Superiority Complex and how it affects manifestation

It’s alright, no offence was taken, I just wanted to make a point.

nty :heart_eyes:

No offense was meant. Just trying to be gentle to you in return for your kindness to me. :slight_smile:

Very spooky.

Oh well… … it is my nature… :star_struck:

So how does your superior being affect your manifestations?


How does your sense of superiority affect your manifestations? Emperor is meant to increase your sense of self a lot but there are lots of external goals in the scripting too. The same when it comes to Wanted.

That’s a really weird way to word a question, considering how having a sense of superiority is seemingly shunned here.

Also, I don’t have a sense of superiority, lol. I come across people, and if they behave unreasonably, I merely deem them to be inferior, it’s as simple as true or false, 1’s & 0’s. (And yes, if that means, I’m “superior” then I am)

But I don’t go around out of my way telling people if I’m a “superior creature” or not. Unless they force me to, then it’s like a fire wall from my subconscious mind to protect me from their incessant prattling.

You’ve made my day.

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Lol, I’m glad.

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Superiority Complex (AKA An Interview with Mourn) :slight_smile:

Dealing with flags on Mourn’s posts is challenging. When does being rude and unapologetic go from being not socially acceptable and cross the line into what is no longer permissible? To me Mourn often seems completely oblivious to how over the top he is and it cracks me up because it doesn’t affect my sense of reality. But to others he may truly sting and I have to remember that.

You guys don’t make my life easy. I need a help line. Oh, @RVconsultant ?

Regarding the topic… I have to wonder though. How would I explain this without being misinterpreted?

There are people, like for example the ones at the top 2% of the IQ scale, that will observe the difference between them and others because they are incapable of engaging people with normal and low IQ. To them engaging with an average person is like watching paint dry, very difficult to maintain and a drain to their energy.

These people may describe themselves as having superior intellect and a number of them feel challenged because they don’t consider themselves better and they wish they could date and interact with everybody. And yet they require people similar to them in order to maintain relationships which won’t bore them to death.

Of course, they are human and as such often fall prey to human flaws. And many of them will indeed start thinking in the terms of “us” and “them” and this tends to give rise to a sense of being better than everybody else.

But is that a defense mechanism then? Or just arrogance? They are indeed superior in one aspect, but it doesn’t necessarily make them “better” than the people they consider inferior to them. Often they are sorely lacking in other aspects of the human condition. But as humans, we are prone to forgetting that.

Another symptom of having gone in the wrong direction is a constant need to flaunt one’s own accomplishments, a need to let people know just how superior they are. This may indeed be rooted in insecurity, a fear that people might go by without noticing the person or his perceived superiority. Is this then a superiority complex? The overwhelming fear of passing without ever being noticed? Does this then describe Mourn, who definitely can’t get enough of letting people know just how awesome he perceives himself to be. Or is it something different in his case?

I know I’ve done a similar thing. When people pointed it out I told them I was simply pointing out the facts and facts supported me being better than them on so many fronts. At some point people gave up and informed me they’d appreciate it if I stopped reminding them because the end result was not that I was so superior but that I was constantly pushing them down in order to keep them inferior, never allowing them to grow and reach their potential. A lot changed when I went from telling people just how much better I was and instead started guiding them to reach their own potential, wherever that may be and wherever they may start out.

In my opinion, not hindered by any formal education in the field, a truly superior individual wouldn’t need to tell anybody they were superior. They wouldn’t feel the need to prove anything to anybody but themselves. And maybe people would recognize their superiority and admire or fear what that means. Because such a person’s influence can be far reaching even if the people being influenced have no idea it’s happening. But the recognition of their superiority is a side-effect and not necessary at all. There are superior whether people know it or not. And no matter how superior they are, there’s always ways to get even better.

“The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing.”
– Socrates

“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.”
– Albert Einstein

I remember the story of a queen who got upset when somebody left the throne room walking backwards and bowing. She told him he might trip and to stop that foolishness and just walk out. I noticed how much effort and self-control it took Chris Rock not to eviscerate Will with words when he knew he could, having so many years of experience with the power of words (he even mumbled “I could…” before changing his mind). Don’t tell people you’re awesome, show them.

