Superiority Complex and how it affects manifestation

@Luther24 This makes lots of sense. I got my lesson for today. Thanks.

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A lot of wisdom to be gleaned from this conversation.

But I’d like to ask

Why unsheathe your blade when there is no blade drawn at you?

Why build your wall so high and thick that you yourself cannot see beyond the wall for what it is?

And finally, Do you perhaps fear domination?

Do not refuse to perceive through more colorful lenses as we’re only limited by our perception


I think it is an inevitable outcome of self-improvement. Once a man covered the basic needs, understanding of himself, sexual dynamics, masculinity, etc. Even if just consciously, he will eventually question the fabrics of the universe.

However, some achieve that stage without doing the inner work first (my older self included). So where you end up is a position of looking down on people.

This is when you have people like ol Hermit who thinks he knows everything about the Astral, the Universe, etc. meaning he can literally skew recommendations, ignoring all physical realities, ESPECIALLY the stages people are in, social realities, and understanding humans.

As it was said in the Matrix movie, “Not everyone is ready to be unplugged, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.”

There is no point in forcing your opinions on these people. You just make things worse. The spiritual ego has a TOUGH time seeing where people are in their evolution. It only focuses on converting them.

I was the same. At this point, your only goal is to raise everyone to “your elevated vibration” which is but a lie you tell yourself. Hence the ego, not accepting that you are NOT AT ALL better than anyone else, because
a) you haven’t walked in their shoes, lived their life, felt their pain, so how could you ever judge ANYONE?
b) you haven’t even deeply looked at your own flaws. The ego just used the spirituality to cover them and project them outwards to others.

It’s always easier to blame than to take responsibility.

I remember when I was all high vibe, telling people to just be fucking positive, life is good, be grateful, while at the same time I was mad at my wife for not putting out.
Doesn’t add up, does it?

This cognitive dissonance is the spiritual ego, using your newfound method of feeling superior to still hide your own flaws from yourself.

Dragon Reborn gave me that hard kick in my butt where I realised that I cannot control people, and everything bad I see in them is a reflection of my own shortcomings.
Accepting my humanity, my flaws, my shortcomings, and paradoxical as life is, as soon as you do that, they vanish. The bad urges. You accept yourself and others, then the negative energy goes away, and suddenly reality is what you wanted in the first place.
Just at this point, you don’t care anymore. You just experience.

I don’t consider myself enlightened at all, but I think a big step of that process is once you see higher realms (like with a OOBE like I had) and realize the fickleness of life, you need to face that fear, those old pains you keep burying. Only then can you actually vibe high and also give this to others.

This then is when you killed/integrated your spiritual ego. Or so was my experience with it.

I’d love to hear your take on it.


This conversation is way too advanced for the forum, lol. Alright, fuck it.

You’re pretty spot on… as expected with someone who’s actually gone through the journey and faced their own spiritual ego.

My take on it is similar but expressed differently. My depth of understanding extends down to the core mechanisms and causations involved.

Spiritual Ego is natural and is definitely an inevitable outcome of spiritual growth.
It is a manifestation of incongruence.

It’s when the inner subconscious beliefs aren’t truly aligned and congruent with the high vibration knowledge/awareness/concepts that have been exposed to the conscious mind.

What happens is the high vibration concept (like any other concept) gets interpreted through a perceptual filter created by their inner belief systems.

Most people are programmed to not love themselves, it’s literally drilled into their subconscious minds since birth. When people don’t love themselves, that self-hatred projects outwards and manifests as being incredibly judgmental. Your own perception of self, creates a lens that you view others and the world through. People who hate others, hate themselves. You negatively judge others with the same potential that you negatively judge yourself with.

A person who’s belief systems are rooted in self love literally can’t perceive on the framework of negative judgement and debasing of others. It’s literally impossible.

This is an extremely advanced concept and I probably shouldn’t even post this here, but fuck it lol.

Since you mentioned Hermit, I’ll use him as an example as his incongruence is easy to spot.

Look at this here:

This is an example of exactly what I mentioned.

Judging a man (in this case his immaturity) and labeling him as a soulless creature = completely degrading them as a human being.

What he’s done is interpreted the conscious spiritual knowledge through the filter of his subconscious beliefs (lack of self-love).

That’s what that looks like.

In the mainstream spirituality there is a lot of spiritual ego (judging others by their perceived vibration) due to a lack of self love.

Inner dialogue examples:

Incongruent and lack of self love person:
“EW WHAT THE FUCK!! get away from me low vibe people! You’re not my vibration… -shakes head- Raise your vibration! *walks away”"

Congruent person with self love:
“I understand your belief systems and the lack of self love, the challenges you face, the traumas you hold, the emotional damage you repress and the pain you endure and try to
distract yourself from. I understand that your actions are created from a fear-based view of reality and that you cannot yet see otherwise given your current state of consciousness.
I can accept and understand you with true compassion on a deep level for your present state and journey” -you then look them in the eyes with pure acceptance and compassion-

For some reason people think that compassion, self-love and accepting others is weak or not “strong and alpha”. Just because you can love others on a high level of spiritual awareness, doesn’t mean that you’re going to let them rob you or walk all over you, nor does it mean that you won’t use corrective physical force or methods of sending messages that are compatible to their level of perception.

