Superiority Complex and how it affects manifestation

How to destroy that layer of negative beliefs/hate and cultivate self-love? Is running subs enough? I’ve made great progress on Dragon Reborn in that regard and I’m still growing yet there must be something that could aid me on the path.

Alchemist? Sage? Meditation?

I don’t know about Alex I didn’t felt incoherence in what he mention or some form of projection so I haven’t mentioned him

Once again you’re establishing a self-made ladder of progression, for yourself it would be ok but you should stop framing other people through your own reality or expression of perspective

You can’t say x is above y or y is doing it better than j for whatever reason in that domain
The only thing that you could mention is that “YOU” think it’s better, you tend to consistently put yourself along reality as “the one truth” by saying "it’s objective
bruh you should know there is no “ONE”

Because yes IMHO as soon as you do that you close yourself to other path or possibilities that could be valuable to your spiritual richness

Also about the class well you yourself don’t comprehend it all don’t you ?
Like you walk into a class you’re good in, yet no matter how much work you’ll put in you’ll always have more to learn, knowledge is infinite in any subject that’s why you see more and more experts on little subject in this world

Everyone can and will learn at his level saying that a whole subject is too advanced is an abheration of limitation that you’re imposing on everyone

Remember how some quote hit deeper after some years ?
Well it’s a process it’s not because you understand deeper once that it is it, you know it enough
there’s always deeper layers from the same single quote and yet everyone benefit from it, that you can agree on yes ?

At least if you’re coherent with the term progressive
So there’s no need to mention “too advanced” in my eyes (see how I precise mine not how everyone should think) you only need to mention such things if the person is at risk for something so it works as a warning, otherwise no need to say “too advanced” appart if uncousciously you want to create a separation and enjoy somehere deep within you that “you’re advanced”

Wch is right in itself just don’t know why to mention it to someone else is needed

Well maybe not once again you’re not him
If he had trully some psychopathy trait he’s not crying at all

You don’t tell to someone wich has a different brain and chemistry that yours is the way
You still fail to aknowledge the fact that you can’t know everything for everyone and that’s why to me you keep sounding incoherent

That’s very masculine to go on your ways and not caring for others view, that’s wiser to aknowledge that everyone has his path and his reality and keep yours and yet being able to challenge it
Here you just brush away all doubts and fail to reinforce your Truth against all others because you resume it to “One path”

You keep rejecting parts of reality to fit your vision

Good try saying things I didn’t to reduce the impact of what I say or antigonizing me, that I respond to that or not it has it’s effect perfect weapon, that was really not necessary in this discussion tho

You keep marginalizing every time I’m having an exchange with you the fact that I told in my first few word that you do share valuable knowledge and even at the end so don’t try and make me say what I haven’t

On that yeah definitly at least partially or uncounsciously, IMO

Expect you to be challenged when you make topic about precious knowledge like you do
Because what you say is precious yet I keep seing cracks from the knowledge delivery man

I’ll end it on a quote from somewhere/someone I forgot :

If the path ahead of you is clear, it’s not yours

I think Dragon Reborn is more than enough as long as you keep going and stay consistent with it.

Those layers of negative beliefs/hate etc will inevitably be addressed as you just keep healing and removing limitations/blocks like a badass.

In the description, it says that you’ll experience “greater emotional control, self love, happiness, confidence and numerous other similar effects that come from such profoundly deep inner work”

If you feel like you want to try/add something else on top of it, maybe it’s DR guiding you though lol, who knows.


This is PRECISELY the stages I went through.

I remember when I was like “I need to cut these low-vibe people out of my life, they ruin my vibe.”

Now I come from a position of understanding, although EVEN THERE is a sort of “elevated sense” of me feeling superior because I overcame parts of that, which I catch myself a lot, and I don’t like that feeling to much. Maybe I am being toooo humble there, idk.

The reason is simple, RED PILL and a fully physical focused, shallow society. The Red Pill literally tells you that your unending love to your wife was the reason for your failure sexually. Or one of the reasons, where I say, “No. The reason was a complete lack of boundaries, which is just an extension of a complete lack of self-love.”

Which fully confirms what you said.

I’ve been all there and I really wonder if anyone needs to go through these stages. I do think it is necessary to have that “click” in your mind yourself.

I’ll be honest, I was still annoyed by him. And feelings like this still humble me in that I have a long way to go! But I enjoy that process.

All I know is that I don’t know anything. I just experienced a bunch of things :smiley:

I know exactly what you mean with that statement :wink:


DR, so far, has been the most eye-opening sub for me. But it is a TOUGH run, for sure. I have a lot of stuff to work through from my childhood, but day by day it opens my eyes on more bullshit I keep telling myself about the things I want or “need.” Because I don’t need them at all. They are there to cover up pain from the past. Lack.
Of love, or resources, etc.

