Survival Instinct Spartan Custom

This is the last day of my 5 day break after 21 days of listening, one cycle.

This 5 days off has gone by the fastest of any other. I haven’t even thought about it at all. I’m still feeling a little tired and depending on how I feel tomorrow I might still extend this break up to 10 ten days. I do want to start off with a 15 minute loop of my custom and then alternate with a 3 minute loop the next listen. But as of now I feel like I could use an extended break right now, up to 10 days maybe.

I think I’m going to go another 5 days of washout. I want to get started but at the same time I feel like I’d benefit more from a little rest. I haven’t had more than 5 days off subs in quite some time.

I noticed that I’m still improving in dealing with other people and not reacting. So to me that shows that my old bs programs are breaking down. I would kind of get reactive and bothered by dealing with people who want things their way yet have no empathy and poor communication skills.

It’s just really common that people generally aren’t trained in the best way to communicate to others and validate them etc. so as to create good feelings and cooperation rather than being a bit abrasive and sowing disharmony.

So I know I can only work on myself and I can’t force anybody else to change, so for me not to be bothered is great. I’ll still learn and improve my own communications and maybe it’ll rub off eventually or I’ll meet the right people thanks to Chosen. :smiley:


Last night I had lots of nightmares. So it seems it was a good choice for me to take an extended washout period. I really wanted to jump back in. But something sort of told me, I guess that inner knowing that we all have said hey you could use a 10 day breather, we’ll take care of the rest as usual. haha.

The nightmares were related to the issues I uncovered in my last couple of listening cycles, pertaining to the roots or maybe origins of some of my life long issues. So the other than conscious mind is still at work and giving it some extra space to do so seems to be what it needs. I really haven’t had any recon issues and I usually don’t during listening breaks, they usually go really smoothly and quickly.

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I had one of those zp “perceptual shifts” again, it was like I’ve previously experienced. I finally got out of the house yesterday and I just had this sense that I was forgetting something, that something was missing. But it wasn’t anything physical, it’s just that more of that baggage was missing. Today I’m feeling really good, like I’m ready to start a new cycle. I will still hold off for the full 10 days just for good measure. I’ll start back up on Friday with a full 15 minute loop of my custom. Today is day 8 of my 10 day break.

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I’m probably going to move forward this next cycle with Genesis and my Custom. I also want to add in Mind’s eye. This will help me get clear on some upcoming decisions and moves that I will need to make.

It was suggested to me that for my goals I’d want to do Ecstacy of Gold. But I don’t have the extra cash for that right now. So that’s my new plan. Now to decide if I start after 10 days or just take 14 days off to start my new stack.

I think I’ll stick to my stack as originally planned. I’ve had more insights and again today, driving to work there was this woman on a bicycle, I hadn’t noticed her as I was looking at this building. So when I got to go she was stopped on her bike, she must have seen me or vibed me or something and I didn’t know it until the vehicle passed and I could see her. She actually kinda looked like this chick i had oneitis for but ended up getting ghosted by when I no longer tolerated her disrespect.

She was definitely looking at me in awe of me for some reason. There was also a man who looked like he was on day one coming off his winter bulk, doing that cardio jogging to get that summer physique. Well I wasn’t sure if she was with him or not but I kind of thought so and that’s why she may have been stopped where she was.

I got into a nice place tonight. A really good work day. Almost zero anxiety and I was basically in the flow state. I didn’t do anything different and it’s day 10 of my washout.

I’ve decided to only change out CFW with LBFH. I think it’s time to get back to it after my time with CFW. I think there’s potential for much more gains this time around with it. I’m also ready to catch another good fortune wave, it’s been awhile.

So tomorrow I’ll do Chosen and LBFH and now to decide on the listening order. I think LBFH then Chosen. Also I just might try out Ascension Chamber after taking it out of my stack once recon hit.