If some creep touches my partner, I’ll understand why he’s doing it and forgive him but I’m still going to kick him in the fucking chest, lol.

For some reason, because of distortion… people have the impression that being high vibe means you are completely passive all the time, have no testosterone and spend most your life doing semen retention.

Some people also have the impression that people who are high vibe are all bubbly, overly happy and optimistic. That’s not high vibe, that’s neurotic, unstable and childlike.

This is why I said in other posts here, that it’s about more than just emotional states, it’s about complete congruence in your awareness of what you are and what everything is.

High vibe is POWER, completely calm, complete lack of fear and the expression of positive emotion is not outer and narrow but BROAD layered and incredibly DEEP.

The Ascended Alpha (high vibe) is infinitely more alpha than the Khan/Emperor.
Higher status, more wisdom, more understanding, less fear (the Khan/Emperor still fears death and is prone to uncertainty while the Ascended Alpha fears nothing and has full trust in their true power) and therefore less manipulated by fear (seeing it as a complete illusion) meaning clearer and better decision making for the greater good of all… When the Khan/Emperor is lost and at his end in his one-dimensional limited view of reality, he turns to the Ascended Alpha in hopes of receiving inspired guidance. The Khans/Emperor throughout history are deemed as legendary men unlike no other. The Ascended Alpha’s of history are deemed as gods, angelic, alien and beyond human because of how they’ve transcended beyond the human condition of fear, through love.

Anyways, lol…
You can have that infinite congruent awareness and still be grounded in the primal human identity/experience, it’s just different in that you are detached from and see it as a role you are playing.
You still play the role and play the game but it’s just in a different perspective.

That’s a bit of a tangent I went off on there… lol. Tried to twist it into something interesting.

Another example is with the Mourn guy who had the superiority complex.

Spiritual Ego would go: “You are an evil monster who lusts for power and has been corrupted by the dark!!”

Congruence would see a person like him as they truly are, which is literally crying on the inside like a damaged child and who’s life purpose involves overcoming that disposition/learning to love themselves.


Brah you screem spiritual ego

How are you able to put that much knowledge into a post and yet offer so many uncounscious exemples in this same post from you

First one

Using vocabulary to clearly stand out right from the start and put yourself in a light of superiority ( that you want it or not you create a crack with that sentence right from the start)
There’s plenty of ways to mention that a subject might be hard to talk about and yet you’ve chosed to create a sense of “greater”

Second one :

And you still feel the need to put your reality over someone else’s it’s just with a more beautifull mask but your still acting like you said here :point_down:t2:

You clearly put your frame on someone else’s life telling that he’s a crying child, like are you him ?
How can you know ? That’s a form of projection

It’s not because it’s not as polarized as in your exemple that it’s not the case

Anyway like I said your post is greatly valuable and many of the others are too, you put great knowledge out, I just wanted to point some of your own discrepency, I would not be able to go meditate peacefully else lol
It would create useless intern turmoil ahahah

So do what you want with it I just had to mention it for myself

Read what I’m writing here very carefully, lol.

If someone studies rocket science walks into a room of people studying pre-calculus, then continues to have a discussion about rocket science and claim that it’s too advanced for the room…
Are they claiming that from a frame of superiority and ego?

No, it’s just common sense.

The person is merely aware of the discrepancy in what they’re talking about and how their audience hasn’t progressed enough in the subject to comprehend it.

If you just started learning about mechanics and I told you that taking apart an engine is too advanced for you, am I being egotistical?

Of course not, that’s just common sense. It would really be too advanced for you at your stage.
If you were to call me egotistical for that then it would be a projection of inferiority.
“What do you mean too advanced for me?? You think you’re better than me?!”

I think what gives you this impression is the word “advanced”.
First of all that’s not a hierarchical term, it’s progressive.

Advanced = far on or ahead in development or progress.

Spiritual development is linearly progressive and all roads of spirituality follow the same path.
Since the post was about spiritual ego… being able to dissect that requires a certain level of progression regardless of how you or anyone feels.

When I say it’s too advanced, I am of the notion that most people on this forum haven’t reached a level of spiritual progression to be compatible with that material.

In order to talk about something like spiritual ego which is based on incongruence, one would have to have identified their own spiritual ego and most people on this forum aren’t heavy into spirituality like that in the first place. Alex is heavily into spirituality… even more so than someone like Hermit, but most people would never guess that.

