The Adventures of SubliminalUser

I’m heading into experimental territory here.

Today: Emperor + Paragon, but I’m in the middle of a two day fast.
Saturday: Chosen from Within x 2


Most of the day has passed now, so let’s talk about what happened.

Ran: Emperor + Paragon. This run occurred over 40 hours into my two-day fast. Guess what? I handled it pretty gracefully. I had to be cautious about recon and feeling energy drain because after all, I had been without food; the only things I was drinking included still water, sparkling water, and 0-calorie caffeine drinks (this one I’m careful with, of course).

Surprisingly, I encountered little—if any—additional recon from running the subs during such a time. Of course, I was drinking a lot of water during the fast which is in line with my usual actions, but that is a major help because Saint had mentioned in the past that drinking a lot of water is a way to counter recon. This was mentioned in the open bounty thread. It should also be noted that this is not the first time I’m doing such a fast; in fact, two-day fasts were an important component of my fasting routine in the early days of IF.

Now, as to what happened today:

  • I finally finished the work item that I’ve mentioned in the previous few entries. The due date was today, and I was relieved to get it done a few hours early. Me and the coworkers who also finished early messed around for the rest of the day. None of us have anything big to get started on tomorrow so I anticipate that tomorrow is not going to be a productive day. No worries. It just means Emperor’s productivity scripting at work won’t shine just yet.
  • After work, I did a hangout in which I ended my fast. This time, I no longer experienced the uncomfortable and sometimes painful bloating that I’ve had in nearly every single meal prior to this one. I’d like to say fasting worked in healing my digestive system!
  • At home, personal productivity kicked in. This meant going through my weekly action list. This also meant setting aside a Pomodoro just to do some shopping related to accessories for my current outdoor-based interest. Sure, I could sit around and watch my favorite show but I feel that is not what I should be doing. I should keep moving forward! There’s a lot to do not only for work but also for personal stuff. One thing off the top of my head is to find some kind of conscious manifestation/visualization habit to do in addition to my lists.

I thought Ascension Chamber would be here by now and I’d be reporting things as a result of those manifestation sessions. Still, Chosen and Emperor both have manifestation in them so it’s not like I’m doing anything in the direction of manifestation. It still feels a bit too passive to me though…I feel like I should take action of some kind.

What I’m looking forward to tomorrow:

  • My haircut at a new hairstylist. Wish me luck here!
  • I do wonder how others are going to perceive me tomorrow since most have been working from home yet are coming into the office tomorrow. How shall Chosen and Emperor come out on this rest day?
  • Continuing to do NF. I’ve done it all year so far. Wish me luck! It should be easy with how long I’m staying outside tomorrow, and with the continued discipline from Emperor. I believe Emperor and Paragon are contributing the most to this so far, because of the discipline + nervous system healing.
  • The next interest-related meetup is happening tomorrow. It’s another social opportunity!

And then on the weekend I look forward to running CFW, because of its introspective nature, the opportunity for further healing AND increased self-control which ties back into discipline and cleaning myself up.


I’m so excited to see what CFW does for me. But today is a rest day…


Rest Day. But there’s a lot to report, as a lot happened today. Overall sentiment? Positive.

I woke up much earlier in the day than I expected to. I wanted to sleep in until my haircut appointment but my body had other plans. By far the biggest challenge with the extra time in the morning was dealing with thoughts that are not in favor of NF. The sleep deprivation combined with the search for “something to do” before my appointment made the morning present a small challenge to me here. Fortunately, I powered through. I exercised in the morning and got some personal items checked off. So it seems having great sleep will be a sticking point for NF.

The haircut was decent. Definitely more than I usually pay, but I’d say I’m satisfied with what I got. Decent conversation with the stylist during the cutting process, and I’m glad I was upfront and specific about what I’d like done about my hair. Truth be told, I was initially shocked by the result because the stylist tried to style my hair after cutting it but simply could not do that properly, so I left the store thinking my hair got messed up once again. I actually went back home, washed and restyled my hair before changing into proper clothes for work. Only after I restyled it myself did I think okay, this cut fit within the parameters of what I was looking for and I might go back again! My main regret is not tipping more, as I was hesitant to do so for the very first time I’d go to this place (and all payments happen in the advance reservation, including the tips which I find strange but whatever). Overall, I’d consider it a much better cut than the last one I got a few months ago.

My coworker noticed it and respected it too when I arrived at the office. Now this time, almost all of my coworkers were back in the office and I did notice that I was received slightly differently, including by the female coworker. It’s hard for me to describe exactly how, but I feel it’s better. It’s hard to describe because we (by we I mean all coworkers) didn’t engage in conversation the way I thought we would. But it was in subtle gestures, or when I’d feel I was being looked at when I wasn’t looking directly at them, or certain flows in the conversation that led me to declare this finding.