I would have liked to talk about the little psychopathy bomb and how they generally tend to be very likeable and always the least suspicious, but that might lead to something which can not be contained.

Anyways, my point is that there is actual superiority but often only in a limited amount of parts which make up the whole of an individual. A healthy response is to recognize it as a difference rather than a superiority.

Another returning theme which I see with Mourn is very well described by his point about the master and the student. To me, a master telling me to shut up is not a good master. A good master is one who will answer my stupid question with a question of his own and tell me to come back with an answer. I’ll be out of his hair and can’t come back until I’ve learned.

A child constantly hearing “no” will grow up never willing to take a risk on anything because they’ll keep telling themselves “no”. A child growing up while maintaining its curiosity will always rise to the challenge. And a master cutting off their pupil basically stops the learning. Instead, redirect the student and they will continue to learn.

A coach once told me to never use the word “decide”. When asked why he said to write down every word which ended on “-cide” and see if we could guess the common theme. All those words signified an end, a cutting, a finality. You have no choice left, it’s done. So instead of deciding something, choose to do something. And if you’re wrong, choose to do something else instead. Always leave an opening in your mind for something else and your mind will never stop exploring the possibilities. The psychological effect is evident.

Things are not black and white, there is not one single way to do something. Often by observing one can find a far more effective way compared to the first instinctual impulsive response. The instinctual response is primal and serves us well in life and death situations, not so much in our daily lives. And when I deal with people I will seldom go for the first impulse and instead consider which will have the greatest impact on them. Like the master who’d rather divert his student to something productive than cut their curiosity altogether.

As far as aggression goes, I’ve often seen it as an expression of weakness. The need for it is definitely part of us and it needs to be expressed regularly to avoid it taking over and exploding, but that’s why we have sports. Bashing a boxing ball or even sprinting to exhaustion are far better outlets for that energy. Aggression itself may have helped homo sapiens conquer and dominate the world (and itself) but it’s also a very big reason why human suffering still exists and we still draw arbitrary lines on maps.

I would refer to my (much, much smaller) post on that here:

Finally (everybody hopes), I’m curious if feeling superior by itself can not also be helpful to manifestation. A large part of manifestation is visualization and belief. The idea of faking it until it becomes reality. If you are completely convinced you are richer than everybody around you, does that not eventually create the conditions to make that happen?

Of course, therein lies the problem. Instead of manifesting the opportunities to make you richer than everybody around you, it may also manifest opportunities for you to make everybody around you poorer. Or to make you move somewhere where everybody is poorer. I guess that’s why visualization needs to be as detailed as possible.

Still, I think a healthy dose of regarding yourself as awesome is helpful to manifestation, even if it doesn’t reflect reality yet. Even Mourn is much more likely to achieve success believing he’s better than all of us than if he were to take stock and instead focus on all the parts where he’s still lacking compared to us.

Goes and gets popcorn, this can go all kinds of directions now.


Bruh. This is so long. :grimacing: :skull:

Truly. I admit that I am merely human, and have a long way to go. To say anything else would be arrogance. Even if me at level 10 is like level 100 for someone else.

Well that’s just you missing my point entirely, and coming forth with your own opinion. This is why I don’t think you’re an INTJ. You seem to clearly exhibit signs of Ti (Introverted Thinking). You try to look for logical inconsistencies, that might not even exist, to create an argument or win a debate, or whatever have you. No Te to be found. So I feel as if you’re an xNTP.

No where in my explanation did I imply this could be a possible case. You are creating possibilities (Ne) for logical inconsistencies (Ti) that don’t even exist. Where is the super focused Ni that is to be found in an INTJ, an Ni dom? lol.

Well, that’s your personal opinion, friend. But being a force of nature is my whole personality.

Although I can correct you by saying that aggression is only an expression of weakness, when you let it manifest… when you SHOULDN’T. Otherwise, your statement is far too black and white.