Back at it today. I started off with LBFH then Chosen then Ascension Chamber. It was almost at the end of the 15 minutes of LBFH when all these pleasant sensation arose.

My pull is to make a custom LBFH and Mind’s Eye. I originally was planning on customizing Chosen and PCC, but I think at this time Chosen doesn’t need PCC. Fully embodied Chosen, my sense is that there’s no need for PCC. Ideally I’d like to get to Emperor House of Medici but I’d need to run EOG and maybe regular Emperor first.

I still don’t have anything specifically for wealth yet. But I think LBFH can cover all the bases and in the past it has brought me what I’d call good luck or good fortune. Paired up with Chosen I think is going to be really great. Also I do plan on trying out full 15 minute loops of my custom again. First sign of recon I’m going to back it off to 3 minutes again.

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I’m still doing this thing where I want to plan out my next custom.

I want to do Mind’s Eye with Chosen custom would be great. I already have some of that PCC type stuff in my Spartan/Survival Instinct Custom.

Yet, Genesis is still there and could lead me into the perfect direction. I just started my latest listening cycle of LBFH, Chosen, Ascension Chamber (Fridays), and my Survival Instinct/Spartan custom.

I haven’t even found out how challenging this run is gonna be.

So far so good. I felt like people were already responding to LBFH yesterday. The internal hasn’t caught up with it just yet, and for me, it’s like if I don’t feel internally aligned with the external it doesn’t really matter. I’ll kind of avoid the attention, and I probably need to get used to LBFH again.

Sometimes we have to get used to things being good, funny humans. lol. But I have focused any inner work I do to be on self love again and releasing the resistance around that.

I was pleasantly surprised today. I just listened to my first 15 minute loop of my custom (this cycle). I feel really good. Got a great mood boost.

Yesterday I was contemplating just going with 5 minute loops of my custom. I was tired and feeling like I should play it safe. Last night I didn’t get a full night’s sleep. But I just decided to try it out, 15 minutes of my custom. I’m feeling really good and that’s my first impression.

I’ll still keep an eye on things as I wish to avoid any recon/overload as much as I can. So far after 2 cycles maybe I’m finally adjusted, that’s the first impression anyway.

I think LBFH in my stack now is going to bring out my custom even more. Combined with Chosen I see great potential.

So after this cycle I plan to trade Chosen for Genesis, it just seems to be a can’t miss, must try title. I think it will come in at the right time for me, as it’s been reported that it seems to be an action oriented title, with surprising healing capabilities.

I’ll have another cycle of LBFH under my belt and that’s continuing on 3 cycles with Chosen From Within. So I don’t expect major healing but I wouldn’t be surprised if it finds something that has been holding back the floodgates of the life I want. Which I’m sure I can handle.

I kinda think listening early in the day might work best for me, in terms of same day results anyway.

I used to always listen in the evenings closer to bed time.

I did that today for time reasons, listened later in the day. I feel like a good night’s sleep is what I need before I get that positive energy blast. I’m not sure why an early in the day listen would make for a better day.

Although I think it could also be that LBFH is the newest addition and so it still has some weeds to pick before I’m running it wide open without any inner resistance.

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3 days in a row I’ve gotten the Power Prize number on this pch lotto game. I haven’t won the $500 but getting the Power Prize number has been extremely rare for me. Maybe like 3 times a year. So is this the Fortune’s Favorite module from my custom at play here? Along with LBFH, I think so.

I’m not feeling overly positive after yesterday evenings listen of LBFH and Chosen. My hand is also a little sore from work and normally I haven’t gotten sore from work at all. But it could be due to the fact that I have been in a kind of flow state and just really going for it at work just because that’s what I do.

I also skipped my workout yesterday because I have upped my intensity again. So I’m being pretty intuitive with my body and letting it rest if it needs it. I live a very physical life and my job is also physical so I do like to increase intensity but that may mean I have to rework my schedule instead of being strict about like mwf are this and tw are this, I have been taking one day a week off though no matter what, but now I’m just not concerned if I need to throw in extra days. Like one week I might take more days off and the next week I might be able to hit a workout 6 days in the week.