You’ve done this before, where you look at it from a power dynamic standpoint.
It’s like confirmation biasing a power dynamic and you have to ask yourself why you keep choosing to see like that.

When I say that the conversation is too advanced… that’s not ego, that’s being objectively aware with the nature of discussion.

You’ve ironically just proved to me that the conversation was too advanced because you can’t accurately identify spiritual ego, despite everything in my post lol. It’s alright though, it’s expected and I reap what I sow.

If you are trying to find a contradiction here, there is none.

Saying that someone like Mourn is crying on the inside like a damaged child is not a form of projection. That is literally what is objectively occurring.
It’s an objective observation, in the same way a doctor would inspect someone who has a gastrointestinal disease and conclude that they are internally bleeding upon analysis.

Now you’re asking me “how can I know?”

It’s because I know how belief system works. Not everything is subjective in the realm of belief systems, this shit is a science. People who think that everything is subjective or an opinion is their way of being comfortable with not really knowing shit lol.

But yeah, it’s not my subjective opinion or my projection, it’s literally how the belief system works. The purge of something like a deep superiority complex and all of the built up trauma/resentment involved would be incredibly emotional. The purge of having to face something that you’ve been allowing to deprive you of connection and expression throughout your entire life would be incredibly emotional. If Mourn were to let go of his superiority complex, he would likely cry as his mind/body releases and relieves itself of the trapped negativity which he had been holding onto for so long. If you’ve hated yourself for most of your life, the deep internal state of the subconscious is incredibly depressed and negatively emotional like that of a child. Part of overcoming that and growing out of it involves nurturing yourself with self-love.

Most people who are outwardly dysfunctional and appear “evil” or “corrupt” are actually incredibly emotionally damaged on the inside like how a child is. The deep part of them is completely deprived of love. That’s why you don’t point your fingers at them, like society would… you would show them compassion and patience.

If you think I’m full of shit, don’t know what I’m talking about or that I’m just thinking my opinions are facts while projecting from a frame of superiority… that is completely fine, lol.
I could care less. I know what I know and I don’t really have to prove anything to anyone.


How to destroy that layer of negative beliefs/hate and cultivate self-love? Is running subs enough? I’ve made great progress on Dragon Reborn in that regard and I’m still growing yet there must be something that could aid me on the path.

Alchemist? Sage? Meditation?

I don’t know about Alex I didn’t felt incoherence in what he mention or some form of projection so I haven’t mentioned him

Once again you’re establishing a self-made ladder of progression, for yourself it would be ok but you should stop framing other people through your own reality or expression of perspective

You can’t say x is above y or y is doing it better than j for whatever reason in that domain
The only thing that you could mention is that “YOU” think it’s better, you tend to consistently put yourself along reality as “the one truth” by saying "it’s objective
bruh you should know there is no “ONE”

Because yes IMHO as soon as you do that you close yourself to other path or possibilities that could be valuable to your spiritual richness

Also about the class well you yourself don’t comprehend it all don’t you ?
Like you walk into a class you’re good in, yet no matter how much work you’ll put in you’ll always have more to learn, knowledge is infinite in any subject that’s why you see more and more experts on little subject in this world

Everyone can and will learn at his level saying that a whole subject is too advanced is an abheration of limitation that you’re imposing on everyone

Remember how some quote hit deeper after some years ?
Well it’s a process it’s not because you understand deeper once that it is it, you know it enough
there’s always deeper layers from the same single quote and yet everyone benefit from it, that you can agree on yes ?

At least if you’re coherent with the term progressive
So there’s no need to mention “too advanced” in my eyes (see how I precise mine not how everyone should think) you only need to mention such things if the person is at risk for something so it works as a warning, otherwise no need to say “too advanced” appart if uncousciously you want to create a separation and enjoy somehere deep within you that “you’re advanced”

Wch is right in itself just don’t know why to mention it to someone else is needed

Well maybe not once again you’re not him
If he had trully some psychopathy trait he’s not crying at all

You don’t tell to someone wich has a different brain and chemistry that yours is the way
You still fail to aknowledge the fact that you can’t know everything for everyone and that’s why to me you keep sounding incoherent

That’s very masculine to go on your ways and not caring for others view, that’s wiser to aknowledge that everyone has his path and his reality and keep yours and yet being able to challenge it
Here you just brush away all doubts and fail to reinforce your Truth against all others because you resume it to “One path”

You keep rejecting parts of reality to fit your vision

Good try saying things I didn’t to reduce the impact of what I say or antigonizing me, that I respond to that or not it has it’s effect perfect weapon, that was really not necessary in this discussion tho

You keep marginalizing every time I’m having an exchange with you the fact that I told in my first few word that you do share valuable knowledge and even at the end so don’t try and make me say what I haven’t

On that yeah definitly at least partially or uncounsciously, IMO

Expect you to be challenged when you make topic about precious knowledge like you do
Because what you say is precious yet I keep seing cracks from the knowledge delivery man

I’ll end it on a quote from somewhere/someone I forgot :

If the path ahead of you is clear, it’s not yours

I think Dragon Reborn is more than enough as long as you keep going and stay consistent with it.

