Talking about Reconciliation

I have a pretty broad definition of reconciliation.

I think of it as all changes and experiences–positive and negative, pleasant and unpleasant–that occur as you’re transitioning to a new way of being.

The word literally means the process of adjusting things so that agreement, or harmony, is re-established.

Agreement with what? With the new condition you are working to attain.

If I lift weights after a long period of inactivity, one change that will happen is that I’ll feel the pain and soreness of ripped and damaged muscle tissue for the next few days. That is reconciliation. Another change that will happen is that my body will grow stronger, denser, and bigger muscle tissue. That is also reconciliation.

Reconciliation is neither bad nor good. It’s change.

If I use crap training methods, then my reconciliation may involve damage. That’s not ‘because of reconciliation’, is because of the training methods I’m using. If I adjust them to be more effective, safer, healthier, etc., my reconciliation process will also be beneficial.

So, I think that rather than worrying about reconciliation itself, it makes sense to identify specific practices or details that might be throwing things off, and then adjust them.

But I might be missing something here or may be wrong about some of it. So, I’m typing it here.

So far, my own reconciliation experiences have felt kind of organic. I don’t mean comfortable. But it tends to be stuff like feeling confused or getting frustrated about a particular situation or question in my life.

I don’t tend to get (or I haven’t noticed) the purely physical reconciliation experiences. It’ll be more like a mood or a state of mind.

Also, the experiences I get are pretty similar to other experiences I’ve had that were not related to subliminal use. So they don’t seem very dramatic, in that sense.

I wonder if this is because I’ve been working on and dealing with crap for so many years.

Anyway, what’s your experience and what do you think :thinking: ?


I get 5 kinds of reconciliation

  1. I get reconciliation from not acting in alignment with the subs, this feels like frustration, anger, wanting to switch subs, uncertainty, self doubt, judgement

  2. Healing reconciliation, this feels like old traumas processing, deeply questing myself, sometimes latent anxiety, sadness or upset coming up and being processed-not personal

  3. Friction in my life for the new person I am becoming-being in situations, relationships, or work where who I am is no longer compatible with what I previously created. This reconciliation shows up if I don’t act to remove, deal with, or resolve that discrepancy, and it shows up as self judgement, feeling like a victim, thinking-if only this…then this-but I can’t do anything about it, or feeling like nothing has changed and I’m tricking myself.

  4. Over listening- this is the worst for me-can be anything from tiredness to headaches to feels like my worlds is falling apart, I’m disintegrating, like a bad trip on drugs-or my energy becomes insane and I can’t calm down-

  5. Simply adjusting to my new world views, this is like a small sense of loss for the world I let go of, even though that’s what I want, and a sense of safety in staying as things are, an unwillingness to move forward, this is remedied by consciously letting go, and knowing nothing of real value or that I truly care about will be lost


Like giving up the “known or familiar”?

Can reconciliation be in the form of physical pain in the shoulder?


I don’t know.

@SaintSovereign Can reconciliation be in the form of physical pain in the shoulder?

@mecharc, totally, I had this on Quantum Limitless – same as pain in a specific nerve in my neck and so on.


Now I’m having a slight recon on Alchemist St1 and DR St4 it’s like accumulating negative energies which are being kicked out of or transformed within my body and mind.


Reconciliation hits me…

  • I feel the sub is not working or it has stopped working.
  • I get extremely angry at everyone I come into contact with. It’s like I find a way to get angry at them.
  • everything that people do although its not directed to me I tend to make it directed at me and then get angry at them.
  • I feel head pressure building up.
  • reduced cognitive abilities.
  • don’t feel like reading. If I do I can’t concentrate or I feel as if what I am reading is not true or waste of time.
  • headaches
  • tiredness

this one. for me.


I get recon as physical pain all the time,
I consulted an energy healer/intuitive and they told me that I was releasing old patterns and conditioning at an incredibly accelerated rate, and that was causing my energy to drastically change really quickly, and the energy release was moving through subtler and subtler layers of my body that I had pain/some issues where the energetic releasing/evolution was more blocked up.