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Well I just check my pch lotto cards and I matched my Power Number again today. Each time you match that number you get entered into a drawing for $500. Still haven’t won the cash yet.

Today is my custom listening day. I’m excited about it. I’m going to listen right before I workout.

I haven’t had the mood boost since the first listen on each of my titles. It’s the second listen now. I did my custom today. I noticed the slightest crankiness but that could also be that the full moon sleep disturbances from the past weekish have kicked in. Like around the full moon I might not get the same amount of sleep as I normally do.

I did see another woman with a kid and a man checking me out, this one was kind of from a distance too. So for me to get singled out and focused on says something is going on. I still attribute it to that Chosen influence and I’d guess when LBFH really starts to shine through, it’ll get even better. Again, I won’t say she was into me but I certainly caught her attention, oh and another runner while driving.

I almost forgot. Like I just looked at a spot, without thinking, and there was this chick running who I caught in time to make eye contact with, right as she was looking away. Again, I’m not sure on the context but definitely getting the female attention sometimes.

There are guys who look at me too but I tend to brush those off, but I think there’s definitely some Chosen influence on men too. I’m not leading anybody besides just being myself so far, but so far that’s all the situations have called for.

I really want to stick with Chosen but it seems like the best idea is for everyone to try out Genesis. lol.

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After a night of nightmares I’m feeling great today. I look in the mirror and I’m seeing a good looking guy again. Self worth is still pretty good. I did go out to a store today and it was kind of busy. I had a lot of that inner resistance that I call anxiety come up. But I transmuted or alchemized it, by just not resisting it. What happens after a few moments is I just suddenly feel good and most times just let out a giggle to myself. Definitely isn’t comfortable but I just faced it as it’s part of the process.

There were a couple ladies that I thought were attractive but they showed zero interest. One was a worker and I definitely got that kind of slightly given up because she was at work type vibe. In the past when I first started finding the happiness within I’d be so high and I’d go try and talk to people from that place but it was so different from most people’s reality that I’d kind of blow myself out. They couldn’t match or be comfortable around that. Now I think it doesn’t matter, I have some empathy for them as far as where they’re coming from and I can just keep on with my life.

Sometimes I am in a mood where I could just talk to random people but not everyone is open to that. But I feel definitely confident in socializing at times, just haven’t met the right people at the right time just yet.

That’s also that thing that we might need to push past when they say just get into action and good things will happen. It’s just a matter of not resisting that feeling and it will transmute or alchemize.

Still feeling a little tired because I’ve been getting like an hour less of sleep. But at this point I will just stick with 15 minute full listens to my titles. I’m tentatively planning to trade out Chosen for Genesis after this cycle so I don’t want to shorten the listening time on that.

Tonight I’ll listen to Ascension Chamber and tomorrow is another listening day with LBFH and Chosen.

I may have reverse recon, I don’t mean that literally. I just mean that I really don’t want to give up my stack. There’s been a few mentions that I should be on EOG for a year, and that’s always been my plan. Then Genesis came along. But I’m kind of feeling like the best move for me is to stick with my current stack as planned.

My custom is non-negotiable and I really can’t get myself to give up on Chosen because I’m liking the results I’m seeing so far, and I think they’ll only become more profound and ‘permanent’ the longer I go. I just added LBFH back in the mix and I think that’s also a solid title that I can’t talk myself into giving up on.

I don’t want to spend my life working for money, what’s most important to me is freedom. So I’ve been told that that’s why EOG is the best title for me. But I don’t think money is my main issue, it’s more of the inner game of self worth and whatever else. I’m seeing positive results with Chosen, women are responding to me better than when I was trying out Wanted.