After work was the interest-related meetup which went great! More women showed up to this one, newcomers too. (Women manifestation?) And guess what, most of the time in this meetup I was talking to those few women! Sure it was mostly around the interest topic, but I’ll take that as progress! Ended up getting one of their contacts, and hugged them as they left. This particular individual did not hug anyone else except for the female organizer so I thought that was interesting. Anyway, overall I felt this event went well from a social performance perspective and I thought it was a good event to end Friday night with.

What I’m looking forward to tomorrow:

  • The second lift of the week. This is part of a push to revitalize my lifting routine which dropped off recently, due to the difficulties around cold mornings and sleep struggles. By getting this lift done, I accomplish my lifting routine goal for the week.
  • Running two loops of Chosen From Within. This is the big one. What does it mean to restore my inner world? What is going to heal? How will my stream of thoughts change, and will my self-discipline immediately increase (e.g. for IF or NF)? There’s a particular topic I want to privately journal about, and it is a somewhat emotionally charged topic. Can it help me with that? Perhaps most interesting, how is it going to affect my interactions with people later in the day?
  • The long day outside that starts in the early afternoon. A lot of things are planned with friends! It’ll especially be interesting to see if CFW affects my interactions with these people.

Can you leave the tip section empty or at zero when you pay upfront and then give a cash tip afterwards?

Paragon + Emperor.

Today started early in the morning because I had laser eye surgery. This should be the final surgery needed for me to achieve perfect vision. In order to support my eye’s recovery process, I ran Paragon and then Emperor.

Even after resting for a few hours, I feel a bit disoriented. Things don’t feel quite right yet. I hope Paragon is focused on the eyes, and Emperor brings me manifestations and discipline.


Hope you recover in the best way possible.
I’ve done the surgery like 6 years ago, and if I can give you one tip, then try your best to limit your usage of computer and phone, and they should have given you some eye drops, right?
Don’t slack with them.

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Rest Day.

The world is asking me to step up and be a leader—and so I will be a leader. My hand has been forced.

Today was not a productive workday. In fact, I was on sick leave for most of the workday. This was because the numerous appointments I put on today, combined with the fact that there aren’t real work items yet meant that I knew I wasn’t going to be productive yet. Appointments spanned in topic from the post-op laser surgery appointment all the way to my car appointment which took longer than expected because of some additional services that needed to be performed. No worries.

The sole work thing I did today had a meeting with my manager where I pushed hard to seek clarity on a particular set of projects that he considered as best fits for me. What ensued was a discussion in which I realized that in order to succeed in these projects as well as make the best case for my promotion I’m going to have to truly step up as a leader, because I’m going to need to set the direction and determinants of success for the projects should I take them on. I can already see that the potential for me to flex leadership skills this year at work will be high. It seems daunting, but I am not scared. It is what I need to do in order to get promoted. I hope Chosen and Emperor can help me out here.

I did not want to be a leader here but circumstances indicate I must step up to be one.

The other highlight of today was the evening hangout in which I and my friend discussed at length a particular aspect of relationships. I don’t feel the need to recap what that exactly was, although I can say this: the problems that we (including myself) face are of a quality unlike ones from earlier times due to the current state of society and technological factors. I have to find my own way, my own path out. I’ve had a knack for picking fairly novel solutions to the bigger challenges in my life. For example, fasting (including extended fasts) to solve the fitness problem. Spirituality, then subs, and techniques like EFT for healing. And now…in the realm of relationships, I’m going to need to do something different as well. I’m most looking forward to capitalizing on manifestation and other abilities that let me be the leader of my reality.

I did not want to be a leader here but circumstances indicate I must step up to be one.

It’s more accurate to say that the approach won’t be totally unique. Rather, it’s going to be a bit away from the norm. What the final picture may look like may be similar to the success stories seen in other journals and testimonials that can be found on this forum. The picture wouldn’t be totally unique then, but at the same time, it’d be far from what the average person is currently experiencing. On the other hand, I could paint quite a different picture. That’s the magic of subs at their current tech; they know how to work with my idiosyncrasies.

To fall in line with the norm is to accept the mediocrity of the populace.

Maybe I’m missing more awesome and high-powered individuals that I can look up to in real life. Or I’m not making use of the existing ones as much right now.

Other things:

  • Did my usual running routine (HIIT for today).
  • Successfully did OMAD once again. In light of the hangout, I fasted all the way until the evening.

Looking forward to:

  • Running CFW + Emperor tomorrow
  • OMAD, but at work during lunchtime (new change—last week’s OMADs were all during dinner)
  • Doing work stuff in general. How can I start working towards being that work leader?
  • More waiting for Ascencion Chamber…18 days this year have passed and I still don’t have the title :-(. That’s more than half the time it was going to take for one to become familiar with the AsCh manifestation process…

What’s EFT?

Rest Day.

Let’s take a step back. Today was a day with quite a few challenges.