They were kind of amazed at what was happening with me energetically actually, they had never seen anything like it

they didn’t know about subs or recon or anything. You may think all that esoteric stuff is a scam/hoax-but there you have it for whatever it is worth.


Perhaps you found a bonafide energy healer. I can agree that esoteric stuff may be real, but there are many many practitioners who are out there to prey on the ignorant.

This one available online?

No, recommended to me by a friend.

Subliminal Clubs programs are without a doubt the most profound technological self-development tools available on the public market.

I just recently underwent a really weird form of reconciliation which manifested as body ache and pain in my feet – it surely had an influence on how grounded I’ve been. Once the scripts had processed the pain in my feet disappeared accordingly.

This was essentially the same meaning I intuitively derived from it. Our feet are the foundation in our lives and I was changing too quickly, within a too short time span which was causing physical reconciliation in my feet.

One reason I seem able to do this is that my surrounding environment is completely sterile from all negativity.

Where did the pain in your body occur for you?


Mostly left side of face, jaw, and ear…sinus seem effected, but mostly on left side as well.

When I first started Wealth custom, I would experience almost flu like symptoms that would pass in a couple hours. But I don’t get that anymore when I run it.


I tend to get reconciliation feeling in my heart center. I usually feel very intense sensation, followed by tears, and followed by a slight sense of release. This will occur sporadically throughout the day.

That totally explains the new pain I currently feel in my neck area.

Glad I found this, thanks!

Reconciliation is not a bug, it’s a feature.

Insight, Growth, and Evolution typically arise out of crisis.

a leap of insight or of evolution transcends and reconfigures the entire crisis.


This is a great thread that I’m glad to have found. During my months away from the forums, I discovered similar things as you guys mentioned here.

I sometimes have trouble noticing reconciliation because it just reminds me of how I used to be in the past with those bad days filled with negativity, so often I think it is just me having a bad day. I also get too immersed in the situation, actively trying to find a solution instead of taking a step back and observing, which is the real solution. Ironically, I tend to realize it was reconciliation after I stop playing subs for a few days or more, since it’s like my mind now has time to process and reflect, not just go go go.

What gives me reconciliation the most is when I am taking action but my actions, for whatever reason, are backfiring and not going the way I wanted them to go. This tends to put my mind in a tantrum since, not only am I failing but it also isn’t matching the scripting in the subliminal, a dreadfully trapped feeling of reality turning against you. Not taking any action would be the second worse, it mainly manifests as feeling pointless or useless.

The tactic I’ve been using:

For me what that has been helpful, other than lowering loops, is to have different goals that satisfy the subliminal I am running. I call these work goals, fun goals and dream goals.

Work Goals are ones that actively make me money. They can cause recon if I’m not meeting those goals but can be damn satisfying when I do meet them, probably because of the wealth modules. Some people with stable jobs may not have as much issue with these goals, but something volatile like trading can make this area a challenge.

Fun Goals exist to lower recon, they are important to not be critical of performance and don’t exist to make money. The best is if they fit into the subliminals that you are running. So in my custom I have ultimate artist in it, when I introduced in my routine to just draw without the expectations that this is going to be something I will use for my dream or work goals, I’m just drawing for my enjoyment, then it was extremely effective to make me feel better. Working out is another fun goal for me. Something very useful here is improving your skills with fun goals can usually benefit work or dream goals, so it’s a little trick to pull on yourself.

Dream Goals are those ultimate “meaning of life” goals you want to achieve but aren’t currently making money, usually once completed are a combo of work and fun. Some people are lucky to find themselves in a situation like this already, and I’d bet that the reconciliation is lower for them and their progress is insanely fast. Working towards these goals can create a lot of reconciliation for me because the expectations I make for myself are so high. Also since I care so much about them, when there are set backs, the reconciliation is triggered hard.

Maintaining a balance of these goals is important, having too many work or dream goals would lead me to bad reconciliation and I’d have to cut old ones to replace new ones. Like say if someone started commissioning me to make artwork for them, then my fun goal also becomes a work goal and I would have to drop my trading goals or else things would get too crazy.