Those layers of negative beliefs/hate etc will inevitably be addressed as you just keep healing and removing limitations/blocks like a badass.

In the description, it says that you’ll experience “greater emotional control, self love, happiness, confidence and numerous other similar effects that come from such profoundly deep inner work”

If you feel like you want to try/add something else on top of it, maybe it’s DR guiding you though lol, who knows.


This is PRECISELY the stages I went through.

I remember when I was like “I need to cut these low-vibe people out of my life, they ruin my vibe.”

Now I come from a position of understanding, although EVEN THERE is a sort of “elevated sense” of me feeling superior because I overcame parts of that, which I catch myself a lot, and I don’t like that feeling to much. Maybe I am being toooo humble there, idk.

The reason is simple, RED PILL and a fully physical focused, shallow society. The Red Pill literally tells you that your unending love to your wife was the reason for your failure sexually. Or one of the reasons, where I say, “No. The reason was a complete lack of boundaries, which is just an extension of a complete lack of self-love.”

Which fully confirms what you said.

I’ve been all there and I really wonder if anyone needs to go through these stages. I do think it is necessary to have that “click” in your mind yourself.

I’ll be honest, I was still annoyed by him. And feelings like this still humble me in that I have a long way to go! But I enjoy that process.

All I know is that I don’t know anything. I just experienced a bunch of things :smiley:

I know exactly what you mean with that statement :wink:


DR, so far, has been the most eye-opening sub for me. But it is a TOUGH run, for sure. I have a lot of stuff to work through from my childhood, but day by day it opens my eyes on more bullshit I keep telling myself about the things I want or “need.” Because I don’t need them at all. They are there to cover up pain from the past. Lack.
Of love, or resources, etc.

This is a key. I remember when I was looking down on people in the past for eating healthy stuff, taking care of how it is made, etc. “Look at these tree-huggers.” Now I am on the other side and take A LOT of care on what I eat exactly. Switching sides made me realize a lot of things.
Back then, my ego was talking, not accepting that other people might have advanced knowledge on things. Which IS exactly what healthy eating is. Someone looked into it deeply, discovered the shitty food we eat all day, and decided against it.

You looked DEEP into belief systems, masculinity, how it all operates on a societal basis, and realised the lies YOU told YOURSELF, which makes it SO MUCH more easy to see them in others.
However, if you’re not there, this looks like arrogance. But I, much like you, see A LOT of pain in how people write over here, but they’re covering up.
I especially also see it in my old posts. This isn’t arrogance, it’s just that you see your own mistakes in other people. You notice the patterns.


I’ve just started DR but I am beginning to see the same things that you describe coming out in myself. DR is ripping off the scab and beginning to put the correct type of salve on my wounds to help them to heal properly.

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Can confirm :sweat_smile:

Thank you for writing this post, you’ve helped me identify a deep issue that I couldn’t put into words.

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I’m happy for you both.

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Whoa, chill.

You forgot about our friendly neighborhood @Malkuth :grin::heart_eyes:

I used to believe this. Nowadays I don’t buy it. It’s a really broad assumption to make. Furthermore some of these people leverage that “show them compassion and patience” mindset to get people twisted up in their plans. They take the goodness of another human being and exploit it. I just think it’s dangerous walking around just assuming there’s a hurt little kid. Without sitting them down, knowing their history, their motives, it’s impossible to tell if that’s a fact.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I’m curious to know how you arrived at this conclusion. In my opinion high level concepts like this have the potential for causing a lot of damage if the individual doesn’t have strong boundaries or confidence.


That’s why he said most people. Of course, there are people who do “evil” in cold blood. There’s a lot of examples of people like that. We shouldn’t have any doubts that “real evil” exists and we need to oppose it, at least in our mind if there’s nothing more we can do about it. Like me, I hate that war going on in Ukraine and I wish it has ended already but there’s nothing I can do about that evil apart from cultivating my compassion for the victims.


Yeah i think about this a lot to be honest. Unless you’re traveling the world, interacting with tons of people, and in a variety of different social hierarchies I find it hard to grasp what exactly humanity is. Reading books or knowledge only goes so far. Of course I’ve been a recluse for most of my life lol, so maybe I’m missing an awareness there.


I created this topic if you could take a look at it:

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Exactly!! Everybody write their on experiences on books and when you read them you start thinking that you know all about life. Since I dived into all these mindset books,I start implementing but most of them doesn’t work in reality.

You drop some valuable words, but this here is somewhat false. It’s been proven that they do not really have a functional amygdala