This is a key. I remember when I was looking down on people in the past for eating healthy stuff, taking care of how it is made, etc. “Look at these tree-huggers.” Now I am on the other side and take A LOT of care on what I eat exactly. Switching sides made me realize a lot of things.
Back then, my ego was talking, not accepting that other people might have advanced knowledge on things. Which IS exactly what healthy eating is. Someone looked into it deeply, discovered the shitty food we eat all day, and decided against it.

You looked DEEP into belief systems, masculinity, how it all operates on a societal basis, and realised the lies YOU told YOURSELF, which makes it SO MUCH more easy to see them in others.
However, if you’re not there, this looks like arrogance. But I, much like you, see A LOT of pain in how people write over here, but they’re covering up.
I especially also see it in my old posts. This isn’t arrogance, it’s just that you see your own mistakes in other people. You notice the patterns.


I’ve just started DR but I am beginning to see the same things that you describe coming out in myself. DR is ripping off the scab and beginning to put the correct type of salve on my wounds to help them to heal properly.

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Can confirm :sweat_smile:

Thank you for writing this post, you’ve helped me identify a deep issue that I couldn’t put into words.

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I’m happy for you both.

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Whoa, chill.

You forgot about our friendly neighborhood @Malkuth :grin::heart_eyes:

I used to believe this. Nowadays I don’t buy it. It’s a really broad assumption to make. Furthermore some of these people leverage that “show them compassion and patience” mindset to get people twisted up in their plans. They take the goodness of another human being and exploit it. I just think it’s dangerous walking around just assuming there’s a hurt little kid. Without sitting them down, knowing their history, their motives, it’s impossible to tell if that’s a fact.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I’m curious to know how you arrived at this conclusion. In my opinion high level concepts like this have the potential for causing a lot of damage if the individual doesn’t have strong boundaries or confidence.


That’s why he said most people. Of course, there are people who do “evil” in cold blood. There’s a lot of examples of people like that. We shouldn’t have any doubts that “real evil” exists and we need to oppose it, at least in our mind if there’s nothing more we can do about it. Like me, I hate that war going on in Ukraine and I wish it has ended already but there’s nothing I can do about that evil apart from cultivating my compassion for the victims.


Yeah i think about this a lot to be honest. Unless you’re traveling the world, interacting with tons of people, and in a variety of different social hierarchies I find it hard to grasp what exactly humanity is. Reading books or knowledge only goes so far. Of course I’ve been a recluse for most of my life lol, so maybe I’m missing an awareness there.


I created this topic if you could take a look at it:

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Exactly!! Everybody write their on experiences on books and when you read them you start thinking that you know all about life. Since I dived into all these mindset books,I start implementing but most of them doesn’t work in reality.

You drop some valuable words, but this here is somewhat false. It’s been proven that they do not really have a functional amygdala

It’s just my opinion, you don’t have to agree lol.
It’s not debatable to me

I’m well aware of the genetic aspect for psychopaths… that’s not as relevant as you think

I read at somewhere that using spirituality to growth is some sort of spiritual ego, is it correct it sounds me to stupidly
I found:

but we fall into spiritual ego when we get obsessed with this growth and change and forget that spirituality is more a stripping back, a return home, a death, rather than a building up or a going somewhere. We’re fascinated with building up our human identity rather than stripping it back.


Yeah, it’s stupid lol.

There’s no meaning there, it’s just semantics and a play on words. Look:

Who says that “growth and change” means “building up and going somewhere” or “building up our human identity”.

Growth and change could very much be exactly whatever they’re talking about - stripping back, returning home, etc.

“Spiritual Ego” is when your foundational belief structure has very weak self-love, self-worth, etc and you use spiritual ideas, practices, and/or concepts (very wide and subjective range, as it’s anything that falls under the genre of “spirituality”) to gratify that internal lack. It’s a natural, human gravitation in response to holding on to trauma.

That’s why you always focus on the foundation first.

Your foundational belief structure is the filter with which you process information.

If average Joe incel with low self-esteem, no self-worth, and a bunch of emotional trauma digests any information whether it’s spiritual or not… their awareness can only integrate it through that filter. We see things not as they are, but as we are. That’s usually the problem with religion. You’re presented a “wisdom” or a “higher concept” conceived from a filter that naturally facilitates the fruition of it, but you integrate it through your very own and often incompatible filter, which can distort the intended meaning of it. Information meets you, where you’re at. It’s not difficult to integrate a concept based on love, when all you see is fear - it’s impossible. Mechanism of mind, and congruence. Growth is all about expanding the filter. You’re supposed to use what’s presented to you, as guidance on where to take your filter. It’s not about integrating information, it’s about integrating the filter behind the information, so that you yourself can create the same information.

Spiritual ego is therefore beautiful and natural. It, itself is a part of spiritual growth, because it emphasizes the importance of fundamentals and what is inherently lacking or being compensated for.

What’s up by the way? Lol, hope you’re well out here.