And if that’s the case for measuring strength, then there is no one on this entire forum stronger than I.

Impressive, displaying humility while still looking down on people. It can not be proven that you’re not actually sincere in your expression of humility and so we have to assume you are. That’s advanced word-smithing right there.

Before you say it, I know you’re not looking for approval. But like most things it’s much sweeter when freely given, even when you don’t want it.

I never intentionally state something as fact when it’s my opinion. Which is why I say “to me” or “the way I see it” or things like that. I take special care in these cases to not state my opinion as fact lest somebody start following the Gospel of DarkPhilosopher instead of doing their own research and due dilligence. Nor am I necessarily stating you do or did.

And I may have indeed missed your point. Or you may not have made that point in a way that I could comprehend. To put it in terms you might understand, my power of language comprehension surpasses that of many due to my studies, so if I don’t get it then you’re probably not getting your message across at all. Because it looks to me like I believe in mister Miyagi’s school of teaching with compassion while you’re subscribing to the Cobra Kai method of strength through power. Both work, but mine’s a lot more inclusive.

Maybe I wasn’t even talking about your point, but instead making an observation that I often see a very either/or mentality in your posts. Like there are no alternatives, no compromise or middle ground, no other solutions. You tell us what your solution is as well as what the alternative would be while giving little to no regard to everything in between. It’s very finite and, as you may have understood if you did me the honor of going through my post, I really don’t like finite when infinite is on the menu.

“I really don’t like finite when infinite is on the menu.”
– DarkPhilosopher

Self-quoting, how’s that for superiority complex? :slight_smile:

As far as the MBTI goes, I try to be the best me I can be regardless, taking on the qualities I deem most useful even if some are a struggle to maintain. But since I discovered its existence I’ve done a test once a year and I’ve nearly always ended up INTJ, with one case ISTJ. I’ve also read the profile description and INTJ is the only one that almost completely feels correct.

As far as I know INTJ’s are also masterminds, strategic planners, big picture thinkers. How can I design the perfect master plan unless I am open to all possibilities? Or at least aware of all of them?

Either way, what does it matter in the grand scheme of things? I thank you for your deductions and will study the INTP profile further. No need to bring it up again, if I have questions I know where to find you.

A hurricane is a short-term force of nature leaving chaos and destruction in its wake, but water has been eroding the planet since it first appeared, among its many fine qualities. The hurricane can pick up water and throw it around, but water will eventually return to what it was doing before it was so rudely interrupted.

Likewise, Bruce Lee could be a force of nature, but he also stated to be like water. The most effective martial combat styles use other people’s aggression against them by manipulating and redirecting it. Much like how an assertive man can beat an aggressive man because the assertive man keeps getting up until the aggressive man gives up. One is quickly extinguished, the other plays the long game.

My impulses are a hurricane, but my external expression is calm and calculated like flowing water. My aggression comes out exactly as I wish it and is seldom recognized for what it is. If I were to let that hurricane out, it would be exactly like you state, letting it manifest when it should not.

You should start a subreddit challenging people to make you lose your shit. Just don’t ask me to moderate please. :slight_smile:


Let me add this though. I feel I can say these things to you or about you because I feel that you won’t turn it into a war but you’ll remain a person of reason (albeit your own unique brand of reason). It’s good to know I can discuss this without it ending in flagapalooza.

It’s a compliment, take it or leave it.


There is no way in fuck can you ever be an ISTJ. LOL. @SaintSovereign can look at even one of your posts and go “Yep. xNTP.”.

You explore too many possibilities, in other words, you are creative. ISTJ’s are not like that. INTJ’s are kind of like that as they still explore possibilities, but they zoom into the very few BEST possibilities, where as for ENTP’s it’s just MANY MANY MANY possibilities, which may not be the best with surgical precision, which is how high Ni works (xNxJ domain)

You don’t figure out your personality type through personality tests. You figure it out by studying the cognitive functions. NeTi (ENTP) — Type in Mind

Although, there’s also a cognitive function test, that can help you get started: mbti cognitive function test (grant/brownsword) (It isn’t 100%, it’s supposed to give you a close idea)

By the way, your personality type doesn’t change with time.

