Talking about Reconciliation

Reconciliation is not a bug, it’s a feature.

Insight, Growth, and Evolution typically arise out of crisis.

a leap of insight or of evolution transcends and reconfigures the entire crisis.


This is a great thread that I’m glad to have found. During my months away from the forums, I discovered similar things as you guys mentioned here.

I sometimes have trouble noticing reconciliation because it just reminds me of how I used to be in the past with those bad days filled with negativity, so often I think it is just me having a bad day. I also get too immersed in the situation, actively trying to find a solution instead of taking a step back and observing, which is the real solution. Ironically, I tend to realize it was reconciliation after I stop playing subs for a few days or more, since it’s like my mind now has time to process and reflect, not just go go go.

What gives me reconciliation the most is when I am taking action but my actions, for whatever reason, are backfiring and not going the way I wanted them to go. This tends to put my mind in a tantrum since, not only am I failing but it also isn’t matching the scripting in the subliminal, a dreadfully trapped feeling of reality turning against you. Not taking any action would be the second worse, it mainly manifests as feeling pointless or useless.

The tactic I’ve been using:

For me what that has been helpful, other than lowering loops, is to have different goals that satisfy the subliminal I am running. I call these work goals, fun goals and dream goals.

Work Goals are ones that actively make me money. They can cause recon if I’m not meeting those goals but can be damn satisfying when I do meet them, probably because of the wealth modules. Some people with stable jobs may not have as much issue with these goals, but something volatile like trading can make this area a challenge.

Fun Goals exist to lower recon, they are important to not be critical of performance and don’t exist to make money. The best is if they fit into the subliminals that you are running. So in my custom I have ultimate artist in it, when I introduced in my routine to just draw without the expectations that this is going to be something I will use for my dream or work goals, I’m just drawing for my enjoyment, then it was extremely effective to make me feel better. Working out is another fun goal for me. Something very useful here is improving your skills with fun goals can usually benefit work or dream goals, so it’s a little trick to pull on yourself.

Dream Goals are those ultimate “meaning of life” goals you want to achieve but aren’t currently making money, usually once completed are a combo of work and fun. Some people are lucky to find themselves in a situation like this already, and I’d bet that the reconciliation is lower for them and their progress is insanely fast. Working towards these goals can create a lot of reconciliation for me because the expectations I make for myself are so high. Also since I care so much about them, when there are set backs, the reconciliation is triggered hard.

Maintaining a balance of these goals is important, having too many work or dream goals would lead me to bad reconciliation and I’d have to cut old ones to replace new ones. Like say if someone started commissioning me to make artwork for them, then my fun goal also becomes a work goal and I would have to drop my trading goals or else things would get too crazy.



Would you please archive this?

@Fractal some where there is a thread dealing with how to deal with reconciliation. Would you please repost the link for the above post there?

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Thanks for pointing that thread out, I missed that one! “Reconciliation” brings up so much results lol

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What is the exact cause for reconciliation?

We believe it’s a side effect of your current belief system clashing with the one you’re trying to instill via subliminal use. You actually experience reconciliation even when you’re not running a subliminal. Ever wanted to pick up a new, healthy habit but SOMETHING seems to hold you back? A light fear, or a tendency to procrastinate and not do it? That, is actually a very light reconciliation. You want to achieve something, but your subconscious gives you reasons not to do so. The difference with subliminals is, you’re dumping an INCREDIBLE amount of information into your subconscious for processing, which can cause a much more counter response.

That’s why rest breaks and washouts help. Gives your subconscious more time to process the script. Now, what’s the difference between reconciliation and what other producers call “resistance?” It’s all in the way the scripts are written. Since our scripts don’t really push or force you to do anything (like traditional subliminals), you can’t “resist” it. If I’m asking you a set of leading questions that helps you understand your internal life, how do you “resist” it. You can ignore it (stonewalling), or feel sad when thinking about it (reconciliation), but you can’t say “I WON’T DO IT” because we’re not making you do anything.


Whilst not in direction with subliminal use, is this partially explainable for me why I feel some kinds of doubts when I’m trying to manifest something and I’m feeling some kinds of doubts on some days and highs on other days? This would explain it if that’s actually the case.

Awesome, this confirms the conclusions I have come to myself!

It is funny I actually wrote down almost an identical sentence in my private journal a few days ago.

I personally think we need to differentiate more but I am still contemplating on that part, so any inputs from you would be insightful for me.

What other producers call “Resistance” seems to be a sort of defense mechanism by your mind when exposed to subliminal with a forced approach. I think a better word would be “Total Denial”. For your mind it must feel like when you were a child, did something supposedly wrong, and you father just started to shout, judging you and tell you what do and not do without actually feeling into you and the reason for why you expressed a certain type of behavior.

Your scripting is very different from that - and this seems to be clear even without me knowing the script. It feels more like when you were a child, did something supposedly wrong and your mother calmly sit down with you and asked for the reason why you choose to act a certain way and then tries to challenge your thinking so you can come up with the „right answer“ how to act better next time on your own.