  • I worked from home in order to provide a better environment for my healing eyes which are light sensitive. I got through meetings well but unfortunately, I was not productive outside of that. Working from home just doesn’t seem to do me well nowadays. Especially because it is in this environment that I slipped up on NF (once again).
  • I did not do OMAD today. This is more because I didn’t know what to expect from the social event that happened later in the evening. Nonetheless, this is not great.
  • I did still maintain the exercise routine. However, today I woke up considerably earlier than expected which wasn’t a good thing. I’m sure that affected other things today, like willpower.

One highlight today was the evening social event. That was fun.

What am I going to do better tomorrow?

  • Going to go to the office. Yes, that’s not going to be the best for my eyes so I’ll have to think of a compromise (involves going to a more dimly lit part of the building).
  • Minimizing the size of my lunch in anticipation for the evening social event which will have a lot of food.
  • The environment of being away from home as well as the evening social event should be conducive to NF.

The special thing about tomorrow: I will run CFW + Paragon. Not only that, it is the final day before the washout. This washout is supposed to be 5 days, however, I am considering whether to shorten it to 3 days.

Looking forward to better days.

Emotional Freedom Technique

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Today is day 21, and so it will be the last listening day before the inter-cycle washout. Currently listening to CFW, and paragon is next. Wish me luck.

I see. Thank you.

How are you today, and how is your vision?

I am not good today. Neither is my vision, which still needs more time to heal.

I do not feel positive about quite a few things right now. The good things so far:

  • morning run
  • getting in on the current market at great prices
  • Buffet (later today)

Not great sleep. And I think I’ve been going through recon. I’m at the start of my washout, which very may well be 5 days.

I’m almost desperate to run the manifestation stack following this one, which suggests that I might face a bit of recon there.

There’s a lot I could say, but I’ll say this. I feel unconfident in my ability to shape and affect my outer reality. In addition to this, I have found Paragon to be fairly disappointing regarding the key issues I am focused on. Note that I have run Paragon ZP since December, before Chapter 0 of this adventure. The feelings regarding these things have especially become burdensome during this problematic and revealing week.

Therefore, after the 5-day washout I will be starting a special Chapter 1.5 of this adventure in which I will remove Paragon ZP and bring in Mind’s Eye ZP. In addition to this, I will be sticking with Chosen as opposed to CFW.

@RVConsultant @Invictus @Lion


My guess is that over time Paragon will improve. I too have issues that unfortunately don’t have any medicines or procedures to depend on to improve my health situation but am confident better versions of either Paragon or other titles will come.

Having said that, there has been some body issues that were positively affected by Paragon like lowering creatinine, healing fevers super quick, and some other random things I faced along the way.

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The last week was tough. Over the last week, I had to privately journal quite a few times. Characteristics of last week included a lack of work-productivity as well as a lot of lazing around. That was highly evident on Saturday when I spent most of the day watching a show. I also fell off good habits and continued to see bad sleep. Exercising, while I did do it twice this past week, was no fun. It was a chore.

I’m currently in the middle of my washout (ending on the 27th), so let’s see what happens in the bloom. But this past week was a massive learning lesson in some ways and indicates to me that I’ve got a lot to change. I hope Mind’s Eye ZP is going to fix up some stuff. I’m not sure what else I can do right now, so I’m going to write the entry for the upcoming sub-chapter a few days early.

Chapter 1.5

Activating the Mind’s Eye to Reaffirm the Chosen Emperor

Manifestation. The greatest skill I feel I must develop the most. With the way reality is, I have found it difficult to believe that certain aspects of my life can be changed through external action easily. Although Chosen and Emperor have already started working, it seems as if there are certain blocks that prevent my life from progressing in all the ways I’d like them to progress. The simple fact that I have this lack of confidence in being able to manifest into existence that which I want in the challenging areas speaks volumes in itself. For it is difficult to reconcile with the notion that success is guaranteed.

Lately, I’ve felt that I just don’t know how to get to where I want to be, even if I know what I want. It almost seems as if I need a teleportation machine. On top of this, my mind has liked to visualize and imagine bad outcomes, sometimes so much that I’d feel bad in the current 3D world. This is no good. I decided late last year that manifestation is the key skill I need to develop further, and now I am going to do just that. Although Ascension Chamber isn’t out yet, I hope Mind’s Eye ZP can change the game for me and instill in me the confidence that I can and will shape my reality, just like all the greats I’ve seen on this forum.

Nearly 1.5 years ago, I awakened in manifestation through my custom “Man for Himself” which featured the ME core. Since then I’ve kept manifestation in mind through a near-daily practice. However, I am not satisfied with the extent of this skill development just yet—despite the progress made. Let’s take my manifestation power to the absolute limit.


  • Mind’s Eye ZP
  • Chosen ZP
  • Emperor ZP

Projected Listening Strategy:
Day A: ME + Chosen
Day B: Rest
Day C: ME + Emperor
Day D: Rest

First Run: January 27 (Thursday)

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I know that in the past you have had these occasional dips. There is always an up