I do NOT have the energy for such garbage. :joy:


I’m an ENTJ after all. I either say something which is completely grounded in rationale or I don’t say anything.

@Luther24 This makes lots of sense. I got my lesson for today. Thanks.

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A lot of wisdom to be gleaned from this conversation.

But I’d like to ask

Why unsheathe your blade when there is no blade drawn at you?

Why build your wall so high and thick that you yourself cannot see beyond the wall for what it is?

And finally, Do you perhaps fear domination?

Do not refuse to perceive through more colorful lenses as we’re only limited by our perception


I think it is an inevitable outcome of self-improvement. Once a man covered the basic needs, understanding of himself, sexual dynamics, masculinity, etc. Even if just consciously, he will eventually question the fabrics of the universe.

However, some achieve that stage without doing the inner work first (my older self included). So where you end up is a position of looking down on people.

This is when you have people like ol Hermit who thinks he knows everything about the Astral, the Universe, etc. meaning he can literally skew recommendations, ignoring all physical realities, ESPECIALLY the stages people are in, social realities, and understanding humans.

As it was said in the Matrix movie, “Not everyone is ready to be unplugged, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.”

There is no point in forcing your opinions on these people. You just make things worse. The spiritual ego has a TOUGH time seeing where people are in their evolution. It only focuses on converting them.

I was the same. At this point, your only goal is to raise everyone to “your elevated vibration” which is but a lie you tell yourself. Hence the ego, not accepting that you are NOT AT ALL better than anyone else, because
a) you haven’t walked in their shoes, lived their life, felt their pain, so how could you ever judge ANYONE?
b) you haven’t even deeply looked at your own flaws. The ego just used the spirituality to cover them and project them outwards to others.

It’s always easier to blame than to take responsibility.

I remember when I was all high vibe, telling people to just be fucking positive, life is good, be grateful, while at the same time I was mad at my wife for not putting out.
Doesn’t add up, does it?

This cognitive dissonance is the spiritual ego, using your newfound method of feeling superior to still hide your own flaws from yourself.

Dragon Reborn gave me that hard kick in my butt where I realised that I cannot control people, and everything bad I see in them is a reflection of my own shortcomings.
Accepting my humanity, my flaws, my shortcomings, and paradoxical as life is, as soon as you do that, they vanish. The bad urges. You accept yourself and others, then the negative energy goes away, and suddenly reality is what you wanted in the first place.
Just at this point, you don’t care anymore. You just experience.

I don’t consider myself enlightened at all, but I think a big step of that process is once you see higher realms (like with a OOBE like I had) and realize the fickleness of life, you need to face that fear, those old pains you keep burying. Only then can you actually vibe high and also give this to others.

This then is when you killed/integrated your spiritual ego. Or so was my experience with it.

I’d love to hear your take on it.


This conversation is way too advanced for the forum, lol. Alright, fuck it.

You’re pretty spot on… as expected with someone who’s actually gone through the journey and faced their own spiritual ego.

My take on it is similar but expressed differently. My depth of understanding extends down to the core mechanisms and causations involved.

Spiritual Ego is natural and is definitely an inevitable outcome of spiritual growth.
It is a manifestation of incongruence.

It’s when the inner subconscious beliefs aren’t truly aligned and congruent with the high vibration knowledge/awareness/concepts that have been exposed to the conscious mind.

What happens is the high vibration concept (like any other concept) gets interpreted through a perceptual filter created by their inner belief systems.

Most people are programmed to not love themselves, it’s literally drilled into their subconscious minds since birth. When people don’t love themselves, that self-hatred projects outwards and manifests as being incredibly judgmental. Your own perception of self, creates a lens that you view others and the world through. People who hate others, hate themselves. You negatively judge others with the same potential that you negatively judge yourself with.