When going through life, basically experiencing life, your mind either chooses to align with the new pattern of behavior suggested from the mother (the subliminal) -that’s when you see results -, or it chooses to express the old pattern of behavior -that‘s what we call reconciliation (but this is just one type of recon, there seem to be many different which I am not going to fully elaborate on now) -.

I think still you can „resist“ this type of approach though.

How would you otherwise explain the reason why sometimes people see worse than baseline results during periods of reconciliation?

I don‘t like to use the word resist because it seems like drawing similarities to the force father approach, and those are incomparable. I prefer the word „not accepting“ or having a „petulant reaction“. When there is not enough rest, so when the mother is sitting down with you having this hard conversation with you for far too long and when there a emotions in the way blinding you and/or strong limiting beliefs and often especially when she asks you to NOT do something, your mind seems to not only choose to act out the old pattern of behavior, but does that even stronger than before manifesting in worse-than-baseline results for a short period. „You asked me to stop with X, I will do X even more know“ because of various reasons. With enough rest, the mind gets the opportunity to think about those suggestion in peace and then often starts to ingrain the suggestion after this small period of „not accepting“.

This is just my theory for now, not saying this is how it is for sure, until it is not complete and is able to explain everything. Obviously, I don‘t even know how you even script but I don‘t think I necessarily need to know to understand the workings of the mind on a deep level - I am just more limited than you are…

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I believe reconciliation can also be a reaction in an attempt to stop the inflow and questioning coming from new input, and to maintain homeostasis -similar to self sabotage mechanism, anything that the body-mind can manifest to stop new input in this way. Especially any thoughts/doubts about the efficacy of running subs, however that may show up. Just a theory.

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I think those worse-than-baseline results during short periods of reconciliation and the reason why children are sometimes petulant and do the opposite what their parents asked them do to do, should be explained by the same underlying principle.

I could imagine the subliminal disrupting the homeostatis and as an result the mind going into an overreaction mode expressing stronger the older pattern of behavior. But would this also make sense in regards to children and they stubborn behavior? Hm… not so much in my opinion.

this would explain a worse than baseline result

I also could see it being a tertiary reaction/mechanism -like a manager or gate keeper equivalent in certain psychology systems/terms

the child theory makes sense as well

The majority of my reconciliation on QV1 was fatigue, tiredness, agitation, or offness, sometimes tension in certain body parts depending on the sub.

On QV2 its anxiety, existential distress/crisis, profound unveiling of insecurities, or coming face to face with blockages and feeling hopeless. It’s almost clearer and deeper and more prominent but I have more awareness and choice around it. I can mitigate this for the most part through running 3-4 loops a week total or less.

I see this aspect reconciliation simply being a light shining on what’s already in the way of the new belief systems/ ways of being being suggested by the subliminal. In that whatever our attention goes on expands in our experience, it’s an awareness issue caused by a comparison. Like if I want to triple my income, that goal or possibility brings to light what is current and not that, and potentially the emotions associated with facing that. In addition to proper listening protocols, the context of understanding what is reconciliation becomes somewhat curative, in knowing this is not a threat or negative sign but a part of the process.

This is distinct than an idea of resisting the process or below baseline results which I gave conjecture about above but don’t really know or understand.

My other theory on that is simply some form of neural fatigue or deviation in standard sense of well being due to heavy processing occurring.


To make it short: Wouldn’t reconciliation be super easy and quickly over when there is no resistance? It seems to be not a resistance to the scripting, but a resistance to change / changing yourself. Something that is less or more depending on the individual.

Still not quite sure why this phenomena occurs…

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Less than baseline results could also just simply be that because people are running a sub, theyre more focussed on that result and therefor putting more pressure on themselves.

I honestly feel like these under baseline result have less to do with the actual sub and more with the psychology of the person running the sub. Just a theory though.

I’ve noticed that since starting Qv2 I get this urge to play my sub list daily instead of day off day on, like I would start feeling like crap then I get the urge to play the sub instead of taking the day off. Is that a recon symptom?

Do you get any results? If not, it may mean you’re stonewalling.

I can see results, the ones i can point are from wanted. I’m mostly just seeing the physical shifting, nothing internally. I also just came from a 5 day break. I’m just wondering if I should listen to this feeling and play my stack or should I continue with the recommended suggestions. Stone walling as I understand it is the urge to keep running the subliminal but my issue is I feel the need to run it even more than the recommendation.

You can test it for some time and see how it works for you. If it was too much you can always go back to the recommended routine. @Brandon is using the old 5 days on : 2 days off routine as far as I know.

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This used to happen to me regarding everything… Even getting up switching on the fan

I have been experiencing the over listening type since yesterday. It is indeed horrible. If you have any insight I would appreciate it. I feel tired and whenever I lie down my head spins. It is a little better since yesterday. How long can I expect it to last? Drinking water by the gallon and just lying in bed all day. What else can help me? I really hope it gets better soon.

Headaches, nausea and dizziness since yesterday. I realized that one loop of Spartan zp was too much too little too late. Drinking water and resting (even though my head spins and makes it hard to sleep). What else can help me? How long can expect this to last? I would really appreciate your help.