Today I’ve also seen quite a few men just look away quickly, and I wasn’t even in a bad mood or anything. I’m not saying that’s what I want, but internally I’m feeling really good and I think it’ll just get better the longer I go. I also got more looks from women, and I do feel confident with it. It’s just that these women seem to already have partners, and I’m not interested in any of that trouble.

So for me and what’s gonna get me where I want to be, I think it is my current stack for awhile. I’m creative, I do have a sense of adventure, I’m lucky, getting more female attention, respect from men and admiration.

At this point I just maybe would have to be paid to switch my stack. I never tried ROM or ROS because I didn’t feel the pull, and being that I’ve always thought my path was spiritual that I’d want to jump on those titles. I think Genesis is deserving of the hype and I just don’t want to give up on the momentum I’ve got at this point on my current stack.

I’ve never been promoted to supervisor or anything and been picked for the jobs I wanted. So I think Chosen is what I need most for now, EOG will certainly enter the picture at a future date.

I’ve still been getting some more attention than I’m used to and I’m actually confident with it. Sometimes I just don’t understand though. Like yesterday I was at work, taking out some trash and this guy across the parking lot was taking out trash. He was walking back as I was walking to my dumpster. He was just obviously looking at me and I saw it so I decided I’m just going to look at him, not aggressive just going to look. As soon as he noticed my looking he looked away. But he stayed outside to have a smoke or something and he posted up with open relaxed body language. lol. After dark I like to just really mind my business because it’s time for me to get home and relax.

A couple days ago I was driving home because I forgot something. This lady was standing by the street and she saw me and her arms were crossed but it’s like after she saw me she relaxed and let her arms down. I would just say I noticed some people feel safe with me I guess. Definitely also notice some people who might be getting the fearsome effects too though. But yea, I like my stack a lot. I plan to stick with it hopefully the rest of the year.

Today was the crankiest I’ve been, just was feeling that crankiness but kept minding my business this morning. I gave somebody a ride somewhere and so I got to sit in a busy parking lot. I wasn’t enjoying the attention though because I was feeling cranky. It’s 10 days into my 21 day cycle so I guess if that’s recon that’s about on schedule. But I’m feeling good after the day is over and it didn’t last all day. Just kind of got thrown off my plans and schedule for the day, but no big deal. Still got my workout in.


Today was a listening day. I listened this am to LBFH and Chosen. I was going to report how I’m feeling so positive and good, then those healing notes crept in. Now I’ve been feeling some sadness. About like relationship stuff, on one missed opportunity in the past. There was this chick who was so into me and she was 19 and I thought that was a little young for me. It’s been a few years now and kinda hoping we’d bump into each other again. I won’t ever go back to my old place of work and that’s probably where she still goes to the gym.

There was a lot of unwanted attention and just poor treatment I was getting there and put up with it way too long. It’s crazy because this chick only saw the good in me and was all giggly around me but I also didn’t want to start anything because I was still working through possibly some dark night of the soul at that time.

Plus I wouldn’t even consider it because I was still stuck on the one who I finally had to face the fact that she wasn’t interested in me. As my self worth grew I and knowing what it’s like to have a hot woman who is really into you, made the situation I was holding on to a weight that had to be let go of.

I think this is maybe why I decided to try out Wanted last time I was on LBFH. I was also wanting to try Heartsong just to get through all this healing and be able to move on. This time around I know that it’s just a matter of patience, it’s coming up because LBFH is doing some healing work. I plan to stick with LBFH for sure. I’m also more patient and I’m really not set on jumping back into the dating scene or meeting someone just yet, but open to it.

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LBFH must be tackling some issues around relationships. I’m feeling different around my old oneitis situation. Like maybe there’s some forgiveness happening, but there’s still some anger there. I would never take her back and as I say that there’s still a little pain there. So that’s what I think LBFH is doing for me after just six listens. I tried it for like 4-5 cycles when it first came out but that was last year.

Also I’m noticing some of the good things that I forgot about, like being able to “vibe” more easily with the ladies I like.