A person who’s belief systems are rooted in self love literally can’t perceive on the framework of negative judgement and debasing of others. It’s literally impossible.

This is an extremely advanced concept and I probably shouldn’t even post this here, but fuck it lol.

Since you mentioned Hermit, I’ll use him as an example as his incongruence is easy to spot.

Look at this here:

This is an example of exactly what I mentioned.

Judging a man (in this case his immaturity) and labeling him as a soulless creature = completely degrading them as a human being.

What he’s done is interpreted the conscious spiritual knowledge through the filter of his subconscious beliefs (lack of self-love).

That’s what that looks like.

In the mainstream spirituality there is a lot of spiritual ego (judging others by their perceived vibration) due to a lack of self love.

Inner dialogue examples:

Incongruent and lack of self love person:
“EW WHAT THE FUCK!! get away from me low vibe people! You’re not my vibration… -shakes head- Raise your vibration! *walks away”"

Congruent person with self love:
“I understand your belief systems and the lack of self love, the challenges you face, the traumas you hold, the emotional damage you repress and the pain you endure and try to
distract yourself from. I understand that your actions are created from a fear-based view of reality and that you cannot yet see otherwise given your current state of consciousness.
I can accept and understand you with true compassion on a deep level for your present state and journey” -you then look them in the eyes with pure acceptance and compassion-

For some reason people think that compassion, self-love and accepting others is weak or not “strong and alpha”. Just because you can love others on a high level of spiritual awareness, doesn’t mean that you’re going to let them rob you or walk all over you, nor does it mean that you won’t use corrective physical force or methods of sending messages that are compatible to their level of perception.

If some creep touches my partner, I’ll understand why he’s doing it and forgive him but I’m still going to kick him in the fucking chest, lol.

For some reason, because of distortion… people have the impression that being high vibe means you are completely passive all the time, have no testosterone and spend most your life doing semen retention.

Some people also have the impression that people who are high vibe are all bubbly, overly happy and optimistic. That’s not high vibe, that’s neurotic, unstable and childlike.

This is why I said in other posts here, that it’s about more than just emotional states, it’s about complete congruence in your awareness of what you are and what everything is.

High vibe is POWER, completely calm, complete lack of fear and the expression of positive emotion is not outer and narrow but BROAD layered and incredibly DEEP.

The Ascended Alpha (high vibe) is infinitely more alpha than the Khan/Emperor.
Higher status, more wisdom, more understanding, less fear (the Khan/Emperor still fears death and is prone to uncertainty while the Ascended Alpha fears nothing and has full trust in their true power) and therefore less manipulated by fear (seeing it as a complete illusion) meaning clearer and better decision making for the greater good of all… When the Khan/Emperor is lost and at his end in his one-dimensional limited view of reality, he turns to the Ascended Alpha in hopes of receiving inspired guidance. The Khans/Emperor throughout history are deemed as legendary men unlike no other. The Ascended Alpha’s of history are deemed as gods, angelic, alien and beyond human because of how they’ve transcended beyond the human condition of fear, through love.

Anyways, lol…
You can have that infinite congruent awareness and still be grounded in the primal human identity/experience, it’s just different in that you are detached from and see it as a role you are playing.
You still play the role and play the game but it’s just in a different perspective.

That’s a bit of a tangent I went off on there… lol. Tried to twist it into something interesting.

Another example is with the Mourn guy who had the superiority complex.

Spiritual Ego would go: “You are an evil monster who lusts for power and has been corrupted by the dark!!”

Congruence would see a person like him as they truly are, which is literally crying on the inside like a damaged child and who’s life purpose involves overcoming that disposition/learning to love themselves.


