Why let me repeat it?

If all I can change right at this very moment are my thoughts about the situation, then the best action to take is to change those thoughts. Allow me to be more optimistic. Tell me that things are getting better. Imagine the wish fulfilled. Surely, since the start of this current stack my thoughts are in an upward trend. Down as I may feel sometimes, part of me keeps holding on no matter what. There’s this hope and positivity for the future that I can’t but help myself look towards. That’s CHOSEN in action.

I refuse to let myself fail. Whether it’s in the aforementioned domain or at life in general.

Fortunately, I am not of the opinion that I am stuck regarding a lot of other areas of life. Here is where I account for the things I’m happy about or see better prospects in.

  • Career is going well. This is the year I make a big run towards my next promotion. For this week, though, I am focused on finishing up performance reviews so there’s no big push yet. But I’m confident that I can make it. A fellow coworker of mine is confident that I will make it, too. :smiley:
  • Clearly, I have the money and value myself enough to spend on some exemplary experiences. Yesterday I had gotten dinner with my friend at a high-end restaurant. We ended up spending over $200 per person. I would not have imagined that a few years ago.
  • Fitness, this one has been tough lately as I work on cutting. Emperor ZP should be helping me out with body sculpting scripting, but odd stuff has been happening in my body. The chief concern is that my body bloats after every single meal. I want to test to see if I have the variant of the virus that shall not be named :wink: … The other thing is that doing morning lifts have been too difficult, but it seems that for weekdays I’m going to have to do them in the mornings given the nature of my diet and schedule that follows in the rest of the day. Not fun. However, I believe I can pull it off, albeit with quite a bit of effort.
  • I am seeing some positive developments in friendships, with some people getting into the interests I introduced to them and us planning bigger hangouts together. This upcoming weekend looks exciting.

I write these things only to remind myself that it’s not all bad (very far from it, actually) and I shouldn’t let tunnel vision get the best of me. Still, I have a responsibility. And responsibility means to give a response to the best of my abilities. I’ve got to take whatever step I can—minute as some steps may seem in the moment—to get myself where I want to go.

Here I only ask that the subliminals push me towards that destination. Be it my current stack, or future ones (looking at you, ME ZP, with your scripting that blocks one from visualizing negative stuff).

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