Brah you screem spiritual ego

How are you able to put that much knowledge into a post and yet offer so many uncounscious exemples in this same post from you

First one

Using vocabulary to clearly stand out right from the start and put yourself in a light of superiority ( that you want it or not you create a crack with that sentence right from the start)
There’s plenty of ways to mention that a subject might be hard to talk about and yet you’ve chosed to create a sense of “greater”

Second one :

And you still feel the need to put your reality over someone else’s it’s just with a more beautifull mask but your still acting like you said here :point_down:t2:

You clearly put your frame on someone else’s life telling that he’s a crying child, like are you him ?
How can you know ? That’s a form of projection

It’s not because it’s not as polarized as in your exemple that it’s not the case

Anyway like I said your post is greatly valuable and many of the others are too, you put great knowledge out, I just wanted to point some of your own discrepency, I would not be able to go meditate peacefully else lol
It would create useless intern turmoil ahahah

So do what you want with it I just had to mention it for myself

Read what I’m writing here very carefully, lol.

If someone studies rocket science walks into a room of people studying pre-calculus, then continues to have a discussion about rocket science and claim that it’s too advanced for the room…
Are they claiming that from a frame of superiority and ego?

No, it’s just common sense.

The person is merely aware of the discrepancy in what they’re talking about and how their audience hasn’t progressed enough in the subject to comprehend it.

If you just started learning about mechanics and I told you that taking apart an engine is too advanced for you, am I being egotistical?

Of course not, that’s just common sense. It would really be too advanced for you at your stage.
If you were to call me egotistical for that then it would be a projection of inferiority.
“What do you mean too advanced for me?? You think you’re better than me?!”

I think what gives you this impression is the word “advanced”.
First of all that’s not a hierarchical term, it’s progressive.

Advanced = far on or ahead in development or progress.

Spiritual development is linearly progressive and all roads of spirituality follow the same path.
Since the post was about spiritual ego… being able to dissect that requires a certain level of progression regardless of how you or anyone feels.

When I say it’s too advanced, I am of the notion that most people on this forum haven’t reached a level of spiritual progression to be compatible with that material.

In order to talk about something like spiritual ego which is based on incongruence, one would have to have identified their own spiritual ego and most people on this forum aren’t heavy into spirituality like that in the first place. Alex is heavily into spirituality… even more so than someone like Hermit, but most people would never guess that.

You’ve done this before, where you look at it from a power dynamic standpoint.
It’s like confirmation biasing a power dynamic and you have to ask yourself why you keep choosing to see like that.

When I say that the conversation is too advanced… that’s not ego, that’s being objectively aware with the nature of discussion.

You’ve ironically just proved to me that the conversation was too advanced because you can’t accurately identify spiritual ego, despite everything in my post lol. It’s alright though, it’s expected and I reap what I sow.

If you are trying to find a contradiction here, there is none.

Saying that someone like Mourn is crying on the inside like a damaged child is not a form of projection. That is literally what is objectively occurring.
It’s an objective observation, in the same way a doctor would inspect someone who has a gastrointestinal disease and conclude that they are internally bleeding upon analysis.

Now you’re asking me “how can I know?”

It’s because I know how belief system works. Not everything is subjective in the realm of belief systems, this shit is a science. People who think that everything is subjective or an opinion is their way of being comfortable with not really knowing shit lol.

But yeah, it’s not my subjective opinion or my projection, it’s literally how the belief system works. The purge of something like a deep superiority complex and all of the built up trauma/resentment involved would be incredibly emotional. The purge of having to face something that you’ve been allowing to deprive you of connection and expression throughout your entire life would be incredibly emotional. If Mourn were to let go of his superiority complex, he would likely cry as his mind/body releases and relieves itself of the trapped negativity which he had been holding onto for so long. If you’ve hated yourself for most of your life, the deep internal state of the subconscious is incredibly depressed and negatively emotional like that of a child. Part of overcoming that and growing out of it involves nurturing yourself with self-love.

Most people who are outwardly dysfunctional and appear “evil” or “corrupt” are actually incredibly emotionally damaged on the inside like how a child is. The deep part of them is completely deprived of love. That’s why you don’t point your fingers at them, like society would… you would show them compassion and patience.

If you think I’m full of shit, don’t know what I’m talking about or that I’m just thinking my opinions are facts while projecting from a frame of superiority… that is completely fine, lol.
I could care less. I know what I know and I don’t really have to prove anything to anyone.